Lisnaholic |
06-09-2012 06:13 PM |
Thanks for the kind words, Cru Hoor. To judge from your posts, you seem to be a very genuine, all-round nice guy, which I`m sure is why you`ve made such firm friendships in the short time that you`ve been here. Your combination of being friendly, inquisitive and funny has livened up many threads here.
Likewise, thanks to Burning Down, who is one of our best mods; always discreet, always reasonable. Together with Pedestrian, you give the impression that every woman in Canada is charming, sympathetic and intelligent - so it would be nice if you posted more often too !
A quick, special thanks to Tore, who was exceptionally helpful to me when I first arrived here.
Regarding other MB members, too numerous to mention, I think Canned Heat must`ve had you in mind when they wrote that optimistic hippie-era song, "Good People Everywhere I Go". Anyway, that`s how I usually feel as I mooch around the threads...