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Nice insights, Boo Boo.
You reminded me of several members I failed to mention that had a significant impact on my perception. I will continue: SATCHMO He feels like almost a father type figure to me. Not in age, but wisdom. He's reserved, but when he speaks, you KNOW his intention. It's clear and decisive. He's unpredictable in his responses but they're rarely unfounded. I can't imagine asking him for advice and not taking it seriously. Thrice I feel connected to him via a military aspect, knowing that his perspective is intrinsically related to mine in that regard. We have different views, but I see the ultimate point in what he says as a result of the connection we share. That same connection relates me to: Bane Of Your Existence I's the same as above, but with a different jingle. I often see both of these guys in the same sphere of linked understanding regarding aspects militarily influenced. Both of them I pay attention to, both of them I respect. Comus I don't know much about him as I've never broached anything personal with him on a one-on-one basis. I know that he has an internet radio show, and I know that he is into progressive rock. I know that he also make me laugh in the shoutbox, but that's as deep as my perception penetrates. I often find myself wanting to talk to him, but I dont know how many connections we could make that would make it beneficial. Lucifer Sam I've made some comments that he's agreed with, some not. I've never really tackled his personality beyond a superficial validation. I can't really tax my mind to find an outstanding quality of his, but I suspect it's merely due to the fact that I haven't delved deep enough into it. He seems very intelligent, but perhaps he and I are on different pages. Crash Override Here's another military guy I can identify with. I never really got a feel for him but for some strange reason he reminds me of an NCO I really got along with when I was in the service. I looked up to this particular NCO because of his wit and humor, and we never clashed in a major way. I assume that somewhere down the line when me and Crash exchange meaningful text, it will have been based on issues we both understand. I look forward to that exchange. Molecules I've had several run-ins with this guy in the past. He seemed to have been more of a force than he is now. I don't hear from him much lately. I appreciated his insights regarding DubStep, but I find myself forgetting them lately as he's not been there fortifying his position. I'm also slightly uncomfortable with how easy it is to forget his opinions. I'm not sure if that's a reflection on myself, or him. I vote for the former. Sweet Nothing No matter how intense his inability to understand the feminine quality of his user-name, I find his response to that perception to be intensely hilarious. When he posts, that's all I think about. That's all I got for now. |
Bulldog Very nice fellow with a definite left of centre musical tastes which helps broaden the scope on here and he never creates any problems on here at all. Nonsubmissivewife You know that one poster who is quiet, unassuming, posts well, to the point and is worth reading? That's NSW for you. She also has a wicked sense of humour and is cute too :) I converted her to Fat Freddy's drop too! Comus An enigma. Loves his obscure prog and is knowledgeable about it yet he loves Green Day. Makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever and so I don't know if his posts are sometimes confrontational for the sake of it. He is elitist for sure but having known him a little while I can forgive him for that. Genuinely does introduce good music to the forum but I wish he would contribute elsewhere and become involved a little more in threads that may only have a small interest for him as he is intelligent enough to join in. Lucifer Sam I remember when he joined and I definitely think that MB has taught him a lot more musically than he maybe wants to admit. He does like to snipe now and again to try and get a rise out of people I think but it's never really malicious at all. Knows a lot more than he lets on I think. Satchmo I really do like this guy and wish he would post more. We are the same age and I think we come from exactly the same musical backgrounds so I can relate to him easily. Great one liners too but not prolific enough! Molecules One of the most entertaining posters on here and his vivid descriptions of music make me want to listen to evey bit of music he proffers up and eclectic too. works damn hard at promoting music that is not that popular on here and kudos to him. He does have a nasty habit of going AWOL for weeks at a time though :( More to come. |
Probably the second funniest guy on musicbanter. Also one of the nicest to boot. This guy is hard working, attentive, generous and brilliant all in one package. He's always got something interesting to say, and it's always great to discuss stuff with him. That and he's norwegians, and norwegians automatically rule. ethan aka sleepy jack THE funniest guy on musicbanter. Also probably the most intelligent. This guy is going to be famous one day, and I'll be able to say "I used to make fun of this guy so harshly". Always a good sport and criminally misunderstood here. This guy has a pretty good perspective on life, love and the world in general. We also share the same sort of humour, you know, the type that makes everyone hate us. He's also soft as a teddy bear. Anteater This guy knows more about prog than anyone else on musicbanter. And he's an awesome guy to boot. Always willing to try something new and probably the least elitist of our proghead clique. A really nice guy to talk to as well. Jackhammer We've had our ups and downs, but generally it's cool now. Always has a bit of a patronising tone that can get on my nerves but he's a good guy underneath it all. Seltzer I cry manly tears every day at the fact he doesn't post as much as he should do. His King Crimson thread was the main reason I didn't troll this forum like I intended too when I joined. Also likes Windir which makes me happy. Boo Boo This guy is hilarious. Knows about as much about prog as he does about life. But the forum wouldn't really be fun at all without him. For some reason thinks I'm a musician because I have an avatar with me holding a guitar. I think it looks cool, that's the only reason I have it. Urban Hatemonger Brutally honest and I love it. Also needs to finish that fucking Fall thread. If you don't do it soon I'll make my own and beat you to the punch. CAPTAIN CAVEMAN We have nothing in common but this guy is very funny, in a cutting intelligent way. Wayfarer Often very fun to talk too, but needs to poast moar. Dac Randomly hates me now because he can't take a joke. I guess I am incredibly obnoxious but I thought we have a lot of similar tastes. Comus A massive douche. I swear everytime I read this guys posts I just rage quietly to myself inside. He's so abrasive and annoying, always acting so uppety. Also likes **** bands like Green Day and Feeder that make me doubt everything he says. A clear troll, no idea how anyone could like him or take him seriously. |
i just have a few minutes, so i'll add too this later
satch mikey is one of my very fav people, not just posters,.....aside from the obvious things about him, pointed out already here,.....he should realize that he is capable of so much more,...and move back to va (not gonna let that one slide),.....he doesnt try to hard, and is very genuine,.....which seems to be a lost virtue these days bane liked jawbreaker,....so he cant be all that bad,.....have fun on your trip, i didnt know that you cribbed the idea raindog b questions himself too much but also revels in the mysterious persona,.......i think he likes being fitzgerldesque,.....and it works for him vertical at first,...honestly,....i thought he was a dbag,....then i just figured he was much more dry than i originally assessed,......now that i know that, his post make me chuckle, even if he likes his women pale pobody has become a new favorite,.....thanks for the music, empathy, and laughs,....he is very givin of himself to other posters on the board,.....all ways had good feed back,.....and is quick to share his music collection with you i'll add more to this later,...or not,..... while i understand that there are many posters on this board, i rarely find myself separating ideas,.....there are very few that i take personality into account when reading posts, and i try and take each comment as if it was the first i've read from that poster,......does that mean i'm objective? |
sleepy jack: I have never liked him. He's a huge elitist and I disagree with him on many many things. Still, sometimes I just want to give him a pat on the back for witty comments, or even just his bluntness. He's very intelligent, and that goes a long way.
Urban Hatemonger: I really don't know what to think of this guy. Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside his head. He's kind of impossible to read, so I really don't know if I like him or not. Either way, he's hilarious and Musicbanter wouldn't be complete without him. CAPTAIN CAVEMAN: As long as I live, I will never see a troll as great as The-Starving-Artless. boo boo: I really like boo boo and I hope he finds the bald chick of his dreams. ProggyMan: He is definitely mature for his age, but he's always come across as a little arrogant. He hardly posts in the music forums anymore, just the recreation forums. He's cool but again, I don't really know what to think of him. Jackhammer: One of the nicest members on Musicbanter, not to mention he is very open-minded. The heart and soul of this website. Piss Me Off: The complete opposite of what his name may suggest. Great guy, I like him a lot. FaSho: I liked him from the start, when his taste was very primitive (and come to think of it, so was mine). Now he's surpassed me. Comus: Sometimes I think he's too much of a purist when it comes to metal (I could be wrong), but nevertheless, he's intelligent and an excellent reviewer. adidasss: He's cool, very friendly. Needs to cut back on the poppy indie stuff though. ;) sweet_nothing: Me and him have a funny history, but at the end of the day I like him and I'm glad he's here at Musicbanter. Crash Override: The least elitist person on this forum, and for that, he's amazing. He likes cool music too. Tore: I knew he was going to be awesome from the start. Do I need to say any more? Veridical Fiction: Amazing dude, all his posts are awesome. |
Urban Hatemonger:
Don't share his humour, so he just comes a cross as a douche. Knows a lot about music and is decent at articulating his opinions, a big contributor to this forum. sleepy jack: Certainly the funniest guy on here and I love debating him. Defines the forum more than any one person has the right to. Has influenced my music taste more than I'd ever admit to him. starving-artless: Funny/douchebag ratio: 1 over 5. boo boo: Very vehement in his hating of indie, blinds him to his hypocrisy when it comes to people criticizing prog. He's also the most likable person here. Alfred: The actual nicest guy on the forum. Can't I know much about his music tastes, they don't seem to change much. dac: Sees his favorite things through rose-tinted glasses a bit much, but then again who doesn't? Great fun discussing sports, specifically the Cavs, with him and listening to his rants about Radiohead. JayJamJah If he's not the smartest guy on the forum (Besides toretorden, who's a biologist or something similar) then his long life experience makes him seem like it. Another great guy to discuss sports with. More coming. jackhammer: I dunno...He's just..There. Likable and knowledgeable but a tad bland. The Unfan: Seems very smart, maybe one of these days he could take the time to share his knowledge with us mortals. FaSho: His music tastes looks like mine a year ago, he's improved greatly as a poster since the days of IMGETTINTHAT. |
There's only like 4 posters I have a serious personal dislike of. Those being The Unfan, Caveman, Wayfarer and Comus. Though Wayfarer and Comus I can at least respect enough to have a decent conversation with. And of course, you border on being number 5 sometimes. |
Keep in mind I don't even have 300 posts on here and I've been gone for two months. Right-Track To me, Right-track is definitely on the right-track. He has never once strikes me as arrogant or elitist in any way, and he clearly has common sense. He shows good judgement, empathy and not sympathy, and perspective- all which I think lead to his overall fairness in general. Jackhammer I don't really know much about this guy but I could guess he's in his 20's and drinks, so he's probably charismatic and a bit outgoing. He may also be the opposite of that, but if I had to pick one I would say the former. I think he has a good head on his shoulders, good reason, good morals, and I get the creeping suspicion he's like me and has had life slap him around a bit. If that is the case, I'd say he has more to go through but will eventually come out on top. Yeah, that was kind of out there, but if I had to guess... Sleepy Jack I liked him the first few times I saw him around. He was definitely into the careful perfectionist wording, that's usually not a good sign but it shows he's a thinker. I used to talk like he writes, and it came from a world of insecurity. I love debate, but he seems to obsess on it at the expense of others. That is a really big pet peeve of mine, so he gets on my nerves but I'm positive he's a great guy. TheBig3KilledMyRainDog Hahahaha. I like how I don't see this guy around, he's like mysterious or something. The first time I saw him post he was posting at me, going off about something I said in the poetry forum. I felt attacked, but after a few seconds I just put on some perspective and it was immediately hilarious. He was right anyway. Also, he "explodes" as people say, but I don't see him being too disrespectful and he isn't arrogant at all. I think he just may be really opinionated... I have a sister like that. Janszoon I like this guy because I've never heard him boast, never seen him act like some angry teenager, never seen him get real involved. I think it's best not to get involved with a lot of bullsh!it arguments that go down around here. He seems very level-headed, like Right-track or Jackhammer, or possibly Big3. Toretorden Ive always like Tore, he's so freaking reasonable all the time. And he must really, really love music and have a but made of lead, because having either one of those alone wouldn't be enough to get a guy to do all the contribution to this site that Tore does. I think he should relax, but maybe not, he's probably pretty content. Personally, when I post, I feel like I'm writing an essay. Dreadnaught Dude, I have no idea. Until she became I mod I didn't know she existed. I've seen like two posts by her. I'm sure she has tons of them, not your fault Dreadnaught! I'm sure your super-great, and I hope you listen to Bikini Kill too, because your like the only woman mod here. Boo Boo Boo Boo strikes me as someone who should be doing fat lines before he logs on. Like huuuuge lines. Just because he mentions his arguments a lot, and seems on the defensive. This, that, and the other. On another subject entirely, did I ever mention how until a couple years ago I let my bad self-esteem control my life? But back to Boo Boo, I think he's great, and in the right situation his acute sense of empathy could lead him to make very good decisions. I'm certainly glad he's on the moderator team, he adds something to it by being just how he is, and he'll never be arrogant- that's for sure. Piss Me Off This guy seems like someone I would go chill somewhere with. Hit up a concert, take a camping trip, whatever. Down to earth, level-headed, not a jackess at all, straight-up. Adidasss HAHAHAHA. Is this the guy in law school? My sister fought her way into warrior school too. I wish this guy the best of luck, applaud him for even posting here at all- I don't know how you have the time. And his taste in music implies he'll go out and do something meaningful. Comus He has great taste in music and is an amazing person because of it, he's totally got a great picture of reality, I can tell by his album reviews. He makes amazing decisions every single day because he's able to tell what bands are good and what bands are bad. Comus is the ideal human being, and I could certainly learn a lot from him. Captain Caveman I'll bet he likes that Venus In Furs movie. Lucifer Sam He's great, definitely got a head on his shoulders. Totally not part of all the elitism on this forum either. Usually when I glance down and laugh it's from Lucifer. Roygbiv I really like this guy, he seems really down to earth and nice. Also he contributes a lot to musicbanter and is enthusiastic about it. |
I'm 37 and I have been through no more and no less than other people of a similar age I guess. Although I do drink yes! Pleased that I come across as younger though!
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