2 British girls arrested for drug smuggling in Peru - Music Banter Music Banter

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Old 08-22-2013, 01:53 AM   #41 (permalink)
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They've been charged

Looking at up to 15 years in jail. I was listening to the radio last night think they said they could be waiting up to three years for the case to go to court.

Instagram Her Instagram, tags ffs . #wongamaker .

Instagram Tag on this one made me laugh, #notcominghome .
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Old 08-22-2013, 06:04 AM   #42 (permalink)
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At least the Irish one's hair will ensure she gets a decent job in jail as the prison mop! They looked amazed to be charged: what did they think? The police were going to turn around and say, oh ok girls, you can go home now, just don't do it again?

As Mister Mister once said: welcome to the real world!
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Old 08-22-2013, 10:44 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christian Benteke View Post
Instagram Tag on this one made me laugh, #notcominghome .

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There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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Old 08-22-2013, 12:55 PM   #44 (permalink)
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im kinda confused about the general attitude from u guys. like yea these are two dumbasses but im not sure the reason for the rooting so hard for them to get locked away forever lol. maybe the media coverage is different for u guys so theres a perspective or angle im not seein, it just seems weird to me
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Old 08-22-2013, 01:40 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 216 View Post
im kinda confused about the general attitude from u guys. like yea these are two dumbasses but im not sure the reason for the rooting so hard for them to get locked away forever lol. maybe the media coverage is different for u guys so theres a perspective or angle im not seein, it just seems weird to me
Don't know where you're from 216, but it's because Irish and UK news are so (or were so) all "oh these poor girls! They were forced to do it! They're enduring a nightmare!" when in fact all signs point now to there being nothing of the sort. They tried it on and got caught, but instead of admitting that they're trying to act like they're the victims.

So fuck them. I hope they both rot.
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Old 08-22-2013, 01:44 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 216 View Post
im kinda confused about the general attitude from u guys. like yea these are two dumbasses but im not sure the reason for the rooting so hard for them to get locked away forever lol. maybe the media coverage is different for u guys so theres a perspective or angle im not seein, it just seems weird to me
I admit I like to rant.

But also because they are stupid beyond belief, they are not kids, they are adults who knew what they were doing and are still playing the victim card despite evidence against them. Forced to smile on a beach drinking cocktails ffs . I could imagine them if they somehow managed to escape from prison uploading a load of photos to Instagram, pouting outside the prison gates #theywillneverknow #catchmeifyoucan #lol

If they were forced into it out of poverty, crippling debt, threatened or something I could understand but this was purely motivated by greed and wanting to live the high life. Nothing else. They lived the party life for a bit, thought they were Billy big bollocks, been offered a trip to South America by someone within that party crowd and probably thought this life just gets better and better, woop woop off to South America.

What is a large quantity of a girl's life spent in prison for smuggling drugs that could do damage a thousand times greater if it were allowed to go through it's intended route and supplied for use? And you need to look at the effect the drugs have in the countries they are produced. 50,000 people have been murdered in Mexico in the last 5 years as a result of their drugs trade. Pollution and destruction of the Amazon due to the manufacturing process, indigenous locals being kicked off their land and killed in Peru and Northern Brazil. If we were seeing people walk around the streets here with uzi's and hanging people from motorway bridges we'd consider smuggling a suitcase filled with £1.5m of cocaine to be a very serious offence.

They've got all they deserve, in fact as I said earlier I hope they rot for doing the crime, coming up with shit lies to get out of it, being ugly as fuck, being thick as fuck, being ugly as fuck, annoying me, being thick as fuck and finally being ugly as fuck.

Fuck them.
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Old 08-22-2013, 02:25 PM   #47 (permalink)
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You said thick as fuck and ugly as fuck twice, but they were warranted repetitions.

Also, you've put into words my own feelings as I inadequately expressed them a few days earlier, earning comments from Jansz and Batlord. It's not just the fact that they broke the law and tried to wiggle (not a spelling error) their way out of it. It's the total disregard for the effect the sale or supply of the coke would have on the lives of so many. They didn't give two shits about that; in fact they seem the type who if someone they knew died of a cocaine overdose they'd have grinned and posted about it on FB, saying "we helped do that." Well maybe not but they don't seem to have a shred of conscience.

Definitely go down as two of the stupidest would-be smugglers in history, and I hope they learn something from what will hopefully be a trying and scary time for them in prison in Peru. Also hope there is no attempt to have them serve their time in UK, with the cushy setup prisons have here! Wouldn't be too surprised though.
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Old 08-22-2013, 03:06 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 216 View Post
im kinda confused about the general attitude from u guys. like yea these are two dumbasses but im not sure the reason for the rooting so hard for them to get locked away forever lol. maybe the media coverage is different for u guys so theres a perspective or angle im not seein, it just seems weird to me
I for one think they should be punished, but the 15 or 25 years in a Peruvian jail doesn't fit the crime. These were just two silly girls who were naive enough to get involved in something that they really had no deep understanding of. The 15 to 25 years should actually be for the dealers and cartel members and not the carriers.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
So fuck them. I hope they both rot.
I don't think you mean that. They were carrying cocaine which is a drug that is normally used by a higher quality clientele than the drug addicts that you probably have in mind, they buy it as an almost fashion accessory usually from choice or an addiction. Most users I've come across here in the UK, have been professionals or trendy types.

You also need to remember that in certain parts of Latin America, cocaine production is a vital source of employment for elements of the local population. Sure the drug barons are exploiting them, but without this income these people would be even poorer than they are now, Latin America largely has no welfare state, so if you don't work you don't eat.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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Old 08-22-2013, 03:47 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
I for one think they should be punished, but the 15 or 25 years in a Peruvian jail doesn't fit the crime. These were just two silly girls who were naive enough to get involved in something that they really had no deep understanding of. The 15 to 25 years should actually be for the dealers and cartel members and not the carriers.
I think everyone understands smuggling drugs from one country to another is illegal and it is for this reason that they deserve the punishment. Whether you think the punishment fits the crime or not is irrelevant because they knew the risks.

'Shall we smuggle drugs from Peru and risk spending the best years of our lives in prison? No, that's a silly idea.'


'Shall we smuggle drugs from Peru and risk spending the best years of our lives in prison? Yes but if we get caught let's just say we didn't do it.'

They made the choice. The punishment is there for a reason. If they get something pathetic like 5 years and they serve half in a British jail that's not much of a deterrent to other people thinking of doing this is it? Nobody on this message board would attempt to smuggle 1.5m of cocaine back from South America because we know the penalties involved. This is a crime that everyone knows is illegal in pretty much every country in the world, a crime that will get you sent away for many years anywhere where you are caught. If they had been caught doing something that they didn't know was illegal I would have a bit of sympathy for them, however they committed a crime that even the most stupid of idiots would know about and would know that if you were caught it wouldn't be very nice for the next few years.

Would you go to an Arab country wearing nothing but shorts whilst swigging from a can of lager while your missus is in a thong and nothing else swigging a WKD? No you wouldn't because regardless of whether in England that would get you locked up, in the country you are in it is illegal, and as such you abide by their rules whether you think they are stupid and the punishment fits the crime or not.

They wouldn't be asking anyone to feel sorry for them if they hadn't got caught - they'd be in Ibiza living it up on their ill-gotten "wages". They played a game of chance and lost, fuck 'em. Should consider themselves lucky it wasn't Bali.
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Old 08-22-2013, 03:52 PM   #50 (permalink)
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I most certainly do mean what I say. There was nothing "naive" about the way they got involved. The reports show that they were having drug-fuelled parties, meeting these "drug barons" and their representatives, and actively preparing to, as one of them said, "see a man about a dog", so they had more than enough cop-on to know what they were getting into. They tried to screw the system and the system screwed them. Not content with that, they tried to play the "little miss innocent" card, and when the evidence that blew that away surfaced they looked stupid and also manipulative, certainly of public opinion.

I don't agree with your contention that the drug industry provides employment and so it should be left alone. That's a specious argument. You could use that to justify any illegal enterprise. Anyhow I'm not necessarily saying the production of the cocaine is the problem, it's the fact that it's destroying lives and dividing families. I have no time for hard drugs --- or any drugs really, but I know some of you extol the harmlessness of things like weed and cannabis (are they the same thing?) and I have nothing terribly against them --- and no excuse will work as far as I'm concerned when it comes to these.

The punishment has to be harsh. Some people could do a three/five year stretch and go on to do the same thing again. A serious, tough message has to be sent and I think this is a good thing. You think any other stupid European girls or guys thinking about doing the same will be having second thoughts now?

I stand by my original comment. I respect your opinion but that is mine and it's not going to be changed. If as I said they had owned up then fine, but they tried to pretend they were all innocent, made up a cock and bull story and frankly deserve everything they get, and more.
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