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jwb 08-09-2019 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071279)

Very earnest attempt at debate underway

The Batlord 08-09-2019 05:42 PM

I've just noticed that you two tend to trade a few posts promising some kind of debate and then you try to force the conversation into whatever alley you want it to go into and then Frown's like "Nope, wheeee!!!" and then just mocks you while you both jockey for some kind of semantic victory that the other will be forced to honestly respond to for fear of looking like a coward, at which point the person who made the other blink is in control and presumably wins.

Mindy 08-09-2019 05:43 PM

jwb 08-09-2019 05:47 PM

We already had the debate. You were watching it fizzle out.

His last reply was half hearted so mine was too. I think we both spelled out what we think on the matter in the previous posts.

jwb 08-09-2019 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071282)
there's nothing wrong with intersectionality btw, it's actually common sense

I still don't really know what Peterson is on about with "Cultural Marxism", I don't think he does either

then when he tries to talk about postmodernism lololol

he's not qualified for any of these discussions, not at all

Chomsky does a better job ****ting on post modernist nonsense

jwb 08-09-2019 05:51 PM

they speak in incomprehensible jibberish intentionally so that no one understands it

Frownland 08-09-2019 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071286)
His last reply was half hearted

As opposed to the rest of this convo?

The Batlord 08-09-2019 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071286)
We already had the debate. You were watching it fizzle out.

His last reply was half hearted so mine was too. I think we both spelled out what we think on the matter in the previous posts.

You both tend to be pretty half hearted after the first few rounds. We need Chula back.

jwb 08-09-2019 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071293)
You both tend to be pretty half hearted after the first few rounds. We need Chula back.

I think my response before the last one was anything but half hearted. I explained exactly where I am coming from. Maybe you didn't read it or didn't care.

Frownland 08-09-2019 06:11 PM

I'd call it 75% hearted.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 06:13 PM



The Batlord 08-09-2019 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071294)
I think my response before the last one was anything but half hearted. I explained exactly where I am coming from. Maybe you didn't read it or didn't care.

I don't expect you to be self-aware about your intentions tbh.

jwb 08-09-2019 06:16 PM

Here's your boy Chomsky ****ting on the whole enterprise

As I recall he debated Foucault and later called him "the most amoral man I've ever met"

jwb 08-09-2019 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071298)
I don't expect you to be self-aware about your intentions tbh.

You're always playing pop psychologist. You should try forming a few genuine human relationships before you start diagnosing people.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071300)
You're always playing pop psychologist. You should try forming a few genuine human relationships before you start diagnosing people.

And here we see the wannabe alpha much as he dicksucks the capitalists and authoritarian American presidents in hopes that he can one day rise above his humble status of community college dropout to "make something of himself".

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071301)
And here we see the wannabe alpha much as he dicksucks the capitalists and authoritarian American presidents in hopes that he can one day rise above his humble status of community college dropout to "make something of himself".

jwb 08-09-2019 06:32 PM


U mad?

I've been nothing but nothing but nice to you, bud. What's the matter?

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071305)
like believe it or not

when you're dealing with smart people, and not Chomsky debates Sam Harris or whatever joke

you can come away thinking that both speakers had solid points to make

I was going to say that.

jwb 08-09-2019 06:37 PM

Yeh but in this case Chomsky was the only one making sense

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071307)
Yeh but in this case Chomsky was the only one making sense

As a linguist Chomsky is sometimes accused of hiding behind complexity.

I’ll give a cookie to whomever can work through his semantic equations.

jwb 08-09-2019 06:42 PM

He isn't hiding behind anything in his critique of post modernists. He uses very simple language to spell out how they try to dismantle any sort of attempt at finding the truth in any domain.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 06:45 PM

I mean the basic point of post-modernism is that it's trying to describe human nature and existence that is or has been previously indescribable by words due to how ****ing abstract it is, so if it sounds like nonsense then maybe it's because of how poorly words describe abstract ideas in the first place. Or am I off base?

jwb 08-09-2019 06:50 PM

It's not just that. They basically under value science and any sort of objective attempt at truth on the basis that these notions are being propped up by the white male dominated institutions that propagate them.

Nevermind the fact that virtually all the great post modernist thinkers were themselves white males from the very same institutions :laughing:

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 06:53 PM



The Batlord 08-09-2019 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071312)
it would more say that the way we think about human nature and existence is obviously under the influence of our language

Well of course as it would be one more thing acting as a funhouse mirror to help us understand ourselves that also distorts our self image, but the point is that we're trying to put words to things that are only somewhat less easy to describe than dreams. Or even harder, I don't know. Dreams are one person's thing whereas society is the dream of 7 billion people with wildly different dreams.

jwb 08-09-2019 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071316)
well Foccult was gay in a time and place where it certainly wasn't open

how much of what you know about postmodernism is from reading these guys and how much is it just listening to their critics?

yeh and Einstein was a Jew in a time and place where that wasn't optimal. They don't care about that

more from the latter though tbh.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071310)
I mean the basic point of post-modernism is that it's trying to describe human nature and existence that is or has been previously indescribable by words due to how ****ing abstract it is, so if it sounds like nonsense then maybe it's because of how poorly words describe abstract ideas in the first place. Or am I off base?

That’s exactly what Heidegger was saying we needed to do. Stretch the boundaries of language. Attempts to do it aren’t always going to be perfect and yeah there’s going to be baloney mixed in. Even Choms can bigot.

jwb 08-09-2019 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071316)
I don't agree wholesale that there is no truth,

so you basically disagree with the Crux of their argument

The Batlord 08-09-2019 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071316)
well Foccult was gay in a time and place where it certainly wasn't open

how much of what you know about postmodernism (in politics) is from reading these guys and how much is it just listening to their critics?

I don't agree wholesale that there is no truth, I do however think they make quite a few solid points about the nature of truth and the influence of culture and power

I'm not scholar of post-modernism by any stretch of the imagination and I'm not even limiting this to philosophical post-modernism. I'm also considering post-modernism in art and how that relates to the concept of post-modernism in general, but I'm also not describing post-modernism as "there is no truth" as that's a silly strawman for the most part, but as: the human mind was not designed to comprehend all this **** (i.e. everything) and so it tried to channel itself down certain paths that were easier, simpler, more intuitive, and more productive, but which were also restrictive, and post-modernism tries to shed these constraints both for the betterment of humankind but also simply as a mental exercise.

jwb 08-09-2019 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071319)
well your statement that "they're white males anyway" is ignoring that with the postmodernist we're talking about, a large amount of the inspiration came from comparing the way homosexuals were treated in different points of history vs. the so called "civilized" period he inhabited

I'm not actually trying to discredit them based on being white males. I just think that tactic is dishonest when they use it and so it's ironic that they are in fact white males.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 07:09 PM


how much of what you know about postmodernism (in politics) is from reading these guys and how much is it just listening to their critics?
When I was in college everyone called I & I a postmodernist. It was mostly about cereal box design.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071321)
yes the mispelling is intentional OH btw

even if no one else would notice the joke

jwb 08-09-2019 07:31 PM

I don't think so

The Batlord 08-09-2019 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071320)
so you basically disagree with the Crux of their argument

To say that post-modernism is saying that there is no truth is just saying that post-modernism is nihilism. I think the point of post-modernism is that it acknowledges nihilism, a viewpoint that divorces itself from human viewpoints totally, but actively dives into human viewpoints to examine them from a human perspective, just in a way that isn't traditional.

jwb 08-09-2019 07:44 PM

Nihilism doesn't call objective reality into question, only existential meaning

Again, I'm not pulling this out if my ass. Chomsky and many other critics raise the same point, and basic neutral overviews of the philosophy say something similar. At this point I'd think the onus is on you guys to cite something backing up your pov

The Batlord 08-09-2019 07:51 PM

Nihilism by definition would deny reality since muffukkin the Matrix means that there is no objective reality beyond maybe natural laws like gravity and the conservation of mass and energy.

Not that I'm acknowledging your point as having anything to do with what I said cause it didn't but maybe it had something to do with what something someone else said.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 2071331)
yeah I just wouldn't agree with this assessment

who is this guy anyway?

think I'll read his half page thoughts on Adam & Eve next

I thought the link was sarcastic.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 07:58 PM

I should ****ing hope it was.

Lucem Ferre 08-09-2019 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071332)
Nihilism by definition would deny reality since muffukkin the Matrix means that there is no objective reality beyond maybe natural laws like gravity and the conservation of mass and energy.

Not that I'm acknowledging your point as having anything to do with what I said cause it didn't but maybe it had something to do with what something someone else said.

You seem to be confusing Nihilism for phenomenology.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2071335)
You seem to be confusing Nihilism for phenomenology.

I mean nihilism denies anything that isn't provable. True nihilism would deny any scientific statement that wasn't axiomatic.

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