butthead aka 216 |
12-10-2013 02:40 AM |
trollheart - should win multiple mb awards easily. a godsend
vanilla - sweater pups with hershey kiss nips
junk donner - starting to come around a lil bit, enjoyable person most the time
rezz, batty - bros
sansa - what a train wreck lol
briks - lookin forward to his journal containin less smiths lol
loathsome pete - 5 infraction points for porn.... cmon brah
burning down - surprised to hear her admit to cheatin on zombie kid in plug the other nite. omg did i say that aloud?!?!?
goofle - good taste in rap music, one of the few... actually the only non american i enjoy in plug aside from the canadians
chameleon - varied music taste, enjoy talkin with him more 1 on 1 than i do his posts sometimes. i feel like he plays devils advocate sometime for the hell of it
manky - std corrupted him forever
whitelake - should post here lol
engine - shiit giver for sure and i love it