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The Batlord 01-22-2015 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542203)
how about raping alligators?

That's just cold-blooded.

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1542196)
I think his point from the getgo was that if people are okay with killing and eating animals for selfish reasons why aren't they okay with raping an animal for selfish reasons? Is it really any less morally vacant to **** a sheep than it is to kill and eat it? I'd say both acts are atrocious and that was my argument against him. If I didn't feel that eating meat was wrong then I'd actually agree with him too, it's a pretty solid point.

Killing doesn't have to be immoral. Animals can be given full and healthy lives, and slaughtered in a manner that is almost completely without pain. This actually brings an example to mind; there are nomads in north western China (I believe the Xinjiang region) that give their herds long and natural lives, and then slaughter them by puncturing a blood vessel in a way that causes them to simply fall asleep and die without pain. So the morality of killing is up for debate, because it varies in each case and is always open to variables and interpretations. In fact, there are even people who choose to let animals die naturally before they eat them.

While killing can be handled in a variety of ways that allow the animal to have a life free from unnatural pain, having sex with an animal can not be accomplished without causing unnatural pain to them. There are ways to kill and eat animals without even really disturbing their natural cycle, while sex will always be exploitative of their limited intelligence.

But I can see that nobody else seems very keen to kick this argument off again, and the reason why seems readily apparent as we are just going in circles (and the topic has already been discussed in another thread), so consider this my parting shot. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

ladyislingering 01-22-2015 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542203)
oh, it's possible. i've seen pics

...were you looking for pics of fish dicks or were they dicks in fish that you were not intending to see?


DwnWthVwls 01-22-2015 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1542209)
But I can see that nobody else seems very keen to kick this argument off again, and the reason why seems readily apparent as we are just going in circles, so consider this my parting shot. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

You're argument just isn't logical and you're stubborn beyond reason.

Hi Brickwall, nice to meet you.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1542208)
That's just cold-blooded.



Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1542209)
Killing doesn't have to be immoral. Animals can be given full and healthy lives, and slaughtered in a manner that is almost completely without pain. This actually brings an example to mind; there are nomads in north western China (I believe the Xinjiang region) that give their herds long and natural lives, and then slaughter them by puncturing a blood vessel in a way that causes them to simply fall asleep and die without pain. So the morality of killing is up for debate, because it varies in each case and is always open to variables and interpretations. In fact, there are even people who choose to let animals die naturally before they eat them.

While killing can be handled in a variety of ways that allow the animal to have a life free from unnatural pain, having sex with an animal can not be accomplished without causing unnatural pain to them. There are ways to kill and eat animals without even really disturbing their natural cycle, while sex will always be exploitative of their limited intelligence.

But I can see that nobody else seems very keen to kick this argument off again, and the reason why seems readily apparent as we are just going in circles (and the topic has already been discussed in another thread), so consider this my parting shot. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree.

would you say it's not necessarily immoral to kill healthy, non-comatose people without their consent so long as you do it in a humane way? if not, then you already accept that human rights need not necessarily extend to animals. so even if it were true that ****ing them in a painless way is impossible (which i would argue is not necessarily true, depending on the animal and the sex act) this doesn't necessarily make it 'immoral.' it all depends on which rights you wish to grant them.

but yea, we can just disagree. it's cool. most people generally agree with your pov.

Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1542211)
...were you looking for pics of fish dicks or were they dicks in fish that you were not intending to see?


my friend sent me the pic without warning.

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542218)
my friend sent me the pic without warning.

So that's what friends are for. Huh.

GuD 01-22-2015 07:17 PM

Yeah, meat can be made with limited suffering involved but I don't see that happening on a broad scale any time soon. I'd also venture to say that most people who eat meat eat meat made from questionable practices that would be comparable to rape. Those chicken nugget type things everyone loves? They grind little baby chicks up alive to make that stuff.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1542226)
Yeah, meat can be made with limited suffering involved but I don't see that happening on a broad scale any time soon. I'd also venture to say that most people who eat meat eat meat made from questionable practices that would be comparable to rape. Those chicken nugget type things everyone loves? They grind little baby chicks up alive to make that stuff.

damn... so that's why they taste so good

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by WhateverDude (Post 1542226)
Those chicken nugget type things everyone loves? They grind little baby chicks up alive to make that stuff.

Oh come on. They don't grind up baby chickens. They just stick adult chickens in tiny cages and force-feed them until they become as bloated as possible, forcing them to have more eggs than they could ever possibly have in nature, and then kill them in the most drawn out and painful ways possible. After all, they're not monsters. (the moral: Sometimes the truth is worse than the myth)

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 07:29 PM

i heard in asia they eat human fetus. part of me suspects that it's probably pretty tasty

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542239)
i heard in asia they eat human fetus. part of me suspects that it's probably pretty tasty

And I heard that in America, people send unsolicited pictures of fish rape. Crazy, huh?

The Batlord 01-22-2015 07:36 PM

I heard that in Japan, people eat fish. Crazy, right?

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 07:36 PM

actually it was consensual. that fish was a slut

i heard that in soviet russia, car drives you

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:38 PM

I heard that in Australia, there are... aw, screw it. Hey Batlord and JWB, there's a bunch of people plugging if you want to join.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 07:40 PM

what do you do in there besides listen to music other people pick?

The Batlord 01-22-2015 07:40 PM

Can't. Studying. Maybe later.

Chula Vista 01-22-2015 07:43 PM

I've eaten at live seafood buffets in China before. Lots of squirming critters in trays. You fill your plate and then cook em in a boiling pot at your table.

Mmmmmmm. (not)

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542250)
what do you do in there besides listen to music other people pick?

Talk, as well as play music of your own. Like I've said before, it's more fun than it sounds.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 07:48 PM

i will try it one of these days. right now i'm a bit too lazy to install any programs on my comp

Originally Posted by The Batlord (Post 1542251)
Can't. Studying. Maybe later.

what are you studying?

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542255)
i will try it one of these days. right now i'm a bit too lazy to install any programs on my compwhat are you studying?

You don't have to install anything; it's just a browser pop-up. Takes less than a minute to jump in.

Hey Batlord, good luck with your studying!

Chula Vista 01-22-2015 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1542254)
Talk, as well as play music of your own. Like I've said before, it's more fun than it sounds.

It's a blast and you get turned on to some stuff you've never heard before. Killer song playing right now.

GuD 01-22-2015 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1542232)
Oh come on. They don't grind up baby chickens. They just stick adult chickens in tiny cages and force-feed them until they become as bloated as possible, forcing them to have more eggs than they could ever possibly have in nature, and then kill them in the most drawn out and painful ways possible. After all, they're not monsters. (the moral: Sometimes the truth is worse than the myth)

Granted the narration is pretty dramatic and this is not necessarily where everyone's meat is from but this is very real.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 07:54 PM

damn, that's pretty sick. how do people stomach that line of work?


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1542256)
You don't have to install anything; it's just a browser pop-up. Takes less than a minute to jump in.

Hey Batlord, good luck with your studying!

fine, link me. i'll give it a shot

ladyislingering 01-22-2015 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542262)
damn, that's pretty sick. how do people stomach that line of work?

how do people stomach that line of discarded bodily waste disguised as "food"?

The Batlord 01-22-2015 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Oriphiel (Post 1542256)
You don't have to install anything; it's just a browser pop-up. Takes less than a minute to jump in.

Hey Batlord, good luck with your studying!

Yeah, you just have to sign up, which you can do with a Facebook or Google or Twitter account I think, which takes all of thirty seconds. Then you pop into the chat room and that's it.

And thanks. It's not that I can't listen to music while studying, but I need consistency, and apparently uptempo stoner metal.

Oriphiel 01-22-2015 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542262)
fine, link me. i'll give it a shot

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1542263)
how do people stomach that line of discarded bodily waste disguised as "food"?

quite easily. not to insult vegans but i honestly have no idea how you guys do it. i do like veggies and **** but i needs my steak as well.

ladyislingering 01-22-2015 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542271)
quite easily. not to insult vegans but i honestly have no idea how you guys do it. i do like veggies and **** but i needs my steak as well.

I've been a vegetarian for about 10 years. It would be more compassionate to go vegan but I haven't found a practical way to do that yet.

I could do well without dairy or eggs but it's hard to cut that stuff out when you have celiac.

DwnWthVwls 01-22-2015 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542255)
i will try it one of these days. right now i'm a bit too lazy to install any programs on my compwhat are you studying?

Seriously? Again with the fucking questions.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 09:05 PM

so what...? i wasn't asking roxy so it doesn't matter. just say the word and i'll add you to the "no questions" list.

Originally Posted by ladyislingering (Post 1542279)
I've been a vegetarian for about 10 years. It would be more compassionate to go vegan but I haven't found a practical way to do that yet.

I could do well without dairy or eggs but it's hard to cut that stuff out when you have celiac.

i just mean from a taste pov. i love too many meat dishes to ever consider it.

why not eat fish though? they don't have feelings

Pet_Sounds 01-22-2015 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542320)
so what...? i wasn't asking roxy so it doesn't matter. just say the word and i'll add you to the "no questions" list.i just mean from a taste pov. i love too many meat dishes to ever consider it.

why not eat fish though? they don't have feelings

Smoked salmon is one of my favourite snacks, but after I started getting into the aquarium hobby, it felt a little weird. I console myself with the knowledge that if my fish ever ran into a salmon, they'd probably be inhaled.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 09:17 PM

when i was a kid we got one of those jap fighting fishes. we had 2 other fishes of different species as well. they told us as long as we didn't have another jap fighting fish, it would be fine. they were wrong. the jap murdered the other two in a matter of days.

Neapolitan 01-22-2015 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542330)
when i was a kid we got one of those jap fighting fishes. we had 2 other fishes of different species as well. they told us as long as we didn't have another jap fighting fish, it would be fine. they were wrong. the jap murdered the other two in a matter of days.

Is that a true story or an adaptation of the movie Splice?

Pet_Sounds 01-22-2015 09:22 PM

Siamese Fighting Fish. Their aggression depends what size of tank they're in and what the other species are. Always makes me think of the opening of From Russia With Love.

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Neapolitan (Post 1542332)
Is that a true story or an adaptation of the movie Splice?

true story. i've not seen that movie. my parents bought me the fish after they felt bad that a goldfish i won from the fair died a day after we got it.

Neapolitan 01-22-2015 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth (Post 1542336)
true story. i've not seen that movie. my parents bought me the fish after they felt bad that a goldfish i won from the fair died a day after we got it.

3 dead fish in two days, you didn't happen to own a cat at the time, did you?

John Wilkes Booth 01-22-2015 09:32 PM

i can't remember, tbh. i owned a cat around that time but i can't remember if this was before we got him or after.

crukster 01-25-2015 07:55 AM

Women have a small procusion anyway, I mean especially if they have big *****. I have to omit my answer and say yes it is because, although I understand that like for a man especially who is young and inexperienced it is a saving grace that shemale exists because it makes it dicks on chicks before you'd ever have to consider being gay I have changed my mind. Instead, go for muscular women because if you like masculinity they are very strong and beautiful, and if you like dicks, you'll never like shemales.

I'm only talking about looking at porn anyways, I still wouldn't judge. Don't wanna be involved with a shemale.

RoxyRollah 01-25-2015 10:29 AM

****in what? ^

ladyislingering 01-25-2015 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by crukster (Post 1543583)
Women have a small procusion anyway, I mean especially if they have big *****. I have to omit my answer and say yes it is because, although I understand that like for a man especially who is young and inexperienced it is a saving grace that shemale exists because it makes it dicks on chicks before you'd ever have to consider being gay I have changed my mind. Instead, go for muscular women because if you like masculinity they are very strong and beautiful, and if you like dicks, you'll never like shemales.

I'm only talking about looking at porn anyways, I still wouldn't judge. Don't wanna be involved with a shemale.

What the fuck kind of person thinks it's acceptable to use the word "shemale"?

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