- - What Did President Trump Do Now?
02-17-2017 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by The Batlord
(Post 1806373)
I was hoping that you'd calmed down after all this time, but now it just looks like you're having another one of your episodes. Why are you even here if you don't like this place?
Booo. Those series of questions weren't even lobbed in your direction and you made zero effort to even address anything she said. Instead you went for that lazy response.
I know she didn't address me but there is one area I want to tackle when I get to my laptop and I'm not just typing on my phone.
02-17-2017 04:09 AM
Thank you dre....
Originally Posted by elphenor
(Post 1806372)
It's not unreasonable to criticize the EU but "shadow government"
I fear another tirade against the Globalists those devils
You must not understand how these people operate.
Got a question for you, the federal reserve , government agency or private bank?
Originally Posted by djchameleon
(Post 1806384)
Booo. Those series of questions weren't even lobbed in your direction and you made zero effort to even address anything she said. Instead you went for that lazy response.
I know she didn't address me but there is one area I want to tackle when I get to my laptop and I'm not just typing on my phone.
Your audience with oracle shall be granted. ;)
02-17-2017 06:16 AM
02-17-2017 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre
(Post 1806360)
This is the first place I've ever seen liberals make Trump supporters look like the level headed ones. Congrats.
You should take a look through the other Trump thread. :laughing:
If you had any stones you'd look in the mirror, and ask yourself and your Clinton loving cronies or Sanders comrades when did we become the party of fascists? When did our party become the party lying to people with ridiculous lies, tall tales and hollow facts, (just like the right did in the 90's to the left.).
Don't you mean just like the right is currently doing?
Number 45 has decided that it would be best to wage war against the media/press.
The same media/press that is there to decipher the consistent lies that he tells on a regular basis and attempt to clarify things that he himself has said. Also to question alternative facts that 45 has decided to tell by talking directly to the people through social media. He is definitely on the path to attempting to control the media. He has convinced a large population of the people that all the media does is lies so that he can spread his own misinformation through twitter. Conway is also a tool in his arsenal that is so slippery she can't even be bothered to answer a question properly and ends up just wearing down the interviewer if they aren't good enough to pin her down. She's become so good at it but at the same time if anyone are actually watching those interviews they will be more confused about whatever topic it is after the interview is done.
Exhibit A:
Interesting video and he breaks down every single thing that she does.
Booo. Those series of questions weren't even lobbed in your direction and you made zero effort to even address anything she said. Instead you went for that lazy response.
I know she didn't address me but there is one area I want to tackle when I get to my laptop and I'm not just typing on my phone.
Why would I want to debate someone who's been lurking on this forum and nursing old grudges like a psychopath for over a year? Besides, this whole forum has debated with Roxy five million times already and everything has already been said. Until she starts taking her meds and stops believing in reptilian overlords and Nazi bases under Antarctica then there's not much to say. Other than to poke fun at her of course.