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Frownland 08-13-2019 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072029)
Show me the stats with a breakdown of which gender each victim was. It would be a lot more useful.

In terms of identity or sex? It seems obvious to me that the kind of person who would commit a hate crime towards a trans person would hold the same kind of contempt for a non-binary, genderqueer, non-conforming, biogender, etc.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 10:59 AM

Well i said gender so gender? Sex isnt gender get with the times.

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072034)
Well i said gender so gender? Sex isnt gender get with the times.

In that case,


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072033)
it seems obvious to me that the kind of person who would commit a hate crime towards a trans person would hold the same kind of contempt for people who are non-binary, genderqueer, non-conforming, biogender, etc.

so I think it's pretty rational to say that non-binary people are marginalized.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:07 AM

Seeming obvious to you isnt good enough considering the huge differences between the genders. Id be willing to bet a majority of those cases fall in line with the more traditional mtf/ftm “trapped in the wrong body” people than any one of the 7 billion nonbinary types.

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:10 AM

You don't have to agree with how they identify to recognize that they're marginalized.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:15 AM

Im still trying to figure out how you marginalize a group of unique individuals pinpointed somewhere on the gender spectrum and how their treatment is different from anyone else who falls outside societal norms and gets bullied, assaulted, and harassed.

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:17 AM

By bullying, assaulting, or harassing them for falling outside of societal norms.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:24 AM

Cool now how many people who fit that criteria for reasons other than gender also suffer the same consequences, mr statman?

jwb 08-13-2019 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2071957)
It's kind of understandable and forgivable for marginalized people to want to cling to some kind of identity-building trait or concept. Which is the reason why gay pride or black pride are much, much less retarded than white or straight pride. Would of course still be great if at some point humanity would be able to leave identities or at least such silly concepts of identity behind altogether.

A gay friend of mine once berated me for "not embracing gay culture" cause I'm bi but I don't watch queer as folk and act like a sissy. I told him go **** yourself with your gay culture and your rainbow flag and your leather bound parades. I never signed up for that to be my image or identity and frankly it doesn't appeal to me in the slightest.

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072041)
Cool now how many people who fit that criteria for reasons other than gender also suffer the same consequences, mr statman?

Bunches. If weirdos were a quantifiable, self identified group, then they would be marginalized too. You're saying that this is supposed to discount the marginalization of non-binary people?

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072043)
Bunches. If weirdos were a quantifiable, self identified group, then they would be marginalized too. You're saying that this is supposed to discount the marginalization of non-binary people?

So how is gender different when theyre all different arbitrary self appointed labels? If the majority of these crimes are targeting mtf/ftm than how marginalized are nonbinary genders?

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072044)
So how is gender different when theyre all different arbitrary self appointed labels?

There you go conflating the issue again. I'll let you try to work this one out.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:33 AM

Answer the second question.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:38 AM

“Poor white people are marginalized therefore white people are marginalized” #frownlogic

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072046)
If the majority of these crimes are targeting mtf/ftm than how marginalized are nonbinary genders?

Do you think it would make a difference to the people committing those crimes if you explained the difference between them? They're marginalized by real world impact.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:45 AM

Yes. Do you think some ******* is gonna treat a male in transition the same as a college girl who identifies as nonbinary?

Again i believe its a lot more about the outward expression than the gender identity itself that bothers people. Which afaik there have been no good studies or stats for.

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072049)
Yes. Do you think some ******* is gonna treat a male in transition the same as a college girl who identifies as nonbinary?

Do you think that some ******* who harasses someone because they think that they're a male in transition will change their behaviour if they find out that the person that they're harassing is just non-binary?

Frankly your insistence on invalidating the oppression that nonbinary people experience and removing them from the LGBTQ community is a form of marginalization in itself.

jwb 08-13-2019 11:51 AM

Tbh it depends on your environment

If you live somewhere liberal like parts of NYC or Cali then I think you get brownie points for being LGBT

But in certain communities there's definitely an animosity to it. Where I lived in Florida, we had 3300 kids in my high school and nobody was openly gay. Haitians, Latin Americans etc are very conservative on sexuality.

And I've seen something similar here in NC with Southerners, although it's not as severe cause times are changing.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 11:52 AM

Frankly i never said they should be removed and i think ur annoyed u have bad answers to reasonable questions.

Frownland 08-13-2019 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072052)
Frankly i never said they should be removed and i think ur annoyed u have bad answers to reasonable questions.

You insinuated it.

Answer my reasonable question please. People committing the marginalization don't necessarily have to understand what they're targeting for them to marginalize a group.

jwb 08-13-2019 12:05 PM

Tbh my only thing with them is fundamentally i think some of the non binary types are just attention seekers.

They want the label but they aren't committed enough to alter their bodies.

Lucem Ferre 08-13-2019 12:17 PM

Do juggalos count as a marginalized group?

jwb 08-13-2019 12:29 PM

They're a case of justified marginalization. Similar to pedos.

Lucem Ferre 08-13-2019 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2072056)
They're a case of justified marginalization. Similar to pedos.

So identity based on music preference is the same as raping children? Or just this specific identity for no real thoughtful reason is comparable to raping children?

jwb 08-13-2019 12:32 PM

Listening to ICP is comparable to raping children.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072053)
You insinuated it.

Answer my reasonable question please. People committing the marginalization don't necessarily have to understand what they're targeting for them to marginalize a group.

My answer is i dont know i think it would depend why they are attacking them in the first place and i agree with the latter.

Lucem Ferre 08-13-2019 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2072058)
Listening to ICP is comparable to raping children.

You joke but I've seen people literally get assaulted for it.

Marie Monday 08-13-2019 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2072054)
Tbh my only thing with them is fundamentally i think some of the non binary types are just attention seekers.

They want the label but they aren't committed enough to alter their bodies.

True, but there are plenty 'bisexual' people who are attention seekers too. 'omg boys think it's sexy'. The majority of sincere people can't help that

jwb 08-13-2019 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2072068)
You joke but I've seen people literally get assaulted for it.

I've been targeted and attacked many times for being white. So I suppose white people are a marginalized group now?


Originally Posted by MarieMarie (Post 2072080)
True, but there are plenty 'bisexual' people who are attention seekers too. 'omg boys think it's sexy'. The majority of sincere people can't help that

only bi women. Men gain nothing from it.

Marie Monday 08-13-2019 02:01 PM

That's mostly true, but my statement still stands

Lucem Ferre 08-13-2019 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2072081)
I've been targeted and attacked many times for being white. So I suppose white people are a marginalized group now?

In some places, yes.

jwb 08-13-2019 02:06 PM

And I don't disagree with it. I think way more people are bi or capable of being bi and just don't know it though. But bi at least means something specific. You sleep with both sexes. The non binary thing is more ambiguous. The difference between a cis Tom boy and a non binary female is a matter of semantics and which label you embrace.

Marie Monday 08-13-2019 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2072084)
The difference between a cis Tom boy and a non binary female is a matter of semantics and which label you embrace.

I'm a cis tomboy and I don't think that's true. There's a subtle difference

jwb 08-13-2019 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by MarieMarie (Post 2072085)
I'm a cis tomboy and I don't think that's true. There's a subtle difference

if you decided you were not binary I probably couldn't tell the difference

Marie Monday 08-13-2019 02:21 PM

I think the subtlety arises because we experience our gender in many layers. The first is obviously our sex, there's also an obvious layer of superficial conventions: how we dress, act, our interests, etc. I think that there's something in between though, a part of our gender that's mainly sexual (but not our sexual orientation). I think that's part of why I, and many other young tomboys, come to identify themselves pretty unambiguously as female once they reach puberty. I'm not sure though and I need to go to sleep so maybe I'll read this tomorrow and be like 'what'

jwb 08-13-2019 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2072086)
I guess I don't see who benefits from assuming bad intent

a false positive in this case hurts no one, a false negative contributes to a type of culture that has disheartening rates of trans suicide

discrimination and exclusion for anyone who isn't cis gender is very real, and maybe you're living in a fortunately progressive place to not be aware of that

also I prefer to listen listen to the experiences of marginalized groups directly instead of demanding they prove themselves to me with "Science" or whatever, it's not really important whether I understand it

I don't demand anything of them

I'm just being honest about how I see it. I believe it's trending and people are jumping on the bandwagon. Not like that means I want to treat them any differently.

What do you think about otherkin?

jwb 08-13-2019 02:32 PM

Do you buy that they maybe should've been born a different species?

jwb 08-13-2019 02:51 PM

Yet that is largely what they proclaim and is what their actions seem geared towards

Eg injecting hormones of the opposite sex, plastic surgery designed to mimic the opposite sex, etc

The Batlord 08-13-2019 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2072090)
I don't judge

solidarity with anyone who's different, weird, queer, whatever as long as they give it back


The Batlord 08-13-2019 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2072120)
as long as they're not having sex with actual animals which would be rape

I only draw the line at bad tastes in music, that I can not abide

is it ok to screw animals?

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