Originally Posted by Ki
(Post 1583512)
I don't see the problem. Keep in mind I think this whole issue is dumb.
I'm actually quite shocked that you would say that Ki. Why do you think the issue is dumb? Black guys are getting killed, let them? Surely you're not that insensitive? "I'm all right Jack, keep your hands off my stack"?
Originally Posted by Neapolitan
(Post 1583530)
I don't see point at getting annoyed at Ki for participating in this thread when the part of the thread title is "Why do people get annoyed...?" I think we can equally ask "Why do people get annoyed at people who have a minority (or less popular) opinion about social issues?" I don't think Ki should be treated like a second class citizen for his opinions or his approach to the issues.
He's being treated that way because he's belittling the very events that are taking place by shrugging and saying "**** happens". He might as well say, so young girls are getting kidnapped by Boca Harum (sp?) and sold into slavery: so what? **** happens!" It's a godawful attitude to have in my opinion and I don't think it's worthy of him.
Originally Posted by Ki
(Post 1583557)
You're being a hypocrite here because you are telling me I can't give my opinion on this thread about the fact that I think it's pointless and a joke, yet you say it's ok for people to express their opinions on various topics. I've given my opinion on this topic and you've told me I've been trolling and adding nothing to the topic, even though you've been caught not reading people's responses and ranting off about pointless jibber jabber throughout this entire thread.
If you want people to take you seriously, you need to take other people seriously and not try to shove your facts down people's throats and expect people to agree with you. We've had this issue with you before in another thread and in that thread you said you apologized and realized what you were doing, however it doesn't seem to have had much of an effect on you since it seems like you'd rather pull the same old **** and expect people to take you seriously.
Here I have to agree with Ki. You can't keep changing the goalposts, and you are a world class goalpost shifter. This is another example of that. First you say this
Originally Posted by Soulflower
(Post 1583551)
Also, imo when it comes to racial minority issues, white people tend to not want to admit when their race is at fault and are oblvious to the whole institutionalized systematic racism that plagues minorities today.
and then you backtrack by saying this
Originally Posted by Soulflower
(Post 1583585)
I am not speaking on all white people, I am referring to some white people's their feelings about issues that affect black people.
You simply can't have it both ways. If you make a mistake or are caught in a logical trap then you should hold your hands up and say, yes, I was wrong there. You can then go on to explain that what you meant was this, but you have to first admit that you were not clear on, or were too general in, your original post.
It's the same as you did with the "why are current artists not concerned about social issues" thread. When I pointed out some that were, you changed the criteria by saying you meant pop artists, but that was in no way decipherable or clear from your original post. It's just, you know, what you do and what you have become known for doing here: you seem to think we can all climb into your head and see what you're thinking, or that we should be able to know automatically what you mean when your meaning is not clear, or at least open to interpretation.
I'm also concerned by your use of the blunt phrase "You are wrong". Who are you to say anyone is wrong? Unless it's an absolute, like someone saying the sky is green, you can't and you should not assume that you are right and thy are wrong. You can say I don't agree, or I think you're wrong, but YOU ARE WRONG is perhaps the worst form of condescending arrogance that really, I'm sorry to say, populates most of your posts and most of your threads, so that in the end, people really know what you're going to write before your write it.
Finally, I have noticed, in all your threads, that you only ever give credit to, agree with or validate an opinion of someone who agrees with you or sides with you. I have never (ever) seen you say "that's a good point but I don't agree" or "You may have a case there" or (god forbid) "I never thought of it that way." All of which goes to create the impression (true or not) that you are arrogant, condescending, one-sided, blinkered and display a total refusal to entertain any opinion other than yours.
I know this does not contribute to the thread or answer your question, but honestly, my comments could refer or apply to any of your threads, and sadly (as I think you have a lot to give to a discussion if you didn't make it such a high-handed lecture, as you always seem to do) this makes the title of the thread more appropriate if it were to read: "Why do people never take Soulflower seriously?"
Food for thought? As if...