Urban Hat€monger ? |
08-21-2012 10:49 AM |
Originally Posted by Trollheart
(Post 1220265)
Urban Hatemonger?: I think he harbours some sort of mysterious resentment of me, I don't know why. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just seems that way.
Not at all
The site is called MusicBANTER, not MusicLoveIn
I know he doesn't like my musical tastes,
Understatement :laughing:
I just can't be doing with all that pompy 80s stadium rock & neo classical semi gothy guff you like. I refuse ever to buy an album that has either a wolf, trees or a woman in long flowing robes on the cover with some ye olde medieval font band logo.
And don't even get me started on the Power Metal.
I would rather die than be seen owning an album that looks like this...
If that doesn't shout out nerd with no social life or ability to talk to women I don't know what does.
I already have allowed myself to be dragged down for my interest in Doctor Who & Wrestling, I don't need anything more bringing me down to that level.
but really, kidnapping Stacey-Lynn and forcing her to undergo such sexual degradation was just taking it a little too far.I wanted to do that!
It was the same for Terry Waite & he managed.
We must sit down and have a serious talk sometime.
No I'm OK thanks, you can keep your fantasies to yourself. Or just talk to Franco or Duck Boy they seems to enjoy that sort of thing far more than I do.
His music isn't to my tastes either, but I like his writing, sadly not enough of it at the moment.
Quality not quantity
I'm not sure why there's now a question mark in his name: is the hatred diminishing? Perish the thought!
Keep wishing.