Uganda's disgraceful and shameful new anti-gay laws - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 04-26-2014, 03:27 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Meet the American Pastor Behind Uganda's Anti-Gay Crackdown | Mother Jones

Scott Lively is the man largely responsible for bringing this law into fruition. A real scum bag.
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Old 04-27-2014, 07:16 AM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Come on, seriously: how can any country in the twenty-first century pass a law that criminalises homosexuality? And not only that, but one of the most piss-poor countries in Africa! Even Ireland are sending them aid. And now our government are "considering their position"? Jesus! If it was up to me I'd cut off all funding immediately. How can you support such a regime?

And of course, as usual, it's fundamentalist (mental is right!) religious groups pushing the agenda, mostly Christian surprise surprise! I'd love to know where in the Bible it says "thou shalt not be gay". Just because it's said "marriage is between man and woman" does not automatically mean it can't be love between man and man, just that it wasn't specifically mentioned. Didn't Jesus, after all, tell us to love our brother? That all men should love each other? Talk about twisting his words.

I know Iran have a similar policy, and I abhor it, but they are at least self-sufficient with their oil reserves and supported by the Arab states around them. The President or Prime Minister or whatever the **** he is of Uganda says "We see homosexuality as a kind of sickness of the mind." No pal: discriminating against others, threatening them with jail, signing it into law, and putting their lives at risk because you don't agree with their sexual orientation --- THAT'S a sickness of the mind!

This law makes me sick, and Uganda --- it's not just their president and government: apparently this law is supported by the "vast majority" of Ugandans --- makes me ashamed to be a human. A regime like this, a country like this should in my opinion be totally ostracised for passing such a hateful and evil law.

Having been to Africa twice in my life time, I feel like I may shed some light on a couple things for you. The political situation there sucks wind. As I am sure you know. In Kenya (at least where I was at.) it's extremely rare to get into a political conversation with a local. What you have is lack of information being spread there. Yes it's the 21st century, and yes we are modern people. But that doesn't matter when you have a select handful of generals, and war lords in power, who are not concerned with the social problems of modern society. When I lived in Kenya 1 out of every 7 people was infected with the HIV virus, (That was in the late 90's) and if you asked them where they thought they might have contracted it, they would tell you witchcraft. And this was a widely excepted answer as the truth. Not because they (the Kenyans) believed it of their own accord, but because it was what had been told to them throughout their lifetimes. Believe me I spent hours a day inside a "modern hospital" teaching, that yes indeed it will kill you, and no it's not from the witch in the hut down the road, but it is a sexually transmitted disease.

I honestly think Trollheart you anger is misdirected at the people of Uganda. I am going to go out on a limb here and say, whom you are mad at is the government, and people in power for spewing their propaganda, and the Ugandans not being able comment on it, in fear of being locked up or killed. (This is the reason Kenyans won't talk politics with you, and that is not really an African country riddled with warlords and violence.)

As far as the missionary thing goes, yes it can be quite disgusting and disgraceful at times the things the church will tell lesser educated folks. The thing I saw the most that sickened me, would be driving by an empty field and you would see 16 Africans huddled around an elevated White man. (No really he was on some sorta of stool) Waving the bible around and shrieking. At 17 that disgusted me. At 27 I wanted to be a pastor, and the mentality I discovered was, that yes indeed most missionaries are good people, and yes they want to help. But what they don't realize when the church is closed and the doors are locked, and the thing most pastors won't tell you. MISSIONARY TRIPS, are big business. Not for the missionary, who is out there legitimately thinking they are 'saving souls' but for the church that is stateside. **** I have seen entire church parking lots shut down due to the fact that one famous missionary was in town for a conference. Now if you add up the ticket price to hear this woman speak about living in the dirt in whatever African country she was in, add up the price of all her books, add up the jewelry, and whatever other Jesus paraphernalia she was schelping, and you look at the amount of things that are actually sent back over to Africa with the help of your donations. Seems to me, like the church walked away with a hell of a lot more, then the average African will ever see in their life time.

Seems like they will tell you whatever the **** they want, the sky is green, or whatever, because the more people we are over there
'saving' and educating. The more money goes into the collection plate on Sunday. There are famous missionaries in Africa that preach to congregations in the millions, you can't tell me, that some money doesn't go into the pockets of the people in power over there. You can't. So passing a law, that makes homosexuality illegal, and makes it a biblical issue, keeps people like Rhineheart Bunke in bisuness.
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Roxy is unable to perpetrate violence. It always somehow turns into BDSM between two consenting adults.
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I just want to say your tits are lovely.
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Roxy is the William S. Burroughs of our time.
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I like Roxy, she's awesome and her taste in music far exceeds yours. Roxy is in the Major League bro, and you're like a sad clown in a two bit rodeo.

Last edited by RoxyRollah; 04-27-2014 at 07:25 AM.
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Old 04-27-2014, 04:58 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Circe View Post
There's not really any good outcome in this scenario. Simply cutting off foreign aid to Uganda is going to cut off important help for a country devastated by war and poverty. While I don't particularly enjoy the idea of handing aid to a corrupt and cruel regime I'd rather send it to them than leave the country to slowly collapse from the inside, particularly as said aid gives the west significant influence over the Ugandan government that has already pushed them into downgrading the punishment from death to imprisonment. As for somehow magically changing the Ugandan people's attitude, I doubt it's possible. You're talking about a society that crosses a lack of education, a staunchly patriarchal and conservative outlook, a rotting influence from a couple of statements in a holy book that may actually have been a translation error in the first place, the legacy of a colonialist power that treated the lives of Ugandans with total contempt and an authoritarian government looking for scapegoats and propaganda targets to hide their ineptitude and score some brownie points with the disturbing 'traditional values' bloc that seems to be emerging in the world.
What do you expect guys. You have people acting they are for gay-rights. I am Christian but I don't want all my beliefs into law. After all, not everyone is Christian. You should pray if you hate homosexuality. PRAY. Not attack. It is not happening because Uganda as well as Rwanda are good for US and the west. What the **** you expect. They say they are gay rights but they go to the countries that hate gays. My pastor even says that this law is evil. Why go and kill gays. For what. I love my America but when we are going to focus on our country. We have issues here and we focus on nonsense ****s like Uganda (who are mostly Tutsi, so not surprise). Museveni and Kagame are homosexuals themselves. They are the ones who support child rape (which here can be jail time unless you're rich). I am pleading to my people to top supporting these whores and let them solve their issues. Museveni has been **** and will be **** for a long time to come. He is not worth ****. He wants money and people to rape for his own miserable enjoyment. Uganda and Rwanda are nothing but US and the West rely so much on them especially military. Cutting aid to Uganda is not going to happen until we stop kissing their asses as well as Rwanda and focus on our country.
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Old 04-28-2014, 09:56 AM   #14 (permalink)
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@ Roxy: Thank you, that was indeed very enlightening. And I would agree you're probably right about the fear element; sort of like all those "mourning" the death of Kim Jong-Il on telly. I'm sure most of them were delighted to see the back of him but were scared to show it publicly.

Nevertheless, I think that if a country wants to accept or ask for financial aid from other countries they need to be prepared to "play by the rules" as it were. You can't expect to get money from other nations if you're a dictatorship or a repressive society, and just in the same way I don't believe any government that would enact such a cruel and hateful law should be rewarded with aid. I know I wouldn't want to know I was helping to finance the imprisonment, trial, persecution and exclusion and, who knows, maintenance of secret death squads, of homosexuals.

@ Franco: man I have no idea what you're saying. Are you agreeing or disagreeing?
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Old 04-28-2014, 03:50 PM   #15 (permalink)
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The thing you're missing here Trollheart, is that you're applying western democratic values to a society that has no real concept of what they are. Democracy is a delicate practice to get right and its never going to happen without education and can take generations anyway.

If attitudes to gays in for example Eastern European countries is pretty grim, I'd hardly expect a country like Uganda to value individual liberties as we see them.

I might sound all just matter of fact here , but that's the way the world is.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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Old 04-28-2014, 05:09 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Yeah that's all fine as I said (though it's not really, I just mean I can't do anything to stop it) but there's no reason why a country like that should be entitled to financial aid, esp as I said given that that very money is at the least going to contribute to an oppressive hate campaign against a large section of society.

Is anyone even thinking of the small minority of gays in Uganda, and how they feel about this?
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Old 04-29-2014, 07:23 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Wasn't long ago when America had slaves and plenty of people at the time thought that was totally okay. Would it have been okay to let that go on any longer than it had because part of society at the time wasn't prepared to move on?

I'm far from a pundit on world affairs so my opinion on stuff like this doesn't have much merit but I would think the sooner things like this are made to change the sooner people would realize the change was necessary.
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Old 05-08-2014, 07:02 AM   #18 (permalink)
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I will just say the non politically correct thing everyone knows is true. Africa and some other eastern areas or countries are savages and primitive both mentally and in their daily life
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