TheBig3 |
09-18-2020 06:11 PM |
Originally Posted by Exo
(Post 2136033)
Look, I'm not a Democrat by any means but if you think documented statements will stop Republicans from contradicting themselves you haven't been paying attention.
And I know you have been.
Then why do you doubt me? You have to keep in mind that these Congressional candidates in the House and Senate aren't always running on party. Graham in South Carolina, Collins in Maine, Gardner in Colorado, and McSally in Arizona aren't in good shape.
Are they going to know shame? No but who cares? The money will pour in, and the video will roll, and they're going to be accused of being hypocrites, and they're going to get flustered and say something dumb - and Trump is going to bus roll them hard, and if the Democrats for once had some balls to twist the blade they'd win.
The problem is, for the people on the fence, this is going to look like one more problem for the GOP brand. They were already behind in the States that mattered. The smartest thing they could do is appoint Mereck Garland, but Trump is a dope.
It's also where the GOP needs to triage money. Becuase someone's going to take a hit for this, and they're going to need to move resources from fights they shouldn't to fights they need to. There's a part of me that things she chose to go now just to spite the bastard.
However it happened, she was a real icon and she did a lot of gender equality in the United States and this is a major loss for the country.