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TheBig3 02-01-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 819472)
Kayleigh - Has a **** mic and is overall hard to understand because she's scottish.

oh man, hearing you people? I nearly feel off my chair hearing Vanilla in the haiti video.

I can't imagine what some of you guys sounds like. I've spent so much time giving you voices in my head.

FETCHER. 02-01-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships (Post 819472)
Kayleigh - Has a **** mic and is overall hard to understand because she's scottish.

Loose Lips Sink Ships - Must watch some more Scottish stuff, study the slang, study the accent. I'm not even that Scottish!


Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog (Post 820094)
oh man, hearing you people? I nearly feel off my chair hearing Vanilla in the haiti video.

I can't imagine what some of you guys sounds like. I've spent so much time giving you voices in my head.

Hahahaha, I thought I was the only one :D.

VEGANGELICA 02-08-2010 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by kayleigh. (Post 817360)
Story: He is one awesome 13yr old. I never imagined ever that he was only 13, he’s very mature and given his tastes are similar to a lot of older members who I do believe have awesome tastes although I’m not really into it (doesn’t mean it’s bad music). On occasion he comes out with these one-liner that are pretty funny, and when you least expect it. Story’s a cool wee guy, and if I had a little brother I’d wish they were like him!

Ha ha, this is almost exactly what I'd write about Story, kayleigh! He always has cute little subversive but friendly things to say. He introduced me to The Shins (via his journal), for which I'm thankful. Also, he's a stalker like I am. :)


Originally Posted by AwwSugar (Post 821615)
Kayleigh, you always just have a really nice version of me as a voice. =P
MojoJojo kind of has his voice in his posts.
I try to add voices, but the accents don't always go with it.

I do the same thing. Kayleigh's voice is higher than yours, AwwSugar. Lateralus definitely has my poor version of an Australian accent...but really since I've heard her, my imagined "Kate" voice should be much better than it is.

My great woe is that my fake British accent isn't at all convincing, and so the beauty of Urban Hatemonger's and Right-Track's accents (that I imagine) is lost on me. They just sound like boring Americans when I read their posts. (Not that you're boring, AwwSugar.) I wish I could hear them. Then it would be love.:love:

FETCHER. 02-09-2010 08:28 AM

Have you mistook me for being American :(? Or have I picked that up way wrong haha.
I'm poor at accents so everyone English has the same bland English voice. When you all probably have very very different accents. :)

khfreek 02-09-2010 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by FaSho (Post 816603)
KHFREEK: Regularly find myself not being able to hold a conversation with him because of his intelligence, and I definatley given him props for that, even though it's super-annoying.


Freebase Dali 03-14-2010 01:09 AM

Oooohkay I think it's about time I do another one of these. Since there have been quite a few new members since my last confession, I shall post the most memorable here. And, if I can offer this as a disclaimer, I'm drunk. So if you get offended, just pretend I didn't mean it.

Paloma - Ok.. I have fun talking to you. I'm not going to say you're cool, because you'd love that and it would only feed the dysfunctional beast inside you, but it's literally fun to hear what you have to say... because it's guaranteed to be outrageous and will usually have something to do with knives and someone getting stabbed. Not to mention that I'd hit it. But otherwise, I get a feeling that you need people to constantly be aware of how dysfunctional you think yourself to be, and that it somehow adds to this overall image you seem to want to portray. I don't really know how or why that obviously fulfills you, but I'm ok with it because I frankly do not give a fuck. I'll continue talking to you as though you are text on my screen, as always. Very fun text.

Awwsugar - At first, I got the impression that you really really really really really really really really needed everyone to like you. At all times. Like your entire world would be at an end if someone on a forum didn't think you were awesome... But after you finished begging me to like you (kidding) I realized that you're simply curious. Not much of a scientist or philosopher, but you've got girl-smarts. I know I can go to you if I need to get an often overlooked opinion, and that it will make sense. You're down-to-earth and you have some cool stories.

Storymilo - All I know is you're easy-going and you're young... and you listen to some good stuff. It's pleasant talking to you and I feel like you don't take things the wrong way, where most others would. It literally is not taxing talking to you... and that's a good quality. It's not like getting a reply from Vegangelica or anything.

- Speak of the devil. Sometimes I hate you, other times it's quite the opposite. But what I like about you all the time is that you're honest whether you're annoying about it or not. And you're not afraid to vocalize your opinions about something regardless of how it might affect other peoples views of you. I also like that you talk about your orgasms. It's just so weird coming from you that it's kinda hot.

Anteater - You're a lot annoying, and at a point, I didn't like anything you listen to. You also have 80's hair. Which I've learned you've recently upgraded to the 90's. Great job. But then I learned you listen to some nice Electronic, so I suggest you get a hair cut and we talk about some possible goodies in the Electronic realm, since it seems to be the only thing we have in common.

NumberNineDream - You're cool as hell, and have turned me on to some good Arabic music. Yea, I disagree with a lot of your Socialist ideals, but it doesn't mean we can't be friends right? (Just as long as I'm not paying your tuition or anything)
Anyway, I don't really know a lot of details about you, except that you probably have a really dark and hairy bush.
Seriously... wtf.

TumorAttitude - You're a girl?!?

Neapolitan - You're a mystery. I'm not even sure if that's what you're going for or not. Some of the posts you make provoke either one of two questions: "Is this guy really that stupid?" or "Is this guy really that big of a troll?". There isn't an in-between with it, it's simply those two questions. While being stupid saves you from being a troll... being a troll saves you from being stupid, and you fluctuate between those two scenarios constantly. At times, you make completely sane and intelligible posts, but sometimes... heh.. sometimes... maybe it's just that your humor is ridiculously misguided. I dunno. As I said, it's a mystery.

Jackhammer - I know, I've spilled my guts about you before... but I wanted you to have this special updated gut content: You're way more fun when you're not a mod. I like seeing you around the boards now that you get more time to yourself and your family. I know modding wasn't a full time job, but there's much to be said about not having a mod responsibility when you log on to MB. Much of what you now say seems more easily given, and at the benefit of your own sanity.

And... finally...
Bandteacher1 - Oh man.. where do I begin? Cool guy, you know a lot about marching bands, Navy, and a lot of other stuff. You teach kids in a highschool that doesn't exist, by a name that doesn't exist, and you do it with pride. I admire that. You also come up with the most amazingly detailed explanations as to why your school doesn't exist in the state of Massachusetts, which.. when countered, you came up with the biggest whopper of all... (Which you asked to be forwarded to everyone else). I won't go into detail about it here, but you.. my friend.. are truly the most imaginative person I've met on the internet. Ever.
I love that you're security-conscious.. I am too, since my recent security compromise... But the world is wondering... why the pictures, mang? Why the pictures?

NumberNineDream 03-14-2010 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 836797)

NumberNineDream - You're cool as hell, and have turned me on to some good Arabic music. Yea, I disagree with a lot of your Socialist ideals, but it doesn't mean we can't be friends right? (Just as long as I'm not paying your tuition or anything)
Anyway, I don't really know a lot of details about you, except that you probably have a really dark and hairy bush.
Seriously... wtf.

I should be the one adding that "wtf!" lmao... and that debate we had the other day, was actually one of the best I ever had in years. Though we'll always disagree on these points, at least I understand why. Plus, I didn't feel I wanted to blow up your head, you capitalistic twat!

Arya Stark 03-14-2010 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 836797)
Awwsugar - At first, I got the impression that you really really really really really really really really needed everyone to like you. At all times. Like your entire world would be at an end if someone on a forum didn't think you were awesome... But after you finished begging me to like you (kidding) I realized that you're simply curious. Not much of a scientist or philosopher, but you've got girl-smarts. I know I can go to you if I need to get an often overlooked opinion, and that it will make sense. You're down-to-earth and you have some cool stories.

I seem to get that a lot, that people didn't think I was being realistic enough.
I'm not like that at all, though, I couldn't care less if people would like me, I just care if people dislike me because of who they think I am. Does that make sense?
What do you mean by girl-smarts? :3

storymilo 03-14-2010 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 836797)
Storymilo - All I know is you're easy-going and you're young... and you listen to some good stuff. It's pleasant talking to you and I feel like you don't take things the wrong way, where most others would. It literally is not taxing talking to you... and that's a good quality. It's not like getting a reply from Vegangelica or anything.

Hey, thanks man.... that's not a persona I mind having. I fucking hate pointless arguing (and unfortunately, that seems to arise relatively often on here)

Also, wtf is up with bandteacher. Did we ever find out why he posted fake pictures of some chick dancing?

Urban Hat€monger ? 03-15-2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 836797)
And... finally...
Bandteacher1 - Oh man.. where do I begin? Cool guy, you know a lot about marching bands, Navy, and a lot of other stuff. You teach kids in a highschool that doesn't exist, by a name that doesn't exist, and you do it with pride. I admire that. You also come up with the most amazingly detailed explanations as to why your school doesn't exist in the state of Massachusetts, which.. when countered, you came up with the biggest whopper of all... (Which you asked to be forwarded to everyone else). I won't go into detail about it here, but you.. my friend.. are truly the most imaginative person I've met on the internet. Ever.
I love that you're security-conscious.. I am too, since my recent security compromise... But the world is wondering... why the pictures, mang? Why the pictures?

It's OK his 'Sister In Law' cleared everything up.

You should ask Tore to post the PM he got from 'her'

It's pure gold.

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