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I think everybody in Music Banter is really nice and I just want to be everybody's friend, no matter how insane they are.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v81/lapeste/dork.jpg Your pal, Gavin B. |
You are younger than I pictured you to be, Gavin. ----I take it that that is you...
I'm feeling a bit worn out to write up a review, but I should be up to judging some people.
Urban, Jackhammer, Right-track - Acerbic, jolly and dry. The British heads of Cerberus. I generally meld personalities together in forums, but in this case I grouped geographically. Either way, they make up the backbone of the forum in my mind, so I'll try to do better. I often feel that people overstate Urban's wit, but that's not his problem. I appreciate his prickliness with idiots and general I don't give a **** vibe. I haven't really scoped an opinion on his musical taste, although his Top 100 had plenty of nice choices. Top guy. Jackhammer is the go to guy for making newbies feel welcome, the man is nice. I thought perhaps his resignation from modship was a bit of nice-ness burnout, but he hasn't changed. Impressively eclectic taste. He's on his way to becoming MB's mascot, and I don't think that's a bad thing. I'm not sure what to write about RT, he doesn't give all that much away with his posts, but I like what I read. Very funny guy when he sees his moment. Boo Boo - A hard guy to get a handle of. Painfully honest with himself, and has no trouble being self depreciating in jokes. But can also be frustratingly self righteous and sensitive when he gets in arguments. Seems rather fond of long rants, but I almost always disagree with them because of the lack of subtlety in his expression. Stu - Guy doesn't post much anymore, which is a pity. As far as list threads go, this guy had the best. Turned me onto more good music than anyone. Loathsome Pete - Except maybe this guy. He reminds me of Jackhammer in a lot of ways, but especially his jovial niceness. And I should say that this username is much better once you get used to it. Seriously, the first was terrible. That's enough for now, I'll probably do some more in good time. |
Its good to have a face to you now.
I was debating between Pobodys_Nerfect and SquidVicious for like 30 minutes, then I smoked a joint and went with the stupider one due to my inebriated state. The name LoathsomePete is actually my Gothic Country moniker that I'll use when I get off my arse and start learning how to play country. I'm glad that I've introduced you to some good music, but besides LuciDream (which as I remember you didn't really like :laughing:) and WarsawpacK I don't think I've really done much else. If one band is all it takes it doesn't really say much about this site thought.
Anyhow I've been putting this off for the longest time, but as work has seemed to shrivel up like a penis post-coitus I have time now to do some of the writing I've been putting off on this site, so here we go: Urban Hatemonger I've always admired this guy from afar. He can be a little intimidating at first, which can deter newer members from talking to him. We haven't really had spent any time at all talking, but that's more due to our differing online personalities. Our musical tastes don't overlap too much, but his constant praising of The Fall did intrigue me to check them out and I found that I quite liked them. I think in real life him and I would get a long very well because I think we have similar outlooks on the world around us, however this is mere speculation. Out of all the members I wish to get to know better, he is one of the ones near the top. Right-Track It's pretty hard to dislike him because his posts are either hilarious or well articulated, proving his point without the use of long paragraphs. Much like with Urban our musical tastes barley overlap, but this may be an age difference. I did find out that we both share an affection for John Cooper Clark (much like I assumed, what with him being from Manchester) so that did give us some common ground. He has been incredibly helpful and welcoming to me since I began my modship, which made me feel welcome and wanted. Like with Urban, I think we'd find we have much more in common if we spoke more outside of the world of music. I'd love to buy him a beer and hear some of his stories about the Northern Soul movement because I'm sure he has some great ones. jackhammer One of the few members I've had conversations with outside of the forums, albeit short ones which abruptly ended due to my changing of e-mail addresses. He is one of the nicest members on this forum as well as having one of the most eclectic tastes. When I first came here I though our metal tastes were pretty much parallel, but since then I've found this to be a bit of a fallacy as many of the albums I've recommend him have come back with less than flattering comments. This is a very one way street though because everything he's recommend me I've found myself enjoying (Hacride, Alexander Turner, etc.) Bulldog Another one of the members I have talked to outside of the forums. Our musical tastes overlap, but not as much as I first assumed. We have shared music in the past and I've enjoyed just about everything he's sent me. He seems like a guy I would really get along with in real life, much like me actually (however much better with the ladies). Dreadnaught She's quite a lovely lady with an impressive knowledge of hip hop and indie music. As many other members have already stated she's quite beautiful and has sharp wit that'd make a medical scalpel envious. I have to find myself agreeing with what Freebase said about her in the first post in this thread. Sometimes she can come off as a little intimidating, however I think it's misunderstood by people around her. Toretorden I can say that I'm pretty envious of him, he seems to be very content with the way his life is going and it doesn't seem to be filled with materialistic goods. I wish that I had his knowledge of science that he does, but while he does it because of his desire to work in that field, mine desire is purely out of self-interested, which makes reading about it a bit of a chore. He's one of the people around here that I can speak geek with as we have many parallels. We're both fans of Terry Pratchett, share an interest in Lucas Arts adventure games, and have played some of the World of Darkness role-playing games. While our musical tastes don't overlap much, our shared geek interest would be more than enough to be friends. Seltzer We haven't really spoken much, but I think we have a lot of similar interests. Our musical tastes overlap a lot more than I though (Both Devin Townsend and Slough Feg fans) as well as Terry Pratchett fans. On my list of people to get to know better. SATCHMO I really like this guy. He has a unique quality in his posts that make them stand out and a good sense of humor. Recently we've been talking a bit more due to our mutual interest in dark jazz. I liked him a lot as a regular poster, and even more as a mod. Now he just needs to get back to me on some of the stuff I've sent him! Lateralus She's an amazing lady with a very fun and spunky personality. I enjoy her Youtube videos (especially the one where you destroy Twilight) and I can admire her Australian pride. I've read some of the other comments about her overly nice personality being a cover for self-esteem issues, but I have to respectfully disagree with those thoughts. She is very aware of herself and if sticks to her opinions and morals, that is something I can respect. We talk quite a bit outside the forums (mostly due to the fact we're both always on MSN) and I always enjoy our conversations. Alfred I love this little guy, I wish I knew as much about music at his age. He comes off as a little bit older in his posts which shows a higher level of maturity which I can respect. I've never really seen him talk bad about other members or do anything to piss me off so there's not much to say about him in that respect. I have the feeling he'll be getting a lot of scholarships by the time he's a senior in high school. Fruitonica I like him a lot. Out of all the members on this forum I could be friends with, I think him and I would get along the most. While we do disagree on some things (like how good that LuciDream album was) we do it in way that reminds me of my best friend and I arguing. I'm pretty sure we're the same age and if we were both *** I'm positive we'd be a couple. Freebase Dali He's a pretty intelligent guy. Besides being book smart he's got a very good understanding of the world around him, something I'm attributing to his six years in the military. I know he's posted some of his favourite artists somewhere on this forum but I cannot remember if we had any parallels. I was sad when he wanted me to delete his song writing journal because I thought it had some good things in it, but I can understand why he wanted me to do it. He's quite a handsome guy as well which makes me curious as to why he spends so much time online, however to each his own, I'm sure he use to chance girls a lot in his early 20's. I'm sure he's done some things that I've disagreed with but I'm drawing a blank so I'll just leave it at that. VEGANGELICA We've had literally no contact with each other (by my own doing) because we have a very different view on the world around us. I think she can be a little too analytical of everything around her which can get a little annoying. While I don't share her ideas on many things, she does seem to be a positive role model for the female posters on this forum so I can respect her for that, however her continually analysis of Freebase Dali's musical journal did contribute greatly to his desire to have it deleted. I think there are some things you may just want to keep to yourself. savannah She's a babe, but behind her appearance lies a very intelligent and articulate person. She loves her country music which gives us some common ground and the fact she gave me Lucero's new album cemented my respect for her. We use to talk a little bit outside of the forums but that has all but stopped, much to my chagrin. boo boo I'm still trying to figure him out. We don't have much in common in the things that we do have in common. For instance while we're both gamers, he was a console gamer and I was a PC gamer which has given us an incredibly different perspective on gaming as a whole. His love of Nintendo to me just comes off as fanboyism, but I have the feeling that his Nintendo consoles were a large part of his childhood, much like my PC was with mine. Musically we're pretty different, besides a few prog bands I don't think we have much in common. He also banned me during his little breakdown which kind of pissed me off, however it was because of that that I'm in the position I'm in now. Overall he seems like a decent guy, but I think he needs to get over his self-esteem issues and just try to find a girl that will like him for what he is and not what he thinks he has to be. Barnard17 I'm not going to lie, at first I really didn't like him. I never saw him post anywhere but in the Lounge or the Members Picture Thread which gave me the impression he wasn't here for music. However to be truthful my dislike of him stemmed from the fact he seemed to be everything I wanted to be. He is able to utilize his appearance and charisma in a way that lets him be himself without having to sacrifice his own ideas to be able to get women. I think his best attribute is his ability to not let his intellect and appearance make him seem pretentious or snobby. I'm sure we'd hit it off quite well and he would make an awesome wing man. |
Sounds like the next advancement of the Deep Ones from Shadow Over innsmouth.
Anyhow here's the rest: 333 We use to talk a bit more on MSN but that has since stopped, mostly due to our schedules. I like her personality and she has an awesome taste in music. Piss Me Off He won me over with his avatar which cracked me up when I first viewed it (partly due to the fact I was baked). While our musical tastes don't overlap all that much I respect his vast knowledge of what he does listen to. I think we'd probably be pretty good friends in real life, or at least drinking buddies. mojopinuk I have to say that I'm a big fan of this guy and I have to agree with Urban on his instatement for modship when the next position becomes available. I initially thought he was a bit younger when we first started talking (I think we were talking about Newcastle beer) but when he posted a picture of himself he was older than I was expecting. He kind of reminds me of my friend Lee, slightly older but we can both talk about music and life for hours. Like pretty much all the British members on this forum, he'd be a great guy to go to the pub with and get pished. Nonsubmissivewife Hasn't been as active lately which has made me a little sad. She's been one of the people to give me the most amount of feedback with my Gift From Me To You series and I know I made her a fan of bands like Audible Mainframe and The Smalls. She really is a great poster who needs to become more active again. 6underground Another one of the newer posters who's posts are actually worth reading rather than glancing over. She is hardly ever active anymore and usually only makes one or two posts when she is active. However she did provide quite a bit of feedback in my Gift From Me to You series which made me happy. She is quite witty and intelligent, but she needs to make her musical tastes more noticeable because whenever she does post, it's usually about something non-music related. MURDERJUNKIE I miss this guy a lot, while he is about as subtle as a sucker punch, he is at least honest about who he is and what he likes. That's an underrated quality to have because honesty can really go a long way. He's been AWOL for the past little while, but with his job it's not unreasonable. Molecules Another guy who's been AWOL for the past few months which has been noted by just about every member who's had some sort of contact with him. This just goes to show how respected and liked he is around here. He has a very eclectic taste in music and seems like a cool guy to hang out with. I really hope he gets his Internet sorted out soon because I'm sure everyone is looking forward to him being an active member again. Flower Child Probably one of the best noobs to grace our forums. Her journal is one of the best ones and she has a great personality. She is one of the members I really need to get to know better because she seems to be a very unique kind of girl. I also wanna know what she thought of that I Monster album I sent her last week... Kirby This guy really knows his hip hop, but he's also knowledgeable in other genres of music and I think needs to show that more often so people don't get the assumption that it's just hip hop he listens to. I can respect his ability to listen to both mainstream and underground hip hop, something I cannot bring myself to do. Antonio Very active poster, but I think needs to put more substance and thought into his posts. Berni I'm pretty sure I'm the only member to have any sort of contact with him as he seems to be here only for my Gothic Country thread. Now that's not a bad thing considering there's not a lot in the way of it on other forums. He's also recommended me some good artists and sent me a few albums which I'm grateful for, however coming here for only one thing isn't really doing much for the community as a whole. TyrantSong I'm assuming I'm the only one who remembers his other account YourFriendlyTyrant, or at least the only one who's said anything about it. I'm also assuming he made a new account because he couldn't remember his password for that one. Either way I'm happy that he's posting again because he is a pretty friendly guy who does a great job of breaking down stereotypes. If I ever get around to moving to the South like I want to do one day, I hope I meet someone like him to help show me the ropes. Kayleigh She's a babe and despite the fact that I know absolutely nothing about the music she listens to I still can't help but read her posts... in a Scottish accent. She's carved out a special place for herself since joining and has managed to get on a lot of people's good sides through the Lounge rather than the music forums. Awwsugar Has become a far more active poster in the past few months, however while our paths have crossed in a few threads, I can't really think of any exchanges we've had. She's a very friendly member, often saying hello the the newbies, but I don't think we've really got all that much in common when it comes to music. Surell I'm a fan of his avatar, but I think his posts have been lacking a bit lately, which is sad because so has he. For a while he was all over the place (much like Antonio) but lately he's been missing. While I admire his passion for defending artists like Lil' Wayne, I still can't believe you like Lil' Wayne... Well my syntax juice is running out so I'm going to leave it at this for now. More will come in time, but I need to recharge before school. Quote:
Anyway here's a few more people who have escaped my earlier lists: Darkest Hour I'm still not fully convinced that's how he genuinely is or if it's a joke account. For this though I'll take a leap of faith and believe him to be a real person in which case I think there's room for a lot of improvement. You seem to have this warped idea of what the world is like and you seem to follow suit even though I think somewhere deep inside your mind you know it's not right. I am happy that you stopped posting those half-naked myspace photos of you flexing your biceps though. I think the biggest area you need to improve is your tendency to believe every conspiracy theory out there. I use to do that and I would deliberately not bother to read the other side of the argument until much later in life. The world is not run by this secret society who are out to get you. As far as your music tastes... I've tried that before and you proved to be quite stubborn, so go ahead and listen to your metalcore until the next thing comes out. CAPTAIN CAVEMAN We're from the same city, that's about it... adidasss While I don't care for much of the music you listen to, I can honestly say that you've recommended me some pretty good movies. I think you also have a great taste in literature and you're one of the few people on here I can talk comics with. You've never really done anything on the forums to piss me off so I think I'm just going to leave it at that because I don't have much else to say. Vanilla She seems to be a nice girl, we've had little in the way of conversation but when we have I can say I enjoyed them. She's open with her sexual conquests which is all well and fine. Besides Lady Gaga I really know nothing of her musical tastes, however I'm assuming similar artists. I remember her mentioning once that she use to be a goth (or something) in her younger days but looking at her now I can't see it. Overall nice lady. wolverinewolfweaselpigeon Good ol' Stephanie, always good for a laugh. She is the forum mascot and for good reason, she is the perfect combination of beauty, chirpiness, and fun. While our musical tastes don't overlap that much, I have made some recommendations that she seemed to take to heart. FaSho I kind of view him and Alfred as the same person, just with different skin tones, hair, height, musical tastes, and other things... OK I'm comparing them because of their young age. He seems to be quite intelligent and if he shows it at school then I could see him getting a decent ride when it comes to higher education. Like everyone else has said, he has a great taste in music for someone his age and his ability to argue and reason is just as good as some of our older members. Comus He really seems to come and go these days. I remember when I first joined I saw a bunch of posts he'd left behind but nothing recent, then by about April - June he was pretty active in which I got to know him better. Comes off as an asshole at first and that's because he kind of is, however I think it's more of a forced trait than anything else. We share common views on metal, specifically black metal as we're both big fans of Enslaved and Drudkh. |
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