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Anteater 04-12-2017 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Isbjørn (Post 1822767)
How does Antifa "predominate a big chunk of the media"? That's a ridiculous claim. And don't try to associate Antifa with the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, it makes no sense.

Here in the U.S. that meme is more in reference to common kneejerk reactions from U.S. liberals to people challenging their views. Lets think about it.

Most media outlet lean heavily liberal - check

How Biased Is Your Media?: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast - Freakonomics Freakonomics

Most major universities throughout the U.S. are "liberal" (American interpretation of it anyway) - check

Many graduating from these universities become writers for all the major and secondary media outlets outside of the Fox News / Breitbart-sphere....check check check.

The end result is you have a generation of self-proclaimed "liberals" writing and propagating their views who started off as the sort of SJWs the meme I posted referenced...and they are the majority right now.

Also watch this:

Lucem Ferre 04-13-2017 12:08 AM

Some times I feel like I could just report the facts of what's going on. Like boring ass plain facts and I'd be accused of being liberal for it.

I'm also getting sick of these pandering bull**** fake news sites that make tons of money off of their ****ty over exaggerated face book videos. All they do is say, "Hey, black people, gay people, women, you're all victims, this system is against you, you will never succeed". It's like, they make money off of making people feel alienated. Not to say those people don't have problems, but when they go out of their way to post hyperbole or just flat out fake stories to do it, it's annoying.

And cultural appropriation is ****ing stupid. Oh, I'm not supposed to braid my hair because it's stealing from black culture. Well I'm actually trying to steel it from native culture. And I'm a very small fraction native so I can do it according to your stupid rules. **** those rules. I'll start wearing panchos to spite you.

Chula Vista 04-13-2017 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1822774)
Some times I feel like I could just report the facts of what's going on. Like boring ass plain facts and I'd be accused of being liberal for it.

I'm also getting sick of these pandering bull**** fake news sites that make tons of money off of their ****ty over exaggerated face book videos. All they do is say, "Hey, black people, gay people, women, you're all victims, this system is against you, you will never succeed". It's like, they make money off of making people feel alienated. Not to say those people don't have problems, but when they go out of their way to post hyperbole or just flat out fake stories to do it, it's annoying.

And cultural appropriation is ****ing stupid. Oh, I'm not supposed to braid my hair because it's stealing from black culture. Well I'm actually trying to steel it from native culture. And I'm a very small fraction native so I can do it according to your stupid rules. **** those rules. I'll start wearing panchos to spite you.

Having a hard time getting to your bottom line point of this post. Quite a bit of ranting and raving is making it hard to make sense.

Spell it out in 15 words or less please so I can intelligently respond.

Lucem Ferre 04-13-2017 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1822776)
Having a hard time getting to your bottom line point of this post. Quite a bit of ranting and raving is making it hard to make sense.

Spell it out in 15 words or less please so I can intelligently respond.

3 points.

1st summed up by elph, reality has a liberal bias.

2nd is there are too many lying news outlets that pander to the liberal crowd with bull**** on facebook.

3rd Cultural appropriation is a stupid concept SJWs invented to be outraged because it's a hobby to them.

Edit: Haven't you learned by now that I like to ramble about pointless **** half the time?

Isbjørn 04-13-2017 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1822775)
unfortunately reality has a liberal bias

I'd even go as far as to say reality has a communist bias.

Chula Vista 04-13-2017 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1822777)
1st summed up by elph, reality has a liberal bias.

Fox News has higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined. Where do the sheep roost?


2nd is there are too many lying news outlets that pander to the liberal crowd with bull**** on facebook.
See my previous post. Also, go suck Rush Limbaugh's dick.


Edit: Haven't you learned by now that I like to ramble about pointless **** half the time?
Donald Trump. Kellyanne Conway. Steve Bannon. Sean Spicer. Ivanka Trump. Justin Kushner.

Lucem Ferre 04-13-2017 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1822780)
Fox News has higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined. Where do the sheep roost?

See my previous post. Also, go suck Rush Limbaugh's dick.

Donald Trump. Kellyanne Conway. Steve Bannon. Sean Spicer. Ivanka Trump. Justin Kushner.

What does that have to do with what I said?


Bill Barron had a carbon fee and dividend he wanted to put into effect if he was elected into the US Senate back in 2012. He wanted to tax the oil industries based on the amount of CO2 they would release in the air every year and give that money to tax paying citizens. The tax was supposed to increase more and more as time goes by to help push towards alternative fuels. He never got elected, hardly anybody has heard of him. It was my job to spread awareness. I failed him, Chula, I failed him. I don't think I really believed in him though. Needless to say, I failed that college assignment. But I might still have a bunch of his ****. Maybe even a shirt. Bill Barron, a working man trying to save the earth, that's what he was. And I let him down.

Goofle 04-13-2017 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Isbjørn (Post 1822779)
I'd even go as far as to say reality has a communist bias.


Our biology wouldn't back that up. Greed is about as inherent as the need for sleep. I suppose you can achieve that through a combination of huge welfare programs and good old capitalism, but that isn't communism.

Isbjørn 04-13-2017 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1822793)

Our biology wouldn't back that up. Greed is about as inherent as the need for sleep. I suppose you can achieve that through a combination of huge welfare programs and good old capitalism, but that isn't communism.

Capitalism plus huge welfare programs equals social democracy, but that's not what I'm proposing. What are you getting at?

Also, on what do you base your claims about "human nature"? If they can't be backed up, then they're nothing more than ideologically based assumptions, unfit for political discussion. Common sense doesn't cut it.

But pretty soon we're going to have to move this to another thread.

Trollheart 04-13-2017 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Isbjørn (Post 1822767)

The Democratic Party and the GOP are both right-wing. Labelling Hillary Clinton as "left-wing" makes the term completely meaningless.

So the US has two right-wing parties? I don't get that.

Also, FDR didn't win the war, the USA didn't win the war, and the nukes over Japan didn't win the war (Japan would've surrendered anyway). For the sake of nuance: I would have been speaking German right now if it hadn't been for the Red Army. Seventy years ago there were literally hanging posters in Norwegian cities giving the Soviet Union (and Stalin!) credit for having liberated Norway from the Nazis. It sounds ridiculous now, but it was a normal sentiment back then. Today it's different, we're nearly told that the US won the war with help from the Allies. And it almost seems to me like some people are trying to create a cult of personality around Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Bolded: yes they did of course. Japan were preparing for a full-fledged American invasion and readying their people to die for the emperor. Even after the first atom bomb was dropped they refused to surrender; it was only after the second one hit that they agreed. Yeah, really sounds to me like a country preparing to surrender.

Japanese troops rushing out with their hands up as Enola Gay flies overhead: "Don't do it! Don't do it! We surrender! We surre - Ah ****!"

Also, I said FDR won the war in the Pacific, if you remember.
That's not in doubt.

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