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View Poll Results: Will Biden win in 2024?
Yes 5 38.46%
No, he will lose in the general election 1 7.69%
No, he will not be the Democratic candidate 7 53.85%
Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-27-2021, 08:15 AM   #111 (permalink)
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So the cease-fire brokered by rostasi is over already! (Joking of course)

Thanks for your long, detailed answer, and especially thanks for googling all that stuff about our campaign rules. The bottom line seems to be that UK regulation keeps expenses down and allows a more affordable playing field for third parties to join in the fight.
I've never heard of Duveger's Law, or thought much about the ramifications of a first-past-the-post system. In England arguments are routinely made about how proportional representation would be better, but as you say, any party brought to power under the existing system is not interested in changing what, for them, is a winning formula. Hence why proportional representation is a recurring rallying cry of the losers.

Originally Posted by jwb View Post
But in addition to that, the lesser of two evils logic that naturally follows from a winner take all voting system also will by definition lead to party consolidation.
I must admit that you lost me here. Does a winner-take-all system lead to a lesser of two evils approach? My inclination is to think that, on the assumption that politicians are usually a devious, self-interested bunch, any vote, under any electoral system is likely to be a lesser of two or more evils. Everybody knows that going into the voting booth, don't they? (Except, presumably, hardcore Trump cultists, whose voting choice is between pin-up idol that they decorate their possessions with vs blood-drinking pedophiles)

The deeper point is the general trend is that our system tends to weed out third parties as a simple function of the fact that if you can't win outright, you get 0 representation just for running. That is the dynamic that actually creates the incentive to compromise and vote for one of the two parties even if there might be a lesser known option that you more closely align with.
Yep, I agree with your "deeper point" that third parties tend to get weeded out, though perhaps we don't agree on the exact causes of that process. Voters have an attitude of "they can't win, so it's a waste of my vote", but as for being discouraged by the two existing parties, that's a sword that cuts both ways: If Liz Chaney led a GOP splinter party, she would be mercilessly attacked by a GOP, panicked about her splitting their vote, but in similar measure she would be praised by the Dems as being a voice of sanity.

you get 0 representation just for running.

Even if you bring %20-30 voters on board... You get nothing if you don't win outright. That puts smaller parties at such a significant disadvantage that they might as well not exist.
Here I must reveal my ignorance about how elections work, or my confusion about what type or part of the election system you are talking about. While the bold bit is true for any one candidate, they must get a majority to get a seat, at a national level, the losing party do get a representation. That's where divided Senates and Houses come from.

What I'm saying is that as long as the Democrats have a monopoly on "beating the bad guys" that gives them a pretty low bar they can set for themselves instead of appealing more to their own ambition to get stuff done. It instills a certain level of complacency.This is exemplified perfectly by how you couldn't understand why i don't consider them saviors of democracy for just showing up and being an option other than the fascists.
I think this is a difference of opinion that can't be resolved, jwb: is the glass half empty or half full? What you call a low bar, I would call an essential structural element of their party platform: defending democracy. And who has set the bar so low? Surely, that's the GOP, who somehow are unable to reach it. As i've suggested elsewhere, you seem to be grumbling about the Dems for a situation instigated by the GOP.

I wasnt accusing you of holding that position pal i was trying to lead you to it.
HaHa! That's a good answer

Can you answer the question just for curiosity's sake? You don't think the Dems would be more effective at attaining their agenda if they didn't have to constantly contend with the GOP?
Yes, absolutely, they would be more effective.

Let's say hypothetically instead of a power grab they just happened to win every election and every seat consistently... Would that not be your ideal situation or do you still think we're better off with a mixed government intrinsically?
If they consistently won every seat and every election, that would be very worrying to me. It might be efficient in terms of implementing their policies but I feel instinctively that every party needs some kind of counter-balance that helps keep it in check, so I think I'm going with "Yes, we are intrinsically better off with a mixed government".

For me, this debate is very interesting, but a little time consuming. If you don't mind I'm going to take a break and will talk about the rest of your post a little later, ok?
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 12-29-2021, 06:22 AM   #112 (permalink)
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There's a lot I'd disagree with about the last half of your post, jwb:
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
yeah but like i said the democratic ideal assumes there's an actual choice to be made where the answer isn't obvious. I.e. it assumes there are at least 2 democratic options to choose from.
Where is this assumption exactly, or is it just something you have assumed? Why isn't a choice between democracy and autocracy an "actual choice" ? Back in Nov 2020, America were divided on the issue; 81 million voting Biden, 74 million voting Trump, so 155 million people seemed to think there was an actual choice to be made.

If one of those options is a Trojan horse for fascism that actually leaves you with only one option. You can't then rely on the GOP to act as a reliable counter measure against the dems if the dems went tyranical because the GOP have already done so themselves.
Surely you've seen enough of politics to notice how this has never prevented a politician from adopting a contrary position?

So while i understand the hesitancy to place all your eggs in one basket, i can't help but feel that is basically already the situation we're in.
Check the popular vote above and you'll see that the eggs are in two baskets.

So to me there isn't much utility to choosing between democracy and fascism every 4 years. Call me crazy but i just don't care about the ideal of having people vote just for the sake of having democracy. It's only valuable to me assuming that this is actually the best mechanism to reliably make the best decisions you can make on average.
This looks to like a conclusion you've come to based on your previously shakey assumptions. Also, "just for the sake of having democracy" is a worthy objective in its own right imo.

I take your point about one party rule and how self serving it usually is. I'm not necessarily in favor of it either for those reasons though i have my days... But really i was using that just to highlight how little democracy your can really say we actually have to protect. It already seems like self interested self reinforcing system with only slightly more input from the actual populace than your average autocracy....In addition, I don't see the Democrats changing that dynamic, because they benefit from it.
Actually the Dems are fighting hard to protect the democratic system, though sadly not hard enough. Not entirely clear what the Dems benefit from: they are an old-school party who honour election results, which has actually made them vulnerable if anything. They are set to lose control of the Senate in the next elections and are anything but "complacent", as you accused them of being in an earlier post.
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 12-29-2021, 06:31 AM   #113 (permalink)
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Because of the numbers, I think the Dems losing the Senate isn't a done deal just yet. When the Dems were fighting for more seats in 2018, they actually lost two seats even though the Repubs got blasted in the House. My guess is, the Dems will hang on through sheer numbers in the Senate but the House is gone for sure.

As far as the two party system goes, Thomas Jefferson had once suggested that maybe we shouldn't have political parties at all (He would ultimately become a Democrat-Republican). Could a system where we had no parties work in the real world? In other words, our elected officials would be able to vote his conscience, or in the interests of his/her constituents without any party pressure. Or would it just be a de facto one party system anyway? Food for thought.
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Old 12-29-2021, 07:04 AM   #114 (permalink)
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To take the heat off jwb, I'd like to make a comment addressed to any Trumpists, or any back-sliders, idealists or overthinkers who are considering NOT voting for the Dems:

Please don't lose sight of the fact that if the Dems don't get your support in 2022, it may well be the last even notionally fair election America ever enjoys. Sounds very alarmist, I'm afraid, but that is certainly how I´m reading the political tea-leaves in the US.
A chunk of the GOP have already rejected the peaceful transfer of power, they have subscribed to the idea that the Department of Justice is a tool for the President's use. They sent a (forged, bogus) slate of electoral results to Pence to overturn the true, vote-based results (from Wisconcin). They have pushed for vigilantes to enforce abortion bans. They support an ex-President who lied about and downplayed the pandemic ("it'll go away, like magic"), putting his political career above the lives of who knows how many thousands of Americans who died needlessly because of his willful negligence. Pretty safe to say he would do the same again if returned to power.

None of those things are desireable imo, and I consider a vote for the Dems to be a peaceful way to prevent them becoming an entrenched part of US life.

I wonder if perhaps some guys on MB suffer from a kind of "can't happen here-ism", or don't realize how ghastly, how helpless, life under an autocratic regime can be. Just from today's CNN page, here's a look at the news you might wake up to under an autocracy:-
Women are banned from solo long-distance road trips (Afghanistan)
Pop star and 7 others arrested in sweep of pro-democracy news outlet (Hong Kong)
Court shuts down Human Rights Centre (Russia)
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 12-29-2021, 07:14 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rubber soul View Post
Because of the numbers, I think the Dems losing the Senate isn't a done deal just yet. When the Dems were fighting for more seats in 2018, they actually lost two seats even though the Repubs got blasted in the House. My guess is, the Dems will hang on through sheer numbers in the Senate but the House is gone for sure.
Is that so, rubber soul? I hope you're right about the Senate, even though that's where the Dems have the slimmest possible "majority". I thought they had a more comfortable hold of the House - but I must confess, I've been too much of a coward to follow the news stories about "Which seats will flip in 2022?"
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 12-29-2021, 07:24 AM   #116 (permalink)
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The Republicans have to defend considerably more seats than the Democrats in 2022 and many of the Dem seats up for grabs including the one in mine are decidedly blue. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dems can pick up maybe a seat or two or at least keep the razor thin majority. The House is a different matter. The Dems are already hanging by a thread there and, historically, the party opposing the President almost always gains seats in midterms. Plus you figure in all the gerrymandering and the Republicans have a decided advantage when it comes to the House. It's not a very democratic system to be sure.
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Old 01-10-2022, 06:26 PM   #117 (permalink)
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TBO we need a economic Dictator a good ol 45 year term

someone whos only goal is to make USA a economic powerhouse

and military only push if it benefits U like if need be ally with China and RUssia if it leaves Tawain and eastern euro in the dust so be it
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Old 01-10-2022, 06:50 PM   #118 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Norg View Post
TBO we need a economic Dictator a good ol 45 year term

someone whos only goal is to make USA a economic powerhouse

and military only push if it benefits U like if need be ally with China and RUssia if it leaves Tawain and eastern euro in the dust so be it
That merits a brick to the face.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 01-10-2022, 07:17 PM   #119 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Norg View Post
TBO we need a economic Dictator a good ol 45 year term

someone whos only goal is to make USA a economic powerhouse

and military only push if it benefits U like if need be ally with China and RUssia if it leaves Tawain and eastern euro in the dust so be it
I also find it difficult to agree with this viewpoint.

"we"? You're not American are you, Norg?!
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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Old 01-10-2022, 07:41 PM   #120 (permalink)
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thats besides the point tho we really should cut back on military spending no one is going to attack us spend the money more domestic on cooler things like

better roads ,Parks, strip clubs, better music studios , gyms flying cars etc etc
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