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someonecompletelyrandom 08-13-2012 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by LoathsomePete (Post 1217666)

Another mod who seems to be MIA lately, but after reading his last thread it's pretty obvious why. We've definitely had a more close connection over the last 3-years as we both tried to do various projects to help the forum out, like our zine that only lasted 1 issue. He's definitely one of the very talented members on the forum, and I do enjoy listening to his music. I hope that in his absence he's been working on an LP or something, because that would be pretty awesome.

Thanks for the mention, Pete! Ah, the e-zine. Those were the days. I still feel bad about going one issue and cancelling it without your input. It was just as much yours as mine and I was just too lazy. Maybe we can get that going again one of these days.

Or maybe not. First I want to revive my massive genre definition compilation thing. When I start working from home again you'll be seeing more of me. :yeah:

FRED HALE SR. 08-17-2012 11:30 AM

Hermione- Great sense of humor contrary to popular belief. Total smartass much like myself. Similar taste in music although she dislikes the Ramones.

Duce/Howard- This guy actually really has a varied discography and adds alot to the music threads. Kind of gets under peoples skin at times, but I like his contributions.

Fetching- Great personality, seems like one of the guys. Needs to go see a Dr though shes sick like 80 percent of the year.

Batlord- Has a similar taste for Metal and Punk as me. Good jokester and loves to derail the lounge as much as myself.

Bastard Of The Young- Great taste in music from my perspective. Seems to hearken back to the 80s alot like myself when it comes to what hardcore he deems as best. Probably has a more open ear then myself and tries out alot of things i probably wouldn't. Similar to Bob, people really seem to like him and it seems justified to me.

Jackhammer- Great reviews of movies, Great taste in reggae and Metal which i appreciate. Tshirt wearing guy like myself, seems to have great kids which is always indicative of great parenting. Solid guy.

Burning Down- Nice gal, REM fan like myself. Seems to be knowledgable in theory of music which I also strive to be. Great at being neutral when it comes to modding. Always seems calm and happy, good traits.

Mojo 08-17-2012 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1219786)
Fetching- Great personality, seems like one of the guys. Needs to go see a Dr though shes sick like 80 percent of the year.

She's Scottish. She should just be happy that it isn't terminal.

Burning Down 08-17-2012 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1219786)
Burning Down- Nice gal, REM fan like myself. Seems to be knowledgable in theory of music which I also strive to be. Great at being neutral when it comes to modding. Always seems calm and happy, good traits.

Thanks! Yeah, I think I'm pretty knowledgeable in music theory. It's just something that I study in school ;)

jackhammer 08-17-2012 07:01 PM

I have not been too active here over the last few months but those I have been in contact with or conversed with recently:

bob - love this guy to bits. Great music tastes, introduced me to to a brilliant T shirt site (mate this site is awesome!) and has no hidden agendas. What you see is what you get. Has lived it, loved it and still wanting more.

Janszoon - His emotional control is superb and nothing seems to faze him. He can brush off the most antagonstic idiots on here with a witty aside I could swear he has English blood! If I ever get to the U.S, a night on the piss with bob and Janszoon would be an absolutely fantastic night. Unless he dances to a George Michael track that is.

Trollheart - I am so glad he has emerged from the shadowy cave of his journal to get involved in the whole site as he has a wicked sense of humour and is very knowledgeable about music even if it isn't to everyones tastes. It doesn't matter what sort of music you are into if you have passion for what you listen to then that is a true barometer of a music fan for me.

Canwll Corfe - I should really take notice more of the music he posts. He only seems to deal in select genres but he knows his stuff and it is almost always underground but decent too. He may not 'splash' himself all over the forum with a vast musical knowledge but what he is into regarding underground music more than makes up for it.

Howard The Duck or Il Duce - The place would not be the same without him and whatever his views he always contributes.

Burning Down - A blossoming flower and the sexual experience thread is a very entertaining with her posts and I am pleased she is 'enjoying' herself these days ;)

Stu (Sneer) - a bastard as he only appears every couple of months, drops a shedload of awesome albums on us and then ****s off! Post more!

Ki - there was some altercations on here with him a couple of months back that I am not au fait with but he is a very passionate music fan and when he talks about a band/album then it is worth listening to especially if you like his music tastes.

Pedestrian - One of the best mods MB have ever had. Full stop. (We don't say period here as it's a messy subject).

Hermione - I have been an ******* to her a few times in the SB and yet she still holds no grudges which shows good character. Definitely should contribute more in the music forums as she has more knowledge than is posted. Great tat's too.

The Metalheads - Batlord, Unknown Soldier, Almauro, Engine (not strictly a Metalhead) and Blarobbarg amongst others are those of a rare breed who are not blinkered enough to think that Metal is the only genre of music and they all know their stuff.

Many more to mention but it is late here :( Loathsome Pete, Satchmo etc.

I miss Gavin B :)

Fetching - have u provided your voice yet as I am dying to hear that Scottish Brogue ;)

Cru Hoor is a cool fella and Fred Hale too.

I really should slag someone off to balance it out!

Goofle 08-17-2012 07:18 PM

Janszoon - Only recently started to "interact" with the great man, despite following his journal ever since I got here. I feel that he speaks his mind, even if it is in the form of a simple :laughing: icon. Either way, seems like a cool guy that respects all genres of music, and is willing to give anything a chance.

Janszoon 08-17-2012 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1219967)
Janszoon - His emotional control is superb and nothing seems to faze him. He can brush off the most antagonstic idiots on here with a witty aside I could swear he has English blood! If I ever get to the U.S, a night on the piss with bob and Janszoon would be an absolutely fantastic night. Unless he dances to a George Michael track that is.

Haha, I will definitely take that as a compliment! And, yes, a drunken night with you and bob would be a blast. I'm the midway point by the way—you both need to come to Philly! :)


Originally Posted by Goofle11 (Post 1219976)
Janszoon - Only recently started to "interact" with the great man, despite following his journal ever since I got here. I feel that he speaks his mind, even if it is in the form of a simple :laughing: icon. Either way, seems like a cool guy that respects all genres of music, and is willing to give anything a chance.

Thanks Goofle! That's very nice of you to say. And I'm glad to hear someone reads my journals. :laughing:

Key 08-17-2012 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1219967)

Ki - there was some altercations on here with him a couple of months back that I am not au fait with but he is a very passionate music fan and when he talks about a band/album then it is worth listening to especially if you like his music tastes.

Thanks! I appreciate the mention.

Paedantic Basterd 08-17-2012 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1219967)
Pedestrian - One of the best mods MB have ever had. Full stop. (We don't say period here as it's a messy subject).

Ah heck, thanks. It's an honour that you think so.

The Batlord 08-18-2012 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1216552)
The Batlord: He may not know it, but I love this guy to death. One of the funnier members on the forum who delivers his humor in one of the better ways. Makes reading his posts more exciting and always knows how to make someone laugh, even if the thread or the post he's responding to has nothing funny to it.


Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR. (Post 1219786)
Batlord- Has a similar taste for Metal and Punk as me. Good jokester and loves to derail the lounge as much as myself.


Originally Posted by jackhammer (Post 1219967)
The Metalheads - Batlord, Unknown Soldier, Almauro, Engine (not strictly a Metalhead) and Blarobbarg amongst others are those of a rare breed who are not blinkered enough to think that Metal is the only genre of music and they all know their stuff.

It appears that people are finally acknowledging my obvious greatness. You may kiss my ring. ;)

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