Music Banter

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Guybrush 05-31-2009 02:10 PM

Such a great thread! I'm pleasantly surprised to see it's going so well despite the occasional caustic comments. I'm a bit busy until thursday, but I'll definetly make an effort and write up some thoughts of my own once I get the time. Thanks to everyone who had something nice to say about me :D

I also see some people think of me as slightly robotic :laughing: That makes sense, I am the toreminator after all. I guess I might as well reveal that writing up threads and so on is a bit of a hobby for me so Schizotypic is right, I'm quite content and I have a lot of fun when I'm productive. Thinking about reviews or other threads to write up gives me something to think about and I thrive on such little personal projects. I treat forums in general less like chatrooms and more as places for serious discussions and so on which I guess might make me seem a bit stiff. ;)

Anyways, I'll add some more soap to this opera later on!

Comus 05-31-2009 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Schizotypic (Post 669611)

He has great taste in music and is an amazing person because of it, he's totally got a great picture of reality, I can tell by his album reviews. He makes amazing decisions every single day because he's able to tell what bands are good and what bands are bad. Comus is the ideal human being, and I could certainly learn a lot from him.

Hahhahahahaha this is the best thing I've ever read, 99% sure it's a piss take but that would be even more awesome.

Schizotypic 05-31-2009 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 669619)
I'm 37 and I have been through no more and no less than other people of a similar age I guess. Although I do drink yes! Pleased that I come across as younger though!

Yeah, it was kind of a wild shot in the dark. Good to get to know you better though.

Antonio 05-31-2009 02:28 PM

jackhammer-awesomely nice guy. not a bad thing to say about him

Janszoon-seems like a great drinking buddy

Urban Hatemonger-full of wit and good ideas

sleepy jack-not a bad mod, but a bit elitist and closed minded

Comus-possibly one of the most intelligent members on here.

boo boo-very underrated. people don't give him enough credit

Mirrorball95-pretty cool dude, but seems to be overrun with music downloads

coryallen2-has potential to be a good member, but has to clean up his act. ALOT

mr. dave-he really likes to explore the histories of bands and music info, like me :D, and gives me info of music i never knew before. overall he seems like a real cool dude to hang out and jam with.

ElephantSack-a real character not only on this forum, but apparently in real life. i know that if i hung out with this guy, it'd be crazy as hell

eh, i'll keep updating this if i can think of more

storymilo-pretty nice guy, good that he's expanding his tastes even though he may not share the same opinions on metal as i do

kayleigh-i dig her music tastes, even if other people here can't stand it. seems like a really fun person.

mr dave-very insightful and observant, i always look forward to the things he posts.

Terrible Lizard-very witty and funny. has made me literally laugh out loud on here.

boo boo-i'm guessing the mod pressures got to him and he finally snapped. no matter, it's good that he's back down to earth.

LoathsomePete-kind hearted guy who really means well, definately a great choice for mod

right-track-very fatherly and serious as a mod, although i'm sure deep down he's a really good hearted guy

Urban Hatemonger-seems like we got off on the wrong foot, sorry if it was my doing

+81-alot more open to music and friendly than i had originally thought, a class act

Bane of your existence 05-31-2009 04:49 PM

I just wanted to add that I think this new girl Erika is very cool. She's a great person, and one of the most witty people I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. A philanthropist and a scholar, she is perhaps the perfect poster. Not just poster, but perhaps the perfect human.

Scarlett O'Hara 05-31-2009 05:25 PM

Great idea Vertical!!!

Urban Hatemonger:
Absolutely fantastic guy, like he said before we've known each other years and he's definitely not intimidating! He's sweet, funny, intelligent and I love him to bits! xxxx

Sleepy Jack: Thinking back to years ago I have this slight feeling we may not have got an at first, but then we did and I realised that his arguements about religion were not meant to be personal. :laughing: Now I totally get his humour and think it's fantastic how he contributes to this board, keeps certain members on their toes! Ethan = my love.

Oh by the way I'm not ass kissing, I've been on here for years and actually talk to certain members outside of the boards.

I have to agree that he does try to get along with everyone, but I think he is a really good role model as a moderator. He has a neutral stance because he doesn't need to argue with other members for the sake of it. This in turn has gained him major respect. I personally really like Jackhammmer, I think he is young at heart and comes across so, and think he's wide range of music tastes is extremely flexible towards others when he wants to share his music knowledge. I am grateful to him for the music he has introduced me to and like that he is interested in mine. He's also very seksi for a man of his age.

TheBig3KilledMyRainDog: For some reason, even through his so called "explosive" times, even as a youngin' back in 2005 thought he was really interesting. I am attracted towards those who are intelligent, and always thought he was trying to bring that out, even if he seemed a bit fierce about it. Infact I think he inspired me to not let people trash my opinions or ideas and if any member was trying to bag me I'd respond without a personal attack.

boo boo: I really like him, I think he makes a great presence on the boards, whether people get along with him or not. I like his unusual fetishs and think he's a real individual, doesn't conform to what others consider most likeable, whether it be music or life in general. I love how we are like a team when it comes to being attacked by others, he gets me!

I think he contributes well to the boards, even if I havn't run into him as much as I'd like! Generally think he's an all round nice guy.

Toretorden: I have accidently argued points of his before without realising he was actually in agreeance with me! I think he has strong, well thought out opinions and doesn't ever need to bring personal attacks because of this.

Right-Track: I wish he would post more! He's got such a flare on the boards when he does. I think he's got a mint sense of humour and it makes me want to go back to the good old days when he had signed on around my time.

Seltzer: I can relate to Seltz because he's in good on New Zealand like me and totally gets our culture. Don't generally see much of him on the boards, but when he pops in it's pretty good.

Adidasss: I couldn't stand this guy back in the day, he was arguementative, rude and came off somewhat arrogant. However as time went by, I thought it was mearly just a front cover, and there was a lot more too him. Still very unsure about how I feel about him, he doesn't post enough for me to give a major opinion.

Lucifer Sam: Comes off a bit scary sometimes, I have no idea why! Is cool bananaz though.

The Unfan: I don't like this guys attitude to certain members on the board, the way he went on at Boo Boo did not impress me at all.

I really like Thrice, he's fun, slightly crazy but is an interesting person to get to know off the boards.

Love this guy. He's a total **** stirrer and he doesn't even realise. But from discussing it with him, he's totally not meaning to offend anyone. I would call him the spice of MB.

Yukon Cornelius:
Not trying to throw toys out of the cot (RT!!), but from his posts which only seem to linger in the current events area he can't even keep up with what he is talking about. If you try to argue a point he makes, he becomes erratic, taking it personally and then doesn't even respond to the arguement but posts some random link. Do not get him whatsoever.

Veridical Fiction: At first I wasn't sure if I was into him, but once I posted the sex thread I discovered how entertaining and thoughtful he is. I like that he doesn't feel he has to go along with what people would consider appropriate all the time. I have been wanting one of these threads for a while and I commend him on his creation. I like that it hasn't spun out of control...good members!

I like his taste in music and avatar!

Murder Junkie: Likes my breasts, and beats me on the sex scale. I'd do him!

Coryallen2: Lost in translation

Pobodys_Nerfect: I thought his name was confusing at first, but now it flows, just like him! Musically he really contributes to this board, and I've enjoyed recieving the albums he's put together, I think it should be something we should all do for eachother!

Sonace: Just started to get to know him, and so far I think he's a sweet guy.

This guy is so missunderstood, even though he had his moments under other names which I wasn't around for, he seems really on to it and contributes just as well as any regular poster on these boards. I get along with him well!

Avatar of the year award signed by me. He is a intelligent guy and doesn't let me get away with everything, gets me fluffed up and then is actually really cool to talk to.

Edge: I know people think she is an obsessive compulsive thread poster, but I've hung around with her since back in the day and think she is a decent girl who should stop hiding everytime someone doesn't like her style.

333: Love this chick, she is totally sexual like me, and really contributes to these boards, we need more of her around!

Want's her to post again, one of my favourite members.

loose_lips_sink_ships: I think this guy has a great taste in music, and an extensive one.

adidasss 05-31-2009 05:50 PM

Awesome thread, love reading about me! I'm too stoned/tired to give this the attention it deserves but I do love talking about other e-people and judging their qualities so expect a giant post in the near future.

Freebase Dali 05-31-2009 09:16 PM

:laughing: Why does everyone keep calling me Vertical?

Scarlett O'Hara 05-31-2009 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction (Post 669932)
:laughing: Why does everyone keep calling me Vertical?

How embarrassing! I think that's me doing it. It's just that my brain seems to think it's easier to remember vertical rather than verdical...soz :(

Seltzer 05-31-2009 11:53 PM

Urban Hatemonger:
Aside from knowing a ****load about music, this guy is hilarious. I have a feeling he was once a bit more genial and forgiving, but years of being on MB and modding have ground him down a bit and made him more caustic.

Lee is a nice guy and despite having a lot on his plate in the past year has still managed to contribute an amazing amount to MB. Definition of open-minded.

David is genuine down-to-earth honest guy who has earned his Modfather title for a reason - if **** hits the fan, we can rely on him to hold things together.

Sleepy Jack:
Well I didn't get off to the greatest start with Ethan, but I don't think many people do - it was just as much my fault because I was a close-minded metalhead back then and cantankerous to boot. Either way, we started to respect each other and cooperated on the top 100 lists... and I found him to be pretty agreeable and funny. I get on pretty well with him nowadays. He does tend to worry too much about little things though. :D

I'm not interested enough in politics to have had many arguments with Brennan but I do recall having a 3 page argument about Kirk Hammett once. :D He speaks his mind, keeps it real and ultimately has MB's welfare at heart. Extremely eloquent.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen Janszoon argue with anyone before. He's a nice and funny guy.

Tore seems like a guy who has experienced more of the world than most people his age, and thus has a lot of interesting stories to tell. He's passionate about learning, he gets things done and stands for justice. And I don't think he's as robotic/clinical as some think, he's just very motivated... and that's a good thing.

Boo Boo:
Boo Boo is a funny guy who is admirably shameless - he shouldn't doubt himself as much as he does.

Dreadnaught seems about as reticent as myself and that's probably why I've never talked to her much. She seems funny though and she's quite pretty. :o:

Well I like our resident Croatian but I don't think I've ever really crossed swords with him.

Lucifer Sam:
I've always liked Lucifer and his dry sense of humour... he actually reminds me a fair bit of Urban and earns bonus points for being a fellow engineer. Our musical tastes seem to cross over in the krautrock, post-punk and jazz areas.

Captain Caveman:
It probably sounds weird for a mod to say this, but forums benefit from having a balance of characters and CC helps this with what many people consider trolling. Anyway, he's far more than just a troll and I've talked to him a few times on here.

People have in the past unfairly written off Yngve as a prog elitist, but in reality, he knows an astronomical amount about music of many types. He's frankly pretty awesome and quite prolific with his reviews.

I was around when Vanilla was here back in 05 but I didn't really get to know her back then. Since then I've talked to her and discovered she's a pretty cool gal, very down-to-earth and friendly.

Another guy with eclectic tastes who sadly hasn't been on here as often as he used to be.

Rainard Jalen:
Rainard has some pretty strong and controversial opinions but I've always got on pretty well with him. He's someone whom I wouldn't mind seeing more in the non-music subforums as well.

Piss Me Off:
Luke is another genuinely good guy and a fellow Bowie/Morrissey/caffeine junkie. I think I'd get on pretty well with him in real life.

Reminds me of a younger version of Ethan. He's a funny guy.

Veridical Fiction:
I don't much about him but he seems well spoken and funny.

I love this guy - he's classically British and has a way with words. Another very intelligent person who keeps it real.

Another fellow engineer! Despite his unhealthy Radiohead obsession, I think there's part of him that really wants to step outside his musical comfort zone.

Cardboard Adolescent:
Somewhat enigmatic and reminiscent of my flatmate (a philosopher stuck inside a scientist's body).

RezZ / Loose Lips:
They're both under the same description because they're both nice guys who would never so much as hurt flies.

I'll add more later

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