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Chula Vista 02-16-2017 10:39 AM


The rest of the world is laughing at us and scared ****less of us at the same time.

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 12:46 PM

During today's press conference:


Reporter April Ryan, who is black, pressed Trump on his agenda to "fix" inner cities. When she asked, specifically, if Trump would work with members of the Congressional Black Caucus, he asked Ryan if she wanted to set up the meeting for him.

"Are they friends of yours?" Trump asked Ryan. "Set up the meeting. Set up the meeting."

Truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Trollheart 02-16-2017 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1805966)
qualifying doesnt mean you'll get accepted. we have a pretty notoriously picky system. even once you do get accepted they're pretty relentless with their follow up.

Qwertyy will make sure your application is denied.

Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1806081)
No? I think every generation has become increasingly accepting and less racist.

I like how you put racism aside and then addressed another topic about racism though :D

no, elph. no one cares about your juggalo ass.

In what universe? People seem to be getting more, not less, racist, and I'm sure you don't need me to post examples. Even here in Ireland there's violence (admittedly, very sporadic) against minorities and indeed immigrant crime, and I heard two older people say a while back "Why do we need to take them in? Let them go somewhere else!" Fine words, from a so-called Catholic country. Oh no my friend: racism is not only alive and well in the 21st century, it's ****ing thriving, and getting stronger every year.

Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1806086)
It's something I've seen brought up before in a few think pieces related to Black Lives Matter (among others). The argument being that even though the U.S. is a melting pot, no matter which "culture" reigns it will inevitably be racist to some degree if they achieve any kind of longstanding majority.

I don't know if social evolution is truly possible with the way things are, but I think there's some merit to the analysis. Acknowledging racism as a problem all people share instead of just whoever the perceived majority is would be a start to fixing it. That won't happen under a Trump administration here of course...

It was also mentioned that you have some people screaming about white privilege, for instance, but there are many "non-racist" whites who feel as though there are places they are not welcome because they are white.

You'd have to wonder if in Africa there is a bias against white people. I know, given the history of Apartheid, you wouldn't quite blame them, but considering that the overwhelming majority of Africa is black, do the whites feel threatened there? I don't know, but I somehow have the feeling they don't, because racism doesn't seem to be as built-in to Africans as it is to the likes of us. Am I wrong? Is it that they've had to deal with so much **** over the centuries that they wouldn't dream of visiting that on another race? Or is my head up my arse here? I really don't know, but if you hear of violence in African countries it's quite often the same race fighting. Obviously there are ethnic minorities most places, but I think the likes of Sweden, Iceland, Switzerland are examples of places where you don't hear of trouble related to racism. Not saying it's not there, but it's certainly not reported.

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1806225)
Or is my head up my arse here?

In a word? NO.

Cuthbert 02-16-2017 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Trollheart (Post 1806225)
In what universe? People seem to be getting more, not less, racist, and I'm sure you don't need me to post examples. Even here in Ireland there's violence (admittedly, very sporadic) against minorities and indeed immigrant crime, and I heard two older people say a while back "Why do we need to take them in? Let them go somewhere else!" Fine words, from a so-called Catholic country. Oh no my friend: racism is not only alive and well in the 21st century, it's ****ing thriving, and getting stronger every year.

I agree with Vowels tbh. Maybe it's an age thing (no disrespect intended) and not growing up among other ethnic groups but definitely where I live if you're to come across racism it will be from someone over a certain age. I've seen it from friend's parents a few times. Only ever seen it once from someone my age, which was quite bad and still feel ashamed I didn't do anything.

That's racism from white people though, of course racism doesn't count when the perpetrator is non white but if it did, I've seen more of that. Wasn't that long ago we had those race riots.

Goofle 02-16-2017 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mindfulness (Post 1806144)

Am I the only one who sees Trump saying "Yeah, lets try and sort something out" without judging him totally on the fact he was on The Apprentice? I dunno, maybe I'm biased.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 02-16-2017 04:12 PM


Chula Vista 02-16-2017 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1806254)
"Yeah, lets try and sort something out"

Multitudes of people have been trying to "sort something out" for over a century.

And we can cleary see where that gets us.

Maybe study some ****ing history?

Trump is the current leader of the free world. The planet leans on his every word at this point. To answer that question so flippantly in that setting is one of the most politically embarrassing things I've seen in decades. If not ever.

Take the blinders off dude.

Goofle 02-16-2017 04:27 PM

Oh, I don't know they have been in conflict for centuries because I like the sentiment of the two agreeing to a peace deal. Great reasoning as usual.

Frownland 02-16-2017 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1806254)
Am I the only one who sees Trump saying "Yeah, lets try and sort something out" without judging him totally on the fact he was on The Apprentice? I dunno, maybe I'm biased.

I judge him based on his hair. Never watched the Apprentice.

Goofle 02-16-2017 04:29 PM

His hair is glorious. It's like some kinda magic.

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1806260)
Oh, I don't know they have been in conflict for centuries because I like the sentiment of the two agreeing to a peace deal. Great reasoning as usual.

Grow up.

Goofle 02-16-2017 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1806263)

Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1806259)
Multitudes of people have been trying to "sort something out" for over a century.

Maybe study some ****ing history?

Take the blinders off dude.

Grow up.


Stephen 02-16-2017 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1806165)
The rest of the world is laughing at us and scared ****less of us at the same time.

See this guy gets it.

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1806259)
Trump is the current leader of the free world. The planet leans on his every word at this point.

Hey Goofball, you missed a spot.

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 06:53 PM

Strike Two.

Harward says no to national security adviser role - KXLY

Sh*t sandwich. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Anteater 02-16-2017 07:32 PM

Strike Three...oh wait, he isn't President anymore. Drats.

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 07:35 PM

Yo, it's February 2017. Catch up.

Psy-Fi 02-16-2017 07:40 PM

Step right up!...

Anteater 02-16-2017 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1806320)
Yo, it's February 2017. Catch up.

That leak came out today though....

Also, did you know Trump has saved us over 3 billion dollars so far?

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1806324)
That leak came out today though....

Also, did you know Trump has saved us over 3 billion dollars so far?

Donald Trump and Congress have already saved Americans almost $3 billion | Rare

From that same website:

Trump channels Fidel Castro on a balcony in the nuttiest presidential press conference ever | Rare

The US budget is approx. 4 trillion dollars. 3 billion is 0.075% of the budget.
Kudos Donald.

Anteater 02-16-2017 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1806328)
From that same website:

Trump channels Fidel Castro on a balcony in the nuttiest presidential press conference ever | Rare

The US budget is approx. 4 trillion dollars. 3 billion is 0.075% of the budget.
Kudos Donald.

That was actually a pretty balanced article. Points out Donald's silliness but also acknowledges the hypocrisy of the media. We need more stuff like that.

Chula Vista 02-16-2017 10:47 PM

Have been watching clips from the impromtu press conference today over and over again. The dude is basically ad-libbing as he goes along. Toss out all of his positive adjectives and the content is basically a steaming pile of completely irrevalent bull****.

Best line of the night by a commentator: "I never knew a dumpster fire could set itself on fire."

RoxyRollah 02-16-2017 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mrs. Tristan Rosenstock (Post 1806135)
No it didn't

Yeah it did.

Lucem Ferre 02-16-2017 11:47 PM

This is the first place I've ever seen liberals make Trump supporters look like the level headed ones. Congrats.

RoxyRollah 02-17-2017 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1806353)
Have been watching clips from the impromtu press conference today over and over again. The dude is basically ad-libbing as he goes along. Toss out all of his positive adjectives and the content is basically a steaming pile of completely irrevalent bull****.

Best line of the night by a commentator: "I never knew a dumpster fire could set itself on fire."

Since you like to hoot and holler about everything Trump has done, and will do, or has thought about doing (and rightfully so at your age, I mean that's what old people do, bitch and moan) On an unrelated note, s'plain to me why Marine Le Pen is doing so marvelous in the French elections? I mean she has a lot of the same ideas with border control, oh I dunno telling the E.U. to **** right off. They happen to be building a wall around the Eiffel tower, (see article below because I don't want you to have to go through the trouble of shouting conspiracy theorist or something ludicrous you're elderly I don't want you to get winded. ) Explain it to me. Explain to me the Brexit. Also tell me why you read or still watch CNN when they have been caught lying this past election more times then I can count, like a actual blatant lies and they were unapologetic about it too boot.

Eiffel Tower to be surrounded by $20M bulletproof glass wall by year's end

I get that you are opinionated and loud about it which is fine. But you get quite rude towards people who don't share your views, while telling the person you are talking too in a condescending sophomoric way that they know less then you, or they are stupid, racist __________ (insert mud-sling here.). I'm sure you will live through 4 years of the Donald, and if your party plays better next time around you can have your crap liberal establishment back, maybe with a dash of communism, or an extra heavy sprinkling socialism or maybe it can be an all out tyrannical ''liberal'' society .
If you had any stones you'd look in the mirror, and ask yourself and your Clinton loving cronies or Sanders comrades when did we become the party of fascists? When did our party become the party lying to people with ridiculous lies, tall tales and hollow facts, (just like the right did in the 90's to the left.).

And lastly, why don't you try and actually exchange ideas with Clancy, you'll find him to be very open minded, and incredibly smart, well spoken GENTLEMAN. I can't stress the gentleman part enough, I mean he oozes class brother, but I can see why you are jealous.

Anyway, don't just angrily blindly type back in some non-sensible gas lighting kinda way actually think about my questions and get back to me when you are capable of having a conversation about this without resorting to name calling and insults. I won't tolerate that **** anymore for my views. You are entitled to your ****ed up beliefs and so am I, and healthy debate is what happens naturally in an open society with fresh ideas, electricity, and excitement. (You know, the Western civilized manner in which democracy flourishes.)



RoxyRollah 02-17-2017 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1806360)
This is the first place I've ever seen liberals make Trump supporters look like the level headed ones. Congrats.

So the pink pussy hat march didn't do that for you? They didn't even credit pussy riot for their festoonery these people's depravity knows no bounds ......... .

RoxyRollah 02-17-2017 12:49 AM

That's a blanket analogy. Some people remember Europe before the 28 unelected shadow government called the E.U. showed up. I pointed out the similarities out in the Brexit thread last year and.....

The Batlord 02-17-2017 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1806361)
Since you like to hoot and holler about everything Trump has done, and will do, or has thought about doing (and rightfully so at your age, I mean that's what old people do, bitch and moan) On an unrelated note, s'plain to me why Marine Le Pen is doing so marvelous in the French elections? I mean she has a lot of the same ideas with border control, oh I dunno telling the E.U. to **** right off. They happen to be building a wall around the Eiffel tower, (see article below because I don't want you to have to go through the trouble of shouting conspiracy theorist or something ludicrous you're elderly I don't want you to get winded. ) Explain it to me. Explain to me the Brexit. Also tell me why you read or still watch CNN when they have been caught lying this past election more times then I can count, like a actual blatant lies and they were unapologetic about it too boot.

Eiffel Tower to be surrounded by $20M bulletproof glass wall by year's end

I get that you are opinionated and loud about it which is fine. But you get quite rude towards people who don't share your views, while telling the person you are talking too in a condescending sophomoric way that they know less then you, or they are stupid, racist __________ (insert mud-sling here.). I'm sure you will live through 4 years of the Donald, and if your party plays better next time around you can have your crap liberal establishment back, maybe with a dash of communism, or an extra heavy sprinkling socialism or maybe it can be an all out tyrannical ''liberal'' society .
If you had any stones you'd look in the mirror, and ask yourself and your Clinton loving cronies or Sanders comrades when did we become the party of fascists? When did our party become the party lying to people with ridiculous lies, tall tales and hollow facts, (just like the right did in the 90's to the left.).

And lastly, why don't you try and actually exchange ideas with Clancy, you'll find him to be very open minded, and incredibly smart, well spoken GENTLEMAN. I can't stress the gentleman part enough, I mean he oozes class brother, but I can see why you are jealous.

Anyway, don't just angrily blindly type back in some non-sensible gas lighting kinda way actually think about my questions and get back to me when you are capable of having a conversation about this without resorting to name calling and insults. I won't tolerate that **** anymore for my views. You are entitled to your ****ed up beliefs and so am I, and healthy debate is what happens naturally in an open society with fresh ideas, electricity, and excitement. (You know, the Western civilized manner in which democracy flourishes.)



I was hoping that you'd calmed down after all this time, but now it just looks like you're having another one of your episodes. Why are you even here if you don't like this place?

RoxyRollah 02-17-2017 03:16 AM


djchameleon 02-17-2017 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1806373)
I was hoping that you'd calmed down after all this time, but now it just looks like you're having another one of your episodes. Why are you even here if you don't like this place?

Booo. Those series of questions weren't even lobbed in your direction and you made zero effort to even address anything she said. Instead you went for that lazy response.

I know she didn't address me but there is one area I want to tackle when I get to my laptop and I'm not just typing on my phone.

RoxyRollah 02-17-2017 04:09 AM

Thank you dre....


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1806372)
It's not unreasonable to criticize the EU but "shadow government"


I fear another tirade against the Globalists those devils

You must not understand how these people operate.

Got a question for you, the federal reserve , government agency or private bank?


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1806384)
Booo. Those series of questions weren't even lobbed in your direction and you made zero effort to even address anything she said. Instead you went for that lazy response.

I know she didn't address me but there is one area I want to tackle when I get to my laptop and I'm not just typing on my phone.

Your audience with oracle shall be granted. ;)

Mindy 02-17-2017 06:16 AM

Psy-Fi 02-17-2017 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1806360)
This is the first place I've ever seen liberals make Trump supporters look like the level headed ones. Congrats.


You should take a look through the other Trump thread. :laughing:

djchameleon 02-17-2017 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1806361)
If you had any stones you'd look in the mirror, and ask yourself and your Clinton loving cronies or Sanders comrades when did we become the party of fascists? When did our party become the party lying to people with ridiculous lies, tall tales and hollow facts, (just like the right did in the 90's to the left.).

Don't you mean just like the right is currently doing?

Number 45 has decided that it would be best to wage war against the media/press.

The same media/press that is there to decipher the consistent lies that he tells on a regular basis and attempt to clarify things that he himself has said. Also to question alternative facts that 45 has decided to tell by talking directly to the people through social media. He is definitely on the path to attempting to control the media. He has convinced a large population of the people that all the media does is lies so that he can spread his own misinformation through twitter. Conway is also a tool in his arsenal that is so slippery she can't even be bothered to answer a question properly and ends up just wearing down the interviewer if they aren't good enough to pin her down. She's become so good at it but at the same time if anyone are actually watching those interviews they will be more confused about whatever topic it is after the interview is done.

Exhibit A:

Interesting video and he breaks down every single thing that she does.

Exhibit B:

Goofle 02-17-2017 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1806410)
Number 45 has decided...

...that 45 has decided... Christ.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 02-17-2017 08:01 AM

a1 post

Frownland 02-17-2017 08:02 AM

djchameleon 02-17-2017 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1806416)

Or do you prefer


The Batlord 02-17-2017 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1806384)
Booo. Those series of questions weren't even lobbed in your direction and you made zero effort to even address anything she said. Instead you went for that lazy response.

I know she didn't address me but there is one area I want to tackle when I get to my laptop and I'm not just typing on my phone.

Why would I want to debate someone who's been lurking on this forum and nursing old grudges like a psychopath for over a year? Besides, this whole forum has debated with Roxy five million times already and everything has already been said. Until she starts taking her meds and stops believing in reptilian overlords and Nazi bases under Antarctica then there's not much to say. Other than to poke fun at her of course.

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