Originally Posted by Euronomus
No, you're thinking of a public option, ie medicaid with no enrollment restrictions. the ACA was always an insurance-based program. And yes a lot of people, myself included, chose Obama over Hillary specifically because of his support for a public option, and were quite pissed when he caved.
Yes, I was thinking of public option. I'm ambivalent towards it but lean away from it. The left wanted it so that makes me suspicious.
As for single payer, Medicare and the military already use it and it works. I was in the military and never spent a dime on medical or dental care. hell, they pulled my wisdom teeth for me--you know how much that costs in the civilian world?
As for the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs--frankly, so what? They are largely useless jobs that waste money and are chiefly responsible for why healthcare costs are so bloated. Lat them go work at something else, I frankly don't care what. Those jobs will be lost someday anyway and if they can't read the writing on the wall then they can go sleep in the park for all I care.
Yeah, I'm a dick.