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Anteater 01-07-2017 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1792509)
Explain why China is a bigger problem. I've heard people spout that but they never go into detail. Yes I know they own a lot of bonds from us but I feel like economically they are in a weaker position than Russia atm.

There's multiple factors and angles depending on where you focus on. The fact our entertainment industry (especially Hollywood) seem to spend more and more money on films that appeal to Chinese audiences is one trend. Other points of interest are economic (our debts to them, the bonds you mentioned, etc.). And then there's the real estate angle:

Forbes: Chinese investment in U.S. real estate is going strong - October 31st, 2016

A lot of economists simply think that a combination of these factors are a disaster for us in the long run because it gradually gives China more and more leverage over us from different fronts.

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792513)
lol I don't think accepting a call is the same as kissing their ass. This kind of stupid hyperbole is what handed Trump the election.


Trump’s call with Taiwan was the first time an American president or president-elect has publicly spoken to a Taiwanese leader in nearly four decades. China considers the self-governing island to be its territory and any reference to a separate Taiwanese head of state to be a grave insult.
China official says Trump's Taiwan comments cause 'serious concern' | Fox News

China 'Seriously Concerned' by Donald Trump's Taiwan Comments

China: Trump

Frownland 01-07-2017 08:34 PM

Exactly. Stupid hyperbole and meaningless firsts. Get over it.

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792516)
There's multiple factors.....And then there's the real estate angle:


Chula Vista 01-07-2017 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792518)
Meaningless firsts. Get over it.

Not me. Tell it to China.

Anteater 01-07-2017 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792519)

China can have New York if they want: let the wonderful residents of the Big Apple have a taste of the Communism/Socialism hybrid they've always wanted. :D

Frownland 01-07-2017 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792522)
Not me. Tell it to China.

I'll have Trump tell them.

djchameleon 01-08-2017 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1792534)
Diplomacy is a thing that matters

You can't go chest puffing like an ape

I feel like with Russia we are way past the stage of Diplomacy. It is time for some good chest puffing at the moment.

In the ideal scenario, I'd like to see us go to war with Russia and start up World War 3.

Trump would truly go down in the history books for being part of that.

Either that or to see Trump get impeached for treason and all of his sketchy ethics issues that he has going on.

I really want to see the war scenario happen though. So I could get to do a big "told you so" to the idiots that thought with Hillary we would be going to war and thought there wasn't a chance of Trump doing the same thing.

Goofle 01-08-2017 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792479)


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792480)
Line in the sand (no Chula, not head in the sand). No fly zones. Unwillingness for any Russian diplomacy. Kind of a no brainer really.

djchameleon 01-08-2017 07:37 AM

That's not enough to start a war with Russia, they have had to deal with that before with sanctions from the UN and no fly zones established. So it's bullshit to think that Hillary would all of a sudden cause a war with things that Russia has already experienced.

Frownland 01-08-2017 10:29 AM

lol goof


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1792632)
That's not enough to start a war with Russia, they have had to deal with that before with sanctions from the UN and no fly zones established. So it's bullshit to think that Hillary would all of a sudden cause a war with things that Russia has already experienced.

When you take into account that Putin said these things would make him consider war, it's not so much bull**** as a legitimate threat.

Plus, nobody ever said that Trump wasn't going to lead us into war.

Chula Vista 01-08-2017 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792652)
When you take into account that Putin said these things would make him consider war, it's not so much bull**** as a legitimate threat.

Speaking of hyperbole.....

As I noted before, Russia's military is pretty gutted since the breakup of the Soviet Union. They simply do not have the money to support it. They are planning on eliminating a half a million troops this year. ****, Israel could kick Russia's ass in a war, never mind the US with its allies.

Clinton's chest puffing and talk of negotiation over safe zones in Syria is what's called "diplomacy". Look it up.

Trump wanting to circle jerk with Putin is the absolute worst way to go. Putin's playing him like a banjo. Tillerson as Secretary of State? Really? That sure played right into Putin's hands.

Tell me this doesn't stink:

Never mind. BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!

The Batlord 01-08-2017 11:15 AM

Chula: "We're all Georgians now."

Anteater 01-08-2017 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792681)
Trump wanting to circle jerk with Putin is the absolute worst way to go. Putin's playing him like a banjo. Tillerson as Secretary of State? Really? That sure played right into Putin's hands.

Tell me this doesn't stink:

Never mind. BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!

Rex is divesting himself of any connections to Exxon (though a nice payday is coming out of that, which I don't see anyone having a problem with unless they're just envious of his stock options), so whatever financial benefit the sanctions might have meant for him speculatively are pretty much a non-issue.

Rex Tillerson To Divest From Exxon|

djchameleon 01-08-2017 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792652)
When you take into account that Putin said these things would make him consider war, it's not so much bull**** as a legitimate threat.

Plus, nobody ever said that Trump wasn't going to lead us into war.

If they haven't made him consider war in the past. He would do it now just because a woman is in charge? gtfo.

Also, that's what everyone was so worried about. Was Clinton leading us into war, whenever anyone said Trump would likely have the possibility to do the same. It was redirected back to Clinton and how nervous people were about a war with Russia that wasn't going to happen.

People were speaking in such certain terms like they knew the future.

Frownland 01-08-2017 12:10 PM

Lol guys why don't you just tell me what my point is and I'll edit it into my posts so you can argue against them and pat yourselves on the back for being right.

Tl;dr straw man as **** up in here.

Chula Vista 01-08-2017 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792697)
Rex is divesting himself of any connections to Exxon (though a nice payday is coming out of that, which I don't see anyone having a problem with unless they're just envious of his stock options), so whatever financial benefit the sanctions might have meant for him speculatively are pretty much a non-issue.

Are you really so stupid/naive as to not see the conflicts of interest? This is Cheney/Haliburton all over again.

You are so Republican it's silly.

Lucem Ferre 01-08-2017 01:46 PM

People are saying that Trump has already done more than Obama has.

This upsets me.

Anteater 01-08-2017 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792717)
Are you really so stupid/naive as to not see the conflicts of interest? This is Cheney/Haliburton all over again.

You are so Republican it's silly.

I'm not Republican: I just see it as a non-issue. How is it a conflict of interest? Unlike you, I can't predict the future nor am I a mind reader. I also don't hate rich people. So there you go?

Chula Vista 01-08-2017 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792756)
I'm not Republican: I just see it as a non-issue. How is it a conflict of interest? Unlike you, I can't predict the future nor am I a mind reader. I also don't hate rich people. So there you go?

1. You come across as a republican so maybe re-think things.

2. Non issue? Sounds like something a republican would say.

3. How is it conflict of interest? Are you ****ing serious?

4. I don't predict. I anticipate.

5. I don't hate legitimate rich people. I hate those that get rich by gaming the system. Watch the movie Margin Call sometime.

This is not fiction.

The Batlord 01-08-2017 02:43 PM


Because of his Nea avatar I legitimately at first thought that was Nea dad trolling by making what he thought would be generic Chula answers.

Anteater 01-08-2017 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792764)

3. How is it conflict of interest? Are you ****ing serious?

I'm dead serious: maybe we have different definitions of what a "conflict of interest" is in regards to where corporations and government collide. He's no longer going to even have stock in Exxon, which means it won't matter what they do after he cashes in his stock and it all goes into a trust somewhere. Even if the sanctions in Russia are lifted, he wouldn't see a dime. How is it a conflict of interest at this point in time in regards to the position he's going to take?

Also, Democrats and Republicans have both proven to be amazingly inept when it comes to government, so I don't think you have anything to be smug about. To put it another way, George W. Bush and John Podesta are equally idiotic.

Lucem Ferre 01-08-2017 03:59 PM

Conflict of interest would be a politician funded by oil companies denying that climate change is happening or that it has a direct correlation with how much CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere.

Chula Vista 01-08-2017 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792769)
Even if the sanctions in Russia are lifted, he wouldn't see a dime.

And you know this for certain how? You come across extremely naive in your proclamations.

Google "Backroom Dealings".

If "officially" Cheney wasn't going to benefit from the Haliburton deal, why were they awarded a no-bid contract?????

Wake the **** up to reality.

Anteater 01-08-2017 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792782)
And you know this for certain how? You come across extremely naive in your proclamations.

Google "Backroom Dealings".

If "officially" Cheney wasn't going to benefit from the Haliburton deal, why were they awarded a no-bid contract?????

Wake the **** up to reality.

If you were living in reality you wouldn't be trying to lecture me based on paranoid assumptions involving completely different people and situations. There's been a lot of articles out there going more in-depth into what is going on with Tillerson (including a lot of hard information on the divestiture process) currently if you really want to get all the facts.

I'm optimistic based on the information available to me, as opposed to you who comes across as a screaming Alex Jones-level conspiracy theorist who bases their arguments on correlation that doesn't actually exist.

Chula Vista 01-08-2017 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792783)
If you were living in reality you wouldn't be trying to lecture me based on paranoid assumptions. There's been a lot of articles out there going more in-depth into what is going on with Tillerson currently if you really want to get all the facts. Good grief dude, wake the fuck up.

Anteater keeps on waving his ignorant red flag. Whatever dude.

Goofle 01-08-2017 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1792765)

Because of his Nea avatar I legitimately at first thought that was Nea dad trolling by making what he thought would be generic Chula answers.

Yeah I read it as an Onion post as well.

Neapolitan 01-08-2017 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1792765)

Because of his Nea avatar I legitimately at first thought that was Nea dad trolling by making what he thought would be generic Chula answers.

Yeah when I saw that he had my avatar I was like WTF?

The Batlord 01-08-2017 06:01 PM


Anteater 01-08-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792785)
Anteater keeps on waving his ignorant red flag. Whatever dude.

Let's just agree to disagree and call it a day. You are way too predisposed for paranoia in relation to business / government related stuff to have a logical discussion about it.

Lucem Ferre 01-08-2017 08:06 PM

It's not really paranoia, it's more of a complete disgust with Trump that drives him to desperately search for proof of his corruption.

Kind of how rednecks were with Obama.

Chula Vista 01-08-2017 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792819)
Let's just agree to disagree and call it a day. You are way too predisposed for paranoia in relation to business / government related stuff to have a logical discussion about it.


Originally Posted by Lucem Ferre (Post 1792866)
It's not really paranoia, it's more of a complete disgust with Trump that drives him to desperately search for proof of his corruption. Kind of how rednecks were with Obama.

What are we gonna do?
BUILD A WALL!!!!!!!!!
And who's going to pay for it?


Lucem Ferre 01-08-2017 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792868)
What are we gonna do?
BUILD A WALL!!!!!!!!!
And who's going to pay for it?

Congress begins to search for funds to help Trump build border wall - LA Times


They're Mexicans, not skinless giants. The walls didn't even work on that show. Why just Mexico? Are you racist Chula?

Anteater 01-08-2017 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792868)
What are we gonna do?
BUILD A WALL!!!!!!!!!
And who's going to pay for it?


He could get them to do it...they'd be pretty mad for awhile though. :rofl:

Chula Vista 01-08-2017 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792871)
He could get them to do it...they'd be pretty mad for awhile though. :rofl:


But the feasibility of Trump’s plan is unclear both legally and politically, and it would test the bounds of a president’s executive powers in seeking to pressure another country.

Another complication in Trump’s remittance proposal is that he also wants to deport all 11 million immigrants living illegally in the United States, many of whom come from Mexico.

“This is just one more example of something that is not thought through and is primarily put forward for political consumption,” Obama said. “The notion that we’re going to track every Western Union bit of money that’s being sent to Mexico, good luck with that.”

Cristóbal Alex, president of the Latino Victory Fund, blasted the idea as “a very dangerous and unrealistic proposal.”
Even if he could make it happen, am I going to see any tax rebate checks?

djchameleon 01-09-2017 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792877)
Even if he could make it happen, am I going to see any tax rebate checks?

Why do you need a tax rebate check?

It always bothers me how people think they should have control over their taxes are used. If it wasn't used for this, it would be used for something else but you still have to pay your taxes.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 01-09-2017 08:24 AM

The Batlord 01-09-2017 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1792928)
Batman is a millionaire who kicks the **** out of poor people nightly while the Wayne empire probably contributes to making the city poor

Please, he kicks the **** out of mental patients and then strokes a check to a charity in the morning.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 01-09-2017 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1792929)
Please, he kicks the **** out of mental patients and then strokes a check to a charity in the morning.


Chula Vista 01-09-2017 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1792923)
Why do you need a tax rebate check?

It always bothers me how people think they should have control over their taxes are used. If it wasn't used for this, it would be used for something else but you still have to pay your taxes.

First off, I've probably paid more in taxes than Ki, Batlord, Frowny, Qwerty, and a few other dozen members here combined.

Secondly, you missed my subtle point. :banghead:

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