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DwnWthVwls 08-12-2019 03:37 PM

Why should we*

I dont mind using pronouns or anything and i go out of my way to respect this new gender crisis but it makes 0 ****ing sense to me and if its only getting harder to not write it off.

Lucem Ferre 08-12-2019 03:44 PM

There are instances of people naturally changing sex
Really rare but it's happened.

jwb 08-12-2019 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2071826)
What about hermaphrodites?

they're a blast

DwnWthVwls 08-12-2019 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071839)
because the importance gender plays in forming our identity in relation to society I imagine

I think it goes without saying it's more embeded in the psych than mood even if it can change

I understand this to an extent and get it for men and women who wake up every day feeling like theyre in the body of the wrong sex. However when you meet someone who is John one day and Jackie the next it seems more like confusion than something that deserves its own gender identity and there are a lot of genders identities that seem to do this. Why is it so hard to be a male who happens to have feminine gender characteristics to be cis? You are who you are, i dont really understand the point the gender spectrum for these types of feelings. We dont need a gender for guys who love Celine Dion. I want to see science.

jwb 08-12-2019 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071867)
it's a little deeper than some female characteristics

the only thing science tells us is that there is very little difference between the sexes in terms of the brain

That's kinda confusing.. if the brains are largely the same what does it mean exactly to be a woman trapped in a man's body

jwb 08-12-2019 06:58 PM

Right I'm just trying to comprehend what it even means to think you have the wrong body if it's not a brain thing

Cause clearly there's nothing wrong their actual bodies

DwnWthVwls 08-12-2019 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071867)
it's a little deeper than some female characteristics

Care to explain? The gender spectrum lies between masculine and feminine. How is it deeper than a biological man or woman identifying with gender characteristics that don't fit their biological side of the spectrum?

I feel like its analogous to someone asking you your sexual orientation and then you making some **** up because "well I like dick, but men are gross.. and I only **** women in the butt, so im a floopadoopsexual." Nah dude, youre just bi with a preference.

OccultHawk 08-12-2019 11:02 PM

China’s one child policy was the only substantial environmental law in human history.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071934)
but gender is deeper than a list of traits, it forms a central way in which we perceive ourselves, our feelings, and our relation to society

I think most of it is subconscious to the point where you wouldn't really consider it unless you found yourself "in the wrong body"

If you really believe this than it seems to me every person is their own gender since we are all unique which brings us back to: who cares what gender you are?

In my experience its used more as a justification. “You wouldn't understand cause youre not x gender” type stuff when in reality they probably dont understand either since as you said earlier its hard to articulate.

I read a reddit post the other day in which someone identified as a hermaphrodite and their explanation was because they looked androgynous. After a short mostly civil back and fourth we agreed to disagree. Ill have to see if i can still find aome of the justifications used

jwb 08-13-2019 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2071928)
China’s one child policy was the only substantial environmental law in human history.

and now China is a sausage fest cause nobody wants daughters

OccultHawk 08-13-2019 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071944)
and now China is a sausage fest cause nobody wants daughters

Which means even less babies.

grindy 08-13-2019 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071940)
If you really believe this than it seems to me every person is their own gender since we are all unique which brings us back to: who cares what gender you are?

In my experience its used more as a justification. “You wouldn't understand cause youre not x gender” type stuff when in reality they probably dont understand either since as you said earlier its hard to articulate.

I read a reddit post the other day in which someone identified as a hermaphrodite and their explanation was because they looked androgynous. After a short mostly civil back and fourth we agreed to disagree. Ill have to see if i can still find aome of the justifications used

It's kind of understandable and forgivable for marginalized people to want to cling to some kind of identity-building trait or concept. Which is the reason why gay pride or black pride are much, much less retarded than white or straight pride. Would of course still be great if at some point humanity would be able to leave identities or at least such silly concepts of identity behind altogether.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 07:11 AM

I agree but were, in part, talking white men and women that are maybe a little different from the american standard claiming some gender like theyre so different they need a special title. They arent actually marginalized its practically munchausens on the extreme end. And yes **** tribalism and our inability to use reason to look past it.

OccultHawk 08-13-2019 07:22 AM

Does silence still equal death?

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 07:24 AM

Are mimes dead?

Mindy 08-13-2019 07:29 AM

AOC for president 2024 or 2028

Frownland 08-13-2019 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071960)
They arent actually marginalized

Big lol at this one

OccultHawk 08-13-2019 07:36 AM

I mean the old gay rights expression

I get your joke but I mean it seems like every tribe or identity wants to shut out all the others and it’s hard to communicate. Or maybe that’s just what they keep saying on the news. I feel like whites have the biggest platform but it’s still not a suitable place for me to broadcast whatever it is I want to be heard. It might not even be a tribal issue. Maybe it’s just a me thing.

White people as a whole have been behaving badly for a long time but where does that leave me as an individual?

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 07:37 AM

If theyre marginalized then so am i because i dont fit in with society based on all the things elph included in his desceiption of what gender is. Thanks Frown, ive always wanted special treatment.

Frownland 08-13-2019 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071970)
If theyre marginalized then so am i because i dont fit in with society based on all the things elph included in his desceiption of what gender is. Thanks Frown, ive always wanted special treatment.

What special treatment are they asking for apart from "let us be ourselves"?

What about yourself is it that has a history of hate crimes targeting people with that trait?

Marie Monday 08-13-2019 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 2071957)
Would of course still be great if at some point humanity would be able to leave identities or at least such silly concepts of identity behind altogether.

I agree.
The whole gender matter depends on how you define gender. I think that in an ideal world gender would be equal to sex and there would no other parts of your identity be attached to it. Then there would be two genders (plus hermaphrodites). However, it's sensible to adapt to the fact that gender means more right now, in which case it becomes a more complicated concept with more variations. Still, I think we should keep the ideal in mind where your sex is no part of your identity whatsoever.
A lot of that reasoning is based on my personal experience though. I pretty much identified as a boy as a kid (at least I wanted to) until I realized that I could have my identity in a girl's body if I chose not to conform to gender norms. Puberty might also have played a part, in any case, my attitude towards my own gender shifted at some point.

Marie Monday 08-13-2019 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071960)
I agree but were, in part, talking white men and women that are maybe a little different from the american standard claiming some gender like theyre so different they need a special title. They arent actually marginalized its practically munchausens on the extreme end. And yes **** tribalism and our inability to use reason to look past it.

It really goed a lot further than that in terms of being different and marginalisation. Really. And of course, **** tribalism, but it is a matter of asking for understanding and acceptance. When things get intolerant, for instance with people being ostracised for using the wrong pronoun accidentally, that's something different. I think we can all agree that that's not a good thing, that's not what this is about.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2071971)
What special treatment are they asking for apart from "let us be ourselves"?

What about yourself is it that has a history of hate crimes targeting people with that trait?

Its almost like you read nothing and decided to comment. Hmm.

Marie Monday 08-13-2019 07:58 AM

How? I'd sincerely like to hear your answer
To Frowns questions I mean

Frownland 08-13-2019 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071976)
Its almost like you read nothing and decided to comment. Hmm.

You're referring to me not addressing your attempt to define nonbinary people by the imaginary self-aggrandizing trendhopper, right?

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 08:53 AM

Nah. I said special title not special treatment. Pronoun usage aside i dont think they ask for much but its pretty hilarious they get lumped with lgbtq who actually have been historically marginalized. People who are different from normal social structures all deal with bullying and pressure, child/adult/man/woman, anyone who isnt cis gender is probably being targeted because theyre “weird” and mostly make no sense not because they arent cis (in most cases, no one would even know if they didnt say anything). Im not justifying this behavior towards them but i also dont think they need their own gender in the infinite spectrum. What does it mean to you when someone tells you they are nonbinary? That literally tells me nothing about them other then they might wanna be called something different, which im fine with cause i dont go out of my way to disrespect people.

Heres a couple examples of things i feel like i shouldnt do in society because ill probably have to deal with ****:
-not acknowledge the pledge of allegiance
-be openly athiest
-not respecting the military

Frownland 08-13-2019 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071992)
Nah. I said special title not special treatment.


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071970)
Thanks Frown, ive always wanted special treatment.



anyone who isnt cis gender is probably being targeted because theyre “weird” and mostly make no sense not because they arent cis
What are you basing that on?


I'm not justifying this behavior towards them but i also dont think they need their own gender in the infinite spectrum.
If it's an infinite spectrum, what's the harm in pinpointing spots on that spectrum?

I'm with Marie and grindy that gender identity tends to enforce gender roles more than thwart them and that people should just be themselves instead of basing their behaviour/identity on their sex.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 09:19 AM

i agree with marie and grindy too. So whats the problem?

And pinpointing? There isnt some actual spectrum everyone agrees on or actual method to gender characterization. It doesnt pinpoint **** its mostly arbitrary with some minor guidelines.

And im basing it on my experience in the real world and my short time in the kink community where nonbinary genders were abundant.

Frownland 08-13-2019 09:21 AM

I was mainly responding to your claim that nonbinary people aren't marginalized.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 09:31 AM

Yeah and again. They arent any more marginalized then other people that have quirks which deem them weird by societal standards. It seems like a gross false equivalency the compare to treatment of lgbtq and blacks to that of those claiming to be nonbinary.

Frownland 08-13-2019 09:36 AM

Comparing lgbtq with lgbtq seems like a pretty exact equivalency but that's just me.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 09:39 AM

Theyre a modern attachment that got lumped in. Seriously, youre going to compare misgendering to the disgusting treatment of gay people prior to the modern gender dilemma?

Frownland 08-13-2019 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072008)
Seriously, youre going to compare misgendering to the disgusting treatment of gay people prior to the modern gender dilemma?

Uh no. Are you?

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 09:48 AM

Seems that you are when you say nonbinary and whatever is comparably marginalized to the lgbtq community prior to gender latching on.

Notice the deliberate lack of the +.

Frownland 08-13-2019 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072014)
Seems that you are when you say nonbinary and whatever is comparably marginalized to the lgbtq community prior to gender latching on.

Notice the deliberate lack of the +.

I didn't realize that it was a contest


Two in five trans people (41 per cent) and three in ten non-binary people (31 per cent) have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12 months.

One in seven trans people (14 per cent) aren’t open about their gender identity to anyone in their family. This number increases to one in four non-binary people (24 per cent).

Two in five trans people (40 per cent) adjust the way they dress because they fear discrimination or harassment. This number increases significantly to half of non-binary people (52 per cent).

One in four trans people (25 per cent) were discriminated against when looking for a house or flat to rent or buy in the last year. One in five non-binary people (20 per cent) have experienced discrimination while looking for a new home.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072020)
I didn't realize that it was a contest

Its not. You just havent been reading what ive been typing.

Frownland 08-13-2019 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2072025)
Its not. You just havent been reading what ive been typing.

Sure thing.

Thoughts on whether or not my stats qualify as marginalization?

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 10:32 AM

No clue. Didnt bother reading em.

Frownland 08-13-2019 10:33 AM

Big science.

DwnWthVwls 08-13-2019 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2072028)
Big science.

Show me the stats with a breakdown of which gender each victim was. It would be a lot more useful.

Youre too busy trying to be right that youre just grabbing at **** to prove a generalized statement wrong without regard for some of my earlier comments. And im too lazy to rehash everything soooo ....

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