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Old 12-22-2021, 06:32 PM   #171 (permalink)
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Oh a labor movement! Why didn't we think of that!
Yeah the labor movement has been decimated in this country and has little power. Building it back up again is going to take decades, but no amount of protest votes are going to make up for the working class' lack of organization.

If a bunch of Dem voters vote Republican or stay home the Democratic Party will just ignore the reasons why they lose elections and point to the bad things the Republicans are doing and/or might do and use that to fundraise while punching down on the left as the real reason why they lost. Come on, man, you know this.

It's not.

The reason society is moving so far out of whack is that they've had it too easy for too long. The generation that built a Global Liberal Democracy survived the depression and World War 2. They knew what real threats were and they decided to never allow them to happen again. They marched to the polio vaccine lines.

This generation thinks that food and peace will always be there. There's no getting through to them. Have you talked to these morons? Look at these ****ing people - you try getting through to them.
This is a right wing interpretation of history. "Hardship makes people hard and peace makes people soft."

It was the WW2 generation who made peace with the bosses and gave up their militancy and their workplace autonomy to get a social safety net and by the time the bosses started cutting pay and benefits and deindustrialization obliterated the blue collar middle class the workers had become too used to pensions and healthcare and conspicuous consumption to remember what it was like to fight Pinkertons in the streets.

They became what capitalism wanted them to be by the machinations of the US corporate oligarchy that gave them televisions to keep them docile.

The people aren't the source of the problem. Capitalism is.

As Gore Vidal said - There are only two parties in the US. Jefferson and Hamilton. The People vs. Institutions. And no matter how you slice it - that's the end result. This moronic idea that "we need to end the duopoly!" is said by people who only read half the book. To offer some olive branch here, Vidal also believes there's only one political party in the US - The Corporate Party in which Democrats and Republicans are just wings of this party.

It will always be People vs. Institutions. There is no other option. And Centrism, to this end is just the very American practice of dividing up power. Three branches of government. 50 states. 12 national banks. Market, market, market.

There is no 3rd party. There will be no third party. Have you ever looked at the Green Partys foreign policy? It's unhinged. The Libertarians in general aren't a serious group - they might as well be the Hogwarts party.
You know you started this whole series of rants attacking Biden and the Democratic Party but then immediately pivoted to screeds against the voters. If the voters have been made apathetic and nihilistic about the idea that the government, that exists now purely to facilitate capitalism, will ever do anything to help them then perhaps that's not the fault of the voters, slack-jawed though they may be. Perhaps it's the fault of the institution you claim is "vs." them and has worked long and hard to make sure they are apathetic and nihilistic and have no hope.

The Institution has won, and you can't fight back at them with the atrophied methods of civic engagement they've left you with. That would be like using the cap gun your parents gave you for Christmas to rob them at gunpoint.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 12-24-2021, 04:13 PM   #172 (permalink)
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'Let's go, Brandon': Caller pranks Biden at White House event

A caller has pranked US President Joe Biden by dropping an anti-Biden taunt into their chat during a White House Christmas event.

Mr Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were hosting the festive call for families when a father told the president: "Let's go, Brandon."

Apparently unaware of the gibe, Mr Biden said he agreed.

The term, which has become a rallying cry for many conservatives, is code for a profane insult directed at Mr Biden.
Originally Posted by jwb View Post
A middle class job sounds like a boring menu option at a brothel

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Old 12-24-2021, 05:52 PM   #173 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I guarantee you there are many more Democrats thankful that Manchin and Synema are willing to take the public relations hit. Many of them are being paid by the same interests and don't want to cross the corporations but are fine with pretending otherwise while there are just enough democrats holding up the vote.

The democrats don't need support. They need to be removed.
I wonder if it would work to threaten Manchin etc with primaries or even 3rd party runs if they don't fall in line like Big3 was saying. Like you could even just pick one bill that's a deal breaker and be like vote for this or we're going to help get you out.

Yeah you would be helping a republican win those seats if you followed through on the threat though tbh I'm honestly not sure to what extent that would weaken the Democrats when these people already vote like Republicans. But i don't follow them close enough to say. They might serve some function. The only time i ever hear their names is when they are standing in the Democrats way.
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Old 12-25-2021, 07:37 AM   #174 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
I wonder if it would work to threaten Manchin etc with primaries or even 3rd party runs if they don't fall in line like Big3 was saying. Like you could even just pick one bill that's a deal breaker and be like vote for this or we're going to help get you out.

Yeah you would be helping a republican win those seats if you followed through on the threat though tbh I'm honestly not sure to what extent that would weaken the Democrats when these people already vote like Republicans. But i don't follow them close enough to say. They might serve some function. The only time i ever hear their names is when they are standing in the Democrats way.
My guess is probably not. For one thing, I don't think Manchin responds very much to intimidation tactics. Two, I don't think he fears being primaried (and indeed he could very well lose: Bernie Sanders carried the state in the 2016 primaries).

Anyway, I don't think the Dems have enough guts to even suggest primaring Manchin. They're terrified of a Republican congress (which they're probably going to get in the House at least, anyway).
Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds View Post
But looking for quality interaction on MB is like trying to stay hydrated by drinking salt water.
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Old 12-25-2021, 09:04 AM   #175 (permalink)
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Just tell him they're gonna look into his daughter's bogus degree he bought her.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 12-25-2021, 11:44 AM   #176 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rubber soul View Post
My guess is probably not. For one thing, I don't think Manchin responds very much to intimidation tactics. Two, I don't think he fears being primaried (and indeed he could very well lose: Bernie Sanders carried the state in the 2016 primaries).

Anyway, I don't think the Dems have enough guts to even suggest primaring Manchin. They're terrified of a Republican congress (which they're probably going to get in the House at least, anyway).
I get it i guess my question is what is the difference...i think i heard someone say Biden relies on Manchin for judicial nominees or whatever...
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Old 12-25-2021, 09:37 PM   #177 (permalink)
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Better how though?
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Old 12-26-2021, 10:27 AM   #178 (permalink)
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I think that's why we're comparatively so lucky. Irish politics is ****, but there's no huge ideological chasm between the parties. They all stand, more or less, for the same thing, they just have slightly different ways of achieving those aims. It's rightly said of the four main Irish parties that they're all the same: they really are somewhat interchangeable, and none of them has ever enacted a particularly large or important piece of legislation that the others wouldn't also have done had they been in power. All parties, for instance, would have supported the right to gay marriage, all parties would have supported divorce and so on. No Irish party would have supported the Iraq invasion, or not spoken out against Trump (inasmuch as it was expedient to do so while he was in power). All want to help the homeless, fix the health system, provide jobs - though they'll all, to a man and woman, line their own pockets first.

In other words, they're ****headed bastards, but they're ALL ****headed bastards, so apart from voting along historical family lines, there's no party anyone wouldn't be prepared to vote for in the way that those in America vote for red or blue and they would never dream of changing that. Essentially, Irish politics is ineffective no matter who is at the helm, so it kind of doesn't matter.
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Old 12-26-2021, 05:31 PM   #179 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jwb View Post
Better how though?
If Manchin remains a Democrat, he adds a number to the majority, and therefore the Democrats get to control committees.

Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post

You know you started this whole series of rants attacking Biden and the Democratic Party but then immediately pivoted to screeds against the voters. If the voters have been made apathetic and nihilistic about the idea that the government, that exists now purely to facilitate capitalism, will ever do anything to help them then perhaps that's not the fault of the voters, slack-jawed though they may be. Perhaps it's the fault of the institution you claim is "vs." them and has worked long and hard to make sure they are apathetic and nihilistic and have no hope.

The Institution has won, and you can't fight back at them with the atrophied methods of civic engagement they've left you with. That would be like using the cap gun your parents gave you for Christmas to rob them at gunpoint.
Yeah, NAFTA caused people to not trust vaccines.

I know asking you people to explain yourselves is a useless endeavor but if you don't mind explaining "secret fascist" or whatever you're calling me, it would help.

The comfort the Liberal Democracy provides gives way to Fascism. Because most basic needs are taken care of, and the tribalism needs to go somewhere. If Europe isn't going to let us World War our way out of this, the general "I don't read books" crowd is going to think we need a civil war because:
  • Transwomen are playing sports
  • Fauci is trying to microchip us
  • The Deep State stopped JFK Jr. from come back from the dead
  • 5G
  • Trump telling Candice Owens people going to the hospital aren't vaccinated

If I'm wrong about comfort leading to what we have here, I'm willing to listen. But I need to know how a bunch of people in the Rust Belt choose the party of Corporate Tax Breaks over...I don't know, any other candidate.
I've moved to a new address
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Old 12-26-2021, 06:53 PM   #180 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
I'm not sure where you got that, I mean in looking back at historical instances of pandemics people tend to be pretty irresponsible and have little patience for being told to do things. In this instance there's right wing conspiracy theories about masks and vaccines but historically speaking people are being as dumb as they tend to be.

I know asking you people to explain yourselves is a useless endeavor but if you don't mind explaining "secret fascist" or whatever you're calling me, it would help.
If you're just using this post to respond to all of the posts criticizing you then that's kind of schizophrenic cause I never called you cryptofascist. I just said your phrasing of new generations being weak cause they're comfortable while older generations being strong cause they had hardship was a simplistic right wing idea.

I then explained that it was the WW2 generation who gave up their union militancy for a welfare state (private and public) that gave them pensions, minimum wage, legally recognized unions, social security, etc. Meaning that it wasn't the weakness of later generations of workers that gave into comfort but an original sin of a militant working class who capitulated to the false promises of capitalism.

The comfort the Liberal Democracy provides gives way to Fascism. Because most basic needs are taken care of, and the tribalism needs to go somewhere. If Europe isn't going to let us World War our way out of this, the general "I don't read books" crowd is going to think we need a civil war because:
  • Transwomen are playing sports
  • Fauci is trying to microchip us
  • The Deep State stopped JFK Jr. from come back from the dead
  • 5G
  • Trump telling Candice Owens people going to the hospital aren't vaccinated
This is wrongheaded because the comfort given by liberal democracy was given when WW2 gave America half of the world's wealth and once Europe had been rebuilt after the Marshall Plan and China and Japan became industrial power houses that all undercut America's hegemony and neoliberalism and a falling rate of profit in the 70s brought the agreement between a weakened US labor movement into conflict with the profits of American capital the comforts of liberal capitalist democracy became unsustainable and so the financialization of the 80s and onward tightened the belts of the working class more and more and more as decades went on, stagnation of wages and such, so that basic needs were met ever less and less.

That is what leads to fascism. The upper classes consolidate more and more and the middle class becomes ever more economically tenuous.

If I'm wrong about comfort leading to what we have here, I'm willing to listen. But I need to know how a bunch of people in the Rust Belt choose the party of Corporate Tax Breaks over...I don't know, any other candidate.
Do you think that the rust belt has the same level of comfort as the 50s? There's a reason they call it the rust belt.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.

Last edited by The Batlord; 12-26-2021 at 07:21 PM.
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