Originally Posted by Soulflower
(Post 1582918)
I am not expecting for some people to care about minority issues because it is has been this way since slavery. However, lately I have been quite annoyed at the passiveness and disrespect that some people have for minorities who really care about the current racial problems concerning black people. Now I understand everyone doesn't care and won't be on the same page but I personally get irritated when some try to past off these issues as nothing or as things that don't matter. I get irritated when I see this on the internet and even in media depictions. Within the last 5 years, there have been multiple young black men that have been killed and murdered by white people so its alarming that some are shocked at black peoples reactions.
I have always found that to be strange. I know some people don't like to discuss minority issues on this board and that is okay. No one is not making you reply in this thread please don't derail it with foolishness.
I'm bored enough to chime in on one of these threads for once with my crappy opinions because human beings think they should have an opinion on everything and I am unfortunately of the human species.
Black and white are just colors. The difference in something as trivial as skin color means absolutely nothing at all to me, and of course I find police brutality appalling. It happens to people of all races. You keep bringing up that it happens primarily between white cops and black people and focusing on WHITE PEOPLE BLACK PEOPLE, but how much of these incidents are actually fueled by direct racism? There have been a lot of notable events lately that are for the most part completely inexcusable acts of police brutality, but there are some where the victim was not as innocent as depicted. It seems like people rally behind the victim whether they're innocent or not just because of their skin color and tensions are running higher and higher between the police and black people. I'm not sure why everybody's taking all these cases full of gray areas and making them out to be black and white for their cause. In this specific case in Baltimore, people should be upset. In the ongoing battle of continual injustice to people of ALL color by the police, people should be upset. Why does it always have to be about color, though? In areas where there are lots of crime it's inevitable for different colors to meet and clash. If someone seems dangerous or has committed a crime there is the issue of police prioritizing their safety, creating the possibility for their decision making to end badly. A lot of complex issues at hand differing per case seem to be translating into MURDEROUS WHITE COPS KILLING INNOCENT YOUNG BLACK MEN pretty fast these days.
How much of these statistics are just a coincidence? How much of it is the fault of the police, the fault of the people? You say do black lives not matter, but who are you talking about? All lives matter equally to me. When it's BLACK LIVES MATTERRRRRRR, YOU RACIST WHITE MEN every single incident and opportunity without regard for innocence or facts, that is where I start to get annoyed. It isn't because I'm blinding myself with my 'white privilege', it's because of a lack of logic. As far as the rioting goes, I don't let it change my opinion on the actual protesters. The people who choose to riot are hypocrites. They're fuc
king over innocent people themselves. You say they're angry, but that doesn't excuse it. Some of them don't even care and are just using the opportunity to loot. If you care about your cause, then you should also rally against people like that. They take advantage of and s
hit on everything you believe in. I understand the rioting on a certain level, but I still cannot defend it just to cater to a cause (even if it's important.) It might be because I'm a shut in, but I think the problem on the police's end has less to do with the color of people's skin. There is a big problem, yes, but there's much more to it than solely racism. I find it hard to believe that the vast majority of police officers are ignorant murderous racists. I think getting cameras on all police officers is a good start to tackling this giant feces-infested maze.
In conclusion, I remain bored.