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Plankton 05-10-2012 12:23 PM

This was a fun read.

FETCHER. 05-10-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1187770)
You really don't get it, do you? It's not the avatar that's the issue, it's the fact that regardless of guidelines or rules, he can just do whatever the **** he wants and never seems to have to apologize or fix the problem. There's no reason all the other mods should have to follow a guideline, yet he doesn't have to. For some reason, people have just allowed him to be privileged around here, and quite frankly, it's annoying that people like you and some others around here seem that sucking his dick will put you on his good side.

It's annoying as hell people like you coming in here and crying like a little bitch over some pixels. Get a grip of your fucking life Milano.


Originally Posted by tore (Post 1187781)
The ironic thing about posts like these is that they seem so bitter. You'll rip on Ki for "crying", yet he's actually being constructive in his criticism. You're the one who's only crying here. I think Urban can defend himself and doesn't need you to act butthurt towards any criticism of his actions.

Personally, I love Urban and think he's a great asset to a site and community which owes him a lot. Still, I agree with Ki that mods shouldn't troll newbs and, as I was the one to complain about Conan's avatar, of course I think Urban's avatar should be within the limits as well. I agree that there should be some flexibility regarding rules, but I feel mods should put forth a good example and when exercising his "right" to troll, he should do it towards people who know him rather than newbs.

This is generally speaking and completely disregarding context, though. I'll admit that if a newb was sufficiently douchy, I would care less about mods trolling him or her.

You know what Tore, you're right. I'm so devastated someone has complained about Urban, I literally JUST had time to post that gif. I've been so busy sucking his dick, you know?


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1187782)
That doesn't excuse the fact that he's supposed to be setting an example for new members of the community. If he doesn't follow the rules around here, the new members notice that they can say whatever they want, but than they get in trouble for it. I don't see how that's very "structured" in terms of newcomers.

He's on a musicforum!!! With an avatar a little too wide. He's hardly smoking crack infront young impressionable children. Jesus christ. You need to get your prioritys right man.


Originally Posted by Sneer (Post 1187784)
Aren't you a brave one for standing up to the great, marauding force that is Urban.

I know the injustices of forum politics can wear down even the most stoic of posters, but seriously, suck it up. Get out more. Read a book. Go and live a little instead of bleating about a member's supposed flouting of the guidelines on a fucking music forum.

Amen sister.

anticipation 05-10-2012 12:26 PM

GuitarBizarre 05-10-2012 12:32 PM

I think Ki's first post sort of had a point, honestly. Urban can be one of those guys where I sometimes think "That was...a little far".

But honestly, this little pissing match is just embarassing on both sides.

Ki - You're done here now too? Great. Don't let the door hit you on the way out because you basically tried to lead an attack on someone and found out nobody had your corner. Unless you truly are unbelievably thin skinned, there's no way you don't realise that Urban gets leeway and frankly, so does everyone else who isn't a total nooblet. Hell, I *KNOW* I've been given leeway in things before now and I'm thankful for it.

Urban - Why are you so desperate to prove yourself here? You're coming off a little weird about this whole affair, a little touchy, if anything.

Now with that said, let us spend the obligatory 2 seconds pretending we give a **** about Ki proclaiming his departure.

Key 05-10-2012 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre (Post 1187859)

Now with that said, let us spend the obligatory 2 seconds pretending we give a **** about Ki proclaiming his departure.

Who said I was leaving?

Paedantic Basterd 05-10-2012 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1187863)
Who said I was leaving?

He meant from the topic, not the site.

duga 05-10-2012 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre (Post 1187859)
Unless you truly are unbelievably thin skinned, there's no way you don't realise that Urban gets leeway and frankly, so does everyone else who isn't a total nooblet. Hell, I *KNOW* I've been given leeway in things before now and I'm thankful for it.

This. So many people get bent out of shape when they first show up. Do some thread browsing and you'll see how the regulars are a community here...the jayshreddz thing proved that. The rules are there so ass holes that first show up don't make a mess of things...then once we know you are here to contribute and/or just hang out we let things slide.

Urban Hat€monger ? 05-10-2012 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre (Post 1187859)

Urban - Why are you so desperate to prove yourself here? You're coming off a little weird about this whole affair, a little touchy, if anything.

Who's desperate?
I'm just answering his criticisms.


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 1187854)
I've been so busy sucking his dick, you know?

You done yet? I got stuff to do.

What was your name BTW?

Unknown Soldier 05-10-2012 12:55 PM

Ki is a great guy and a great asset to the site, but I'm surprised that he has attacked Urban like so in this thread. @Ki ever since I've been here, the rules of the site have been guidelines and nothing more and the mods have controlled the site in a sensible way. Urban has always been the dominant mod if you like, the bad cop as opposed to the good cops portrayed by the other mods. I've seen him lay into people, most of them have been brats or people that have just gone too far. At times he says stuff, that if you're not British could be deemed offensive, so there is a slight cultural issue there in interpreting his humour and some of the stuff he says. Personally I can't imagine MB without him, because who else is going to slap down the trolls and morons on here.

right-track 05-10-2012 01:26 PM

I think we should all take a moment...and thank God VEGAN doesn't post much these days.

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