MicShazam |
08-14-2017 11:38 AM |
So, when are you Americans going to storm the White House and kick the president out?
He's no better than Putin or some other leader of less reputable nations. It's disgraceful to see the supposedly great, free, Democratic nation of the US sink so low. I have no more faith in your government's ability to do the right thing than I do the governments of Russia, China and North Korea. Trump is an aggressive, simple minded monkey with launch codes. How the hell did that happen?
Seeing the president of China advise Trump to take it easy on the rhetoric towards North Korea... Never thought I'd see the day!
And what's with the whole Charlottesville farce? He's an alt-right, white supremacist sympathizer too now? Or rather, it's confirmed now, but he probably always was. People used to insist he wasn't far right. Sure. I seriously hope he gets assassinated. I'm not a US citizen, so the CIA can't touch me for writing that :laughing: