riseagainstrocks |
07-11-2017 06:51 AM |
Originally Posted by Frownland
(Post 1854555)
The ironic thing is that if Chelsea Clinton owned 666 5th Avenue and Hilary was president this would be less of a meme and more of an incontrovertible proof that the Clintons are in league with the devil. One shouldn't play by the same rules as these people but it's instructive to point out rank hypocrisy, no matter who's at fault.
I still think the single most egregious example is Mitch Mcconnell's 'Obamacare was made in the dark and rammed through Congress' rants while attempting to change 1/6th of the federal budget in a month. In a bill written by 13 men. Of one party. In secret. Thank goodness he wasn't able to gin-up enough votes to guarantee its passage. Still nervous he'll pull some von Bismarck-esque realpolitik though.
To Ant's continued defense of, if not Trump personally, the general positions his administration is taking, what policies are you happy about? You seem to be taking a contra-Chula/elphenor position more than a pro-Trump one. I respect the role of contrarian, and lord knows this thread is already echo chamber-y, but our country is led by a child. A child who thinks he's a king. A child who launches military action based on photos of a sad looking orphan, the same orphan who would be covered by our child-in-chief's travel... stoppage (unless there is an age exemption I'm not aware of). A child convinced of the malfeasance of his former political opponent, based on circumstantial evidence that seems fishy, while failing to realize THE EXACT SAME KIND OF EVIDENCE exists to implicate his campaign with untoward Russian state actors. A child who promulgated a race-baiting lie about the former's president's natural citizenship while loudly demanding evidence that he's 'MURICAN', when he simultaneously refused and continues to refuse to allow for an accounting of his assets and physical interests in countries he now interacts with as the leader of the American people.
I don't get what there is to be proud of. A solar powered wall? It's like he caught something on the Discovery Channel while trying to find FOXHD and decided it's now his administration's policy. We need STABLE leadership. We need CONSIDERED leadership. We have neither. So I ask again, what policies, pronouncements, projects, etc. are you happy about with respect to the Donald?