Music Banter

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Neapolitan 10-11-2012 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1239184)
Ok peeps can we get back to spilling our guts now?

I spilled my guys yesterday, but I guess someone came along and cleaned it up, because I don't see the post.

SATCHMO 10-11-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1239526)
I spilled my guys yesterday, but I guess someone came along and cleaned it up, because I don't see the post.

We reserve that kind of filth for The Sexual Experience Thread, Mister.

TheBig3 10-12-2012 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 1239564)
We reserve that kind of filth for The Sexual Experience Thread, Mister.


The Batlord 10-12-2012 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Vanilla (Post 1239184)
Ok peeps can we get back to spilling our guts now?

Freebase Dali 10-13-2012 12:09 AM

I will try to get this thread back on track while simultaneously insulting as many people as possible. Wish me luck.

- I love you like a sister, but sometimes you are dumb as sh*t. I also think that my actual sisters are dumb as sh*t sometimes. You, however, have this weird ability to phase in and out of a state of intelligence, where one minute, you say all the right things, and the next, you present a verbal train wreck. I will, however, give you credit for the possibility of being drunk during those accidents, because the only way I could call you out on something like that is if I wasn't drunk right now myself. So, let it be known that I officially think you can't handle liquor and judgement at the same time. But you're fun either way. No harm, no foul.

- I know you're reading this. If you only knew how fun you made the staff forum when you create new accounts, you would totally stop letting us have as good a time as we have. It's rare that we encounter a human being with so little else to do in their lives. You're practically a test study.

- Probably the most well-meaning, sensitive, generic person I've ever met on the internet. No offense. I don't know if you're just very very nice and holding a lot back, or are literally a robot template sent here from a sophisticated other-net whose sole purpose is to emulate human response, but has trouble doing so effectively with text.
You're the kind of person I would trust, simply because I could predict your responses to any situation. While that's comforting in certain situations, it doesn't paint a very detailed picture of who you are against a wash of standardized personalities.

- You're probably the most well-intentioned person I've ever met, to a motherf*cking fault. In your quest to apply your ethics and ideals to the rest of the worldwide population, you fail to acknowledge the circumstances by which a dynamic outside your experience happens to operate. 9 out of 10 times, I read your posts simply hoping for neutral scientific positions. I find that I am increasingly running into this other Tore that thinks Norway = the world. It's disconcerting.
However, I do follow your unbiased approaches in the scientific realms with a fervor that would piss Michio Kaku off.

Which brings me to:

- Because of your dedication to strictly scientific and logical explanation in most regards that actually require it, you're a pretty big deal to me. I read your posts and make notes.
I also know that you and I share music preference, but that's irrelevant in a music forum...

Speaking of music, URBAN.
- You already know you're a d*ck. I don't need to post about you to suddenly bring this to the surface. And that's your major appeal.
However, from the outside, I think maybe it pigeonholes you in a lot of ways, and it doesn't give people the opportunity to see the other sides of you.
Because they aren't on the mailing list for those photos...

- On paper, you are ideal in problem-solving and general ethic. You're creative, and are capable of carrying out, and sticking to, any task you set out for yourself and the benefit of what you work for.
But you seriously hold yourself back by your own image and perception of what you think other people have of you. It's probably more of an assumption from me to say that, but I think it's pretty obvious that you could benefit a lot from simply not giving a f*ck, as could many of us, but you in particular.
I feel like you hold yourself back. I feel like you have the potential to assert yourself far more than you currently do. Other than that, I have no complaints.

- I both love you and hate you. I love that you can be practically the only one holding the views you do, while being the only one to have the balls to stick to them. I might not agree with some (or most) of your positions, but I respect the fact that you don't tailor them to be agreed with, nor do you simply not present them for fear of those ideas not being agreed with. If there's any catalyst for a productive societal debate, it would not be a debate without someone like you around.

- You are on vacation. It would not be right for me to criticize your strict leanings when you are not here to defend them. But, of course I'd just say something like that to get you to ask me a question. You're very good at asking people questions.

- Oh god, where to start. Here's an attempt: ???
You're one of my favorite people on here, because no matter what you say, I can logically conclude you're on drugs, or are just being Big3. It's one of those safe bet things. I don't know if it's because you went to a different grammar school than most of the other people I've come across, or are simply texting while typing, and getting like 3 different bl*wjobs at once, which I could understand would be distracting. I just read the things you say, and picture you texting your posts while skydiving and getting bl*wjobs by like 3 different women who don't even have parachutes. You have something coherent to say, but it gets lost in translation...
I guess I can't blame you. What guy could?

- You look molesterish with your head shaved. I know you're this big designer guy, but take it from me... you're better off with hair. Minimalistic design does not have to extend to your hair follicles.

- You are a character with considerable connotations to another character. And I'm not talking about Popeye. Good luck.

- I haven't cared about anything you've said since you got here. I won't use that as anecdotal evidence for no one else giving a sh*t, but I dunno... I feel comfortable in the assumption that I'm not alone. Good luck mattering.

- At first, you were simply this journal-updating fiend. Now, you are doing stuff in the community. I just want you to know that the more time you're not updating your journal, the more I like you. :)

I guess that's it for now.
If I left anyone out, just give me some more time.

Engine 10-13-2012 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1239862)
If I left anyone out, just give me some more time.

You left me out. Do me now, please.

While I wait, I'll do you:

Freebase Dali, formerly known by the extremely douchey name: Veridical Fiction (Truthful Fiction. Get it, dummies?).

You and I joined MB at approximately the same time in 2009. For the record, I realize that you joined 3 months before I did. You had that tiny avatar that was a picture of Barack O. smoking a cigarette that was popular at the time. And your signature said, "Oh what the fuck"

I wanted to like you because you spoke intelligently but you were such a conceited ass that I couldn't fully respect you. Your insecurities shone like the sun.

I would have totally overlooked these things but I couldn't find anything to like about you. Your insecurity and conceit overlapped as you posted what you considered to be sexy pics of yourself (you know the ones I mean). You paradoxically hated yourself, didn't have much to say about music, wanted positive attention, and considered yourself to be a great asset to MB.

When anybody called you out on the fact that you had nothing to say about music other than the music you created yourself, you retaliated by pointing out that you have more technical computer skills than most here.

Eventually your persistence, intelligence, and tech skills won out and you became a moderator of MB despite your open alcoholic tendencies and egotistic proclivities. I respect all of that.

I actually like you now, or at least have become very used to you. I hate your singing voice but I like your instrumental music. One of the artists on my iTunes menu is Freebase Dali.

PoorOldPo 10-13-2012 08:41 AM

I don't really agree with what Engine said there( Well I don't really know Freebase Dali at all to be honest) . But I do get the feeling there are a few people in here with their heads up their own arses.

Scarlett O'Hara 10-13-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1239862)

- I love you like a sister, but sometimes you are dumb as sh*t. I also think that my actual sisters are dumb as sh*t sometimes. You, however, have this weird ability to phase in and out of a state of intelligence, where one minute, you say all the right things, and the next, you present a verbal train wreck. I will, however, give you credit for the possibility of being drunk during those accidents, because the only way I could call you out on something like that is if I wasn't drunk right now myself. So, let it be known that I officially think you can't handle liquor and judgement at the same time. But you're fun either way. No harm, no foul.

I just want to say that although I was drunk I regret nothing and would do it again! :p:

And personally I think you're wrong about Urban, he just hands out the dick responses to people who deserve it. I like how he doesn't hold back or care what people think. When you look around at the threads and posts he's contributed there is only a small element of that.

Franco Pepe Kalle 10-13-2012 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Freebase Dali (Post 1239862)
- You are a character with considerable connotations to another character. And I'm not talking about Popeye. Good luck.

Freebase Dali let me help you a bit sir.
1) My name is Franco Pepe Kalle not Franko Pepe Kalekekekekeeke as you like it to be.
2) I did not compare myself to Popeye (although I admire him). You did.
3) Who do I remind you of? I have no idea. No idea.

Look you can dislike me but your rather weird commentary speaks volume on you. You seem someone who has a interesting temper and also you can't stand folks who are not like you. I understand. You seem not like the laugh KIEKIEKIEKIEKIE. I understand too. Plus I am a student not a musician myself. I am fan of two late great congolese musicians FRANCO and PEPE KALLE. They died too soon but I will do what I can to keep their names alive.

Let me help you by hearing this smooth song from Franco. the picture on that youtube post is Franco's young brother late Bavon Marie Marie. Franco's vocal is the low tone. His brother originally did this song but Franco did his own version.

PoorOldPo 10-13-2012 04:50 PM

I love Franko, even though he writes weird **** on my wall sometimes and never explains it. I particularly liked his "Go to Minneapolis, you will find several strippers there"

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