Music Banter

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Schizotypic 11-22-2009 10:40 PM my old post

Jesus, what kind of psychology trip was I going on when I wrote this. =O Very, very judgmental. Like SERIOUSLY what was I tripping on. Wtf. Okay, so here's the deal- I hate half the shit I said in this post so I am going to do it again. If anyone who is included wants to read what I wrote about them last time the post is written above.... sorry.

I know he loves northern soul vinyl, that his name is David, but have yet to see much to make me feel one way or another about him. I would guess that he does a good amount of mod work and wish he would post a member journal or something. Kind of want to get to know RT better. Oh yeah and I sent him a friends request once. =/

I never read his member journal, I don't know why but something puts me off about it. I'm like that with Gavin B., but I figure the two aren't much alike. I check out most of the stuff he recommends and usually end with disappointment. For instance I've heard a few Kate Bush songs but not to my liking for some reason. Was surprised with all the calm, electric music I've seen him posting he didn't like The Album Leaf, but I guess it makes sense since I think he's a metal fan. Usually when I like something he posts about, I really, really like it. Jackhammer is large in number and hit and miss for me, as far as music goes. Bit a fun character though isn't he? =)

Sleepy Jack
Ethan is a pretty cool guy I guess. Seems like a teenager to me for some reason, but I've no idea of his real age. I followed that thread on him and Yukon Cornelius until its absolute death, and I was laughing through most of it. When I first came on MB I wasn't so partial to a few demeaning comments, but I came around more to him after his post in the feminism thread. I liked Where The Wild Things Are too. I figure one day me and him will get around to a nice chat.

Sometimes I read his long rants, which is a compliment as I don't do as much for Cardboard Adolescent, though I don't see him around much anymore. Those rants are pretty entertaining. I know he likes Cake, Beck, and Tom Waits. Only Waits album I heard is his debut and Blood Money, and I much preferred Blood Money. One day I'll give it a more proper listen as the only song I remember is the opening track and that's only because it was stuck in my head for a few days. Good guy overall though, would definitely like to get to know him

I don't know jack about this guy at all. I liked one thread of his because it gave me one of my favorite albums, aside from that, nothing. Not his music tastes, not anything about his personality, nothing. It's like he's there but he's not there, but he is on my friends list. =O

Actually my opinion of Tore hasn't changed much since my last post about him. I'm pretty sure he's a biologist and I know he likes progressive rock. He's pretty articulate and I believe on a couple occasions he's done some stuff character wise that impressed me. Overall pretty cool guy, lots of good contributions too.

Dude I still know nothing about you. PM me sometime or something.

Boo Boo
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. If Boo Boo left this place would be even more a snooze fest. Son of a bitch argues like a little kid though. Sorry Boo Boo but some of your posts just crack me up. Definitely would miss him if he were gone though, and he's fun to talk to on AIM.

Piss Me Off
PMO where the hell do you post? I hear you are a pretty cool guy, but I have no idea really. I know less about you then I do about Janszoon.

Yeah I have no idea. We both like Arcade Fire though. =)

I haven't seen him posting much lately. I remember once being pissed off about a thread he made making fun of some indie artists I liked. Looking back on it, it makes me laugh. I wrote down every single album he posted in his Comus's 1001 albums and was really disappointed when he moved it to his blog I never checked.

Captain Caveman
Looking forward to his member journal. Don't know shit about him.

Lucifer Sam
Lucifer Sam... hm. Avant Garde, right? That's your favorite genre. I think I've checked out a few artists you've mentioned on the board. Seems like a pretty real guy, likable.

My very first friend on MB. =) I miss you and your discography reviews man.

People I did not mention before:
God damn there is so many!

I should mention all SORTS of people; Satch, anticipation, freebase dali, the unfan, vegangelica, Gavin B, musicphantom, and trust me there are PLENTY more. Just know I don't dislike anyone and Vegangelica is my favorite member. Happy? Good. PEACE,

Janszoon 11-23-2009 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Schizotypic (Post 771235)
I don't know jack about this guy at all. I liked one thread of his because it gave me one of my favorite albums, aside from that, nothing. Not his music tastes, not anything about his personality, nothing. It's like he's there but he's not there, but he is on my friends list. =O

Glad to know I make such an impression. :pimp:

jackhammer 11-23-2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Schizotypic (Post 771235)

I never read his member journal, I don't know why but something puts me off about it. I'm like that with Gavin B., but I figure the two aren't much alike. I check out most of the stuff he recommends and usually end with disappointment. For instance I've heard a few Kate Bush songs but not to my liking for some reason. Was surprised with all the calm, electric music I've seen him posting he didn't like The Album Leaf, but I guess it makes sense since I think he's a metal fan. Usually when I like something he posts about, I really, really like it. Jackhammer is large in number and hit and miss for me, as far as music goes. Bit a fun character though isn't he? =)

I don't listen to half as much Metal as people think.

Dr_Rez 11-23-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 771564)
I don't listen to half as much Metal as people think.

;) Thats funny because I listen to twice as much metal as people think.

Astronomer 11-23-2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by RezZ (Post 770379)
Lateralus: Wonderful voice, face, and posts.

Aw, cheers :beer:

Arya Stark 11-28-2009 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Schizotypic (Post 771235) my old post

Jesus, what kind of psychology trip was I going on when I wrote this. =O Very, very judgmental. Like SERIOUSLY what was I tripping on. Wtf. Okay, so here's the deal- I hate half the shit I said in this post so I am going to do it again. If anyone who is included wants to read what I wrote about them last time the post is written above.... sorry.

I know he loves northern soul vinyl, that his name is David, but have yet to see much to make me feel one way or another about him. I would guess that he does a good amount of mod work and wish he would post a member journal or something. Kind of want to get to know RT better. Oh yeah and I sent him a friends request once. =/

I never read his member journal, I don't know why but something puts me off about it. I'm like that with Gavin B., but I figure the two aren't much alike. I check out most of the stuff he recommends and usually end with disappointment. For instance I've heard a few Kate Bush songs but not to my liking for some reason. Was surprised with all the calm, electric music I've seen him posting he didn't like The Album Leaf, but I guess it makes sense since I think he's a metal fan. Usually when I like something he posts about, I really, really like it. Jackhammer is large in number and hit and miss for me, as far as music goes. Bit a fun character though isn't he? =)

Sleepy Jack
Ethan is a pretty cool guy I guess. Seems like a teenager to me for some reason, but I've no idea of his real age. I followed that thread on him and Yukon Cornelius until its absolute death, and I was laughing through most of it. When I first came on MB I wasn't so partial to a few demeaning comments, but I came around more to him after his post in the feminism thread. I liked Where The Wild Things Are too. I figure one day me and him will get around to a nice chat.

Sometimes I read his long rants, which is a compliment as I don't do as much for Cardboard Adolescent, though I don't see him around much anymore. Those rants are pretty entertaining. I know he likes Cake, Beck, and Tom Waits. Only Waits album I heard is his debut and Blood Money, and I much preferred Blood Money. One day I'll give it a more proper listen as the only song I remember is the opening track and that's only because it was stuck in my head for a few days. Good guy overall though, would definitely like to get to know him

I don't know jack about this guy at all. I liked one thread of his because it gave me one of my favorite albums, aside from that, nothing. Not his music tastes, not anything about his personality, nothing. It's like he's there but he's not there, but he is on my friends list. =O

Actually my opinion of Tore hasn't changed much since my last post about him. I'm pretty sure he's a biologist and I know he likes progressive rock. He's pretty articulate and I believe on a couple occasions he's done some stuff character wise that impressed me. Overall pretty cool guy, lots of good contributions too.

Dude I still know nothing about you. PM me sometime or something.

Boo Boo
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. If Boo Boo left this place would be even more a snooze fest. Son of a bitch argues like a little kid though. Sorry Boo Boo but some of your posts just crack me up. Definitely would miss him if he were gone though, and he's fun to talk to on AIM.

Piss Me Off
PMO where the hell do you post? I hear you are a pretty cool guy, but I have no idea really. I know less about you then I do about Janszoon.

Yeah I have no idea. We both like Arcade Fire though. =)

I haven't seen him posting much lately. I remember once being pissed off about a thread he made making fun of some indie artists I liked. Looking back on it, it makes me laugh. I wrote down every single album he posted in his Comus's 1001 albums and was really disappointed when he moved it to his blog I never checked.

Captain Caveman
Looking forward to his member journal. Don't know shit about him.

Lucifer Sam
Lucifer Sam... hm. Avant Garde, right? That's your favorite genre. I think I've checked out a few artists you've mentioned on the board. Seems like a pretty real guy, likable.

My very first friend on MB. =) I miss you and your discography reviews man.

People I did not mention before:
God damn there is so many!

I should mention all SORTS of people; Satch, anticipation, freebase dali, the unfan, vegangelica, Gavin B, musicphantom, and trust me there are PLENTY more. Just know I don't dislike anyone and Vegangelica is my favorite member. Happy? Good. PEACE,

Veg is my favourite, too. <3

VeggieLover 11-29-2009 02:33 PM

K, here it goes:

Vegangelica I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really respect this member a lot. She's informed, she says what she thinks, and most importantly she's RESPECTFUL about it. The first member to acknowlge my existence and to help me with my writing. Thanks! I don't mean this last bit to detract from my extreme like of her, but she does occasionally overstate, overexplain, or (rarely) overqualify. These are qualities i dislike about my mom, so i get annoyed (on very rare occasions!)

Vanilla I really don't talk to her a whole lot... but for some reason she doesn't come across as the smartest to me...don't know why and I try not to hold it against her because sometimes she has something really smart to say. Maybe just a prejudice against her Lady Gaga preferences?

Freebase Dali You remind me of my favorite people that I know in real life. You seem angry, a little cynical, but very intelligent and actually very refined (in a carelessly unrefined way??). you know how to say what you think when you think it without feeling the need to qualify it while still seeming legit. Don't know how you manange it. You used to piss me off a lot, but you just took some getting used to. You're one of my favorite members. Not to mention you are smokin hot.

Lateralus You just seem like a bundle of creative energy to me. I absolutely love your songs (Amy i think its called is my favorite! and the MB member one was fun). You have that calming female presence that I lack. I like you too much to say more :)

Kayliegh (i think thats spelled right?) You are a riot. You don't overstep the boundries of your experience, so you usually have very imformative posts. You have a classic sense of humor and gorgous hair.

Boo Boo I missed your posts for a while there. I really enjoy arguing with you though you can in fact be exasperating... you force me to think about the (exact!) implications of what I'm saying, back it up, and still manage to keep on track. Its a challenge, but I dare say you've helped me develop my skills a bit, so thanks :) Every once in a while you say something that makes me think you are a lot younger than you are. I think maybe you need to take kickboxing or something and get all that anger out of your system. Oh, and the whole bald woman thing...very endearing, don't know why.

Terrible Lizard I talked to you for a long time when i first signed up and then you just kind of turned into a troll. You seemed decent and now...not so much. Sorry.

AwwSugar You seem very calm and intelligent, but you don't give us a whole lot of insight into your personallity other than to make me say "oh, i think i really like her"

NumberNineDream I like you a lot. It may just be from your pictures (and I LOVE your pictures, your hair is fantastic) but you seem to have this kind of "dark" air about you. Not angry or cynical, just kind of dark, mysterious maybe. Your posts tend to be kind of reserved but still very imformative. Bravo, i envy you that talent!

B town you are a lot of fun. You come across as young (and thats ok cuz you are) but thats not a bad thing at all. yup, ur gonna be awsome sometime soon. (well, you already are...just awsomer)

Dreadnaught Your avatar fits the attitude i get from you PERFECTLY. quietly hilarious, ingeniusly witty, and you have this kind of "i laugh at the world" air about you. I like it *high five*

Pink Cigarette wow you're hot.

Rain or maybe it's Rainfall... you still owe me a poem thats going to make my jaw drop!! i will not forget! But i haven't seen you post in a long time. Very sad.

K, thats what I really think. Idk why but i switched from "he/she" to "you" after the 2nd entry. sorry.

NumberNineDream 11-29-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by VeggieLover (Post 774232)
NumberNineDream I like you a lot. It may just be from your pictures (and I LOVE your pictures, your hair is fantastic) but you seem to have this kind of "dark" air about you. Not angry or cynical, just kind of dark, mysterious maybe. Your posts tend to be kind of reserved but still very informative. Bravo, i envy you that talent!

Thanks, I didn't think I'd be on your list as we crossed paths so very few times. Plus believe me, there's nothing enviable about my "dark" posts, it's just a symptom of my disability to express myself.

FETCHER. 11-29-2009 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by VeggieLover (Post 774232)
Kayliegh (i think thats spelled right?) You are a riot. You don't overstep the boundries of your experience, so you usually have very imformative posts. You have a classic sense of humor and gorgous hair.

Haha, don't worry about the name, it's a classic pain in my arse :). I'm really glad someone finds me informative, and picks up my sense of humour, that makes me really happy in all honesty, thanks for liking my hair! I love your eyes :D

Terrible Lizard 11-29-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by VeggieLover (Post 774232)

Terrible Lizard I talked to you for a long time when i first signed up and then you just kind of turned into a troll. You seemed decent and now...not so much. Sorry.

So sorry to disappoint.


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