Nurse Duckett |
07-23-2013 12:07 PM |
When will the British public learn that putting a Conservative in as Prime minister will always end in tears. It isn't 1850 its 2013 and surely its about time the Conservative Party realized that fact, being poor isn't a crime. In my experience the British public are the most brainwashed nation of people in the civilised world.
When a politician has the power to tell a citizen what they can and cant look at on the internet in their own home, you know the country's in trouble. Where does it end and what's next. It reminds me of nazi Germany or communist Russia. Just for the record, I'm not a porn head.
The European Union! What a fecking joke. If you support Britain being in the EU you're a moron and every reason you can give for Britain in the EU being a good thing is something you've either been told or something you've read, you didn't think of any of it by yourself, stop and think about it for a change, and stop being a gullible idiot.
Britain is not allowed to be in control of its own borders, fact.
I hate living in Britain, I cant wait to get out of this god forsaken shiithole. All the plastic, orange faced morons can live here together happily ever after, because in the not too distant future that's all that'll be left here, anyone with any sense at all is getting the feck out of here.
ps. The further south you go in Europe the more backwards it becomes ( apart from the Greek Islands, they're fantastic).