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Paul Smeenus 04-18-2017 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1825156)
How many people can't tell what the **** is going on in that gif?

Bobby Orr

The Batlord 04-18-2017 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Smeenus (Post 1825166)
Bobby Orr

Bobby or what?

OccultHawk 04-18-2017 10:28 PM

Pet_Sounds 04-18-2017 10:40 PM

Derek Sanderson was something else too.

Chula Vista 04-18-2017 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1825172)

Watched this in real time along with my entire family on a B&W television.

ORR was and will always be a Boston GOD!

The Batlord 04-18-2017 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1825174)
ORR was and will always be a Boston GOD!

Death by faint praise.

Aloysius 04-19-2017 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1825156)
How many people can't tell what the **** is going on in that gif?

I was born missing the sports gene - in spite of the fact that I grew up with a family happy to spend days watching cricket and Aussie rules football (the two main sports here). It does appear to be people chasing after a small object though.

Isbjørn 04-19-2017 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by OccultHawk (Post 1825156)
How many people can't tell what the **** is going on in that gif?

Some Canadian hipsters playing crocket

Anteater 04-25-2017 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1827859)
First 100 days coming to a close

And his attempt to restrict federal funds to sanctuary states being declared unconstitutional

So much winning

For now. ;)

Key 04-26-2017 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1827859)
First 100 days coming to a close

And his attempt to restrict federal funds to sanctuary states being declared unconstitutional

So much winning

Can't forget the multiple golf trips.

Frownland 04-26-2017 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1827859)
First 100 days coming to a close

And his attempt to restrict federal funds to sanctuary states being declared unconstitutional

So much winning

I wonder if Congress will take it up, as it wouldn't be unconstitutional then. The ruling was based on the fact that Congress allocates the budget, not the executive.


Originally Posted by Kiiii (Post 1827921)
Can't forget the multiple golf trips.

Bag of dicks, go eat one.

Key 04-26-2017 08:43 AM


Frownland 04-26-2017 11:23 AM

Nobody cares about overarching political ideologies when that sweet, temporary partisan solution is so close.

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 11:33 AM

By Andy Borowitz April 24, 2017
(The Borowitz Report)—
In an appearance at the University of Chicago on Monday, former President Barack Obama unloaded a relentless barrage of complete sentences in what was widely seen as a brutal attack on his successor, Donald Trump.
Appearing at his first public event since leaving office, Obama fired off a punishing fusillade of grammatically correct sentences, the likes of which the American people have not heard from the White House since he departed.
“He totally restricted his speech to complete sentences,” Tracy Klugian, a student at the event, said. “It was the most vicious takedown of Trump I’d ever seen.”
“About five or six sentences in, I noticed that all of his sentences had both nouns and verbs in them,” Carol Foyler, another student, said. “I couldn’t believe he was going after Trump like that.”
Obama’s blistering deployment of complete sentences clearly got under the skin of their intended target, who, moments after the event, responded with an angry tweet: “Obama bad (or sick) guy. Failing. Sad!”

Anteater 04-26-2017 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828089)
Trumps proposed tax plan, my god

Eliminate the inheritance tax?

15% corporate tax that buiz owners can claim too?

Then he (very vaguely) wants to close loopholes, but what would they need them for when they already pay a lower rate than their employees?

I like some aspects of the plan and think other parts of it need work. The inheritance tax, for instance, is pretty ridiculous and doesn't make much sense anyway.

Anteater 04-26-2017 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828100)
You mean it's ridiculous that he wants to eliminate it right?


No, as in the inheritance tax never made much sense to begin with. Getting rid of it is something only people with nothing to pass on to their kids would whine about.

The Batlord 04-26-2017 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828108)
How many yachts do they need to own?

Don't get him started on yachts.

Anteater 04-26-2017 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828108)
The wealthy are already richer than they've been since the start of this country

Over half of Capital is inherited and about 60-70% is owned by 1% of the population

How much is enough for them? Where is this flood of good paying work we were promised?

How many yachts do they need to own?

Then we need a better tax code in general so that the wealthy will use what they have. If you try to pass on even just 1 million dollars you pay $345,800 of that. And there's no good reason for that when someone in that family is already paying heavy taxes year after year at that level.

At the end of the day, we need a country where people of all income levels should want to live and feel that its fair. If you want to reduce the disparity, then support a smarter tax code that provides incentives for all types of income brackets.

...or just continue to pray one day for Karl Marx to come down in a heavenly chariot and destroy the capitalist swine. :D

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 03:20 PM

Ant ******* Trump's and the GOP's dicks once again.

I seriously despise people with your mindset.

"I'm making money. I have a business. Make it all about me. **** everyone else."

Anteater 04-26-2017 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828127)
Ant ******* Trump's and the GOP's dicks once again.

I seriously despise people with your mindset.

"I'm making money. I have a business. Make it all about me. **** everyone else."

Well I despise close-minded fools like you just as much, so how about that?

...nah just kidding. :P

You must have missed the part where I called for a smarter tax code for all income brackets. But I don't expect anything resembling reading comprehension from you or elph, so here's a nice *shrug*.

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1828132)
Well I despise close-minded fools like you just as much, so how about that?

...nah just kidding. :P

Nice quickfire edit. Seriously, I hate the conservative and right wing mindset that's evolved and been propigated the past decade. Hate it with a passion. Same goes for the folks who seem to embrace it.

- Everyone on welfare is a loser.
- Everyone seriously needing assistance is a loser.
- Everyone respecting women's rights is a loser.
- Everyone sticking up for minorities is a loser.
- Everyone thinking the wealthy should contribute more is a loser.
- Everyone denying global warming is a loser.
- Everyone against corporate America getting more breaks is a loser.
- Everyone against protecting the environment is a loser.
- Everyone against protecting worker safety is a loser.

I could go on for an hour. Did I mention that I hate this mindset and those who seem to embrace it? I'm looking right at you Ant.

BTW, don't even try and talk down to me. Your recent comments come across much more ignorant than anyone else.

But that's the way of Corperate America and the GOP - you oppose? You must be dumb, right?

Trump for the WIN!!!!!!

Anteater 04-26-2017 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828137)
This is what the inheritance tax is for you mouth breather

So you can't just hoard everything to the point of being a Royal family that rivals the Queens

Don't try to talk about "fair" when we're talking about families that have more wealth than half the countries population combined

Lol the mega rich don't keep the majority of their assets here in the U.S. to begin with, so its a moot point. That particular income bracket is indeed a problem, but targeting people right at the precipice of upper middle class to low rich here in the U.S. is not the right move and will not give you what you want. Maybe you should learn to breathe with your nose.

Anteater 04-26-2017 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828138)
Nice quickfire edit. Seriously, I hate the conservative and right wing mindset that's evolved and been propigated the past decade. Hate it with a passion. Same goes for the folks who seem to embrace it.

- Everyone on welfare is a loser.
- Everyone seriously needing assistance is a loser.
- Everyone respecting women's rights is a loser.
- Everyone sticking up for minorities is a loser.
- Everyone thinking the wealthy should contribute more is a loser.
- Everyone denying global warming is a loser.
- Everyone against corporate America getting more breaks is a loser.
- Everyone against protecting the environment is a loser.
- Everyone against protecting worker safety is a loser.

I could go on for an hour. Did I mention that I hate this mindset and those who seem to embrace it? I'm looking right at you Ant.

And yet I don't fall into any of those ways of thinking. I've never once thought someone was a loser for any of those things. So I guess you just struck out. Again.

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1828143)
And yet I don't fall into any of those ways of thinking. I've never once thought someone was a loser for any of those things. So I guess you just struck out. Again.

Another dodge. You ****ing embrace GOP policies with the biggest boner.

Anteater 04-26-2017 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828144)
This flimsy attempt at a dodge

Or maybe you should try reading the whole thing instead of kneejerking like you always do.


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828146)
Another dodge. You ****ing embrace GOP policies with the biggest boner.

Well that's one thing you have in common with Trump: you both live your lives making ridiculous assumptions as you spiral out into witch hunt mentality.

grindy 04-26-2017 03:46 PM

Great arguments, guys. Keep it classy.

Ol’ Qwerty Bastard 04-26-2017 03:47 PM

this thread makes me want to put my head through a wall

Anteater 04-26-2017 03:48 PM

They don't get their way in an argument nor bother reading so they resort to personal attacks. Just as expected. Child's play. :thumb:

Me: Wouldn't it be great if we had a better tax code for all tax brackets?



Chula Vista 04-26-2017 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1828147)
Well that's one thing you have in common with Trump: you both live your lives making ridiculous assumptions as you spiral out into witch hunt mentality.

Meet the Four Republican Lawmakers Who Want to Abolish the EPA - NBC News

Stop being a ****ing dullard. Take your stand and one way or another and stop dodging.

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1828154)
They don't get their way in an argument nor bother reading so they resort to personal attacks. Just as expected.

Classic. They don't get my schitck so obviously they're stupid. You're a total shill for the republican party and the trump boner suckers. How's it taste by the way?

The Batlord 04-26-2017 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828164)
Classic. They don't get my schitck so obviously they're stupid. You're a total shill for the republican party and the trump boner suckers.

At least there's a voice of reason when debating with your relatives on Facebook.

Anteater 04-26-2017 04:00 PM

grindy 04-26-2017 04:03 PM

Alright, either you guys (and by 'you guys' I mostly mean Chula) chill the **** out or there'll be some modding.
This is ****ing pathetic.

OccultHawk 04-26-2017 04:07 PM

I'm impressed with the degree that Trump has been stalemated. I'm not saying he's not dangerous but I thought it was going to be WAY worse at this point.

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by grindy (Post 1828168)
Alright, either you guys (and by 'you guys' I mostly mean Chula) chill the **** out or there'll be some modding.
This is ****ing pathetic.

I'm done with Ant. He's a ****ing ******* as far as I'm concerned.

Do what you gotta do. I'll still have a healthy conscience.

Anteater 04-26-2017 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828169)
"We need a tax code that incentivises spending

We should eliminate the inheritance tax"

I already explained why the estate tax doesn't work (since it sucks up so much money at certain brackets that you might as well not have an estate in the U.S. at all), which is why you need to implement different measures (like a tax that redistributes some % of income from those at income brackets at & above the 3-5 million mark with additional criteria considered). There are no upsides for the way things currently stand other than appealing to some people's sense of envy.

Kind of sad that somebody can't have a reasonable discussion in here without being character assassinated.

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Anteater (Post 1828175)

In a nutshell.

Poor people who didn't get a break. Just hating on rich people who had the means to utilize the system.

Screw those poor ****ers.

**** you ant. This type of attitude is everything that's wrong with the world. Ban me Grindy.

Anteater 04-26-2017 04:22 PM

See? I hit the nail on the head. It's all about hating the rich instead of thinking how we could actually use them as assets for people who could use those resources. Or for society. Reactive anger vs proactive thinking. Gee, I wonder which category elph and Chula fall into?


Originally Posted by elphenor (Post 1828176)
This is incredibly insulting actually

The rest of it is just factually incorrect

Again as the taxes stand now (estate tax and all) the rich are richer than ever before

Depends on which bracket of the rich you are referring to. I already agreed with you about people in the top .01%. I'm talking about a broader spectrum here.

grindy 04-26-2017 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chula Vista (Post 1828178)
In a nutshell.

Poor people who didn't get a break. Just hating on rich people who had the means to utilize the system.

Screw those poor ****ers.

**** you ant. This type of attitude is everything that's wrong with the world. Ban me Grindy.

I don't want to ban you.
I want you to think of your health, relax and most of all stop insulting people who disagree with you.
Would you be kind enough to follow that advice?

Chula Vista 04-26-2017 04:27 PM

You're only seeing the discussion from your convenient point of view - which benefits only you and those who share your ME, ME, ME mentality.

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