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OccultHawk 08-09-2019 04:49 AM

Joe Biden:


“poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.”
Trump staff member tweets:


Yikes…have fun mitigating that one
Biden still way ahead on the polls.

Dems. They’re gonna pick the only guy who couldn’t sell cold beer in Hell.

jwb 08-09-2019 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 2071160)
My friend that tried to pedal Peterson on to me also tried to tell me that the kissless virgin shooter just snapped because life is so unfair or sumn and I had to tell him that the dude was a spoiled rich brat that felt entitled to women's bodies and threw a temper tantrum when he didn't get it.

I've never heard him say anything pro incel or along the lines of men being owed women's attention or bodies

There are plenty of things he's said that I don't agree with but generally speaking his haters don't seem to have a clue what he actually stands for.

DwnWthVwls 08-09-2019 05:57 AM

Idk man. I remember one talk about makeup in the work place and how women only wear it to appear sexy to men. I can acknowledge there is probably some truth to that but it lacks nuance and even if it isnt pro-incel its certainly something theyd adopt.

Lucem Ferre 08-09-2019 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071185)
I've never heard him say anything pro incel or along the lines of men being owed women's attention or bodies

There are plenty of things he's said that I don't agree with but generally speaking his haters don't seem to have a clue what he actually stands for.

There was debate/interview where he was saying that women wear makeup just to be attractive to men and that men just can't control themselves to insinuate that women bring sexual harassment onto themselves. You really need to understand the art of subtlety to get the moral outrage you keep mocking. Nobody is going to out right say these ****ed up ideas. They hide it under layers of watered down language and masked rhetoric to make taboo narratives seem more palatable and thoughtful. It's a technique the KKK adopted once they became unfavorable. I'd find and post the vid but I'm on a phone right now.

Lucem Ferre 08-09-2019 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071187)
Idk man. I remember one talk about makeup in the work place and how women only wear it to appear sexy to men. I can acknowledge there is probably some truth to that but it lacks nuance and even if it isnt pro-incel its certainly something theyd adopt.

Damn, beat me to it.

jwb 08-09-2019 06:26 AM

I saw that interview. Saying that make up plays on some obvious biological and sexual cues isn't telling men they are entitled to rape women. I agree it wasn't his best quote and he should know people are going to read into anything he says beyond what he means but I think your interpretation lacks the same kind of nuance you're accusing me of lacking. You just take the worst possible interpretation and run with it.

Which is what interviews like that are really designed to do... Which is why they took an hour of footage and edited it down to 7 minutes.

Lucem Ferre 08-09-2019 06:31 AM

Cause he's not going to outright say it.

DwnWthVwls 08-09-2019 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071192)
I saw that interview. Saying that make up plays on some obvious biological and sexual cues isn't telling men they are entitled to rape women. I agree it wasn't his best quote and he should know people are going to read into anything he says beyond what he means but I think your interpretation lacks the same kind of nuance you're accusing me of lacking. You just take the worst possible interpretation and run with it.

Which is what interviews like that are really designed to do... Which is why they took an hour of footage and edited it down to 7 minutes.

Not entitled to rape but it was a lame attempt to justify sexual harassment, catcalling, etc

What is it that you think he means?

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071192)
I saw that interview. Saying that make up plays on some obvious biological and sexual cues isn't telling men they are entitled to rape women. I agree it wasn't his best quote and he should know people are going to read into anything he says beyond what he means but I think your interpretation lacks the same kind of nuance you're accusing me of lacking. You just take the worst possible interpretation and run with it.

Which is what interviews like that are really designed to do... Which is why they took an hour of footage and edited it down to 7 minutes.

Can you dig up the link?

Anteater 08-09-2019 07:00 AM

My problem with Peterson is that cultural Marxism doesn't really mean anything. It's a weird umbrella term he throws everything and the kitchen sink under when what he's really railing against is intersectionality.

jwb 08-09-2019 07:01 AM

@Lucem I've heard him talk specifically about incels and he's said the opposite. That it's a man's own fault if women don't find them attractive.


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 2071194)
Not entitled to rape but it was a lame attempt to justify sexual harassment, catcalling, etc

What is it that you think he means?

I don't think he was defending any of that. He was basically trying to inject some nuance into the discussion over what is acceptable forms of sexuality in the workplace. You can accuse him of being a prude, but not of advocating any sort of harassment.

jwb 08-09-2019 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2071196)
Can you dig up the link?

I'm at work... Maybe later. I think it was a Vox interview


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 2071199)
My problem with Peterson is that cultural Marxism doesn't really mean anything. It's a weird umbrella term he throws everything and the kitchen sink under when what he's really railing against is intersectionality.

Zizek called him out on that in their debate. It was the only strong moment Zizek had in the debate. Other than that he completely failed to defend Communism.

DwnWthVwls 08-09-2019 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071200)
@Lucem I've heard him talk specifically about incels and he's said the opposite. That it's a man's own fault if women don't find them attractive.

I don't think he was defending any of that. He was basically trying to inject some nuance into the discussion over what is acceptable forms of sexuality in the workplace. You can accuse him of being a prude, but not of advocating any sort of harassment.

Possibly. Its been a while maybe im missremembering. I dont see how you can take a paoition against makeup though if that was his point. I didnt say he was advocating harassment i said he was justifying it (with his hyper prude position) and that incels could very easily use his speech to advocate for harassment.

Mindy 08-09-2019 07:27 AM

Andrew Yang's favorite jams, spotify playlist :beer:

interesting and intelligent way to get into the minds of voters

Frownland 08-09-2019 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071185)
I've never heard him say anything pro incel or along the lines of men being owed women's attention or bodies

Enforced monogamy (even if he thinks it should be enforced by culture and not the gubmnet) as a way to control women's reproductive rights ("to protect the babies, you see") definitely reeks of male entitlement to women's bodies.

But let's say that none of these examples check the box, why do you think he attracts so many incels?

jwb 08-09-2019 01:25 PM

Enforced monogamy just means monogamy as the cultural norm vs polygamy. You could easily argue women tended to have less rights in most polygamous societies.

I haven't seen any stats on him with incels. I know the self help angle largely appeals to young men who are struggling in one shape or fashion. tbh I've not read his book or anything and was mostly into the biblical lectures.

Frownland 08-09-2019 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071233)
Enforced monogamy just means monogamy as the cultural norm vs polygamy. You could easily argue women tended to have less rights in most polygamous societies.

I'm aware. One of his two key justifications for enforced monogamy is controlling women's reproduction, which is the incelly angle that I was pointing out.


I haven't seen any stats on him with incels. I know the self help angle largely appeals to young men who are struggling in one shape or fashion. tbh I've not read his book or anything and was mostly into the biblical lectures.
So just the self help angle?

I see him in the same light as the dude who wrote The Bell Curve. They take some form of evidence to draw hasty conclusions to support what they already believe. Then they hide behind the fact that they never directly saying anything racist/sexist/etc., they're just telling everyone the FAXTS and that anyone criticizing their interpretation are criticizing the facts themselves.

But ja he's a solid biblical historian I'll give him that. Definitely the most interesting material he's put out.

jwb 08-09-2019 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2071235)
I'm aware. One of his two key justifications for enforced monogamy is controlling women's reproduction, which is the incelly angle that I was pointing out.

Unless you quote what you're talking about I don't have anything to say other than I don't recall this. I remember him talking about enforced monogamy as opposed to polygamy in terms of pragmatic affect, but not him saying women shouldn't be able to choose the lifestyle they want to engage in. I think he just believes one of those is a better basis for our society.


So just the self help angle?

I see him in the same light as the dude who wrote The Bell Curve. They take some form of evidence to draw hasty conclusions to support what they already believe. Then they hide behind the fact that they never directly saying anything racist/sexist/etc., they're just telling everyone the FAXTS and that anyone criticizing their interpretation are criticizing the facts themselves.

But ja he's a solid biblical historian I'll give him that. Definitely the most interesting material he's put out.
Haven't read the Bell Curve so I have no opinion on that either. But yes I think it's basically the self help/call to personal responsibility that makes him appeal more to young men. Incels would have to specifically ignore what he says about their own responsibility in driving women away in order to think he was advocating they are just victims of society, which is what they actually believe.

Frownland 08-09-2019 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071236)
Unless you quote what you're talking about I don't have anything to say other than I don't recall this. I remember him talking about enforced monogamy as opposed to polygamy in terms of pragmatic affect, but not him saying women shouldn't be able to choose the lifestyle they want to engage in. I think he just believes one of those is a better basis for our society.

I already did but here's the whole thing.


It’s been a truism among anthropologists and biologically-oriented psychologists for decades that all human societies face two primary tasks: regulation of female reproduction (so the babies don’t die, you see) and male aggression (so that everyone doesn’t die). The social enforcement of monogamy happens to be an effective means of addressing both issues

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 02:09 PM

Have you read the Bell Curve Frown?

jwb 08-09-2019 02:11 PM

I mean... That sorta sounds like he's talking from a biological pov rather than a specific policy that is meant to restrict sexuality.

Frownland 08-09-2019 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2071239)
Have you read the Bell Curve Frown?

Only the free will part


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071240)
I mean... That sorta sounds like he's talking from a biological pov rather than a specific policy that is meant to restrict sexuality.

Philosophers should communicate their ideas beyond a sorta. That's my key issue with Peterson.

Anyways, saying that there's a biological justification for restricting women's rights isn't really any better.

jwb 08-09-2019 02:29 PM

That's really not what I'm getting from him though. I think he favors monogamy on a pragmatic level as a way to structure society. That doesn't require any actual restrictions imposed on sexuality, if the mechanism by which it is "enforced" is by cultural norms. That basically describes the society we already live in, for the most part.

I don't even really value monogamy that much myself, but I just think what he's actually saying is less sexist than you're reading into it.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 02:34 PM


Only the free will part
I haven’t either.

So what informed your opinion?

The Batlord 08-09-2019 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071244)
That's really not what I'm getting from him though. I think he favors monogamy on a pragmatic level as a way to structure society. That doesn't require any actual restrictions imposed on sexuality, if the mechanism by which it is "enforced" is by cultural norms. That basically describes the society we already live in, for the most part.

I don't even really value monogamy that much myself, but I just think what he's actually saying is less sexist than you're reading into it.

You know how easy it would be to just up and say straight out all of these things people are supposedly strawmanning him for? The fact that he doesn't and actively seems to avoid coming to the ****ing point implies that it's intentional, possibly either because his real beliefs are more right wing than he's comfortable admitting, or because he's got nothing and is just floating sensible sounding BS to sell books to rubes.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 04:31 PM

Or maybe he calls it like he sees it and a hypersensitive subculture extrapolates their own conclusions and then gets worked up about **** he never even really said.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 04:41 PM

Bro I know leftists **** on your for calling black people monkeys but that's your damage.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071257)
Bro I know leftists **** on your for calling black people monkeys but that's your damage.

I like monkeys.

jwb 08-09-2019 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2071254)
Or maybe he calls it like he sees it and a hypersensitive subculture extrapolates their own conclusions and then gets worked up about **** he never even really said.

That's what it seems like to me. There are plenty of real points to criticize him on but it seems like virtually everything he says gets put under the microscope and intentionally misinterpreted.

If it's so easy for him to just say the things you think he is saying, and he already gets blamed for saying them, then he really has no reason not to say them. Unless that's not what his real position is.

I tend to give him the benefit the doubt cause I'm so used to his critics misrepresenting everything he says.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071263)
That's what it seems like to me. There are plenty of real points to criticize him on but it seems like virtually everything he says gets put under the microscope and intentionally misinterpreted.

If it's so easy for him to just say the things you think he is saying, and he already gets blamed for saying them, then he really has no reason not to say them. Unless that's not what his real position is.

I tend to give him the benefit the doubt cause I'm so used to his critics misrepresenting everything he says.

I think you tend to give him the benefit of the doubt cause the people criticizing him are leftists.

jwb 08-09-2019 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071265)
I think you tend to give him the benefit of the doubt cause the people criticizing him are leftists.

You can think what you like. I think I'm more familiar with him than you are.

It's the Cathy Newman style of attack that strikes me as phony. And it's the same tactic being used by m many others.

Not all leftists. I saw an interview of him by some feminist lady where I sided with her more than him. Because she didn't spend the entire interview cynically trying to reframe his views as more inflammatory than they are.

Frownland 08-09-2019 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071244)
That's really not what I'm getting from him though. I think he favors monogamy on a pragmatic level as a way to structure society. That doesn't require any actual restrictions imposed on sexuality, if the mechanism by which it is "enforced" is by cultural norms. That basically describes the society we already live in, for the most part.

I don't even really value monogamy that much myself, but I just think what he's actually saying is less sexist than you're reading into it.

Ja I know, nothing that isn't completely unambiguous can't be racist or sexist.


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2071245)
I haven’t either.

So what informed your opinion?

Racists hypersensitively defending it as research gospel and the general reactionary nature of the passages that I've read.


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 2071254)
Or maybe he calls it like he sees it and a hypersensitive subculture extrapolates their own conclusions and then gets worked up about **** he never even really said.

Maybe. Extrapolating one's own conclusions and getting worked up about something that was never actually said seems more like Peterson's field though.

jwb 08-09-2019 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2071269)
Ja I know, nothing that isn't completely unambiguous can't be racist or sexist.

Racists hypersensitively defending it as research gospel and the general reactionary nature of the passages that I've read.

Maybe. Extrapolating one's own conclusions and getting worked up about something that was never actually said seems more like Peterson's field though.

I dunno, you seem pretty good at it yourself.

OccultHawk 08-09-2019 05:23 PM

Rubber glue fallacy

Frownland 08-09-2019 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071272)
I dunno, you seem pretty good at it yourself.

That's what makes me so good at spotting it.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 05:29 PM

I think Frown and jwb know that the first person to engage in earnest debate with the other is the loser and so they just semantically circle each other like two cats pretending everything's cool.

jwb 08-09-2019 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 2071274)
That's what makes me so good at spotting it.

I don't even necessarily mean that Peterson isn't guilty of it too - I would need whatever example you're thinking of to say.

I just mean that his critics are certainly guilty of it from what I've seen. Even your boy Matt Dillahunty said as much in the beginning of the debate you cited.

jwb 08-09-2019 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Doug McClasky (Post 2071275)
I think Frown and jwb know that the first person to engage in earnest debate with the other is the loser and so they just semantically circle each other like two cats pretending everything's cool.

I think we just had more of an earnest debate in the last few pages then I've seen from you since I came back to MB.

The Batlord 08-09-2019 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by jwb (Post 2071277)
I think we just had more of an earnest debate in the last few pages then I've seen from you since I came back to MB.

jwb be like

jwb 08-09-2019 05:35 PM

I would have to agree. He spouts incomprehensible jibberish and dresses it up as Marxism. He hangs posters of Stalin on his wall ffs.

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