12-15-2016 02:59 PM |
Originally Posted by djchameleon
(Post 1783289)
Solutions that she couldn't full explain when asked to further explain. It was like she was reading off bullet points but did no research into how it would work practically.
True. She had good IDEAS, but not necessarily SOLUTIONS. Thank you for the correction.
The Green part leans too far left on some issues for me, but they are better than the big two. But I don't like political parties to begin with. Anyone who would posit the same answer/solution for all sets of problems is clearly either myopic, ignorant, evil or pandering.
Originally Posted by grindy
(Post 1783582)
Trump won by not being Hilary.
BOOM! ^ What this guy said!
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
(Post 1783600)
He said he was going to build a wall.
F*ck a wall. A wall works TWO ways! It doesn't just keep people out, it keeps U.S. citizens caged in and may even prevent them from leaving the country when the SHTF.