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Frownland 08-15-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Tulsi Gabbard
In short, when it comes to the war against terrorists, I'm a hawk

Now that's a hawk.

jwb 08-15-2019 11:53 AM

Lol. She's against all the wars we are in rn.

ribbons 08-15-2019 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072444)
The fact that she ever held that stance as an adult says a lot about her character. Plus, she's a self-described war hawk.

I agree, except she was a fairly young adult (19-22) and has since become an active supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. From what I understand, she grew up in a very conservative household but her views evolved considerably when she struck out on her own personally and professionally. Which I think says a lot about her character, as well.

EDIT: As for war: Tulsi has stated in interviews that she is a hawk when it comes to fighting terrorism, but a dove when it comes to regime change wars.

Finally, I can't help loving the way Tulsi completely obliterated the hypocritical Kamala Harris in the debate.

jwb 08-15-2019 12:23 PM

I'm not a supporter of her either cause she is only oriented towards that one talking point on regime change wars. Like you said she brings not enough to the table.

I just don't care about her former religious self.

ribbons 08-15-2019 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2072452)
a Bernie/Warren ticket would be sickkk

but trying not to get my hopes up

I love Warren also - but I think she is weaker on foreign policy. She is amazing, though, and I would absolutely support Bernie/Warren.

jwb 08-15-2019 12:56 PM

I really hope all this recession talk is wrong.

grindy 08-15-2019 01:04 PM

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy

Frownland 08-15-2019 01:06 PM

I think it's just a levelling out of the overinvesting in response to the Fed's rate cut from a few weeks ago.

jwb 08-15-2019 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2072472)
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy

that's sorta what it seems like

Lucem Ferre 08-15-2019 02:12 PM

From what I read the Dow drop happened because of China's retaliation to Trump's trade tariffs. People started pulling their stocks with uncertainty. They started going back up after China announced that they are going to try and reach a consensus with the US. So recession warning may have just been a precaution. A lot depends on this meeting though.

But from what I've found we've experienced some of the biggest Dow drops under Trump. We've also experienced some of the biggest rises under Trump too. I'm not sure what that means.

jwb 08-15-2019 02:56 PM

I honestly think the president has less to do with the state of the economy than we think.

Specific **** you do can hurt the economy yes. And maybe if you're plunging downwards, something like the stimulus can soften the blow.

But as for genuine growth... I think that's largely outside their control.

Lucem Ferre 08-15-2019 03:04 PM

I think the economy is a very unstable thing but I do think the policies we pass have a significant impact. The last recession was directly linked to the deregulation of bank lending such as the affordable home act. Not every bounce in the Dow is directly related to how well the economy is (from what I understand). It's just noted that 9 times out of 10 huge drops in the Dow just like yesterday's has historically been followed by a recession. This time it was directly caused by the president.

jwb 08-15-2019 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2072503)
I think the economy is a very unstable thing but I do think the policies we pass have a significant impact. The last recession was directly linked to the deregulation of bank lending such as the affordable home act. Not every bounce in the Dow is directly related to how well the economy is (from what I understand). It's just noted that 9 times out of 10 huge drops in the Dow just like yesterday's has historically been followed by a recession. This time it was directly caused by the president.

Yeh but that was a Clinton era policy. And Clinton was always credited with having a great economy. That's kinda exactly what I mean...

Lucem Ferre 08-15-2019 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2072504)
Yeh but that was a Clinton era policy. And Clinton was always credited with having a great economy. That's kinda exactly what I mean...

I thought it was deregulated under Bush. That's kind of what we mean when we say it usually takes longer for somebody to put us in a recession. Policies typically don't have an immediate effect.

Edit: And that wasn't they only lending policy that added to the 2008 recession, it's just the most notable one.

Lucem Ferre 08-15-2019 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2072506)
Clinton did deregulate the banking industry in a way that's largely been credited to causing the fallout in the recession

They both did. I guess Bush actually wanted to add regulations but couldn't because they wanted to strike a deal to push it through.


Edit: I'm reading an article about it that says Bush was really trying to push for getting as many home owners as possible especially for minorities and he didn't think it should be regulated. In regards to the act that Bill pushed he did want to add regulations because he foresaw what they'd do but wasn't willing to cut a deal to push it through. It's definitely both administrations.

Lucem Ferre 08-15-2019 03:49 PM

It's always annoying how hard it is just to get clear information on these things. I get it's not a simple issue and there are tons of different pieces to the puzzle but it's annoying how much you have to dig to learn things so you're not spewing misinformation around like a PragerU add.

Frownland 08-15-2019 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2072496)
From what I read the Dow drop happened because of China's retaliation to Trump's trade tariffs. People started pulling their stocks with uncertainty. They started going back up after China announced that they are going to try and reach a consensus with the US. So recession warning may have just been a precaution. A lot depends on this meeting though.

But from what I've found we've experienced some of the biggest Dow drops under Trump. We've also experienced some of the biggest rises under Trump too. I'm not sure what that means.

We've had the largest point drops under Trump because the Dow is at it's highest point in history and it would've happened under any president. All of the largest drops in points occurred under Bush, Obama, and Trump. In terms of greatest drops by percentage of the Dow, the largest ones occurred on Black Monday and during the Great Depression. Some of the highest percentile changes did occur under Clinton and Bush though.

Lucem Ferre 08-15-2019 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072514)
We've had the largest point drops under Trump because the Dow is at it's highest point in history and it would've happened under any president. All of the largest drops in points occurred under Bush, Obama, and Trump. In terms of greatest drops by percentage of the Dow, the largest ones occurred on Black Monday and during the Great Depression. Some of the highest percentile changes did occur under Clinton and Bush though.

Okay, I assume that's why they never made that big of a deal the many other times the Dow dropped 800 points last year.

Frownland 08-15-2019 05:35 PM

The Dow is a pretty ****ty and archaic reflection of the economy anyways.

Lucem Ferre 08-15-2019 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072518)
The Dow is a pretty ****ty and archaic reflection of the economy anyways.


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2072503)
Not every bounce in the Dow is directly related to how well the economy is (from what I understand).

Ahh so taking faith that you understand better than I then I'm validated in my understanding of the Dow.

But bad trade is seriously a huge economy crippler. (Also from what I understand) It always seems to be the biggest thing that destroys socialist/communist countries.

Mindy 08-17-2019 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Psy-Fi (Post 2048255)

Psy-Fi 08-18-2019 10:28 AM

Mindy 08-19-2019 05:38 PM

:love: :o:

DwnWthVwls 08-19-2019 06:19 PM

I wouldnt vote for you.

Mindy 08-19-2019 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2073283)
I wouldnt vote for you.

I know. :love:

Psy-Fi 08-20-2019 03:43 AM

Maher rails against anti-Israel boycott movement: 'A bull$hit purity test' for Democrats

Psy-Fi 08-20-2019 01:17 PM

The Palestinian Authority has banned all LGBT+ groups from carrying out activities in the West Bank

The Batlord 08-20-2019 02:12 PM


Mindy 08-20-2019 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073493)
will Mindful feel the Bern now that he's seen talking to someone in popular hip hop

or is he still weirdly so mad bro over felons potentially having the right to vote

Mindy 08-20-2019 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073495)
something to chew on innit

nah, im just lost on why you think I didnt think i liked bernie already :beer:

biden just released his first ad today yall

Mindy 08-20-2019 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073497)
based on you literally saying you weren't going to vote for Bernie idk

his socialism platform will interesting to go against Biden. i dont think bernie will get the nomination and Biden will steal a lot of bernie's idea's or work together on them :pimp:

debaserr 08-20-2019 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mindfulness (Post 2073498)
his socialism platforum

Not heard of this one. Time to hit the books.

jwb 08-20-2019 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073499)
how will Biden's history of racism compare to Bernie's participating in Civil Rights protests

that will sure be interesting

So far he's still in the lead with black people in the polls, even after the famous moment in the first debate. Being associated with Obama seems to be taking him a long way.

Mindy 08-20-2019 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by debaserr (Post 2073506)
Not heard of this one. Time to hit the books.

typo :pimp:

debaserr 08-20-2019 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073509)
So far he's still in the lead with black people in the polls, even after the famous moment in the first debate. Being associated with Obama seems to be taking him a long way.

Ugh. Why can't people be better at knowing things.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by debaserr (Post 2073526)
Ugh. Why can't people be better at knowing things.

Literally why democracy is a sham.

jwb 08-20-2019 05:30 PM

Supposedly Biden does better with older black voters than he does with young ones, where as with Bernie the trend is reversed.

That being said the same general trend applies to all races. Biden appeals more to the 40+ crowd and Sanders appeals more to the youth. And across the board Biden currently is the clear front runner in general, and even more so with potential black voters.

Older crowds tend to vote more in actual elections as well - which these polls don't reflect.

jwb 08-20-2019 05:36 PM

Yeah but Sanders is still doing better with white voters than black ones. He needs to get aggressive here in order to win. His base has remained steady but he hasn't seen nearly enough growth.

jwb 08-20-2019 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2073530)
And yeah, young people vote at such abysmal levels that they hardly matter in most elections

even when a candidate gets a particularly high youth turnout it's still bad

on the other hand, the youth is used to the candidates in the general election being boring run of the mill politicians. The closest we ever had to a candidate that appealed to the youth was Obama in 08.

The real key part is somehow getting these people to vote in the primaries - which virtually nobody seems to do.

The Batlord 08-20-2019 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2073537)
on the other hand, the youth is used to the candidates in the general election being boring run of the mill politicians. The closest we ever had to a candidate that appealed to the youth was Obama in 08.

The real key part is somehow getting these people to vote in the primaries - which virtually nobody seems to do.

Probably because political talk is filtered through middle class CNN speak.

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