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Old 05-26-2012, 01:45 PM   #1471 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
I'm really glad that I found Music Banter.

Everyone on here seems cool and mature enough to accept everyone has a different opinion and tastes in music. I'm glad it's not overly serious though and that there is joking and banter (pardon the pun) going on!

You are all most excellent human beings.
Stick around for a bit. I'm betting that your opinion will change in a few months of posting here.
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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Old 05-27-2012, 12:10 PM   #1472 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
I'm really glad that I found Music Banter.

Everyone on here seems cool and mature enough to accept everyone has a different opinion and tastes in music. I'm glad it's not overly serious though and that there is joking and banter (pardon the pun) going on!

You are all most excellent human beings.
My mother was right.
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Old 05-27-2012, 07:51 PM   #1473 (permalink)
Do good.
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Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
I'm really glad that I found Music Banter.

Everyone on here seems cool and mature enough to accept everyone has a different opinion and tastes in music. it's not overly serious though and that there is joking and banter (pardon the pun) going on!

You are all most excellent human beings.
Stick around for a bit. I'm betting that your opinion will change in a few months of posting here.

...By the way, I'm pretty sure that's not physically possible. Unless you have synesthesia or something.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ^my RYM^  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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Old 05-29-2012, 11:21 AM   #1474 (permalink)
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haven't done one of these in a while

MrD00d/Sam - He is so laidback and easy-going. He never seems to have anything negative to say at all to anyone and doesn't even seem to care if he's in a turntable room of silly girls who are playing all bad pop music. He still awesomes every song. I enjoy that. Totally unpretentious.

Urbs- I've never done one of these on him because he used to say rude things about me on a regular basis, but I really respect him even if we don't see eye to eye on a lot of things. He says a lot of things I'd already thought but wasn't going to say because it would invite drama. It's always interesting to see him in a thread displaying his vast knowledge of music and musical history.

Brennan/Big3 - I've already done one for him but my opinion has changed over time. I like to harass him with stupid songs via Spotify a lot, and spamming his wall with bullshit. He likes to tease back, and it's fun to have friendly banter with someone as smart and funny as he is. As much as he tries, he'll never be able to get me to like Tom Waits tho.

FireWaterBurn - Is this guy actually a reincarnation of Dirty? Because he really is the spitting image of the white boy bro type. It's obnoxious. Your opinion is not gospel, bro. Every time he comes in the shoutbox , I have to roll my eyes at least once a minute about the shit he says.

WWWP/Stephenie/Cherry Pie/Wolverwoman - I love her, it used to be me and Amandria (AwwSugar) as the tightest knit on here, and she's definitely completes us. She has good taste in everything, even if she h8s ebooks.

PoorOldPo/Conor - I thought he was a little derpy at first, but I think he's just perpetually stoned. Nice guy though, and he doesn't get all hyperdefensive if I get snarky at him. I like him a lot, and he is a very talented artist.

- I think Tom is a reincarnation of Michael/CunningStunt whom I miss very much. Funny guy, good sense of humour.

downwardspiral, NumberNineDream, bannister, dankrsta, +81, Bulldog, dreadly, FaSho,storymilo, gunnels,Thrice - Where the fuck are all y'all?!?!?! I MISS THESE FUCKERS

that's all for now, I hope I didn't leave anyone out.
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Old 05-29-2012, 01:33 PM   #1475 (permalink)
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Oh I forgot:

Ki and girlfriend - No one is jealous of your relationship, especially not me. And Ki, if you feel you're allowed to whine about Urban's conduct, it's extremely hypocritical for you to attack me for criticising you for trying desperately to prove you're getting laid to internet people. And to your girlfriend, cutting down other women does not make you look better, it makes you look horrible. And the idolising serial killers doesn't make you look kewl and edgy, it makes you look unhinged and try hard.
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Old 05-29-2012, 02:14 PM   #1476 (permalink)
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Ditto on WWWP/Stephi/Stephamonster (I just made that up)

I love her to death and she fits in perfectly and I think we'd be bestest friends in real life.
And I appreciate her love for potatoes.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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Old 05-29-2012, 02:25 PM   #1477 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hermione View Post
Oh I forgot:

Ki and girlfriend - No one is jealous of your relationship, especially not me. And Ki, if you feel you're allowed to whine about Urban's conduct, it's extremely hypocritical for you to attack me for criticising you for trying desperately to prove you're getting laid to internet people. And to your girlfriend, cutting down other women does not make you look better, it makes you look horrible. And the idolising serial killers doesn't make you look kewl and edgy, it makes you look unhinged and try hard.
Fair enough.

Figured i'd say something in here after taking a beating for expressing an opinion about Urban. Whether or not it was the right or wrong thing to do, I understand that it wasn't done in the most respectable manner and I should have just contacted him via PM, though a few weeks before I had posted my thoughts on him, I did send him a PM about who I was years ago and was hoping to get a response and be friends, I was left with no response, which may be due to the fact that he was busy, so i'm not even going to try to be angry or upset about that. Basically I just want to apologize to the people who were either offended by what I said to him, to him directly, and to the forum for even having to see the posts. I agree, I am a hypocrite. Most of the things I do in life would make me look like a hypocrite, and i've been told that on a number of occasions, so I take that as a "I need to work on that" sort of thing instead of a direct insult. I also unfortunately have a very short fuse, so the smallest thing that may seem like a negativity will set me off for whatever reason, and when I get into that stage of anger, I can't bring myself down, mostly for the fact that I was never taught to mellow myself out. Which has been something i've been trying to work on for years now.

As for the whole avatar size thing, I do understand that it was seen only as a guideline, and I was only going off the understanding of what I saw was a rule to follow.

With all that being said, I would again like to express my apologies again and hopefully we can all leave this behind us. It was my intention to call him out, but I did not expect for this to happen the way it did.
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Old 05-29-2012, 04:39 PM   #1478 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Hermione View Post

PoorOldPo/Conor - I thought he was a little derpy at first, but I think he's just perpetually stoned. Nice guy though, and he doesn't get all hyperdefensive if I get snarky at him. I like him a lot, and he is a very talented artist.


Awh that means a lot Pal.....Hermione. I have always liked you and respected you for saying what you think. You have always been one of the most interesting members for me. <3


Is a dude. I respect him because he seems really easy to get on with and he seems to be one chilled out mofo. Hope to get to know him better in the future.


I consider him one of my main bros on Music Banter. I think he is funny, witty and I really admired him for contributing in my psychedelic thread even though its not always his type of music.


My best friend on Music Banter. Can't say enough good about her!

Another one of my main bros on here, love him. We have a similar taste in music and he seems to have a lot in common with me outside of the internet.


I usually have some really interesting and bizarre conversations with him. I like having someone to have really bizarre ****ed up conversations with. Also he seems to know what he is talking about usually and well informed.


Don't know him/ her well enough yet but so far I really like him/ her ( it ).

Thom Yorke

I like Thom Yorke because he is an amazing musician from one of my favourite bands and I also think he is a great poster on here, he seems to be a little catalyst of positivity which is always a good thing.

Burning Down

She has a good sense of humour and she is very easy to get on with, another member I want to get to know better as well.

Will post more soon, there are a good few other members that just confused the **** out of me when they changed their names and stuff.
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Old 05-29-2012, 04:41 PM   #1479 (permalink)
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Oh Yes! And the Batlord

One of my favourite posters because of his crude jokes and he seems to have a similar weird sense of humour that I pride myself in having. He also seems to appreciate my intended stupidity.
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Old 05-29-2012, 07:11 PM   #1480 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PoorOldPo View Post
Burning Down

She has a good sense of humour and she is very easy to get on with, another member I want to get to know better as well.
Thanks! And just ask if you want to know anything. I never know what to tell people about myself.
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