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OccultHawk 04-27-2017 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1828726)
I'm curious if Elph and Chula think that people who ruin their lives need to take some responsibility in fixing them or just simply get supported forever because "woe is me".

If life has never really gone tits up for you I'll tell you you'll be singing a different ****ing tune when it does.

Chula Vista 04-27-2017 08:15 PM

DWV, just lost a bunch of respect dude.

What a dickish post. Shame on you. Shame on you bigtime.

Frownland 04-27-2017 08:16 PM

You could at least answer his question...

OccultHawk 04-27-2017 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828737)
The same bankers that are writing Trump's budget came begging the gov for a handout in 2008 because they ****ed up

Now they want to strip money from strugglingle single mothers so they can afford another yacht

All must go to gulag

I don't know if the gulag part was a joke but I agree. We ought to drag their asses out of their big houses and crack their heads open.

OccultHawk 04-27-2017 08:45 PM


Anteater 04-27-2017 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828703)
Again, the money math doesn't amount to anything. Why are you focusing on the exit tax so much? Whether the expats amount to $10 billion or $100 billion, it trickles down to nothing in the big picture of things (see what I did there?).

Not f-cking with the current estate tax and making it fair across the board would be a million more times significant to the populace. But you've already made it perfectly clear that you dig the "rich get richer - F-the poor" mindset.

And yet the estate tax, dodged by those it was created to target, somehow amounts to something right now? Okeydokey. I guess we'll just have to see if it really gets axed or not.

You know, just because somebody doesn't jump on your liberal crybaby "woe-is-me" bandwagon (AKA anyone who presents a point that you didn't bring up) doesn't mean they hate poor people. I came from a household that barely scraped by for years after all. You can disagree with me (and I'm fine with that), but your whole schtick for the last few pages when we all started talking about the tax plan makes you look like a gibbering lunatic who sees the GOP in the patterns on his ceiling.

Chula Vista 04-27-2017 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1828733)
You could at least answer his question...

Did I ruin my life...

DwnWthVwls 04-27-2017 09:09 PM

Im not pointing fingers. Im just trying to figure out where you two draw the line because your stance seems to blame rich people for EVERYTHING and while i agree wealth is a problem, people who **** themselves also need to own it. Balance is important. You seem to want to bottlefeed the horses the water you lead them to.

If you would rather shame me than actually discuss the topic im happy to let it go. I wont humor you like the others.

Frownland 04-27-2017 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828760)
Did I ruin my life...

Idunno, did you?

Chula Vista 04-27-2017 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1828753)
You can disagree with me (and I'm fine with that), but your whole schtick for the last few pages when we all started talking about the tax plan makes you look like a gibbering lunatic who sees the GOP in the patterns on his ceiling.

Own up to being a Trump shill and stop being a GOP gibbering lunatic. Your counterpoints would come across so much better if you didn't try to distant yourself from him and them. Your agenda has become so ****ing obvious during this thread.

Are you Sean Spicer just lurking?

And please explain how my current dire circumstanses are MY fault.

*running out of door frames to smash my head against*

DwnWthVwls 04-27-2017 09:16 PM

Im talking about the US and the people here. Lets not turn this into another germany border policy non-relevant counter argument.

I asked a question (admittedly in a condescending way) to better understand your position. If you were less busy trying to act superior you might realize im open minded.

Chula Vista 04-27-2017 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1828763)
people who **** themselves also need to own it.

I ****ed myself how?


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1828767)
Idunno, did you?

I can only deal with one prick at a time.
Come on man. You've been paying attention. How about a little bit of empathy? Things are ridiculously serious in a bad way.

Pet_Sounds 04-27-2017 09:22 PM

Chula, although we know you're in a rough spot at the moment, I don't think DWV was referring to your situation with that comment.

DwnWthVwls 04-27-2017 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828775)
I ****ed myself how?

I can only deal with one prick at a time.
Come on man. You've been paying attention. How about a little bit of empathy? Things are ridiculously serious in a bad way.

Can you not be conceited and realize not everything is about you. Im not denying people who dont make bad decisions get ****ed. I asked to what point are we expected to carry those that do.

Lets try this: how do you feel about people who spend well beyond their means and then expect hand outs or try to abuse the system? This happens at all income levels.

Frownland 04-27-2017 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828775)
I can only deal with one prick at a time.
Come on man. You've been paying attention. How about a little bit of empathy? Things are ridiculously serious in a bad way.

Consider it as a thought experiment. A serious situation can arise from faults of our own. So you played no role in where you are now?

Chula Vista 04-27-2017 09:37 PM

Unbelievable. A lot of you people are so far from a clue it's ridiculous.

Frowny (you ****ing *******), remove me from this place. **** you all.

Frownland 04-27-2017 09:42 PM

Doing this like twice a week now jeez.

I guess you're not the thought experiment type.

Anteater 04-27-2017 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828769)
Own up to being a Trump shill and stop being a GOP gibbering lunatic. Your counterpoints would come across so much better if you didn't try to distant yourself from him and them. Your agenda has become so ****ing obvious during this thread.

Are you Sean Spicer just lurking?

And please explain how my current dire circumstanses are MY fault.

*running out of door frames to smash my head against*

My original post basically amounted to "wouldn't it be great if we had a more reasonable tax code across all brackets".

This was your very first response based on me even broaching the subject:


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828127)
Ant ******* Trump's and the GOP's dicks once again.

I seriously despise people with your mindset.

"I'm making money. I have a business. Make it all about me. **** everyone else."

If that's not proof you are not in a good headspace to have reasonable discussions with people on here, I don't know what more proof you need. I'm sorry if you are dealing with a bad life situation right now, but you are hostile to an absolutely mind boggling extent.

DwnWthVwls 04-27-2017 09:46 PM

Chula i feel for you and your current situation, and i understand how that can bias you or make these topics hard to discuss calmly but im try to remain objective as possible in these kinds of discussions. If you think there is a flaw in my thinking or im naive then explain to me why. With that said i think you really need to take a break from the poli section for your own sake, this thread has done nothing but get you annoyed. Enjoy the rest of the forum with us.

DwnWthVwls 04-27-2017 09:50 PM

You answer questions like a politician. By that i mean you say a lot and nothing at all.

DwnWthVwls 04-27-2017 09:58 PM

You dont even know my understanding. I asked a question regarding the point at which we assist people vs making them take responsibilty for their **** ups and you decide to lecture me about the factors of personal debt as if its at all relevant to my question/one dimensional example.

Anteater 04-27-2017 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828795)
I'm trying to answer it politely like one of my professors might instead of just laughing at your very layman's drunk dude at a pub understanding of issues

If I were a professor, I'd want one of these buttons in my office.

The Hill - Trump has a red button on his desk that orders Coke

OccultHawk 04-27-2017 10:20 PM


I know this is an incredibly low bar but if it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure I'm more ****ed than you are.

OccultHawk 04-27-2017 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1828797)
You dont even know my understanding. I asked a question regarding the point at which we assist people vs making them take responsibilty for their **** ups and you decide to lecture me about the factors of personal debt as if its at all relevant to my question/one dimensional example.

What pisses me off is that banks expect to give high interest loans with so little risk. I don't give a **** about paying those ****s back. **** my credit.

Frownland 04-27-2017 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828808)
should pull yourself up by your bootstraps

OccultHawk 04-27-2017 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828808)
should pull yourself up by your bootstraps

My bootstraps turned out to be rattlesnakes.

OccultHawk 04-27-2017 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1828810)

I don't get that one.

Frownland 04-27-2017 10:41 PM

It was a jif.

The Identity Matrix 04-27-2017 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1828813)
I don't get that one.

Its Rick and Morty bud.

EDIT: woops sorry frown didn't see you there.

Key 04-28-2017 12:48 AM

Frownland 04-28-2017 07:49 AM

You met Jim Carrey?

DwnWthVwls 04-28-2017 09:31 AM

It's certainly part of the reason, but you don't want to admit that part. And that's fine, I'm a monster. Actions have consequences, and I am not responsible for other peoples bad decision making. I have no problems with unexpected pregnancies, mentally/physically handicapped, inner city problems, etc.. but when you start purposefully having a 3rd, 4th, 5th kids (when you can barely take care of yourself) cause hey welfare and make yourself unemployable then you need to figure your own **** out.. It's not my responsibility or the governments to assist people who willfully contribute nothing to society. I'll leave that for the volunteer/non-profit, and whatever other groups form. I volunteer and do charity work because I care about other peoples well being, not because I feel some obligation to do so.

If that makes me a terrible person in your eyes, I'm okay with that, but your utopian 0 consequences view of how the world should exist is beyond impractical and incredibly naive. Are you the guy that doesn't show up for class, misses an assignment, and then expects full credit when you hand **** in late?

Frownland 04-28-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls (Post 1828925)
It's certainly part of the reason, but you don't want to admit that part. And, that's fine, I'm a monster. Actions have consequences, and I am not responsible for other peoples bad decision making. I have no problems with unexpected pregnancies, mentally/physically handicapped, inner city problems, etc.. but when you start purposefully having a 3rd, 4th, 5th kids (when you can barely take care of yourself) cause hey welfare and make yourself unemployable then you need to figure your own **** out.. It's not my responsibility or the governments to assist people who willfully contribute nothing to society. I'll leave that for the volunteer/non-profit, and whatever other groups form. I volunteer and do charity work because I care about other peoples well being, not because I feel some obligation to do so.

I think the biggest issue is how do we even find out who is abusing it and who genuinely needs it since at the level you describe, it all just comes down to intent which is incredibly difficult to determine. That, and people born into a culture of welfare thinking it is the only option and never consider alternatives. I have a friend who went through the foster system who's like this.

DwnWthVwls 04-28-2017 09:42 AM

I don't disagree with that at all, Frown. I'm not trying to make this into some simple "try harder" position.

DwnWthVwls 04-28-2017 09:53 AM

So who's the bigger piece of shit: me or the people having kids they can't take care of?

Since you're not willing to actually put any effort into your responses, I'll continue to respond in an equally lazy way.

DwnWthVwls 04-28-2017 09:56 AM

Yes and no. Have fun :)

Frownland 04-28-2017 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828938)
Think about this practically

Are you willing to starve children because "personal responsibility"

Are you willing to continually allow people to raise their children in bad conditions to avoid personal responsibility?

It's not either/or. Both scenarios exist, use the grey colouring pencil for once.

DwnWthVwls 04-28-2017 10:02 AM

The rich of course. It's their fault after all.

Frownland 04-28-2017 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828947)
Are we going to strip kids from their mothers?

Hell ja! Family is overrated as ****.


Is the gov going to raise them
It would certainly help with the decline in military enlistment.


Who pays for that
The same people paying for welfare right now?

Frownland 04-28-2017 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828951)
It'd be way more expensive if you want to generate a good upbringing

Foster kids right now overwhelmingly end up back in poverty

Which brings us back to square one.


Originally Posted by Frownland (Post 1828928)
That, and people born into a culture of welfare thinking it is the only option and never consider alternatives.

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