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djchameleon 12-10-2016 10:17 AM

What Did President Trump Do Now?
I feel like this thread title perfectly fits the tone of what's leftover from the donald trump 4 prez thread. I don't know why it bothers me to continue posting in that thread but it does. Maybe the fact that the election is over. He is already president and now it's time to criticize and nitpick every decision he makes like was done with Obama. It it our civic duty to do so. Well more so the people that actually voted but it's fine the hear the opinions of those abroad that don't have to deal with the immediate ramifications but the broader ramifications that come from him screwing the pooch on foreign relations.

I want to break down all of his cabinet picks so far and why they will become devastating.

Andrew F. Puzder as Labor Secretary.
He is the CEO of CKE Restaurants a big time donor to Trump's campaign who has criticized the Obama administration’s labor policies.

If you don't know what the US Labor Department does here is a quick rundown.

The Labor Department enforces rules that protect the nation’s workers, distributes benefits to the unemployed and publishes economic data like the monthly jobs report. The new secretary will be in charge of keeping Mr. Trump’s promise to dismantle many Obama-era rules covering the vast work force of federal contractors.
So all those places that are pushing for a better wage, the entire fight for 15 which is in itself kind of futile while be even more ignored on a federal level when this guy takes his position. He's in charge CKE Restaurants which is basically the parent company of Carl's Jr., Hardee's, Green Burrito, and Red Burrito quick-service restaurant. I'm never eating Carl's Jr. or Hardee's again. It's already hard for me to even find a Hardee's locally so that's not that big of a deal.

Linda McMahon as head of the Small Business Administration. She is a failed Sentate candidate from Conneticut and was also one of the biggest donors to Trump's campaign along with her husband Vince McMahon.

The agency guarantees loans for small businesses, helps them get government contracts and supports their interests on Capitol Hill.

Scott Pruitt is an Oklahoma attorney general, who is a close ally of the fossil fuel industry put in charge of EPA.

The Environmental Protection Agency, which issues and oversees environmental regulations, is under threat from the president-elect, who has vowed to dismantle the agency “in almost every form.”

Now we are going to have an EPA Admistrator that's basically a climate change denier and wants to favor getting rid of certain regulations so that the fossil fuel industry can thrive and continue to reek havoc on the environment even more so than currently.

John F. Kelly is a retired four-star Marine general, whose son was killed in combat in Afghanistan.

Homeland Security Secretary
This agency was basically formed after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Trump plans to use it in guarding the United States’ borders. If Trump is able to make good on his promises of widespread deportations and building a wall without backpedaling this secretary will have to carry them out.

James N. Mattis led a Marine division to Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and led the United States Central Command from 2010-13. General Mattis, now retired, has been a critic of the Obama administration. He would need a waiver from Congress to lead the Pentagon because he has been out of uniform for less than seven years.

As Defense Secretary, he will shape the fight against the Islamic State while overseeing a military that is struggling to put in place two Obama-era initiatives: integrating women into combat roles and allowing transgender people to serve openly. Both will most likely be rolled back.

Steven Mnuchin served as Trump's campaign finance chairman. Mr. Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive, has deep roots in Hollywood but no government experience which goes hand in hand with some of the other candidates that have been appointed to positions. This lack of experience is alarming to say the least.

The Treasury Secretary will be responsible for government borrowing in financial markets, assisting in any rewrite of the tax code and overseeing the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasury Department also carries out or lifts financial sanctions against foreign enemies — which are key to President Obama’s Iran deal and rapprochement with Cuba.

Elaine L. Chao was the labor secretary under President George W. Bush. Ms. Chao, who is married to the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has been a fixture of the Republican establishment in Washington. Draining that swamp I see.

The next transportation secretary will oversee Trump’s campaign pledge to increase infrastructure funding to rebuild America's roads, bridges, airports and transit systems. Good luck with that. I feel like her track record speaks for itself on what she will get done.

Tom Price is a six-term Republican congressman from Georgia and orthopedic surgeon who has led opposition to the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Price has said the law interferes with the ability of patients and doctors to make medical decisions.

As the Health and Human Services Secretary, he will help Trump achieve one of his central campaign promises: to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The department approves new drugs, regulates the food supply, operates biomedical research, and runs Medicare and Medicaid, which insure more than 100 million people. Trump himself has already stated to the press that he wants to keep parts of the ACA and get rid of other parts which is actually good. Get rid of the parts that aren't working and keep the parts that are. When Medicaid/Medicare was first introduced, it wasn't a smooth introduction either and needed to be tweaked.

Wilbur Ross is an investor whose fortune is estimated by Forbes to be $2.9 billion. Mr. Ross has said the United States must free itself from the “bondage” of “bad trade agreements,” and has advocated threats to impose steep tariffs on China.

The Commerce Department has been a perennial target for budget cuts, but the secretary oversees a diverse portfolio, including the census, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Betsy DeVos is a former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party and an education activist who is a passionate believer in school choice.

Trump has said he wants to drastically shrink the Education Department and shift responsibilities for curriculum research, development and educational aid to state and local governments. Betsy has no teaching experience and firmly believes in charter schools and private schools. She hasn't even been to a public school in her life and none of her kids to go Public School. She's also part of an activist group that believes teachers are overpaid as it is. She doesn't personally believe that but she's just been guilty by association. There are memes of her track record floating around saying she thinks that but it's not true or there is no documented proof of her saying it.

Nikki R. Haley is a governor of South Carolina, as his nominee. The daughter of immigrants from India, she was a prominent and frequent critic of Mr. Trump early in his run.

The U.N. Ambassador is second to the secretary of state, the United States ambassador to the United Nations will be the primary face of America to the world, representing the country’s interests at the Security Council on a host of issues, from Middle East peace to nuclear proliferation.

Ben Carson is a former neurosurgeon and presidential candidate picked to lead HUD. Mr. Carson had previously said he did not want to work in government. Apparently he changed his mind and all of a sudden he wants to work in government. Does he have the experience to be the head of HUD? Hell no but that's not going to stop him like it's not going to stop a large majority of Trump's cabinet choices that don't have experience either.

The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development oversees fair-housing laws, the development of affordable housing and access to mortgage insurance. As a real estate developer, Trump is attuned to the tax breaks for housing development.

Mike Pompeo is representative of Kansas and a former Army officer. Mr. Pompeo is a member of the House Intelligence Committee and was a sharp critic of Hillary Clinton during the congressional investigation into the 2012 attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

Trump takes over at a time of diverse and complex threats to American security. The new C.I.A. director will have to decide whether to undo a C.I.A. “modernization” plan put in place this year by Director John O. Brennan, and how to proceed if the president-elect orders a resumption of harsh interrogation tactics — critics have described the tactics as torture — for terrorism suspects.

Jeff Sessions is a senator from Alabama. Mr. Sessions is a strong proponent of strict immigration enforcement, reduced spending and tough-on-crime measures. His nomination for a federal judgeship in 1986 was rejected because of racially charged comments and actions, which are very likely to become an issue as he faces another set of Senate confirmation hearings. It will be really interesting to see if they even let this guy take the seat.

The nation's top law enforcement official will have the authority for carrying out Mr. Trump's “law and order” platform. The nominee can change how civil rights laws are enforced. He also is extremely anti-marijuana to the point of saying that it's dangerous and he needs to show people how dangerous it is by cracking down on it heavily. There is also talk of him overturning an executive order that Obama passed that ended up releasing inmates early with drug charges that got swept up in the "War on Drugs" on mandatory minimum sentencing.

Michael T. Flynn is a retired Army lieutenant general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. General Flynn has been outspoken about his view of the threat posed by Islamist militancy and was an ardent supporter of Trump during the campaign.

The national security adviser, although not a member of the cabinet, is a critical gatekeeper for policy proposals from the State Department, the Pentagon and other agencies, a function that takes on more importance given Trump's lack of experience in elective office.

Reince Priebus is the chairman of the Republican National Committee selected to be the White House Chief of Staff.

The White House Chief of Staff manages the work and personnel of the West Wing, steering the president's agenda and tending to important relationships. The role will take on outsize importance in a White House run by Trump, who has no experience in policy making and little in the way of connections to critical players in Washington. He will lean on this guy and Pence's connections heavily to those critical players.

Stephen K. Bannon is a right-wing media executive and the chairman of the president-elect’s campaign. Many have denounced the move, warning that Mr. Bannon represents racist views.

Chief Strategist
Stephen K. Bannon was also considered for chief of staff, but Trump instead named him chief strategist and senior counselor in the White House, saying that he and Mr. Priebus would be “working as equal partners” in the administration.

So the last three roles were already appointed but the rest of the roles need Senate Confirmation. There are also some other roles that haven't been filled yet. I'm going to list them off right now and maybe later on will discuss some of the rumors of people that have been tapped to potentially fill those roles.

Secretary of State
Rex W. Tillerson is the president and chief executive of Exxon Mobil, whose ties with Russian President Vladimir V. Putin is drawing scrutiny during the confirmation process. He divested from Exxon with a nice severance in the millions.

Director of National Intelligence
The person who holds this post is the president’s principal adviser on intelligence and oversees the entire military and civilian intelligence apparatus. The coordination between the intelligence agencies of the military and civilian wings will be vital for the war on the Islamic State.
Dan Coats is a former Indiana senator. He served on the Senate intelligence and armed services committees and would be stepping into a position that some in Trump’s orbit believe is superfluous.

Interior Secretary
The Interior Department manages the nation’s public lands and waters. The next secretary will decide the fate of Obama-era rules that stop public land development; curb the exploration of oil, coal and gas; and promote wind and solar power on public lands.
Ryan Zinke is a Montana freshman representative, a former Navy SEAL commander who was an early supporter of the president-elect and ran for office largely on a national security platform.

Energy Secretary
Despite its name, the primary purview of the Energy Department is to protect and manage the nation’s arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Rick Perry is a former Texas governor, who in 2011 proposed scrapping the Energy Department while he was seeking the Republican nomination for president.

U.S. Trade Representative
The president’s chief trade negotiator will have the odd role of opposing new trade deals, trying to rewrite old ones and bolstering the enforcement of what Trump sees as unfair trade, especially with China.
Robert Lighthizer is an international lawyer who served as a trade official under President Ronald Reagan. Mr. Lighthizer has been harshly critical of China, and in a 2010 Op-Ed article in The New York Times, he presaged some of Trump’s talk on trade.

Senior Adviser to the President

A senior member of the White House staff who serves as a confidant in the president’s inner circle.
Jared Kushner is Trump's son-in-law being appointed to a senior White House role. The appointment of Mr. Kushner, a major real estate developer in New York who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, could test anti-nepotism laws.

Homeland Security Adviser
A position that will be equal in status to national security adviser, it will focus on homeland security and counter terrorism.
Thomas P. Bossert was a top national security aide to President George W. Bush. Mr. Bossert runs a risk management consulting firm in Washington and is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council research institution, working on its Cyber Statecraft Initiative.

A close adviser who will help set the president’s agenda and formulate his message.
Kellyanne Conway is Trump's former campaign manager, confidante and spokeswoman. Conway also has a pollster background and therefore may rely on this skill set to keep tabs on public sentiment.

Director of Trade and Industrial Policy
A new position that will oversee trade and industrial policy in the White House and direct an internal council that will run alongside the National Security Council, the National Economic Council and the Domestic Policy Council.
Peter Navarro is a professor at the University of California, Irvine, who holds a doctorate from Harvard and is the only credentialed economist in Trump’s inner circle. Navarro has been a staunch critic of current Chinese economic policies.

Special Adviser on Regulatory Reform
This new position will oversee the president’s promised effort to unwind as many regulations on business as he can.
Carl Icahn is a billionaire investor and famed “corporate raider” who buys large stakes in companies and then forces policy changes to benefit shareholders. Icahn, who was an economic adviser during the campaign, is a longtime friend of Mr. Trump.

Press Secretary and Special Assistant to the President
The press secretary is the face of the White House and representative for the president, framing messaging, responding to stories of the day and briefing the press.
Sean Spicer is the longtime spokesman for the Republican National Committee and top aide to Reince Priebus, who is the incoming chief of staff and pressed for his selection. While Spicer will be the face of the communications team, he will work with Jason Miller, director of communications, and Hope Hicks, director of strategic communications.


djchameleon 12-10-2016 10:37 AM

The Carrier deal that the right wing media has been going around bragging about because they all think he's actually sticking to his word and saving jobs immediately is such a farce.

First of all they were given a huge tax break for decades to come that guess who is going to have to take up the slack? The same people that they supposedly saved their jobs. :banghead:

Then it is being reported that Carrier took that money to use to automate their plant so that they don't need humans working there. Some of those same jobs are still getting cut anyways.

djchameleon 12-10-2016 10:42 AM


American intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump, according to senior administration officials.

They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.

In the months before the election, it was largely documents from Democratic Party systems that were leaked to the public. Intelligence agencies have concluded that the Russians gave the Democrats’ documents to WikiLeaks.
He still continues to deny that Russia helped him out. He thinks it was just some 400 lbs fat guy laying on his bed that did it.

OMFG. Batlord? Was it you?


Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-10-2016 11:19 AM

i only read a little bit of what you said about his cabinet picks but the fight for a better wage is pretty pointless once you understand inflation and how it works.

Chula Vista 12-10-2016 11:39 AM

I actually think Mattis is a good pick. Everyone else? Good lord.....

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-10-2016 11:41 AM

i've heard a lot of ****ty stuff about Linda McMahon but i just love the fact that both her and the Donald have stood in the WWE ring before and are now in these positions. :laughing:

djchameleon 12-10-2016 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1781419)
i only read a little bit of what you said about his cabinet picks but the fight for a better wage is pretty pointless once you understand inflation and how it works.

Elaborate please.

I'll give you my take after you explain a bit more what you mean by that.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-10-2016 12:43 PM

"Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service."

basically by making mcdonald's (as an example) pay their employees more, you're making mcdonald's raise their prices which then means you're just paying more for your mcdonald's and these people aren't actually gaining all that much with their increased wage. obviously if it was just one company that did it we wouldn't have a huge issue, but if everyone gets an increase in pay (i.e up minimum wage) there will be inflation across the board. it's kind of like asking "why doesn't the government just print more money?"

Tristan_Geoff 12-10-2016 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1781491)
"Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every dollar you own buys a smaller percentage of a good or service."

basically by making mcdonald's (as an example) pay their employees more, you're making mcdonald's raise their prices which then means you're just paying more for your mcdonald's and these people aren't actually gaining all that much with their increased wage. obviously if it was just one company that did it we wouldn't have a huge issue, but if everyone gets an increase in pay (i.e up minimum wage) there will be inflation across the board. it's kind of like asking "why doesn't the government just print more money?"

What I've never understood about this is how the companies come to a decision about how much people are now making and how they know to raise the prices? I've never got a direct answer on this.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-10-2016 12:57 PM

i guess profit projection and analysis. if you look at your yearly sales and see that you've moved just as much product but haven't made more money it probably means you're going to start charging more because you're paying too much (in their eyes.) i also think the more you sell the more you're going to charge because of demand, you know? if mcdonald's (sorry to keep going with this example but w/e) have a ridiculous year of selling big macs, they'll probably raise the price because they know it's popular and will sell regardless.

Key 12-10-2016 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1781419)
i only read a little bit of what you said about his cabinet picks but the fight for a better wage is pretty pointless once you understand inflation and how it works.

I actually agree with this.

Trollheart 12-10-2016 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1781497)
I actually agree with this.

OT: you know if you could Photoshop that "hi" into a "Ki" (shouldn't be too hard) your avatar would probably get a few extra points?

Exo 12-10-2016 03:04 PM


President-elect Donald Trump has selected Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his nominee for secretary of State, NBC News reported Saturday.

Tillerson is expected to be offered the post this weekend, The New York Times reported.

Tillerson had reportedly jumped to the front of the pack of candidates in recent days, despite not being mentioned on shortlists as recently as last week.
Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller said in a tweet Saturday afternoon that there would not be an announcement about the State position until at least next week, though he did not refute NBC's report.

Several other media outlets reported Saturday afternoon that Tillerson was Trump's likely pick to become the nation's next top diplomat.

Critics have already called into question Tillerson’s ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Tillerson negotiated an energy partnership with Putin in 2011 that the Russian president said could be worth $500 billion.

The following year, Tillerson received the Russian Order of Friendship, one of the highest awards the country bestows upon foreign nationals.

Reuters reported earlier this year that the Exxon Mobil deal with Russia had been put on hold due to sanctions levied against the Kremlin for its annexation of Crimea in 2014. The company has said it intends to resume the deal after sanctions are lifted — a process that Tillerson could help expedite as secretary of State.

NBC's Andrea Mitchell said that two sources informed her that Tillerson's selection is planned to be announced sometime next week. She also reported that former Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, a neoconservative firebrand, would be tapped to be Tillerson's deputy at State.

The selection of the Putin ally comes just hours after the Washington Post reported that the CIA had assessed that Russia had interfered in the U.S. election in an effort to help Trump get to the White House.

Trump pushed back on the report with an attack on the CIA. An unattributed statement from his transition team said of the agency, "These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction."

If the NBC report proves accurate, all eyes will turn to the GOP senators who have taken the most hawkish stances toward Russia, as Democrats will likely only need three Republicans to cross the aisle to block the nomination.
Trump picks Exxon CEO Tillerson for secretary of State: report | TheHill

If this turns out to be true, as Trump hasn't officially announced it yet, we are going to be speaking Russian in a few years. This is incredible. There are too many dollar signs in the eyes of every person Trump has elected to his cabinet that they can't see the fact that they're playing right into Putin's hands. Incredible. I'm going to get a head start tonight by pouring vodka down my throat to get my tolerance up.

Zhanteimi 12-10-2016 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Exo (Post 1781532)
we are going to be speaking Russian in a few years

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Exo 12-10-2016 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Mordor (Post 1781534)
You say that like it's a bad thing.


Zhanteimi 12-10-2016 03:38 PM

How do you feel about Spanish?

Exo 12-10-2016 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Mordor (Post 1781539)
How do you feel about Spanish?

I learned Spanish in High School.

Zhanteimi 12-10-2016 03:42 PM

So you're fine with Spanish but not Russian? Why?

Exo 12-10-2016 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Mordor (Post 1781542)
So you're fine with Spanish but not Russian? Why?

I have no problem with the language or the people who speak it. I also don't have a problem with the Russian language or the people who speak it. I have a problem with the Russian government which is what my post was inferring to.

Zhanteimi 12-10-2016 03:52 PM

Don't people in the Russian government speak English? It is the international language, after all.

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 03:55 PM

but but but but but but but but but... Trump isn't corrupted by politics, he's not bought out be Wall Street, he would never put greedy corporate people into powerful positions because he's against the establishment....

...or I was right all along.

And I thought inflation was when we keep printing more money than we actually have so the worth of our currency drops.

Frownland 12-10-2016 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781529)
ughhhhh stop talking about things you don't know anything about

higher wages, higher minimum wages in this case, do not cause inflation

In a market free enough to where companies can counteract higher wages with higher prices (like our economy), it does, unfortunately. It's not inherent persay but lit seems to be the trend.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-10-2016 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1781555)
In a market free enough to where companies can counteract higher wages with higher prices (like our economy), it does, unfortunately. It's not inherent persay but lit seems to be the trend.


djchameleon 12-10-2016 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1781555)
In a market free enough to where companies can counteract higher wages with higher prices (like our economy), it does, unfortunately. It's not inherent persay but lit seems to be the trend.

Okay so a few things. This is for Qsdfl;kjd too.

In the case of McDonald's I will use his example, they could increase the price of everything by 20 cents and be able to pay their workers 15 dollars an hour but they won't.

They would rather automate the cashiers and fire some of the staff leaving the rest to work the grill.

The Fight for 15 is good in certain areas but only in the areas where the cost of living is higher.

In reality they should be getting paid a living wage but then that would be somewhere near 25 an hour and that's not going to happen for an entry level position. The rate of inflation and cost of living over the years doesn't match up with the current minimum wage rate. It would be one thing if they were in line with each other but they currently aren't.

Also some of the places that are approving 15 dollars an hour are only okay with it because they are making deals like it will be 15 dollars an hour by the time it reaches 2022. They will slowly increase people's wages in year but by the time that 2022 rolls around the cost of living will be higher and 15 dollars an hour will mean jack **** by then that's what those companies are banking on.

Damn he picked Tillerson. One of the worst out of the rest of the choices. At least he didn't go with Petraeus.
I will update the OP.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-10-2016 05:42 PM

it's easy to say they "should" do something when you aren't in their shoes. obviously it's greed on their part, but who are we to tell them to do differently? i personally don't feel people working at mcdonald's are entitled to anything. it's a part-time job and if they aspire for more they should try their hardest to move up in the organization or find a better opportunity.

Frownland 12-10-2016 06:37 PM

Except for them real world examples

I'm not against raising the minimum wage ftr.

djchameleon 12-10-2016 08:09 PM

There are real world examples on both sides of this issue

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 08:34 PM

I think McDonalds workers are entitled to survival if there is a lack of jobs. Just because fast food isn't glorified doesn't mean it's not still work.

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781606)
Yes and when their wages don't pay enough to feed their family guess what they have to depend on

Your tax dollars

So if you're heartless about this issue you should understand that you subsidize Walmart by paying their employees for them

That is true. Though, most people I know on welfare don't have jobs and don't look and are super lazy and use them to buy drugs but I live in Utah.

The Batlord 12-10-2016 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781606)
Yes and when their wages don't pay enough to feed their family guess what they have to depend on

Your tax dollars

So if you're heartless about this issue you should understand that you subsidize Walmart by paying their employees for them

In my experience they get second, equally ****ty jobs if they can't support their family more often than government assistance. So it's possible that increasing minimum wage might actually artificially create more jobs. But that's just me spitballing.

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781610)
if they don't have kids they usually they can't get welfare the welfare isn't for them it's for their kids which need their parents to not starve

No, you can get food stamps as a single childless person. Pretty easily. The welfare queen, who does have kids and keeps having kids so she can keep getting more and more welfare, tried to get me to get food stamps when I was fired from a job once. I said no. In fact, I knew a few people that used my name for food stamps that I never benefited from when I was younger. ****ty family I have.

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781616)
yes you can get SNAP usually considered to be separate from cash assistance welfare

I lump it all together, it's all coming out of tax payer money and that was the point.

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781622)
That's fine and not wrong

SNAP is just way cheaper

Then I don't know if I personally know anybody that actually receives welfare checks, except perhaps the welfare queen who technically can't be a welfare queen if she isn't getting welfare checks. I don't know, I assume she does though.

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781627)
Well yeah there's a whole lot less of them than our society seems to think

and "welfare Queen" is bad terminology nobody on welfare is living like a Queen

All very true points indeed.

Though, I think it upsets people to see people doing almost as well as them with out putting in any work. So those angry people, who may only know one person who's lived their whole life abusing that system, blow things out of proportion as if it's a much bigger deal than it is. Our stigma on these programs comes more from spite we have for the ****ty people we know that tend to abuse these programs than it does with how much it actually costs us because there is no way in hell that these programs are eating up all our money.

Neapolitan 12-10-2016 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1781627)
Well yeah there's a whole lot less of them than our society seems to think

and "welfare Queen" is bad terminology nobody on welfare is living like a Queen except for the minuscule few who also have i-phones and Michael Kors pocketbooks and eat lobsters for diner, but besides that none of them are not living like queens.


Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1781639)

Eating lobster for a day and ramen noodles for the rest of the month with a ****ty Iphone etc. is not quite living like a queen. Welcome to lower class living.

Neapolitan 12-10-2016 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1781642)
Eating lobster for a day and ramen noodles for the rest of the month with a ****ty Iphone etc. is not quite living like a queen. Welcome to lower class living.

My bad, no one cheats the welfare system and the rich always pay as much tax as they possibly can. Welfare queens and tax evaders are just as mythical as big foot.

Lucem Ferre 12-10-2016 10:41 PM

I didn't say that isn't cheating the system, just saying it's not that glamorous.

DwnWthVwls 12-10-2016 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1781630)
All very true points indeed.

Though, I think it upsets people to see people doing almost as well as them with out putting in any work. So those angry people, who may only know one person who's lived their whole life abusing that system, blow things out of proportion as if it's a much bigger deal than it is. Our stigma on these programs comes more from spite we have for the ****ty people we know that tend to abuse these programs than it does with how much it actually costs us because there is no way in hell that these programs are eating up all our money.

Work as a grocery store cashier and tell me the majority of people on food stamps aren't lazy assholes abusing the system. The majority view on the system has been my experience with tons of people I don't know. I've met very few people who are actually trying and on food stamps.

Key 12-10-2016 11:30 PM

I don't make a lot and I don't use food stamps even though I'm applicable because I feel it's makes me less of a person. If I can't provide for myself, I don't feel that someone else should be forced to provide for me. If you make a livable income and are on food stamps, you're a piece of ****.

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