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RVCA 12-14-2011 10:51 PM

Oh, trust me, Tumor can take your criticism. If anyone can take criticism, it's her.

Queen Boo 12-15-2011 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by blastingas10 (Post 1132616)
I'd like to see how you take criticism. You're probably one of those people who can't be criticized because you're never wrong in your own mind.

Bull****. Anyone that's talked to me knows I'm my own worst critic. I'm aware of my flaws and I admit them. Like right now, I'll admit that I really like being a bitch.

TheBig3 12-15-2011 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by blastingas10 (Post 1132616)
I'd like to see how you take criticism. You're probably one of those people who can't be criticized because you're never wrong in your own mind.

I don't know if she's ever not being criticized, but maybe I'm just projecting.

Salami 12-15-2011 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 1132833)
Bull****. Anyone that's talked to me knows I'm my own worst critic. I'm aware of my flaws and I admit them. Like right now, I'll admit that I really like being a bitch.

You even admit it in your title...

Now, I'll treat you to some more of my thoughts on MB members:

TheCunningStunt: I've only encountered him a few times, but each time he was hilarious. I hope he'll be around a lot next year.

Tumor: I'll agree with Urb on her: a lot of people don't really get her and think she's a troll. I don't think that's fair, to be honest. From my converasations with her in the shoutbox, she's more prepared to make fun of herself than anyone else. She can be a bit obscene, but who cares? So can Urb, and there's nothing wrong with him.

Stu: My Union Jack was hung up the right way round. You just dislike me so much that you chose to interpret right-track's comment as being sarcastic. You mean person. I was going to follow your Emporium of Sound journal too. Now I think I'll postpone reading that for a while.

Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra: Contrary to what people might think, he does have some very interesting tastes in music. I have MuMu to thank for this. I'll need to talk with him a bit more often.

TheBig3: I don't get how he's going to win the "Angriest member award". He seems very pleasant company and I've not seen anything that he's done that has angered me. And I've read the "Rage Against the MODchine" thread. Thought he wasn't doing anything wrong, sounded perfectly reasonable to me.

Right-track: Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him in the shoutbox last week. He's back! Maybe only for the odd post, but he's still back.

Tsunami: Oh go away and stop trying to email me cyberpuke.

duga: the awesomest person ever. Definitely my favourite member here. Every post is genius.

Rubato: I really hope he stays around. Very interesting person.

s_k: I don't find him inane or creepy in any way. I think he's just really friendly. And considering English isn't even his first language, I think people are being unnecessarily mean.

Paedantic Basterd 12-15-2011 09:38 AM

You'll have to pardon Stu on that one, it was me who first interpreted RT's post as a sneaky, but vicious jab.

s_k 12-15-2011 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Tumor (Post 1132403)
This is a rather passive agressive post for someone so "friendly" and "nice".

s_k, you need to learn how to take criticism. You flip out everytime somebody says they don't like you or points out one of your flaws. Not everybody you meet in the world is going to like you and that's okay. You don't like everybody, do you? Whether you creep people out because of shit that goes along with your aspergers syndrome or because your personality has a creepy vibe to it (or because you said that you saved pictures from the member gallery to wank to or something), you should ignore it or tell them to go fuck themselves rather than letting them know that you're upset.

Next time somebody says something like that to you, consider the criticism and use it to better yourself.

P. S.: This post is a very roundabout way of telling you to blow it out of your ass.

Well, thanks for taking the time :).
Point I, I can take criticism if I see why.
But I cannot get why I should be criticized for being friendly? Is that defendable?
You never hear me deny being a bad debater though :).

Salami 12-15-2011 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pedestrian (Post 1132881)
You'll have to pardon Stu on that one, it was me who first interpreted RT's post as a sneaky, but vicious jab.


No, I think right-track was just genuinely pleased that I'd got it right. It would have been pretty dumb of me to have got something so obvious wrong!
If I had, I wouldn't have minded Stu having a go at me (it's only a flag!!!), but I don't think he would have known if it was right or wrong without right -track pointing it out.

One more for today:

Unchained Ballad: Love this guy. He's very funny, and I think his journal is fascinating. We even love the same sitcoms, for anyone who was confused by our odd posts in the shoutbox....

Above 12-15-2011 10:17 AM

Mighty Salami: You're creepy, and the way you try to suck up to other members is something I try VERY hard to tolerate.

Pedestrian: You go out of your way to invest a lot of time into this community, so thanks.

Stu: Interesting music taste from what I've seen on the Mumu's. No offense but you seem like a downer. You speak your mind though, which I like.

Jack Pat: A polite young man and I have you to think for bringing some jazz into my life!

Janszoon: You are my Industrial-buddy-fo'-lyf yo.

Sneer 12-15-2011 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Mighty Salami (Post 1132871)

Stu: My Union Jack was hung up the right way round. You just dislike me so much that you chose to interpret right-track's comment as being sarcastic. You mean person. I was going to follow your Emporium of Sound journal too. Now I think I'll postpone reading that for a while.

No, I did not purposefully chose to interpret the comment in a way that mocks you, I evidently made a mistake. It isn't my intention to display my irritation towards you at any given opportunity, you post a lot of crap around here and I mostly bite my tongue, granted I've slipped up a couple of times. I don't want to come across a bully.

Without meaning to sound patronising, I appreciate you're only 16 and, in all honesty, I was a bit of a douche at that age too. Depending on who you talk to, I still can be.

p.s. Please read my journal, PLEASE!

Salami 12-15-2011 12:43 PM

I don't think you've seen enough of me to say that, Above. See what Ska said a couple of weeks ago:

Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra (Post 1128270)
Mighty Salami - Ever since I had the audacity to defend Keiji Haino this guy has had it out for me. Lucky, too, since he's been sticking his head up every other member's ass for attention (He' making commentaries about members who were here before him). Pretty much has the exact same opinion as Rolling Stone magazine on everything, so I see his outtake here completely pointless. Complete non-thinking classic rock guitar zombie who refuses to accept new approaches, and ideas.

BlastingGas - Basically Mighty Salami's clone.

Obviously we've been getting on a lot better since then, but I don't go out of my way to "suck up".

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