Trollheart |
05-17-2013 05:15 AM |
Originally Posted by Dr. Rez
(Post 1320033)
I take offense to P A N s'posts.
I take offence (not offense, as I'm Irish!) to you taking offence at everything! :laughing:
I agree people should not be restricted or censored in what they say here; it is after all the "spill your guts" thread, not the "pretend you like everyone" thread. The only time I should imagine people could take offence legitimately would be if something were said that was not true. Like if someone called me a big, fat, arrogant, sanctimonious, naive, do-gooder.
Whadday mean, fat? ;)
The "Say something nice" thread was certainly started as an alternative to a lot of the negativity I see here, and elsewhere, but in typical MB fashion it currently seems to have descended into something of a slagging match between some members. While this is of course not the purpose it was created for, I nevertheless find this hilarious...
People have said unkind things about me here, but that's their prerogative. You have to work within the strictures of the thread itself. Who was it said "I disagree with your opinion, but I will defend to the death your right to have it"?