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RoxyRollah 05-11-2016 10:15 PM

He's an awful president.

Frownland 05-11-2016 10:17 PM

Nah, it hasn't been that bad during his reign considering the hand he was dealt. I'd say he's the best since Carter.

RoxyRollah 05-11-2016 10:19 PM

Reign? Im sorry was I not invited to his coronation?

Frownland 05-11-2016 10:20 PM

Must mean you don't matter if the president doesn't invite you to his inauguration. That's social life rule number one.

Zhanteimi 05-11-2016 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1697081)
Meanwhile they continue to stock pile amo....why does the taxman need bullets?

To use against civilians when the time comes.

djchameleon 05-11-2016 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1697050)
Center my ass he openly admits to and end of the REPUBLIC.

I don't know what centering your ass has to do with the Republic but you have got my interest flapjacks. Obama is a moderate democrat though, he wasted all of his first few years "reaching across the aisle". Only to get it slapped away consistently. He only wised up in the last three years or so to realize they won't ever work/compromise with him. Yeah, when they are so like kids with their hands stuck in their ears about things that they rather shut down the government than work with him, there is a serious problem.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1696777)
There is nothing wrong with regulating things.If it's for the greater good, (really for the greater good.) However you are not really understanding what these particular regulations are doing. They seem like they should help the people right? One would think that but they don't and they are not there too. For example gun safety is great (safety means a class on how to use one properly.) but it can not infringe upon the right to own a gun and your right to own a gun is so that you are never ever more out gunned then your government. END OF STORY, so to try and implement a tax on something that is right in this country is ****ing bonkers and what the under lying subtext is saying is it's trying to get rid of guns by making them retardly expensive to own and buy legally. That will not stop criminals from getting them and NOT PAYING THE FRIGGING TAX. (Also if you look at that, really look at that they are trying tax our rights. WTF. WHAT IF THEY INTRODUCE A BREATHING TAX, YOU GONNA PAY IT?)

No one is trying to taking away your precious guns. They are just trying to make it so you can't just walk up to a gun show and buy bullets and weapons without doing any kind of background checks whatsoever. Also why the **** is it necessary to have automatic rifles? I believe Chula already mentioned it but the biggest militia would get stomped so hard but our military it wouldn't even be funny. Actually it would, I would love to see it happen.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1697050)
There is nothing wrong with loving the earth bro, but taxing people on such things like uhhh I dunno the strange tax in Denmark on meat or trying to put the coal industry outta of business is ludicrous.It's insanity. With the technology we have today coal can be very clean burning.

Regulations are in place to help with climate change and to protect the environment. The only reason you would be against something like that is if you wanted to cut corners just to increase your bottom line.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1697050)
Employer assisted birth control?!!!! :laughing: DO I NEED TO SPELL THAT ONE OUT FOR YOU? First off with Obama's scam care this is laughable because at my job the only people who get benies are the three of us managers. And 4 years ago in this country part time was 35 hours a week remember that. Now it's 16. So basically the only people that are eligible for this, (at my job anyway would be me and my boss). YOUR EMPLOYER would only have a vested interest in you not being pregnant because you gotta leave on maternity leave. That's it. WHY ON ****ING EARTH DO THEY CARE WHAT YOU DO? ASK YOURSELF THAT. In fact I care so little what my staff does outside of work because we neither pay them enough or work them enough to be allowed to ask questions like, "you smoke dope?, you drinking, you pregnant." Who the **** am I? And the idea that a company that drops hours to get around OBAMADEATHPANELCARE and cuts corners not to be taxed by the feds is going to magically come up with birth control is hilarious to begin with.

Obamacare would work fine if businesses weren't so greedy and consistently gave zero ****s about their employees to the point of wanting to skirt around the rules so they don't have to spend money that would benefit their employees in the long run. So they go around cutting hours and then tossing off the blame and saying. "Oh I'm sorry, I can't give you more hours. Blame Obama, he forced my hand." Stop being a cheap **** and take care of your employees *******s.


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1697050)
I shouldn't have to tell you the dangers of smart cars, and self driving cars. THAT ONE IS SO OBVIOUS IT HURTS.

I can't believe you bought into the media hype scare machine behind smart cars and self driving cars. Shame on you Rox.:bonkhead:


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1696779)
And sometimes I wish I could... But the world around us is so insane that when you or I point out it's insanity we are told we are crazy by the very people that run the mad house. ;) I got your back boo boo.

Chula Vista 05-11-2016 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1697081)
Don: They say I owe them 900, 831.30.
Kept my tax return my whole life and frigging keep my tax return my whole working life. They have been calling to talk to me since I was 9 years old and my aunt would tell them shes 9 she knows nothing about taxes. Shut. Up. I also have an 81,000 .00 lein against me. Public record if u dont believe me. Shut up about me paying my fair share I pay my income tax.Like an idiot.

They are ****ing with me and have been since the day my mother dropped dead and I got left her problems. So yea this extortion on a PERSONAL LEVEL.

How old were you when your mom died? Were you a minor?

Ok, did some research. Sounds like you are a victim of the 2008 Farm Bill. This definitely is 100% bogus.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Treasury - TAX POLITIX

William_the_Bloody 05-12-2016 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by RoxyRollah (Post 1697054)
Have sex with me^.....Im turned on by you're mind.

Wait a second, I stuck up for you, how come I don't get to have sex. I'm hot, cute, and you could make me your slave boy. Let me know :)

The Batlord 05-12-2016 12:36 AM

**** you, Canadian.

hip hop bunny hop 05-12-2016 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Goofle (Post 1696786)
There's nothing wrong with fearing mass immigration from Muslim countries. And you can do that without hating all Muslims.

Actually, there is something wrong with fearing mass immigration from countries with large Muslim populations; that something is called ignorant bigotry, and we don't need that **** in this country. I'd rather have a hardworking muslim than a lazy a white ******* stoner. White trash like Anders Behring Breivik and Dylan Roof can kill a bunch of productive citizens, and there isn't a national discussion about why some inferior European cultures produces those **** heads.....

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