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#21 (permalink) | |
Zum Henker Defätist!!
Join Date: Jan 2011
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They have an origami section, so I imagine it's probably not all alt-right dudes talking about cucks.
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#22 (permalink) | |
moon lake inc.
Join Date: Oct 2014
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You go to /pol/ expecting a ton of skinhead neo nazi's, but it's really a bunch of jaded teenagers who enjoy memes way too much. |
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#25 (permalink) | |
the worst guy
Join Date: Oct 2011
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I don't think I've ever lasted more than 5 mins on /mu/. It was literal cancer. Maybe I should give it another go.
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#27 (permalink) | |
Music Addict
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Spoiler for questions:
in reference to MRA, as Frownland astutely stated, it's a Venn Diagram that's more flush circle than small intersection. After all, the wage gap is "fake news", right? I brought MRA into this because, as I see it, it stems from the same white, male disaffection with the cultural and social changes over the last 30 years. Men, especially white men, have gone from masters of their demesne, to partners, subordinates, or excluded parties. Whether through choice, circumstance, cultural shift, etc., the hows don't matter as much as the reaction, which as far as I can tell, has been extremely negative. As a man working in the Oil and Gas industry, the amount of sexism I see is absolutely shocking. 95% occurs when the woman has left the room. And this in a place where women occupy 4 of 6 senior VP positions. Do MRA types have fair points? Sure. Custody is one of the very few areas where the sexism is reversed. It's not fair, it's not in the best interest of the child, and it's one of the artifacts of a patriarchal society... ironic, imo.
One note timeless, came out of nowhere... Last edited by riseagainstrocks; 02-27-2017 at 08:49 AM. |
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#29 (permalink) | ||
mayor of spookytown
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 812
I'll address that outdated custody myth momentarily, but for now, a response to the original thread topic:
I can't comment on 4chan, but in regards to young male alt-right/neo-nazi types who consistently act obnoxiously online and off: Yes, I feel many can grow out of it. Just like most grow out of their Ayn Rand phase. (It has always been de rigueur for teenagers/early-20-somethings to adopt a facade of ironic detachment in addition to your standard contrarian-edgelord behavior. Because being a decent human being is uncool.) I'm not as familiar with the modern-day version of these children, but when I was a teenager, I was actually physically stalked and harassed by two of these types-- one older, one my age. For years. So, while it may not be the majority, some of them do indeed have some serious psychological issues/complexes which they overcompensate for in obnoxious ways. Psychologically, they're very interesting, as they seem to believe they're some sort of modern-day antiheroes and the one true subversive voice, even though they're about as subversive as your typical drunk racist Fox news-watching uncle. (But yeah, you sure are an envelope-pushing comedic genius, Kevin!) It's also hilarious to me that these Schrodinger's douchebags are always railing on about free speech and "PC culture" yet absolutely cannot handle any criticism from others whatsoever. (Some do not understand that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from criticism/public ridicule) And, as already noted they're not too dissimilar (in terms of pitiful debate tactics) from those that they're vehemently against. But, a lot of these kids--the trolls-turned-neo-nazis, anyway-- grew up believing South Park was the pinnacle of nuanced social commentary/humor, so... They'd be far less irritating if not for their insistence that they're somehow oppressed. I'm curious as to what they'll be like 20 years from now. ..And regarding the other kind that mainly stick to trolling and harassment (while indiscriminately latching on to whatever they perceive as opposite to "sjws", be it Trump or whatever)-- namely the younger MRA guys that enjoy harassing women non-stop-- I notice they all have an enormous entitlement problem (and barrels of weird sexual issues and complexes which they like to blame on random women/female friends), stemming from some perceived but actually extremely minor "betrayal". And then they restrict their social interactions to internet echo chambers without any real, varied real-life experiences to balance it out. But again, I'm assuming that most grow out of this once they gain more life experience/learn that people are not puppets for them to project their internal psychodramas upon. I really wish they (MRA) spent a bit more time practicing some sort of productive, real activism that doesn't revolve around demonizing others and yelling on reddit behind anime avatars. (What about male rape victims, or men--young adolescent men, especially-- in prison facing abuse and injustice, victims of police brutality, mentally ill homeless men with PTSD, disabled men or men with autism or severe chronic illnesses who are deprived of any real platform or voice, etc.. Or even elderly men experiencing neglect or abuse in nursing homes.. People who all could use help!) Quote:
Source: Gender Bias Study of the Court System in Massachusetts Quote:
Study 1: MASS 2100 cases where fathers sought custody (100%) 5 year duration 29% of fathers got primary custody 65% of fathers got joint custody 7% of mothers got primary custody Study 2: MASS 700 cases. In 57, (8.14%) father sought custody 6 years 67% of fathers got primary custody 23% of mothers got primary custody Study 3: MASS 500 cases. In 8% of these cases, father sought custody 6 years 41% of fathers got sole custody 38% of fathers got joint custody 15% of mothers got sole custody Study 4: Los Angeles 63% of fathers who sought sole custody were successful Study 5: US appellate custody cases 51% of fathers who sought custody were successful (not clear from wording whether this includes just sole or sole/joint custody) "...The high success rate of fathers does not by itself establish gender bias against women. Additional evidence, however, indicates that women may be less able to afford the lawyers and experts needed in contested custody cases (see “Family Law Overview”) and that, in contested cases, different and stricter standards are applied to mothers." There are still plenty of problems in custody cases regardless, (and biases galore, among both judges and jurors) but it is not at all as black-and-white as many assume. I've bolded the most worrying bits: Spoiler for Long wall of text:
That last bit is especially distressing, yet not even remotely surprising seeing as how inept our legal system is when there's any kind of abuse (child or spousal) involved. I've witnessed both abusive men and abusive women being unfairly granted certain things while the complaints and concerns of the other are dismissed entirely. I found this thesis floating around that addresses the financial issues which follow divorce; it may be interesting: https://ecommons.cornell.edu/bitstre...BA1?sequence=2 Edit: In conclusion, children are the real victims in these situations, as always. Last edited by Chiomara; 02-27-2017 at 07:13 PM. |
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#30 (permalink) | ||
carpe musicam
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Les Barricades Mystérieuses
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"Myopia" is the medical term for near-sightedness. The problem of not seeing things clearly objects at a distance due to the refractive error caused by the shape of the eye. "Myopia" is something you can't outgrow, it's something you have for the rest of your life, and for some people it's something that develops later in life. It's a handicap to have it, definitely not one of the worst handicap to physically deal with. However it's one of those handicaps that people feel free to bully, insult, mock or tease a person who has "myopia." Thinking that way at the age of sixteen didn't cause you to wear glasses and as a result be mocked because of wearing them.
![]() "it counts in our hearts" ?ºº? “I have nothing to offer anybody, except my own confusion.” Jack Kerouac. “If one listens to the wrong kind of music, he will become the wrong kind of person.” Aristotle. "If you tried to give Rock and Roll another name, you might call it 'Chuck Berry'." John Lennon "I look for ambiguity when I'm writing because life is ambiguous." Keith Richards |
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