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Chula Vista 12-17-2016 10:41 AM


Malik Obama’s reasons for supporting Trump remain somewhat unclear and may stem from hard feelings he has toward his half-brother. But whatever the reason, that support was vehement, particularly on Twitter, where he was so adamantly pro-Trump that his account was often accused of being a parody.
Shortly before the election, though, Obama was verified by Twitter. And since that verification, something weird has happened: Malik Obama has gone full chanterculture, ****lord troll, adopting much of the language and similar tactics to those used by the alt-right.
To wit: Obama frequently calls his opponents cucks. Obama discusses the Swahili meaning of “Harambe.” Obama rails against “fake news” like CNN and the Huffington Post. Obama goes back and forth with Bill Mitchell. Obama assures his followers that he has not been “spirit cooked” (Pizzagate for “forced into a Satanic rite”). Obama shares Pepe memes of himself bearing the name “Memelik Obameme.” Etc.
Again, IDIOT.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-17-2016 11:33 AM

awh cute, old man Chula doesn't understand the Internet.

Chula Vista 12-17-2016 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1784256)
awh cute, old man Chula doesn't understand the Internet.

awh cute, young snot trying to troll an adult.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-17-2016 12:04 PM

im not trolling lol i genuinely think you calling Malik Obama an idiot is showing you don't really get internet culture or w/e you wanna call it. he has one of the funniest twitter profiles going.

Key 12-17-2016 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1784258)
awh cute, young snot trying to troll an adult.

Frownland 12-17-2016 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1784258)
awh cute, young snot trying to troll an adult.

I repeat: IDIOT.

Anteater 12-17-2016 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1784300)
If he's not I am

caling ant an idiot

You are free to present something resembling a counter-argument to me one of these centuries. If not, then drop it or at least admit I had a point. I talked about human behavior in relation to law and you retorted with something along the lines of "well, none of that is important". Just because you disagree with my take on things doesn't mean I'm wrong. If you can't appreciate pragmatism or take it into consideration then you shouldn't be having political arguments with people.

And again, I'll reiterate: as funny as Trump is, I think he is a very, very flawed individual and POTUS elect. But the problems he presents are completely different from Bill Clinton, Obama and Bush respectively, partly because he's not really a politician nor does he seem to really represent either party: he merely co-opted the Republican platform to get into office. Pretending that he's somehow worse than they are when you take ALL information into consideration is an underlying premise flaw I've seen in every Trump-related discussion I've seen here and in other places.

The Batlord 12-17-2016 03:40 PM

I hereby move to have Chula's avatar removed by a mod. It is hideously annoying and annoyingly hideous to the point that I feel it is harming this forum.

Chula Vista 12-17-2016 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1784301)
Pretending that he's somehow worse than they are when you take ALL information into consideration is an underlying premise flaw I've seen in every Trump-related discussion I've seen here and in other places.

Zero political experience - check.
History of screwing businesses - check.
History of failing ventures - check.
History of scamming the tax system - check.
Acts like a teenage girl when challenged - check.
A poster child for egotism - check.
Takes misogyny to new levels - check.
Unheard of conflicts of interests as POTUS - check.
Alt-right conspiracy theorist as his right hand man - check.

Maybe you are an idiot after-all.

Anteater 12-17-2016 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1784308)
Zero political experience - check.
History of screwing businesses - check.
History of failing ventures - check.
History of scamming the tax system - check.
Acts like a teenage girl when challenged - check.
A poster child for egotism - check.
Takes misogyny to new levels - check.
Unheard of conflicts of interests as POTUS - check.
Alt-right conspiracy theorist as his right hand man - check.

Maybe you are an idiot after-all.

Some of those "checks" being debatable aside, let's turn the board around for a bit: what about all the good Donald Trump has done in the world? All the projects he did through the 80's and 90's where he'd come in under budget, create thousands of jobs, etc? Are you one of those people who just follow HuffPost and CNN and read little else? In the same way Hillary Clinton isn't Satan just because her family's Foundation is kinda dubious and takes money from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Donald Trump isn't the anti-christ either.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but guys like you are why Trump got elected in the first place. I'm not asking you to do serious research here: I'm asking you to think critically and look at all the information available out there. I didn't even vote for Trump so I'm unsure why you have this vendetta against what I'm saying.

Key 12-17-2016 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1784320)
What about all the good Donald Trump has done in the world? All the projects he did through the 80's and 90's where he'd come in under budget, create thousands of jobs, etc?

I'm sorry to tell you this, but guys like you are why Trump got elected in the first place. I'm not asking you to do serious research here: I'm asking you to think critically and look at all the information available out there.

You mean the multiple bankruptcies and tax evasions? I'm not looking to argue, but if we're gonna talk about experience and what candidates have done for the world, perhaps you should look at Hillary's experience and relate it to Trump.

I'm not going to call you an idiot like everyone else because honestly...all I really have is a disagreement with you.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-17-2016 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1784321)
You mean the multiple bankruptcies and tax evasions? I'm not looking to argue, but if we're gonna talk about experience and what candidates have done for the world, perhaps you should look at Hillary's experience and relate it to Trump.


Key 12-17-2016 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1784323)

Something funny?

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 12-17-2016 04:59 PM

ya, that post.

Key 12-17-2016 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Qwertyy (Post 1784325)
ya, that post.

Elaborate. Does Hillary not have more political experience than Trump? If Trump has more political experience, I'd love to hear your reasoning.

Anteater 12-17-2016 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1784309)
He's really sticking it to the special interests by giving them the highest cabinet positions.
It's been a whole eight years since oil CEO's had their hand up the ass of the president

Obama's cabinet back in 2008 was pretty much handpicked by Citigroup, so I dunno what you are trying to get at. It is easy to be pessimistic and passively absorb headlines from your favored news sources. It is harder to be a critical thinker and consider all possibilities based on what is happening in real time. Weighing the pluses and minuses, etc. But I run a business and I have to consistently maintain a high level of detail in everything I do, including research, contract development and dealing with people under a variety of circumstances. I make fewer "assumptions" than your average person: what you are doing is simple fearmongering. - 8 Reasons ExxonMobil's Rex Tillerson Could Succeed As Secretary Of State

Anteater 12-17-2016 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1784321)
You mean the multiple bankruptcies and tax evasions? I'm not looking to argue, but if we're gonna talk about experience and what candidates have done for the world, perhaps you should look at Hillary's experience and relate it to Trump.

I'm not going to call you an idiot like everyone else because honestly...all I really have is a disagreement with you.

Dude, I asked a serious question that was perfectly reasonable. I never said Trump was a perfect person who never failed or made mistakes. He's going into office regardless of how much people complain though, so I think if people really want to see the big picture they should be asking more questions instead of being passive. I also addressed his inexperience as a politician in a previous post.

Key 12-17-2016 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1784329)
Dude, I asked a serious question that was perfectly reasonable. I never said Trump was a perfect person who never failed or made mistakes. But have we ever had someone competent in office with zero failures under their belt? Please be reasonable.

I never implied that. But if you're relating Trump's experience to Hillary's experience, you may need to further your research.

Anteater 12-17-2016 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1784330)
I never implied that. But if you're relating Trump's experience to Hillary's experience, you may need to further your research.

Key 12-17-2016 05:30 PM

I knew I should've stayed out of this thread.

Anteater 12-17-2016 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1784332)
"think critically" or "critical thinker" and then a linked Forbes article in the same post has got me in tears please never stop posting

also why would anyone care that you run a buis.

Well, you aren't thinking critically. Furthermore, you have a major attitude problem and continue to deflect from my previous points (which is why you quote individual sentences yet won't address anything else). This isn't a constructive discussion anymore. I'm done talking with you.

Anteater 12-17-2016 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1784338)
obviously he's talking about her straight up job experience within the political system posting this article is a total red herring

You are free to PM me if you really want to continue this discussion.

Anteater 12-17-2016 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1784349)

45 / Hermaphrodite / Mother Russia

The Batlord 12-17-2016 06:25 PM

Must suck being a hermaphrodite in Russia.

Anteater 12-17-2016 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1784355)
Must suck being a hermaphrodite in Russia.

We (Russian hermaphrodites) have psychic powers. I used mine to make John Podesta click his mouse on that email from "Google" to reset his password.

djchameleon 12-17-2016 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1784336)
Seriously though do you understand what Forbes magazine is and who they write for

do you understand their gigantic conflict of interest on every economic subject

I understand who they typically write for but Forbes is actually one of the most critical and unbiased news sources out today. Regardless of who their original target audience was intended to be for.

Anteater 12-17-2016 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1784373)
I understand who they typically write for but Forbes is actually one of the most critical and unbiased news sources out today. Regardless of who their original target audience was intended to be for.

Correct. And if he actually bothered to read the article I linked to or looked at the author, who is fairly liberal, has a PH.D and teaches Muslim Studies when she isn't writing for Forbes, CNN, etc., he'd realize I might have actually had a point in sharing it.

Chula Vista 12-17-2016 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1784320)
what about all the good Donald Trump has done in the world?

Now you're just coming across as a joke.

Pretty easy to come in under budget when you don't pay your ****ing bills.

Donald Trump

How Donald Trump Destroyed a Football League

And do a little unbiased research on The Clinton Foundation.

What Bill and Hillary Clinton's Controversial Foundation Actually Does

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go? -

Neapolitan 12-17-2016 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1784394)
Now you're just coming across as a joke.

Don't pick on Anteater cause he aint drank the kool aid.

@Anteater, Why bother to read all of that when you can just watch this:

Clinton Cash

Anteater 12-17-2016 10:25 PM

Oh boy, I love playing link games. My turn!

First, we don't have a complete list of the Clinton Foundation's donors. We also don't have a complete list of donors involved in the Uranium One sale as well. So taking those things into consideration (which none of your links address), do you think all that is acceptable? It screams corruption (and that Clinton Cash documentary is rather illuminating as well).

Trump should be paying his bills, but you don't seem to have a good sense of what is equivocal here. Taking money in ANY way from questionable countries, especially when you are part of a family that has made their entire fortune through government, is a far more serious matter than a private citizen who has made bad business decisions or fudges foundation paperwork.

Secondly, I'm curious at what you think about Saudi Arabia and Qatar donating millions to the Foundation over the years.

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat women, gays poorly? | PolitiFact Arizona

And as for Trump, since you apparently can't answer my question about the good Trump has done in the past (as if he isn't capable of it or something), I did your homework for you. Enjoy.

1. Donald Trump Shelters Jennifer Hudson Family Free of Charge

Donald Trump Shelters Jennifer Hudson

2. Donald Trump Shows Kindness To A Little Girl With Bone Disease

3. Trump agrees to fly a 3 yr old on his jet to get medical care when airlines refuse to do so:

Trump Card :

4. Trump saves a family farm in Georgia:

5. Trump give $25,000 check to marine who spent 214 days in a Mexican prison

6. The Trump/Pence campaign delivered $29,000 in food and supplies to Hurricane Matthew victims in three North Carolina towns.

Donald Trump Donated Food, Supplies to Victims of Hurricane Matthew in North Carolina :

7. Donald Trump - Over 34,000+ jobs created

Donald Trump has created about 34,000 jobs - Sep. 3, 2015

8. Trump and Wollman Ice Rink

9. How Trump Fought Antisemitism and Racism in Palm Beach Two Decades Ago

10. Trump stops a guy from beating someone on the street with a baseball bat:

11. Donald Trump helped buy time for Ed McMahon when his house was being foreclosed on.

The Mystery Man Who Bought Ed McMahon’s House - Developments - WSJ

12. Trump Gives Unemployed Veteran A Job At Press Conference

Donald Trump interviews unemployed veteran for job during press conference - Washington Times

13. Trump gives hero bus driver $10,000 out of nowhere

Donald Trump offers $10,000 to heroic bus driver - Washington Times

14. Trump hires first woman to ever build a skyscraper,5204145&hl=en

So let me ask you again: do you honestly believe this guy has never done anything good in his life, many times when there is no obvious gain for him to do so but rather because he was trying to do the right thing? Regardless of what you think of his cabinet choices or whether he'll make a good president, he's certainly not the demon a lot of people make him out to be. I'll also throw in a quote from that link about the league you gave me near the end:


McVay: I think Trump kept the league together. I know that's not a popular belief, but I think he kept the league going a couple more years than it would have. I know it's popular to say Donald was the villain, that the poor players didn't get to pursue their dream. Hey, the league was outta money!

Tristan_Geoff 12-17-2016 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1784408)
I've never cared whether or not Trump is a good or bad person I've cared that he's an idiot with really **** policy

Hillary's policy was superior how she is personally I also never cared about

I'm more scared of the harm his cabinet and the House/Senate are gonna do more than him.

Trollheart 12-18-2016 09:13 AM

I haven't the knowledge you guys have about this, but a suggestion: a thread like "Trump Bingo" or "Bet on Trump", where people try to predict what will happen under the new administration in 2017. So you could have, say, "Trump cuts childcare benefit 5-4", "Trump upsets European Bank 2-1". That kind of thing, to see whether or not the fears end up being justified, and also tackle them in a sort of light-hearted way.

As I say, I would open the thread but would have no idea what to put into it, so if anyone thinks it's a good idea and wants to run with it, feel free.

If not, **** you all. :)

Chula Vista 12-18-2016 10:16 AM



the president-elect continues to lie big-time:

1. Trump told a rally audience last night that “the murder rate in the united states is the largest it’s been in 45 years,” when in fact it’s near a 50-year low, according to the fbi (see below).

2. He also keeps saying he won the election by a “landslide” when in fact he lost the popular vote by 2.8 million votes – over five times al gore’s margin over george w. Bush in 2000.

3. He repeatedly says the election was marred by “massive voting fraud” when in fact there’s no evidence of voting fraud at all – unless you consider russia’s hacking.

A democracy can only function on the basis of truth. If the public is repeatedly told by its president that the murder rate is soaring, it may support policies such as harsher policing and sentencing – the opposite of what we need. If repeatedly told that trump won by a landslide, the public may give him a mandate he doesn't deserve. If told of “massive voter fraud” the public may support further efforts to suppress votes through rigid id and other requirements.

A president-elect who repeats boldface lies poses a clear threat to american democracy. This is how tyranny begins. - robert reich

Chula Vista 12-18-2016 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1784401)
First, we don't have a complete list of the Clinton Foundation's donors. We also don't have a complete list of donors involved in the Uranium One sale as well. So taking those things into consideration (which none of your links address), do you think all that is acceptable? It screams corruption (and that Clinton Cash documentary is rather illuminating as well).

Who gives a **** who's donating when the most of the money is being used for charitable purposes?

Once Again, the Media Gets It Wrong on the Clinton Foundation


Trump should be paying his bills, but you don't seem to have a good sense of what is equivocal here. Taking money in ANY way from questionable countries, especially when you are part of a family that has made their entire fortune through government, is a far more serious matter than a private citizen who has made bad business decisions or fudges foundation paperwork.
Says you. Go tell it to the hundreds if not thousands of individuals and/or families that have been destroyed by Trump's "bad business decisions".

A People


Secondly, I'm curious at what you think about Saudi Arabia and Qatar donating millions to the Foundation over the years.
I think it's brilliant since the majority of their money goes into helping women and children.


And as for Trump, since you apparently can't answer my question about the good Trump has done in the past (as if he isn't capable of it or something), I did your homework for you. Enjoy.

1. Donald Trump Shelters Jennifer Hudson Family Free of Charge

2. Donald Trump Shows Kindness To A Little Girl With Bone Disease

3. Trump agrees to fly a 3 yr old on his jet to get medical care when airlines refuse to do so:

4. Trump saves a family farm in Georgia:

5. Trump give $25,000 check to marine who spent 214 days in a Mexican prison

6. The Trump/Pence campaign delivered $29,000 in food and supplies to Hurricane Matthew victims in three North Carolina towns.

7. Donald Trump - Over 34,000+ jobs created

8. Trump and Wollman Ice Rink

9. How Trump Fought Antisemitism and Racism in Palm Beach Two Decades Ago

10. Trump stops a guy from beating someone on the street with a baseball bat:

11. Donald Trump helped buy time for Ed McMahon when his house was being foreclosed on.

12. Trump Gives Unemployed Veteran A Job At Press Conference

13. Trump gives hero bus driver $10,000 out of nowhere

14. Trump hires first woman to ever build a skyscraper
He's quite the angel isn't he. Most of this **** he does solely for PR reasons. You realize that $25,000 to a multi-billionaire amounts to him basically handing out nickels. Plus you can be damn sure he writes all of that **** off when tax season rolls around.


So let me ask you again: do you honestly believe this guy has never done anything good in his life, many times when there is no obvious gain for him to do so but rather because he was trying to do the right thing?
I never said he was Satan. But all in all I think he's a big douchebag who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and has spent a career screwing people over while bragging about how awesome he is.


In less than a week — at 5:59 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 10 — the Trump Taj Mahal, once Donald Trump’s greatest real estate hope, will shutter its doors. Nearly 3,000 people will lose their jobs, their pensions and possibly their homes.

Last week, I watched as Trump was nearly held accountable at the first presidential debate for laying the groundwork for this city-wide catastrophe. I watched Hillary Clinton take him to task for reneging on hundreds of contracts with local laborers. But the Donald just pursed his lips and shrugged, saying that was what “our country should do, too.”

Frownland 12-18-2016 10:45 AM

Lmao like Trump would be the first president to fear monger or lie. Our democracy has been thriving on lies since its inception and we haven't had tyranny yet. I mean, I agree that it's not good but chill the **** out.

Frownland 12-18-2016 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1784470)
Most of this **** he does solely for PR reasons. You realize that $25,000 to a multi-billionaire amounts to him basically handing out nickels. Plus you can be damn sure he writes all of that **** off when tax season rolls around.

Spell "irony" for me please.

Goofle 12-18-2016 10:46 AM

@ Chulas fake news list: Trump won by quite a big margin. About 80% of counties voted in favour of him.

The Batlord 12-18-2016 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1784475)
@ Chulas fake news list: Trump won by quite a big margin. About 80% of counties voted in favour of him.

How many of those counties were made up of two cousins and a dog?

Frownland 12-18-2016 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1784475)
@ Chulas fake news list: Trump won by quite a big margin.

Source: I know it, you know it, everyone knows it.

Hillary quite undeniably won by a large margin.

Anteater 12-18-2016 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1784470)
I think it's brilliant since the majority of their money goes into helping women and children.

I'm not saying the Clinton Foundation hasn't done charitable work, but you are living in dreamland if you seriously believe that Saudi Arabia and Qatar would give her foundation MILLIONS of dollars for those reasons. It doesn't add up. The Clintons were broke in the late 90's and are multi-millionaires less than ten years later. You don't make hundreds of millions from just giving speeches to the financial industry.

Again, Trump has problems. I didn't vote for him and have doubts about him in pretty much every area that isn't related to fiscal policy, but critical thinking needs to go both ways. You make way too many assumptions and aren't looking at all the facts.

I guess I'll just have to hope we can get a serious Libertarian candidate one of these days running.

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