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Goofle 01-07-2017 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1792151)
Almost certainly not

I already explained this to you though

I'm sorry that it really gets under your skin that your guy was rejected by Americans as a whole

I remember we discussed states like California etc., where voters would actually make the effort to go to the polls because of the different criteria. Also Trump would have ran a different campaign. He's just a winner, with a far more appealing personality than Hillary Clinton. Maybe I'd be wrong, maybe he would have lost. But since he relatively comfortably won the electoral college, it makes hardly no sense to think he wouldn't win a popular vote.

djchameleon 01-07-2017 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792200)

Bias in the media has always been present, obviously. Actually, early American journalism was even more biased then today. However, it has become infinitely more prevalent and easier to spot (due to resources and such). It is true that people shout bias where there is one, but come on dude.

This is pretty much my point though. The media has always been there but people that lean on Trump's side of the spectrum ended up taking up that mantle/talking point and running with it when he started screaming about how the media was portraying him. Everything that the media reported helped him out based off of the bad news is even good news as long as his name is constantly out there. He was feeding off of it.

grindy 01-07-2017 04:32 AM

It's funny how the people bitching the most about deceitful media are usually the ones getting their news from the most partisan sources.
Apparently only the media bias against their respective ideologies is the kind worth fighting.

Anteater 01-07-2017 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1792198)
When was this exactly? In the 50s? Please, I'm so tired of hearing about how the big bad media is twisting things. People are acting like this is a new thing and even when facts are presented in a balanced manner, if it says something negative that they don't agree with. The whines continue about the media.

CNN is owned by Time Warner who donated huge amounts of money to Hillary Clinton's campaign. And they aren't the only ones either. I don't think what I said is unreasonable....but you'd have to actually, you know, do some research. Editors of publications like Vanity Fair, The Huffington Post and Vogue also contributed to her campaign.

There are a lot of people concerned about Russia and their influence (which is minimal at best unless you were somebody who got all your news from Facebook), but I'm more concerned about a media that appears to be mostly bought and paid for by the left. I don't like Fox News, Breitbart, etc. either, but I'm aware of all the agendas at play before I ever look at an article.

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792242)

CNN has been a lot more balanced this election cycle by hiring Trump/GOP supporters to be part of their discussion panels.

Scottie Nell Hughes, Corey Lewandowski, Kayleigh McEnany, Jeffery Lord, and Jack Kingston are all featured nightly to counter the liberal opinion.

So how come we're not discussing the US Intelligence Report that was released yesterday that concluded that Russia/Putin was behind the hacking for the main purpose of hurting Clinton
and helping Trump? Pretty ****ing major news if you asked me. Have ya all seen this?

And in other news:


Conservative author and television personality Monica Crowley, whom Donald Trump has tapped for a top national security communications role, plagiarized large sections of her 2012 book, a CNN KFile review has found.

The review of Crowley’s June 2012 book, "What The (Bleep) Just Happened," found upwards of 50 examples of plagiarism from numerous sources, including the copying with minor changes of news articles, other columnists, think tanks, and Wikipedia. The New York Times bestseller, published by the HarperCollins imprint Broadside Books, contains no notes or bibliography.

Crowley did not return a request for comment. Multiple requests for comment by phone and email over the past two days to HarperCollins went unreturned.

Crowley, a syndicated radio host, columnist, and, until recently, a Fox News contributor, will serve as Trump’s senior director of strategic communications for the National Security Council.

Trollheart 01-07-2017 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Pet_Sounds (Post 1791884)
How dare you classify all of us on this forum as poor American taxpayers? Some of us are rich Canadian non-taxpayers.

And Irish. So there.


riseagainstrocks 01-07-2017 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1792188)
People being weary of drug gang members or islamic terrorists entering the country is not "anti-immigrant" nor "anti-islamic." But that is how they are portrayed by the left-wing media as "anti-immigrant" and "anti-islamic."

What Trump said on the campaign trail is nothing that hasn't been brought up before within Conservative talk shows dynamic about real issues, real events. There is a whole backstory to them. Trump blurts fragments of those issues and gets picked up by the media twisted. And maybe he can be faulted for not articulating his position more clearly. But I am certain the media will demonize him on soundbites anyway.

I'm for immigration reform; on both sides of the issue. Path to citizenship for those who were born here and have been here for years, deportation for those convicted of crimes, more scrutiny on entrants etc. But you can be for those things an not make outrageous statements regarding the motivations and lives of migrants. That's what upsets me.

This link is from CNN, but they are just collating government documents. When you read the dailywire or Fox News articles they make a lot of statements, but link to other newspapers, no actual figures. I encourage you to bring the scale of the issue into focus - there are no barbarian hordes at the gate: Immigrants and crime: Crunching the numbers -
(last updated July 2015)


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1792188)
That goes both ways. If Trump said "beware of wolves in sheep's clothing" he would be accused of being "anti-sheep" by CNN.

Kind of like Hillary fainting while sick and in the heat is indicative of rampant brain disease and massive conspiracy, etc etc? The media has a bias towards conflict, and Trump's persona and poor discipline invite conflict. He says a Mexican judge can't be impartial because he's Mexican people react negatively, some positively, that invites more conflict and everyone makes money link


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1792188)
Whoever tagged "milo <3" kudos to you for having a mind of your own, and for not being stuck in the far-left's "echo chamber."

Milo shouldn't be silenced, much like David Irving shouldn't be. Let them air their ugly ideas, twisted statistics, and double standards so they can be met with facts and argument. That's why I'd like some change in the law to be able to prosecute people who intentionally distort.

Frownland 01-07-2017 12:09 PM

Lol @ defending CNN.

riseagainstrocks 01-07-2017 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792301)
Lol @ defending CNN.

Considering it was called the 'Clinton News Network' and I wanted people to click on the link to see the sourcing, I felt the need to. I mean, if you think DOJ, BLS, FBI, et. all statistics are cooked then it won't do you any good. But I have greater confidence in a summary and link to hard data that anyone can examine than a circular pattern of conservative news story linking to another and another all making outlandish claims but not providing any data.

That could just be my research background, though

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792301)
Lol @ defending CNN.

**** off. When was the last time you even watched them? Speaking from ignorance is quite the hobby for you, huh?


Over the course of the 2016 election, CNN hired four Trump supporters -- Kayleigh McEnany, Scottie Nell Hughes, Jeffrey Lord and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski -- explicitly to defend Trump on air. While on CNN, Lord defended Trump’s attacks against a Gold Star family and turned a discussion of Trump’s hesitance to disavow David Duke into an argument about whether Democrats used to support the KKK. Lewandowski has revived Trump’s birther claims against President Obama and recommending that the Republican nominee sue The New York Times “into oblivion.” McEnany defended Trump’s claim that Obama is the “founder of ISIS,” Hughes attacked Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine’s use of Spanish, and both Hughes and McEnany have defended Trump against multiple sexual assault accusations.

Lewandowski in particular has been an ethical nightmare for CNN; he likely has a non-disparagement agreement with the Trump campaign, was hired while he was still being paid severance by Trump’s campaign, has continued to do “consulting work” for Trump, and recently joined the campaign for events in Maine and New Jersey.

Cuthbert 01-07-2017 12:22 PM

lol Chula's borderline abusive posts >>>

Goofle 01-07-2017 12:32 PM

Clinton News Network :D

Frownland 01-07-2017 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792305)
**** off. When was the last time you even watched them? Speaking from ignorance is quite the hobby for you, huh?


I try to see what all the major news sites are posting. You should go insult Fox News on your Facebook and see how close your response lines up with the response from wonder white bread America.

I mean, CNN is no MSNBC, but they are still stupid biased and infotainment based. I'm sure that you will only have good things to say about my opinions like the respectful democrat you are.


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1792306)
lol Chula's borderline abusive posts >>>

They read like they're being shouted from behind a blurry wall of tears and sniffles.

Trollheart 01-07-2017 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1792331)
CNN is a weird center on everything to the point of hilarity bias

If there was an argument as to whether we should eat babies and one side said "don't eat babies" and the other side said "eat every baby"

CNN would conclude we should eat some of the babies

We should.

Anteater 01-07-2017 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792282)
CNN has been a lot more balanced this election cycle by hiring Trump/GOP supporters to be part of their discussion panels.

Scottie Nell Hughes, Corey Lewandowski, Kayleigh McEnany, Jeffery Lord, and Jack Kingston are all featured nightly to counter the liberal opinion.

So how come we're not discussing the US Intelligence Report that was released yesterday that concluded that Russia/Putin was behind the hacking for the main purpose of hurting Clinton
and helping Trump? Pretty ****ing major news if you asked me. Have ya all seen this?

Fox News regularly features Democrats or Left-leaning individuals for the sake of "balance" too. Doesn't mean I'm gonna consider them a balanced breakfast.

I've seen that report...and you know what it ultimately amounts to? Nothing, because Russia and China were supposedly involved in the hacking long before Trump was even considered seriously as a potential Republican candidate. And even then their influence is minimal at best. Had it not been Trump, Putin would have simply shifted to whoever ended up being the nominee. Assuming you buy the facts as presented anyway.

All in all, this hacking situation is the result of ongoing security incompetence and foreign policy failure from the past two administrations, especially the Democrats. It's a shame neither the government nor the Clintons have enough common sense to spend the money on the right IT consultants. But they can't afford me or my family's company I guess, so oh well...

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792374)
Fox News regularly features Democrats or Left-leaning individuals for the sake of "balance" too. Doesn't mean I'm gonna consider them a balanced breakfast.

All I said was that CNN had gotten better this past election. I didn't say I swallow everything they report. They use to be more like MSNBC. They were definitely more palatable this time around.

Goofle 01-07-2017 05:48 PM

CNN anchors admitted live on air that they were the biggest ones supporting Hillary Clinton, and said you should only view Wikileaks through them.

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 05:50 PM

Yes, Goofle. We all understand that you have Trump's dick in your mouth.

Frownland 01-07-2017 05:58 PM

Chill the **** out Chula it's getting old.

The Batlord 01-07-2017 06:02 PM

Seriously, take a month off of politics and calm the **** down.

Cuthbert 01-07-2017 06:08 PM

Wonder how big Donald's dong is though.

grindy 01-07-2017 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1792412)
Wonder how big Donald's dong is though.

Which Donald's?

Frownland 01-07-2017 06:10 PM

Ronald Mc. I bet it's python-esque.

Cuthbert 01-07-2017 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792416)
Ronald Mc. I bet it's python-esque.

Bet it is :cool:

USA about to be run by a massive cock :cool:

kibbeh 01-07-2017 06:14 PM

gross. i bet he spray paints his cock orange too.

The Batlord 01-07-2017 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1792414)
Which Donald's?

I'm sure the duck's is pretty small or else we would have seen it already.

Psy-Fi 01-07-2017 06:23 PM

He certainly is popular with the ladies...

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792374)
I've seen that report...and you know what it ultimately amounts to? Nothing,

Says the Trump groupie........

Another opinion:


The US intelligence community concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the 2016 election.

The declassified reported, released Friday, determined with "high confidence" that Russia's interference -- consisting of hacking Democratic groups and individuals and releasing that information via third-party websites, including WikiLeaks -- helped President-elect Donald Trump win the election.
Here are some of the highlights from the report.

1. Goal was to undermine US faith in democratic process
"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia's goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

2. Effort was ordered by Putin
"We assess that influence campaigns are approved at the highest levels of the Russian government - particularly those that would be politically sensitive."

3. Putin's grudge
"Putin most likely wanted to discredit Secretary Clinton because he has publicly blamed her since 2011 for inciting mass protests against his regime in late 2011 and early 2012, and because he holds a grudge for comments he almost certainly saw as disparaging him."

4. A 'significant escalation'
"Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow's longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations."

5. Paid social media trolls
"Moscow's influence campaign followed a Russian messaging strategy that blends covert intelligence operations -- such as cyberactivity -- with overt efforts by Russian government agencies, state-funded media, third-party intermediaries and paid social media users or 'trolls.'"

6. #DemocracyRIP
"Before the election, Russian diplomats had publicly denounced the US electoral process and were prepared to publicly call into question the validity of the results. ProKremlin bloggers had prepared a Twitter campaign, #DemocracyRIP, on election night in anticipation of Secretary Clinton's victory, judging from their social media activity."

7. Russian media involvement
"Russian media hailed President-elect Trump's victory as a vindication of Putin's advocacy of global populist movements - the theme of Putin's annual conference for Western academics in October 2016 -- and the latest example of Western liberalism's collapse."

8. Beyond the US
"Moscow will apply lessons learned from its Putin-ordered campaign aimed at the US presidential election to future influence efforts worldwide, including against US allies and their election processes."

9. Other US targets
"We assess Russian intelligence services will continue to develop capabilities to provide Putin with options to use against the United States, judging from past practice and current efforts. Immediately after Election Day, we assess Russian intelligence began a spearphishing campaign targeting US government employees and individuals associated with US think tanks and NGOs in national security, defense, and foreign policy fields."

10. Putin and WikiLeaks
"In early September, Putin said publicly it was important the DNC data was exposed to Wikileaks, calling the search for the source of the leaks a distraction and denying Russian 'state-level' involvement."

Frownland 01-07-2017 07:14 PM

Russia's always been doing this kind of thing, what's the big deal!? I mean, you guys didn't seem too worried when Hillary was opening us up for war for the same reason, why the double standard?

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792476)
you guys didn't seem too worried when Hillary was opening us up for war for the same reason


Frownland 01-07-2017 07:24 PM

Line in the sand (no Chula, not head in the sand). No fly zones. Unwillingness for any Russian diplomacy. Kind of a no brainer really.

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792480)
Line in the sand. No fly zones. Unwillingness for any Russian diplomacy.

Do some research instead of relying on talking points.

Clinton says she was gone for the 'red line' in Syria incident | PolitiFact


“If you impose a no-fly zone, how do you respond to their concerns?” Wallace asked. “Secondly, if you impose a no-fly zone and a Russian plane violates that, does President Clinton shoot that plane down?”

Clinton stuck to an argument she has made many times: Creating an area where Syrian and Russian planes cannot fly would give the U.S. “leverage” over Syria and Russia to negotiate a political resolution.

“A no-fly zone can save lives and hasten the end of the conflict,” she said.

With proper planning, Clinton argued, the restriction could accomplish those goals without sparking a larger war.

“I am well aware of the really legitimate concerns you have expressed from both the president and the general,” Clinton responded. “This would not be done just on the first day. This would take a lot of negotiation. It would also take making it clear to the Russians and the Syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground.”

Ensuring the safety of civilians in areas of Syria under heavy bombardment from the Syrian and Russian air forces would even “help us in our fight against ISIS,” Clinton argued.
Your "unwillingness for Russian diplomacy" response is too stupid to address.

Frownland 01-07-2017 07:46 PM

So if I pull of a quote of Trump saying that she's wrong, does that make it so? Because that's the quality of your response. I didn't expect for you to think that Hillary could have any kind of flaws though so don't sweat it. Also, you ought to include links to the quotes that you're using for your arguments. They could come from infowars for all I know.

Anteater 01-07-2017 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792466)
Says the Trump groupie........

That's funny coming from a shill who can't be bothered to respond to any of the points I've previously made. Furthermore, you seem to have myopic reasoning abilities. Or maybe you just lack reading comprehension? That report basically amounts to "Russia spent money on websites and Facebook ads hoping people wouldn't vote for Hillary". Their disinformation campaign, if you even want to call it that, was a complete waste of time.

Unless Putin somehow hacked Time Warner and The Huffington Post, there is absolutely nothing they could have done to influence the election in any meaningful way, especially when Trump got billions in free advertising from the networks trying to tear him down whilst Hillary got a fraction of the coverage overall. Unless Podesta being a complete moron and clicking on a phishing email demonstrates Russia's elite strategy? If you support that kind of carelessness in government that eclipses even the Republican Party, then you deserved to lose.

Again, all the evidence points to Russia simply taking advantage of a careless, incompetent Democratic Party and an equally incompetent administration. Both of which are supported by brainwashed fools like you who refuse to recognize the underlying problems your representatives create that allowed these hacks to take place and pave the way for someone like Trump to get elected.

On a more positive note though...if Trump can capitalize upon the leverage we have against Russia, then Putin's "strategy" becomes even more hilarious because he got the wrong guy into office based on a petty, personal vendetta against the Clintons. That, my friend, would be quite amusing!

djchameleon 01-07-2017 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1792412)
Wonder how big Donald's dong is though.

Based on his hand size very small.


Originally Posted by Man like Monkey (Post 1792424)
Bet it is :cool:

USA about to be run by a massive cock :cool:

? Ronald didn't win the Presidency.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1792476)
Russia's always been doing this kind of thing, what's the big deal!? I mean, you guys didn't seem too worried when Hillary was opening us up for war for the same reason, why the double standard?

The big deal is the bigger implications of what was done and what they could do in the future. Yes, I mainly see it as reasoning for us to step up our security efforts but just because they have been doing this kind of thing in the past doesn't mean we should just say "oh well let's let them continue doing it because we are big pushovers".


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1792478)
I don't think it's a real concern I just think "Russian Puppet" is too awesome to pass up on

I used to go around saying that but when I actually thought about it from a geopolitical point of view. Russia doesn't have much to gain/offer when it comes to working with the US.


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792498)

If Trump can capitalize upon the leverage we have against Russia, then Putin's "strategy" becomes even more hilarious because he got the wrong guy into office based on a petty, personal vendetta against the Clintons.

What leverage? What can he possibly gain from working with Russia? It feels like Putin's using him to his advantage but I'm just not quite sure what that advantage is yet. Like the Donald would say "to be continued.." We shall see very soon. Russia continues to take aggressive stabs at everyone around the world including the US and people on the right thinks we should just buddy up with Russia and work with them after Putin pretty much took his dick out and slapped us in the face then ****ed our collective mother.

Anteater 01-07-2017 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by djchameleon (Post 1792502)
What leverage? What can he possibly gain from working with Russia? It feels like Putin's using him to his advantage but I'm just not quite sure what that advantage is yet. Like the Donald would say "to be continued.." We shall see very soon. Russia continues to take aggressive stabs at everyone around the world including the US and people on the right thinks we should just buddy up with Russia and work with them after Putin pretty much took his dick out and slapped us in the face then ****ed our collective mother.

Russia's economy is in the crapper and we have the keys that Putin wants in order to turn his country around. This is something we can use, and even if Trump doesn't see the big picture, Rex Tillerson does. Furthermore, Russia would be a useful tool to deal with the elements of the Islamic State (as well as ISIS) that fuel most the world's terrorism.

There's a lot of people worried that America would become a puppet state to Russia, but those same people are also clueless about how government actually works and what is and isn't at stake. We hold all the cards, which is why Russia is desperate to do anything to try to improve their situation. China, on the other hand, is honestly a much bigger problem overall. If we aren't careful with them we'll be looking at a real life analogue to The Man In The High Castle within half a century.

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 08:18 PM

Rex Tillerson? The guy that stands to make billions by lifting US sanctions against Russia? Your red is burning brightly tonight.

djchameleon 01-07-2017 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1792505)
Russia's economy is in the crapper and we have the keys that Putin wants in order to turn his country around. This is something we can use, and even if Trump doesn't see the big picture, Rex Tillerson does. Furthermore, Russia would be a useful tool to deal with the elements of the Islamic State (as well as ISIS) that fuel most the world's terrorism.

There's a lot of people worried that America would become a puppet state to Russia, but those same people are also clueless about how government actually works and what is and isn't at stake. We hold all the cards, which is why Russia is desperate to do anything to try to improve their situation. China, on the other hand, is honestly a much bigger problem overall. If we aren't careful with them we'll be looking at a real life analogue to The Man In The High Castle within half a century.

Explain why China is a bigger problem. I've heard people spout that but they never go into detail. Yes I know they own a lot of bonds from us but I feel like economically they are in a weaker position than Russia atm.

Chula Vista 01-07-2017 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1792510)
China is going to be a problem because Trump has made them one

Tarrifs and such go both ways China could kneecap our economy the next time Trump tweets something offensive

Or if he keeps kissing Taiwan's ass.

Frownland 01-07-2017 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1792512)
Or if he keeps kissing Taiwan's ass.

lol I don't think accepting a call is the same as kissing their ass. This kind of stupid hyperbole is what handed Trump the election.

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