04-12-2018 11:24 PM |
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 1940717)
An accredited martial artist such as yourself should know how to deescalate a situation without resorting to violence.
You ALWAYS have to be ready to defend yourself. You should never PROVOKE an attack, but you have to draw your line in the sand [morally, figuratively or even physically]. VERBALLY let people know what your boundaries are [and be reasonable about it], and if the line gets crossed, then it's time to pop off.
Having martial arts training doesn't make you a bad ass. It just makes you more effective at what you choose to do. Yeah, anyone could stand there and slug it out for 10 minutes and end up with a busted-up face, but having training means that you can take someone down to the ground and put them to sleep in ~ 7 seconds, w/o any bloodshed or broken bones, and then walk away and continue your day.