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Lord Larehip 02-20-2014 08:55 PM

My Own Satanism
I have always been an atheist but I am sick of all the strict materialist, arrogant bulls-hit in the atheist camp from people who usually don't have degrees in science but just go along with whatever this or that scientist says because they think it makes them look smart. It makes them look stupid. They are no different than the Christian nut case who believes anything and everything his reverend or pastor says. I have had it with them. I can't stand their faces or sound of their voices anymore.

I have nothing against science, mind you. I have something the against morons who try to use science in ways it was never meant to be used and cannot be used. Science is not philosophy. Properly understood and exercised, philosophy is used by those who, as Socrates so sagely pointed out, are preparing themselves for their eventual death. Science only cares about what goes on in the here and now through empirical study (it is debatable whether there is such a thing as empiricism but that's another argument) by which we gather and organize facts and proofs.

So, for the past several years, I have been looking into other disciplines and religions. I despise Christianity and about 50% of all Christians (I'm feeling generous today). There are no words to express my contempt towards Islam. I can forgive those born into it since they had no choice. Converts to Islam should all die--horribly--and if they go to live in an Islamic country, they likely will but not soon enough for my tastes. As for pagans, I hate Wicca and all Wiccans. They should commit hara-kiri with their athames and give the world a break.

The people I like the most are the Satanists. They are the sharpest knives in the drawer of this peculiar bunch I've been talking about here. I like particularly their non-judgmental attitude towards things as predatory spirituality. I have to admit, predatory spirituality appeals to me to a degree. If you don't know what I'm talking about, review my Black Books thread and if you still don't know, you were not meant to know and should retire quietly to your favorite Katy Perry thread where I'm sure you're being missed.

So I have been attending a few Satanic events and meetings as of late. The Satanists are definitely interesting people. The first thing they taught me was to never argue with people. People are largely idiots and you don't waste your time arguing with an idiot. And what am I arguing for? To persuade them to my view? Why? Do I want these idiots in my camp? Truthfully, no. I'm glad they oppose me, it only proves why I'm right to hold that view. To be a Satanist is to never argue with the morons. Let them say what stupid drivel they will. Smile, nod, give them the thumbs up, crack a joke. In the end, they destroy themselves which cannot but benefit me and perhaps even the world.

I'm not too keen to start a temple although I do toy with that idea. I would first like to start a Satanic publication. Test the water. Organize my thoughts. My image of Satan will not be the goat-man or the Baphomet, however; it will be a sinister clown. The court jester who knows far more than all the laughing fools put together. The comical manipulator. The Dark One Stretching Forth.

WWWP 02-20-2014 09:33 PM

You're quite the judgmental FELLOW, aren't you.

Based on your post I feel safe in assuming you've never read the Satanist Bible. And if you have, maybe you should read it again because it seems to have gone right over your head.

butthead aka 216 02-20-2014 10:12 PM

So u like marolyn manson, big deal

RoxyRollah 02-20-2014 10:34 PM

So? I'm really curious about the last bit there darling. You are planning on rising through the ranks of a Satanist church? Or you are starting your own, but you want to write a book on it first? Is that correct?

zombie kid 02-20-2014 10:37 PM

You're only here to push your religious agendas and conspiracy theories. Maybe you're better off at a website that is focused on those topics, because last time I checked this was a music forum.

RoxyRollah 02-20-2014 10:46 PM

Burn! that was cold... Dayom... (But not entirely wrong...maybe...does he listen to music? I think I have seen him post about music I'm being serious...)

Paul Smeenus 02-20-2014 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Junkyard Donner (Post 1418722)
You're quite the judgmental FELLOW, aren't you.

Based on your post I feel safe in assuming you've never read the Satanist Bible. And if you have, maybe you should read it again because it seems to have gone right over your head.

You rock, Steph

SATCHMO 02-20-2014 11:03 PM

I pretty much associate satanism with pedantic douchebaggery... except nobody wants to join a cult of pedantic douchebags, so... Ya' know... Hail satan.

RoxyRollah 02-20-2014 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by SATCHMO (Post 1418773)
I pretty much associate satanism with pedantic douchebaggery... except nobody wants to join a cult of pedantic douchebags, so... Ya' know... Hail satan.

Dude mega burn ouch!

Urban Hat€monger ? 02-20-2014 11:09 PM

Feel free to rip the original post to shreds if you choose to but no insults please.

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