Originally Posted by OccultHawk
(Post 2159733)
A whole new layer of fascist legislation is coming from it. The senate is using it as an excuse not to not do anything except remove a president who’s already gone. Security is amped up all across the country to protect elected officials deepening their status as a special privileged class. “Liberals” are demanding action. It can’t happen again. Amp up the surveillance state. But yeah... we don’t like them so they’re MC Snow. They didn’t do nothing.
LA Times
The total of US deaths in the Korean War was under 37,000 but it’s really not that bad an outcome when you factor in that Germ Theory didn’t even exist when this whole thing started. Also, the world had never seen a deadly pandemic before.
I mean to me there's a lot of overreacting going on. That doesn't mean it was such a big deal as far as the actual incident... It just means that there's a political opportunity to capitalize off it. The fact that it was deranged Maga heads provides the perfect narrative for the neoliberal establishment.
If anything it exposed how flimsy the security at the Capitol is. I don't give the rioters so much credit for that... They sorta just stumbled into it.
If they had been properly organized and mobilized with a specific goal, they could've done some serious damage. But they weren't. They just wanted to meme and make a spectacle of themselves. I think that's what got Congress so nervous... These people were morons and they were able to cause such an incident... Imagine if they actually knew wtf they were doing and were serious about it.