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Old 10-02-2008, 09:25 PM   #211 (permalink)
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We'll I hope I answered most questions,
You can hate me , or like me, but either way I have have moeny pooring in, from a lot of different angles in the music industry.

Talk later
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:32 PM   #212 (permalink)
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Default YOu really need to research a lot more

Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
If you had ever had more than a thousand hits from anywhere, why is it that googling 'http://jordanriversguitarforum.blogspot.com/' returns only 25 results total?

And its the same story across other search engines too. Altavista and Yahoo return only 3 results, all of which are direct links to your crappy little site.

Of the google results, all but a couple of them are links to comments on things like digg and reddit, where some randomly named account says that you're the best in the world despite the fact no-one has ever heard of you. More than a couple of the links are actually comments you have posted under your own name, regardless of any stupid alter ego accounts.

One of the links is a blog of someone who posts upwards of 10 music blog links a day and no other content. Interestingly, its still only stumbled upon your 'WILDLY SUCCESSFUL' career in august of this year...

On top of that, googling some of the random names that are commenting on the digg stories and so on, all but a couple of them have never actually appeared anywhere else on the respective sites except to plug your crap. Of the two that have appeared elsewhere, the writing styles and heroes of their other comments all have a particular feeling of echo about them, since you're terrible at hiding your writing style.

And for the love of god, one of them is named 'Cindy42DD' and their avatar is a woman with more plastic in her tits than the interior of most economy cars. More fake couldn't be achieved if you tried.
Go on Yahoo and type in ( Linkdomain:jordanriversguitarforum.blogspot.com and you'll pull up near 385 links posted to that site.And the site is used as a place for people to find me, it's really not a sales site but more of a place for people to go and find music info.
My biggest sales come from Press-release's......and getting press-release's ranked very high in only 2 hours time. That's works better than web sites every time.
So working press-release's and mass emails is far better than a web site for selling.
But understand I don't work that site much, and the reason is, amazon.com , itunes,sony,napster,emusic,Rhapsody and other companies sell my music online. I also sell in real life stores.And during concerts.
Another thing, do some research and you'll find millions of people online posting about my music, but you need to do some research, because I am in a lot of area's, more than just guitar,rock, blues, jazz,keyboards, gospel,churches, and how to make money selling music and marketing it online,music fan clubs ect.........the list goes on and on, I don't think you scratched the surface yet do you?

Now I answered as many questions today as I have time for.
I can't waste any more time here today.

I have a concert at a fair to do tomorrow so I'll be back in a day or so
C ya all, GW

P.S. Also this CD started selling on June 28th this year, it's newer.
The trick to selling a CD online is to sell it for 5 years.
After 3 years the money really starts to build up and sales become amazing in size and numbers.
Last year I went by the name Jordan Rivers

Last edited by RockGuitar101; 10-02-2008 at 09:42 PM.
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:41 PM   #213 (permalink)
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Which GW Williams tune is most annoying? - Topix

Now please tell me, does this not in some way contradict the idea that 3,500 people voted you the #1 guitar player on Topix.com?

I particularly liked these lame attempts to promote yourself:

GW Williams , the Guitar Worlds Hottest Topic - Free-Press-Release.com
GW Williams Is The Sexiest Man Alive, He's a Rock Guitar Player with a Hot body,and Women Adore Him - Free-Press-Release.com

And this ****storm from your supposed 'fans' at Topix...

Who's...The Greatest Guitar Player...Of All Time - Topix

I like the way the retort to him exposing another pack of lies by you was to start talking about your biceps and weight.

You're a sham.
Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
As for me, my inbox is as of yet testicle-free, and hopefully remains that way. Don't the rest of you get any ideas.
Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'll have you know, my ancestors were Kings of Wicklow! We're as Irish as losing a three-nil lead in a must-win fixture!
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:49 PM   #214 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RockGuitar101 View Post
Go on Yahoo and type in ( Linkdomain:jordanriversguitarforum.blogspot.com and you'll pull up near 385 links posted to that site.And the site is used as a place for people to find me, it's really not a sales site but more of a place for people to go and find music info.
My biggest sales come from Press-release's......and getting press-release's ranked very high in only 2 hours time. That's works better than web sites every time.
So working press-release's and mass emails is far better than a web site for selling.
But understand I don't work that site much, and the reason is, amazon.com , itunes,sony,napster,emusic,Rhapsody and other companies sell my music online. I also sell in real life stores.And during concerts.
Another thing, do some research and you'll find millions of people online posting about my music, but you need to do some research, because I am in a lot of area's, more than just guitar,rock, blues, jazz,keyboards, gospel,churches, and how to make money selling music and marketing it online,music fan clubs ect.........the list goes on and on, I don't think you scratched the surface yet do you?

Now I answered as many questions today as I have time for.
I can't waste any more time here today.

I have a concert at a fair to do tomorrow so I'll be back in a day or so
C ya all, GW

P.S. Also this CD started selling on June 28th this year, it's newer.
The trick to selling a CD online is to sell it for 5 years.
After 3 years the money really starts to build up and sales become amazing in size and numbers.
Last year I went by the name Jordan Rivers
I just did exactly that and it gave me 74 inbound links, of which, once again the vast majority were inbound from comments pages on other blogs and news aggregation sites.

Also, for someone who doesn't work that site much, why do you care about how many hits it gets enough to count them and put links to it everywhere you can?

Now playing: Jerry Cantrell - Bargain Basement Howard Hughes
via FoxyTunes
Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
As for me, my inbox is as of yet testicle-free, and hopefully remains that way. Don't the rest of you get any ideas.
Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'll have you know, my ancestors were Kings of Wicklow! We're as Irish as losing a three-nil lead in a must-win fixture!
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:51 PM   #215 (permalink)
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Default Topix....truth

Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
Which GW Williams tune is most annoying? - Topix

Now please tell me, does this not in some way contradict the idea that 3,500 people voted you the #1 guitar player on Topix.com?

I particularly liked these lame attempts to promote yourself:

GW Williams , the Guitar Worlds Hottest Topic - Free-Press-Release.com
GW Williams Is The Sexiest Man Alive, He's a Rock Guitar Player with a Hot body,and Women Adore Him - Free-Press-Release.com

And this ****storm from your supposed 'fans' at Topix...

Who's...The Greatest Guitar Player...Of All Time - Topix

I like the way the retort to him exposing another pack of lies by you was to start talking about your biceps and weight.

You're a sham.
First topix, can not be cheated in votes.
It took a lot of people to vote, and that voting ending a long time back.
Also I was into bodybuilding for a very long time and still lift weights.
Next about Topix, there appears to be about 5 or 5 flamers there trying to copy my writing style and act and appear as me.
To make me look foolish.
In truth, this is funny I think and still makes me a ton of sales.
As far as my arm size, 19 inches is the most I go for these days, I was at 20 1/4 at 6 foot 3 and 245 pounds, chest at my largest was 54 inches.
I am older now so I have cut down to about 222 this morning, and I still lift a lot and run a few miles. I did compete in sports for 10 years also.
And excerised 2 hours every day.

I think guitar players should be strong, a teacher in college once told the class to remember, guitar players are finger athelets. Look at Stevie Ray Vaughan, he look strong than most guitar players of his time.
Why not be strong, look at Zack Wylde, he looks to lift weights also.
So what's wrong with that?

NOw I really must go, I do have a lot to do for tomorrow's concert

Last edited by RockGuitar101; 10-02-2008 at 10:12 PM.
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:55 PM   #216 (permalink)
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Default SDorry do it again, you're way off

Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
I just did exactly that and it gave me 74 inbound links, of which, once again the vast majority were inbound from comments pages on other blogs and news aggregation sites.

Also, for someone who doesn't work that site much, why do you care about how many hits it gets enough to count them and put links to it everywhere you can?

Now playing: Jerry Cantrell - Bargain Basement Howard Hughes
via FoxyTunes
You're laughable

I just ran it on yahoo,and today it's posting 354 links, those numbers can go up and down daily as Yahoo upgrades it's link farm. Some days it's over 400.
right now 354, that number can change and go higher tomorrow.
AS far as your 74, get real, that was stated for flamming me.
Anyonme can go check and see the real numbers. It's 354 right now.
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Old 10-02-2008, 09:59 PM   #217 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
I just did exactly that and it gave me 74 inbound links, of which, once again the vast majority were inbound from comments pages on other blogs and news aggregation sites.

Also, for someone who doesn't work that site much, why do you care about how many hits it gets enough to count them and put links to it everywhere you can?

Now playing: Jerry Cantrell - Bargain Basement Howard Hughes
via FoxyTunes
I don't count the hits to that site, I am business and money making web designer, once a month I check all the sites in the Linkdomain:
It's the best way to check all Backlinks, you use that code and you don't need a company to do it for you.
But I think you know that now?

I may have over 100 websites Out there.
But still press-release's is where the money is at.
I can post 20 press-release's in a day and get 16 ranked in the top 5 on google. That's very good averaging. And I don't pay a dime for those press-release's

I can only say 1 thing.......many of you are commenting trying to find fault with my system.
Good for you, explore and learn something new.
But before you keep trying to shoot me down, because you can't find info online, maybe your looking in the wrong places. I have number 1 rankings in google, in some area's in up to 50 million plus pages on google.
People see those.
Many are press-release's.
WE live in a day and age when websites are no longer king to make sales, but press-release's work 1000 times faster.

Also those lin ks you posted, the sexiest man alive was done by my friend mr Towers, he wanted to do something funny and he knew I believe in shock selling. I told him to go for it, I watched him right it and at the end I told him, say Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez I am a man also.

So my Geeeeeeeeez was all my input, if you look at the writting style it's not mine.
And that's easy too see.
But if he wanted to do this, so be it.
Most people know it was done in fun, a few might take it the other way, but I really don't care what people think. I think he did it for fun to see the responce.
So I let him do it.

Hope that tells you more, it's all about sales, and selling from every angle and it works.

Last edited by RockGuitar101; 10-02-2008 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 10-02-2008, 10:01 PM   #218 (permalink)
Later on...
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Im 18
and thank you for commenting on my youthful appearance...hopefully ill stay like that.
but ive never attempted to portray a tough image
im just offended by your self aggrandizement.
O G MUDBONE: Only You can prevent forest fires.
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Old 10-02-2008, 10:03 PM   #219 (permalink)
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Apparently, enough to do that you staye online for another 25 minutes just to make up some bull**** about people hating you enough to impersonate you.

Sorry, but even as self centered as you obviously are, I find ithard to believe you'd delude yourself that anyone is actually that bothered about you to impersonate you.

Hell, the only reason I'm still here showing your dumb ass up at every turn is because I honestly have nothing better to do.

But hey. If you're really the incredible guitar master you say you are, I have a challenge for you. How about you go back into that intonation thread anytime in the next millenium or so, and show me how I'm wrong?

Or how about you post some improvisation up on here? Just you and a guitar. I'll be more than happy to school the **** out of you no matter what you play. Fact is, after listening to the sad attempts at music making you have sampled on emusic, well, I'm damn sure I am a better guitarist than you, and I'm more than happy to prove it if need be. I'll even let you choose the backing track if you really need your comfort zone that badly just to accept the challenge.
Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
As for me, my inbox is as of yet testicle-free, and hopefully remains that way. Don't the rest of you get any ideas.
Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'll have you know, my ancestors were Kings of Wicklow! We're as Irish as losing a three-nil lead in a must-win fixture!
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Old 10-02-2008, 10:06 PM   #220 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RockGuitar101 View Post
I don't count the hits to that site, I am business and money making web designer, once a month I check all the sites in the Linkdomain:
It's the best way to check all Backlinks, you use that code and you don't need a company to do it for you.
But I think you know that now?

I may have over 100 websites Out there.
But still press-release's is where the money is at.
I can post 20 press-release's in a day and get 16 ranked in the top 5 on google. That's very good averaging. And I don't pay a dime for those press-release's

I can only say 1 thing.......many of you are commenting trying to find fault with my system.
Good for you, explore and learn something new.
But before you keep trying to shoot me down, because you can't find info online, maybe your looking in the wrong places. I have number 1 rankings in google, in some area's in up to 50 million plus pages on google.
People see those.
Many are press-release's.
WE live in a day and age when websites are no longer king to make sales, but press-release's work 1000 times faster.

375 links my ass.

Now playing: EgM - Madara MadaraMedley OC ReMix
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Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
As for me, my inbox is as of yet testicle-free, and hopefully remains that way. Don't the rest of you get any ideas.
Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
I'll have you know, my ancestors were Kings of Wicklow! We're as Irish as losing a three-nil lead in a must-win fixture!
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