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Circe 07-22-2013 05:38 AM

No more naughty films for Brits?
It's a piece of empty rhetoric by a man desperately flailing for a way to get back the support of the idiots that got him into power in the first place but I suspect this issue's going to come up here at some point so I may as well be the one to plant initial bias in people's heads before reading the articles:

Cameron cracks down on 'corroding influence' of online pornography | Technology | The Guardian

BBC News - Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Bearing in mind that there is no way on earth this change would ever actually stop children from being able to access porn even if it was enacted, what are all of your opinions on a government going through with this kind of censorship for its citizens?

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-22-2013 05:41 AM

It's not about porn, It's about governments trying to censor the internet in ways they'll get support for doing it.

Cuthbert 07-22-2013 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? (Post 1347784)
It's not about porn, It's about governments trying to censor the internet in ways they'll get support for doing it.

Will be a hero on the front of the Mail (next to the sidebar perving on teenage girls.)

Urban Hat€monger ? 07-22-2013 06:30 AM

Nothing like a bit of scaremongering to get people to give up their rights willingly.

The number of people who were insisting that Britain leave the European Court of Human Rights over the whole Abu Qatada thing was extremely disturbing.

Circe 07-22-2013 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens (Post 1347794)
Will be a hero on the front of the Mail (next to the sidebar perving on teenage girls.)

I'm told that the Mail ran a piece today perving on Chloe Grace Moretz with specific statements about how she's grown up well. Hypocrisy is a wonderful thing.

FETCHER. 07-22-2013 09:07 AM

Cameron is a prick. That is all.

The Batlord 07-22-2013 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by FETCHER. (Post 1347827)
Cameron is a prick. That is all.

Ironically enough.

14232949 07-22-2013 09:23 AM

This actually sickens me.

Let's forget the bigger picture of the government clamping down further on freedom of speech and expression, by eventually filtering and controlling the internet and take this on face value.

So, Cameron and company want to protect children by removing child porn and making those who want to obtain standard pornography opt in.
Let me paint the realness. There are people, many many people with a vested interest in child pornography. That can't be fixed. There's something in their psyche that intrigues or excites them about the prospect. Be shocked, be horrified, whatever, we live in a world where people will get their pleasure out of watching rape, out of watching child porn out of committing acts themselves.

Now, think of the percentage of people whose interest goes no further than viewing images and watching videos. The vast majority of those with an interest in such activity aren't actually committing the acts because their desire can be satisfied by obtaining it on the internet. It's a twisted curiosity. Actually scratch 'twisted'. Who's any one person to comment on what is and is not normal.
Most of us have watched things like A Serbian Film, Human Centipede, we've probably googled executions and death footage whether we admit it or not.
Does this make us all evil, twisted psychopaths? Or do we just live in a day and age where our deepest, darkest questions and curiosity can be answered by the internet.

Now if you are to take away the capacity to allow people to access child porn, what do you think will happen? When people can not play out their fantasies, their desires, urges and curiosity by watching videos and viewing images, their curiosity will not be quashed. They will look for other ways to satisfy their desires. Mark my words, total blocking of child porn will lead to an increase in rape and sexual abuse of children. There will be more and more people who cannot get the kick their looking for online, and will resort to actually carrying out the acts to get what they're looking for.

Look I'm not supporting that, nor am I condemning it. I know the reality of the world we live in. Allowing people to access things online at least keeps them in a manageable environment where they are less harm to others as they are allowed to explore their suppressed tendencies. You don't allow them to explore that and their sexual frustration will build. Just think about it. Remove the ability to get what your mind tells you you want, and the urge to get it will keep building and building until you snap. There are many sick people out there, and they'll only get psychologically worse if you take away what they crave from the internet.

Cuthbert 07-22-2013 09:41 AM

I agree with most of that Manky but you'll still be able to access child porn, I think what's been suggested is certain terms will be blacklisted/no results shown when you type them into Google. But no nonce worth his salt is going to type what he's looking for into Google anyway so it's pointless.

EDIT - On mobile and didn't read your post in full.

Circe 07-22-2013 09:50 AM

There is the argument that clamping down on child porn will lead to a decrease in the amount produced due to the weaker "market" but as has already been stated child porn is still going to be fully accessible to every person that already uses the bypassing techniques to avoid easy detection in the first place, so it's a waste of time.

Dayvan Cowboy 07-22-2013 09:52 AM

Instead of blocking porn altogether for fear of children finding it, why not teach children how to use the internet responsibly?

butthead aka 216 07-22-2013 09:56 AM

oh wow great job guys, this guy read the negative effects of porn thread, i knew it shoulda never been created as a topic

14232949 07-22-2013 10:01 AM

I see it a bit like prison. When you lock a man up who has sexual urges, when you put him in an environment where he cannot see his sexual partners, pay for escorts or access pornography or however he met his sexual desires he'll start raping his fellow inmates. It happens, not in every case but the pent up sexual frustration will take over and despite not being gay to satisfy his urges he will force himself on another man. Or perhaps not even force, many male inmates turn into prison 'wives' after being sexually oppressed for so long.

Now imagine a similar environment where one can only get their sexual release by accessing child porn. Just like in the analogy, you put that person in an environment where they can't access it, and they'll start raping kids to get their fill.

I know the internet probably won't go into lock down (yet, it will one day, believe me) but just the notion itself is obviously one that hasn't at all been thought out. I'm not one for bashing the Government, I respect the tough job they do and know that none of the people who rant and rave about them would have any idea how to handle a nations budget, etc but this concept of trying to block pornography just has such a horrible backlash waiting to happen that I can't believe it wasn't better thought out. Especially in a day and age where society is as scared of itself as it is anyway, the last thing the government would want is to actually give people a legitimate reason to be scared. They can control the manufactured ones, you can't control some sexually deprived lunatic fucking your 8 year old.

LoathsomePete 07-22-2013 10:04 AM

And this won't affect the people using bypasses like Tor (a popular method) even in the slightest.

butthead aka 216 07-22-2013 10:07 AM

my massive porn collection could become valuable, this is the big break i bene lookin for

Sansa Stark 07-22-2013 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1347845)
Instead of blocking porn altogether for fear of children finding it, why not teach children how to use the internet responsibly?

I think it would be more effective to teach them about sexuality early instead of it being about the internet, they'll be able to make the judgment about porn early on rather than just stumbling on it and being confused/intrigued and then feeling shameful for having a natural curiosity about sex.

The Batlord 07-22-2013 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1347860)
I think it would be more effective to teach them about sexuality early instead of it being about the internet, they'll be able to make the judgment about porn early on rather than just stumbling on it and being confused/intrigued and then feeling shameful for having a natural curiosity about sex.

Yeah, I have to assume that any fundie who has a problem with their children being taught about sex in schools, or being told about contraception because they think it encourages them to have sex, has never seen the internet. Your kid is already being groomed as a chronic masturbator/anal addict/donkey ****er, so shut up and let someone else do what you're too much of a pussy to do yourself.

Psy-Fi 07-22-2013 10:32 AM

“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”
― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

butthead aka 216 07-22-2013 10:37 AM

i feel that if this would actually happen and somehow porn became scarce then cyber sex would reach an all time high

Cuthbert 07-22-2013 10:45 AM

Sex education in my school was fucking shocking to be fair and I can't imagine it being much better now, Primary school was quite good considering, but secondary school (11-16) we had two single lessons in the 3 years I was there. They covered the very basics of getting pregnant (the man sticks his D in the V) and how to put a condom on. That was it. Had so many questions I didn't know the answer to as well.

Kids will find porn regardless though (me and my mates would find magazines in bushes, steal from shops, nick videos off friend's dads etc so there were plenty of ways to get it before the internet took off) it's just now they've got so much of it a couple of seconds away it's ridiculous.

How do people suggest teaching kids to use the internet responsibly? I think it's completely unworkable.

Sansa Stark 07-22-2013 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens (Post 1347875)
Sex education in my school was fucking shocking to be fair and I can't imagine it being much better now, Primary school was quite good considering, but secondary school (11-16) we had two single lessons in the 3 years I was there. They covered the very basics of getting pregnant (the man sticks his D in the V) and how to put a condom on. That was it. Had so many questions I didn't know the answer to as well.

Kids will find porn regardless though (me and my mates would find magazines in bushes, steal from shops, nick videos off friend's dads etc so there were plenty of ways to get it before the internet took off) it's just now they've got so much of it a couple of seconds away it's ridiculous.

How do people suggest teaching kids to use the internet responsibly? I think it's completely unworkable.

Right? I learned from the internet and Cosmo :laughing: which is awful for a young "girl", not to mention most sex ed defines sex as PIV only (penis in vagina) and doesn't include queer people at all.

butthead aka 216 07-22-2013 10:48 AM

im not sure how you could even teach ppl to use the internet responsibly. i dunno what that even means since its probably different to everyone. sex ed is pretty basic but besides teachin about stds, pregnancy, condoms, the basics of sex, what else could you really teach?? do we want teachers goin nto great detail about how to deepthroat or how to have rough sex or how to manage a threesome or how to pick up honeys. hmmmm not sure about that but probably not

The Batlord 07-22-2013 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by 216 (Post 1347877)
im not sure how you could even teach ppl to use the internet responsibly. i dunno what that even means since its probably different to everyone. sex ed is pretty basic but besides teachin about stds, pregnancy, condoms, the basics of sex, what else could you really teach?? do we want teachers goin nto great detail about how to deepthroat or how to have rough sex or how to manage a threesome or how to pick up honeys. hmmmm not sure about that but probably not

Well my teacher was kinda, sorta hot, so hell yes!

butthead aka 216 07-22-2013 10:53 AM

mine was like 7 foot with a clef lip. she told us about her latex allergy i remember and mental images of her gettin the pipe mad eme feel weird. then i remember when she talked about rubbers she brought in the world largest ***** and everyone probably felt real insecure afterwards


Cuthbert 07-22-2013 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by 216 (Post 1347877)
im not sure how you could even teach ppl to use the internet responsibly.

IMO if an adult wants to use the internet responsibly, they will. Whereas teenagers/kids will just indulge in it all day long if you let them. Same with drugs, they're constantly told how bad they are and told 'don't use them', yet most of them still will at some point.


i dunno what that even means since its probably different to everyone. sex ed is pretty basic but besides teachin about stds, pregnancy, condoms, the basics of sex, what else could you really teach?? do we want teachers goin nto great detail about how to deepthroat or how to have rough sex or how to manage a threesome or how to pick up honeys. hmmmm not sure about that but probably not
IMO they need to be allowed to ask questions, whatever they may be. You can argue it's the parent's job to answer them but the reality is a lot of them aren't gonna want to ask their parents about something like that. Let them write them down on paper anonymously in class and have the teacher answer them or something, doesn't matter what they're about.

Newkie 07-22-2013 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1347860)
I think it would be more effective to teach them about sexuality early instead of it being about the internet, they'll be able to make the judgment about porn early on rather than just stumbling on it and being confused/intrigued and then feeling shameful for having a natural curiosity about sex.

This, though I'm not sure what the best method would be.


Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens (Post 1347886)
IMO they need to be allowed to ask questions, whatever they may be. You can argue it's the parent's job to answer them but the reality is a lot of them aren't gonna want to ask their parents about something like that. Let them write them down on paper anonymously in class and have the teacher answer them or something, doesn't matter what they're about.

To be fair though, that's not really going to work. I mean it wouldn't have worked in our school and kids are becoming chopsier bastards as the years go on, they wouldn't get a single serious answer.

I dunno, I think the whole notion of this is complete ****e anyway and it's taking responsibility away from parents. It's not going to stop kids watching porn, some will have it unblocked in their homes anyway, others will find ways round it. I mean you could probably just google "ways round new porn law" immediately after it was enacted and sort it out. Maybe they'll sort it out by having sex at younger ages?

It all just smacks of conservative posturing by our number one bell end.

Cuthbert 07-22-2013 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Newkie (Post 1347898)
To be fair though, that's not really going to work. I mean it wouldn't have worked in our school and kids are becoming chopsier bastards as the years go on, they wouldn't get a single serious answer.

Yeah they'd try and wum the teachers no doubt, but if they kept getting serious answers they'd soon get bored of it. That was just an idea anyway, the point is sex education is fucking shit in this country and needs sorting.

Also, lol'd at 'naughty films' in thread title.

Sansa Stark 07-22-2013 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Newkie (Post 1347898)
This, though I'm not sure what the best method would be.

To be fair though, that's not really going to work. I mean it wouldn't have worked in our school and kids are becoming chopsier bastards as the years go on, they wouldn't get a single serious answer.

I dunno, I think the whole notion of this is complete ****e anyway and it's taking responsibility away from parents. It's not going to stop kids watching porn, some will have it unblocked in their homes anyway, others will find ways round it. I mean you could probably just google "ways round new porn law" immediately after it was enacted and sort it out. Maybe they'll sort it out by having sex at younger ages?

It all just smacks of conservative posturing by our number one bell end.

Since I'm a sex worker & queer I pretty much think of sexuality like shitting (lmao) and eating, I would probably just tell my children all the basics and especially stress that sexuality is not shameful and curiosity is natural and as long as they engage in consensual practices what they do with their genitalia is their business and it's wrong for anyone to tell them otherwise. I would ESPECIALLY stress no matter what gender they were, that love and sex don't equal each other and you don't have to love someone to **** them but it's important to treat someone you have sex with with respect.

But if I were weird, I'd probably give them Scarleteen | Sex Education For The Real World & Go Ask Alice! if I wanted to not be embarrassed because these two places literally cover everything pretty much on the spectrum of human sexuality (including LGBTQ+ issues) and then they could just use that as a resource because it's really useful.

But if they had any questions, I'd answer them truthfully without trying to push too much.

Making this about porn is weird and skeevy

Newkie 07-22-2013 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Fluffy Kittens (Post 1347910)
Yeah they'd try and wum the teachers no doubt, but if they kept getting serious answers they'd soon get bored of it. That was just an idea anyway, the point is sex education is fucking shit in this country and needs sorting.

Yeah, definitely.


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1347914)
Since I'm a sex worker & queer I pretty much think of sexuality like shitting (lmao) and eating, I would probably just tell my children all the basics and especially stress that sexuality is not shameful and curiosity is natural and as long as they engage in consensual practices what they do with their genitalia is their business and it's wrong for anyone to tell them otherwise. I would ESPECIALLY stress no matter what gender they were, that love and sex don't equal each other and you don't have to love someone to **** them but it's important to treat someone you have sex with with respect.

Yeah for sure. I'm sure "the internet generation" will be more liberal with this sort of stuff on the whole, kinda have to be. But it's not really something I'd thought about to be honest.

Dayvan Cowboy 07-22-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1347876)
Right? I learned from the internet and Cosmo :laughing: which is awful for a young "girl", not to mention most sex ed defines sex as PIV only (penis in vagina) and doesn't include queer people at all.

my sex ed teacher actually talked about gender identity and how to be safe when having gay sex! and then the conservative parents found out and called it a gay agenda! I didn't think that **** happened in canada.

also I agree that parents should teach their children about sex. I have a friend who knew about sex since she was 3 and knew all about it. that being said, she was actually pretty mature when it came to sex and she never went through the "hurr hurr pen0rs" phase.

(also I read an isssue of cosmo at the doctor's office, and it was talking about MANipulation and had like, 20 pages about "What men actually think of you". oh, cosmo, you secretly misogynistic heap of scrap paper!)

anticipation 07-22-2013 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Circe (Post 1347842)
There is the argument that clamping down on child porn will lead to a decrease in the amount produced due to the weaker "market" but as has already been stated child porn is still going to be fully accessible to every person that already uses the bypassing techniques to avoid easy detection in the first place, so it's a waste of time.

This is the most ridiculous logic anyone could ever posit. Does the shutting down of an entire nation's auto plants dramatically reduce the demand for people needing cars? Did prohibition destroy the market for alcohol? Scarcity drives up demand, it does not deter it. Your journalists should be ashamed of themselves.

Circe 07-22-2013 02:46 PM

Yep, but the men in power in this country seem to be delusional about the way things like that actually work. There's a similar debate going on in Scotland right now about the government actually considering a ban on prostitution a la the USA. The advocates seem to genuinely believe that outlawing prostitution will somehow kill the entire industry and improve the lives of every vice girl in the country. It's a case of putting outdated personal morals above logic and pragmatism.

Sansa Stark 07-22-2013 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy (Post 1347924)
my sex ed teacher actually talked about gender identity and how to be safe when having gay sex! and then the conservative parents found out and called it a gay agenda! I didn't think that **** happened in canada.

also I agree that parents should teach their children about sex. I have a friend who knew about sex since she was 3 and knew all about it. that being said, she was actually pretty mature when it came to sex and she never went through the "hurr hurr pen0rs" phase.

(also I read an isssue of cosmo at the doctor's office, and it was talking about MANipulation and had like, 20 pages about "What men actually think of you". oh, cosmo, you secretly misogynistic heap of scrap paper!)

That is pretty awesome, I can't imagine how that'd go over in schools here, I'm pretty sure that our laws on sex ed are really messed up dictate strictly what can be taught and not taught.

Cosmo is terrible lmao but it was around the house, I literally had no idea how to actually execute sex as it were, like for some reason I had no idea that a penis goes in a vagina or how. Hahahaha

which is funny considering I'd been sexual~ from an early age. (with myself anyway lmao)

My ex didn't know what penetration entailed until it actually happened to him at 17

like really

Cuthbert 07-22-2013 02:50 PM

Torrents blocked.
Streams blocked.
Porn blocked.

Britain :o:

Sansa Stark 07-22-2013 02:51 PM

I can't even imagine what that would be like if it happened here, I'd either start reading literotica or banging fuckboys, but more than likely the literotica route, I'm not that desperate.

Justthefacts 07-22-2013 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mankycaaant (Post 1347830)
This actually sickens me.

Let's forget the bigger picture of the government clamping down further on freedom of speech and expression, by eventually filtering and controlling the internet and take this on face value.

So, Cameron and company want to protect children by removing child porn and making those who want to obtain standard pornography opt in.
Let me paint the realness. There are people, many many people with a vested interest in child pornography. That can't be fixed. There's something in their psyche that intrigues or excites them about the prospect. Be shocked, be horrified, whatever, we live in a world where people will get their pleasure out of watching rape, out of watching child porn out of committing acts themselves.

Now, think of the percentage of people whose interest goes no further than viewing images and watching videos. The vast majority of those with an interest in such activity aren't actually committing the acts because their desire can be satisfied by obtaining it on the internet. It's a twisted curiosity. Actually scratch 'twisted'. Who's any one person to comment on what is and is not normal.
Most of us have watched things like A Serbian Film, Human Centipede, we've probably googled executions and death footage whether we admit it or not.
Does this make us all evil, twisted psychopaths? Or do we just live in a day and age where our deepest, darkest questions and curiosity can be answered by the internet.

Now if you are to take away the capacity to allow people to access child porn, what do you think will happen? When people can not play out their fantasies, their desires, urges and curiosity by watching videos and viewing images, their curiosity will not be quashed. They will look for other ways to satisfy their desires. Mark my words, total blocking of child porn will lead to an increase in rape and sexual abuse of children. There will be more and more people who cannot get the kick their looking for online, and will resort to actually carrying out the acts to get what they're looking for.

Look I'm not supporting that, nor am I condemning it. I know the reality of the world we live in. Allowing people to access things online at least keeps them in a manageable environment where they are less harm to others as they are allowed to explore their suppressed tendencies. You don't allow them to explore that and their sexual frustration will build. Just think about it. Remove the ability to get what your mind tells you you want, and the urge to get it will keep building and building until you snap. There are many sick people out there, and they'll only get psychologically worse if you take away what they crave from the internet.

You bring up a great point, but some people won't be able to watch it and will maybe think "I'm sick", and they finally realize it. It could be a benefit. Plus think of all the children this will potentially detract from watching porn. I mean, who knows what will happen.

Sansa Stark 07-22-2013 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Slow Groove (Post 1348000)
You bring up a great point, but some people won't be able to watch it and will maybe think "I'm sick", and they finally realize it. It could be a benefit. Plus think of all the children this will potentially detract from watching porn. I mean, who knows what will happen.

yeah totally just like when Prohibition happened, all the alcoholics just checked themselves into asylums, they didn't start drinking shoe polish or something, that would just be ridiculous!

Justthefacts 07-22-2013 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1348001)
yeah totally just like when Prohibition happened, all the alcoholics just checked themselves into asylums, they didn't start drinking shoe polish or something, that would just be ridiculous!

People have the option to put the block on, or keep it off. This is just a stricter law to potentially keep kids safe from all that adult shit online. And let's face it, if you're seriously in the mood for child rape and simulated rape, you have serious issues.

Sansa Stark 07-22-2013 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Slow Groove (Post 1348003)
People have the option to put the block on, or keep it off. This is just a stricter law to potentially keep kids safe from all that adult shit online. And let's face it, if you're seriously in the mood for child rape and simulated rape, you have serious issues.

use your head.

Justthefacts 07-22-2013 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Hermione (Post 1348005)
use your head.

No one's right or wrong in this situation. This is just controversary.

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