Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt
(Post 907156)
I like downwardspiral from what I've read, but I'm not sure about your music taste on the whole. But you seem like a good guy, always friendly and stoof.
Stoof! I'd never heard of stoof.
TheCunningStunt...you use good urban slang! I learn from you. I'm never sure what you'll say next, so that's fun.
Downwardspiral...I had hopes that he was a hair-lover, but alas, no! ;)
Antonio...very dedicated to music. Friendly.
TumorAttitude...sweetly crude and honest, fragile and strong.
AwwSugar...genuine and playful...as long as she's not upset with someone! She's rarely upset, though. I feel I understand her emotional reactions to songs, so that is nice.
Flower Child...loves music and writes very emotionally about it to share her passion! Also, a great photographer.
Ribbons...(Liz), such a likeable person. Friendly, open, supportive, calm. I'd like to be more like her. She seems to have no rough edges...or she hides them well! ;) She's a mom. I'm a mom. We're a lot a like, I think, in many ways.
Jackhammer...very honest and in some ways private and introspective, I think. He's a dad. I like that about him. He's also funny in a gentle way.
Boo boo...extremely honest about his feelings. I love reading his replies to people because he shares just what he is feeling and takes the time to respond to what they say. He sticks up for himself.
Adidasss...I feel very in tune with his views on gender and sexuality, etc. I can never remember how many d's or s's are in his username, though, which makes me frustrated with my memory! I always find myself writing "Adidass" like "ass," and then have to look again at his username to correct my posts.
Tore...I'm just very excited for him and his rats that he is getting married! He's always so dedicated to the site, putting together the weekly genre topic thingy and arranging this and that, like the member's comp. Plus, like I've told him, he debates and discusses so well. I always learn something important reading his posts. He has a very nice sense of humor and is always friendly and respectful.