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DwnWthVwls 04-29-2015 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Soulflower (Post 1583505)
But that's the thing.... times are not different because we can clearly see that the same issues that took place in the 60's still are going on today.

Seriously? I don't even know how to respond.

GuD 04-29-2015 09:22 PM

I totes forgot to respond to the question-

I haven't read most of the thread but I think the issue is people have a hard time empathizing with things they don't understand. And they don't understand because they're complacent and comfortable and being confronted by major issues upsets that and makes them feel accused. And instead of recognizing the effect of their apathy they get defensive because it's easier not to care.

Key 04-29-2015 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583496)
yeah... let's make a joke about a guy minding his business with his hands up obviously getting the **** beat out of him once the police thought no one would see them do it.

I don't see the problem. Keep in mind I think this whole issue is dumb.

GuD 04-29-2015 09:36 PM

You don't see a problem with joking about what happened in the gif or you don't see a problem with what happened in the gif? I mean either way is a low place to stoop but one's pretty significantly lower dude.

John Wilkes Booth 04-29-2015 09:37 PM

lol, ki is like the captain sinking with his **** ship. except replace the ship with police brutality.

Key 04-29-2015 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583514)
You don't see a problem with joking about what happened in the gif or you don't see a problem with what happened in the gif? I mean either way is a low place to stoop but one's pretty significantly lower dude.

I don't see a problem with making a joke in general. Regardless of topic.

GuD 04-29-2015 09:42 PM

I guess that's easier to do when the threat of getting beaten up or shot by police isn't a major issue in your life...

Key 04-29-2015 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583518)
I guess that's easier to do when the threat of getting beaten up or shot by police isn't a major issue in your life...

Is it an issue for anybody in this thread?

GuD 04-29-2015 09:49 PM

I highly doubt it would happen to me but I find it very upsetting that it's something other people have to worry about and that so many people are as indifferent as they are.

RoxyRollah 04-29-2015 09:49 PM

My only beef with this thread and its 86 other off chutes is why do we keep having the same topic overand over when its obvious its not really pertinent to the majority of ppl that post here.Don't take that the wrong way Jen,its just the same type rants over and over from everyone (myself included) It becomes a snoozefest and its quite obvious that it effects only two fingers worth of posters.(Myself not included, because Im a flat chested beaner.)

Key 04-29-2015 09:52 PM

If it makes people feel better, I'll stay out of this thread. Didnt realize we had so many sensitive members when it comes to a topic that doesn't effect any of them.

The Batlord 04-29-2015 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583509)
I totes forgot to respond to the question-

I haven't read most of the thread but I think the issue is people have a hard time empathizing with things they don't understand. And they don't understand because they're complacent and comfortable and being confronted by major issues upsets that and makes them feel accused. And instead of recognizing the effect of their apathy they get defensive because it's easier not to care.

To be fair, most black people I've ever known have been mostly concerned with their own bubbles live too.

GuD 04-29-2015 10:03 PM

That's the point of the thread though- to boil it down instead of turning yourself off to the issue and attempting to discredit the discussion why doesn't it effect you that others are being discriminated against?

Neapolitan 04-29-2015 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1583525)
If it makes people feel better, I'll stay out of this thread. Didnt realize we had so many sensitive members when it comes to a topic that doesn't effect any of them.

I don't see point at getting annoyed at Ki for participating in this thread when the part of the thread title is "Why do people get annoyed...?" I think we can equally ask "Why do people get annoyed at people who have a minority (or less popular) opinion about social issues?" I don't think Ki should be treated like a second class citizen for his opinions or his approach to the issues.

Janszoon 04-29-2015 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Soulflower (Post 1583505)
But that's the thing.... times are not different because we can clearly see that the same issues that took place in the 60's still are going on today.

Racism and social issues that revolve around how institutions, corporations, law enforcement, politics etc confront this issue is still the same.

The problem with today's so called leaders it that, we don't have any real leaders that really want to change the community for the better. Most of these so called leaders just care about money and status.

There is no reason why there cant be leaders willing to risk their life and fight for the civil rights of black people like leaders did during the 60's.

But you implied that it is not as institutionalized and the opposite of institutionalized racism is overt racism and if that is not what you meant than you could have clarified that point better.

You are wrong.

It is more institutionalized now compared to the past. In the past, most of the racism was expressed explicitly through hangings, shootings, harassment and other forms of physical aggression.

Institutionalized racism does not only specifically consists of laws. It consists of the way jobs are created, classism, socioeconomic status, implicit forms of racism, i.e. standardized testing (biased testing implemented to weed out minorities who lack education on certain areas), job discrimination (i.e. picking a white person over a black person who is equally qualified) those types of issues reflect in institutionalized racism which is why those things are implemented. They keep minorities in the low socioeconomic class although it is not overtly expressed like it once was.

It is more institutionalized now because there is no longer segregation so they weed out minorities in a different way.

You gave more importance over "being an example" as the the resolution and if that is not what you meant you definitely implied it. But yes in conjuction to being a good role model, there needs to be someone actively make changes in the community.

Also, while I agree there are more minorities in policy compared to the 60's, there are still not an abundance of minorities in political positions. That is still an area that minority presence is still lacking.

If you read my first few posts I said that black youth rioted during the 60's as well. That point has already been made.

However, in today's generation, there are no black leaders to step in to re-direct the youth and guide them when these racial issues arise.

You know what? Forget it. It's obvious you're not even bothering to read anything I write so there's no point even having a conversation.

YorkeDaddy 04-29-2015 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1583531)
You know what? Forget it. It's obvious you're not even bothering to read anything I write so there's no point even having a conversation.

Soulflower not reading what people are saying and ranting about the same things over and over as if her views are the only possibly valid ones?!

Shocking development, no one and I mean no one could've seen that coming out of her

GuD 04-29-2015 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1583528)
To be fair, most black people I've ever known have been mostly concerned with their own bubbles live too.

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to convey with this statement. Because some black people you know don't care about issues that don't effect them you shouldn't either? Is that what you're getting at?

Musicwhore A-Z 04-29-2015 10:15 PM

In my opinion, some people are simply afraid to confront it. Dialogue is ALWAYS important. I attended a lecture last weekend entitled 'Race and Democracy' in a church hosted by CNN's Anderson Cooper. Roughly 1200 people showed up. I wish more of these took place. If nothing else, it's a start. It affects ALL of us. Interesting topic ( :wave: ).

The Batlord 04-29-2015 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583534)
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to convey with this statement. Because some black people you know don't care about issues that don't effect them you shouldn't either? Is that what you're getting at?

No, you said that people don't care because it doesn't affect them, and I'm pointing out that people don't care about much of anything.

Neapolitan 04-29-2015 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1583539)
No, you said that people don't care because it doesn't affect them, and I'm pointing out that people don't care about much of anything.

Except on the internet where people care enough to voice their own opinions and correct everyone else' opinions.

Soulflower 04-29-2015 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1583512)
I don't see the problem. Keep in mind I think this whole issue is dumb.

Then why the hell do you keep coming back in this thread?


You don't care, now stop trolling.

Soulflower 04-29-2015 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Janszoon (Post 1583531)
You know what? Forget it. It's obvious you're not even bothering to read anything I write so there's no point even having a conversation.

I read everything you wrote and gave detailed explanations for why I disagreed.

Your getting mad because I disagreed.

Key 04-29-2015 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Soulflower (Post 1583543)
Then why the hell do you keep coming back in this thread?


You don't care, now stop trolling.

Oh the irony.

Soulflower 04-29-2015 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1583530)
I don't see point at getting annoyed at Ki for participating in this thread when the part of the thread title is "Why do people get annoyed...?" I think we can equally ask "Why do people get annoyed at people who have a minority (or less popular) opinion about social issues?" I don't think Ki should be treated like a second class citizen for his opinions or his approach to the issues.

But he is not offering any mature responses. He is complaining about the creation of the thread not the topic itself and there is a difference.

If he doesn't care about the topic than its pointless for him to keep coming back in the thread with the same b.s.

Soulflower 04-29-2015 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583509)
I totes forgot to respond to the question-

I haven't read most of the thread but I think the issue is people have a hard time empathizing with things they don't understand. And they don't understand because they're complacent and comfortable and being confronted by major issues upsets that and makes them feel accused. And instead of recognizing the effect of their apathy they get defensive because it's easier not to care.

I agree. I think the people who are not targets of police brutality have a hard time identifying with the issue and don't see it as a problem. Also, imo when it comes to racial minority issues, white people tend to not want to admit when their race is at fault and are oblvious to the whole institutionalized systematic racism that plagues minorities today. The law enfrocement/police is all apart of that. I think a part of the reason why they are oblivious is because they don't experience racism on the same level as minorities. They dont have to worry about being racially profiled or being held back from their raise because of the color of their skin because they are born with white privilege.

GuD 04-29-2015 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1583539)
No, you said that people don't care because it doesn't affect them, and I'm pointing out that people don't care about much of anything.

I'm not educated enough to offer an explanation on why that is largely the truth but I'd wager prejudice is involved. Perhaps I'm paranoid and perhaps I should be.


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1583540)
Except on the internet where people care enough to voice their own opinions and correct everyone else' opinions.

If I had the time, energy, and social skills I'd be more vocal about my opinions in person too.

Soulflower 04-29-2015 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1583540)
Except on the internet where people care enough to voice their own opinions and correct everyone else' opinions.

You don't know what people do in their personal lives to make a statement like this.

Personally, I am a part of social community groups and hope to focus on these types of issues in my field. So just because people state opinions over the internet does not mean they are not putting their money where there mouth is when they log off the internet.

Soulflower 04-29-2015 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583552)
I'm not educated enough to offer an explanation on why that is largely the truth but I'd wager prejudice is involved. Perhaps I'm paranoid and perhaps I should be.

If I had the time, energy, and social skills I'd be more vocal about my opinions in person too.

I personally don' think it matters and I feel you don't have to explain yourself lol

Its a discussion board and its designed for you to express your opinion on various topics period.

Key 04-29-2015 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Soulflower (Post 1583554)
Its a discussion board and its designed for you to express your opinion on various topics period.

You're being a hypocrite here because you are telling me I can't give my opinion on this thread about the fact that I think it's pointless and a joke, yet you say it's ok for people to express their opinions on various topics. I've given my opinion on this topic and you've told me I've been trolling and adding nothing to the topic, even though you've been caught not reading people's responses and ranting off about pointless jibber jabber throughout this entire thread.

If you want people to take you seriously, you need to take other people seriously and not try to shove your facts down people's throats and expect people to agree with you. We've had this issue with you before in another thread and in that thread you said you apologized and realized what you were doing, however it doesn't seem to have had much of an effect on you since it seems like you'd rather pull the same old **** and expect people to take you seriously.

GuD 04-29-2015 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Soulflower (Post 1582918)
However, lately I have been quite annoyed at the passiveness and disrespect that some people have for minorities who really care about the current racial problems concerning black people. Now I understand everyone doesn't care and won't be on the same page but I personally get irritated when some try to past off these issues as nothing or as things that don't matter.

I have always found that to be strange. I know some people don't like to discuss minority issues on this board and that is okay. No one is not making you reply in this thread please don't derail it with foolishness.


Originally Posted by Ki (Post 1583018)
Boo hoo, **** happens. The world isn't perfect.

The thread was started to ask why people like you respond the way you do to these issues on this forum and that was your first response. Followed by an insensitive joke and comparing white deaths at the hands of police to black deaths at the hand of police. It's a very specific discussion to which you've contributed nothing to. If anything you've just provided evidence for SF's argument in this paragraph:


Originally Posted by Soulflower (Post 1583551)
I agree. I think the people who are not targets of police brutality have a hard time identifying with the issue and don't see it as a problem. Also, imo when it comes to racial minority issues, white people tend to not want to admit when their race is at fault and are oblvious to the whole institutionalized systematic racism that plagues minorities today. The law enfrocement/police is all apart of that. I think a part of the reason why they are oblivious is because they don't experience racism on the same level as minorities. They dont have to worry about being racially profiled or being held back from their raise because of the color of their skin because they are born with white privilege.

Key 04-29-2015 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583560)
The thread was started to ask why people like you respond the way you do to these issues on this forum and that was your first response. Followed by an insensitive joke and comparing white deaths at the hands of police to black deaths at the hand of police. It's a very specific discussion to which you've contributed nothing to.

"asking why people like me respond the way i do to these issues", and I wrote "**** happens". It's pretty self explanatory with what I was going for in my first post. If you didn't pick up on it, I was saying that I don't understand the point in getting all riled up in these issues when in probably a week or two, there will probably be another issue picking up the same amount of attention. Why waste energy on putting any concern into an issue that has already happened? It's not like it's somehow going to take us back in time to stop the issues from happening, is it?

GuD 04-29-2015 11:29 PM

I'm not sure how anyone could infer that much from your original post.

Key 04-29-2015 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583565)
I'm not sure how anyone could infer that much from your original post.

The second part came from what I wanted to say at the moment that you responded. The first part of my post was what I was going for with my first post.

John Wilkes Booth 04-29-2015 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Soulflower (Post 1583551)
I agree. I think the people who are not targets of police brutality have a hard time identifying with the issue and don't see it as a problem. Also, imo when it comes to racial minority issues, white people tend to not want to admit when their race is at fault and are oblvious to the whole institutionalized systematic racism that plagues minorities today. The law enfrocement/police is all apart of that. I think a part of the reason why they are oblivious is because they don't experience racism on the same level as minorities. They dont have to worry about being racially profiled or being held back from their raise because of the color of their skin because they are born with white privilege.

the bolded text highlights one of the reasons why you run into hostile responses. you think about "race" like it's one single entity. like white people collectively share the guilt and actions of the white race. as if we were a colony of ants. people don't work that way.

GuD 04-29-2015 11:37 PM

It's because of discussions like these that things have gotten to where they are today. If that's not a justification for having them I don't know what is because obviously things are still pretty ****ed up. I'm too tired to follow what's going on in this thread right now.

Key 04-29-2015 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1583571)
It's because of discussions like these that things have gotten to where they are today. If that's not a justification for having them I don't know what is. I'm too tired to follow what's going on in this thread right now.

So you're saying if more people discussed this stuff on online forums, the issues would just go away?

GuD 04-29-2015 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1583568)
the bolded text highlights one of the reasons why you run into hostile responses. you think about "race" like it's one single entity. like white people collectively share the guilt and actions of the white race. as if we were a colony of ants. people don't work that way.

your head

John Wilkes Booth 04-29-2015 11:43 PM

ease up with the buzzwords would ya?

i never denied white privilege. but i'm not taking responsibility for every black kid that gets shot by some cop either.

Neapolitan 04-29-2015 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1583568)
the bolded text highlights one of the reasons why you run into hostile responses. you think about "race" like it's one single entity. like white people collectively share the guilt and actions of the white race. as if we were a colony of ants. people don't work that way.

Well the world would be better off if people work like ants, and not like be goof offs like grasshoppers.

Key 04-29-2015 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1583576)

i never denied white privilege. but i'm not taking responsibility for every black kid that gets shot by some cop either.

Don't worry, Soulflower will find some way to blame it on you.

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